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Everything posted by HossC

  1. Well spotted, Hobie. It looks like the version they ending up using mainly featured Uncle Jesse looking up: Here's the platform that Boss was standing on: And a better look at the outfits in color:
  2. I'm quite happy with the regional information as long as it's clearly labeled. The details below the cast look like this for me: The details at the top, however, have the same date without saying it applies to the UK. I'm guessing that a lot of people will see this date without looking further down the page. I only realized they were doing this a couple of months ago when I was trying to date an old photo of a movie theater by the movie being shown. I couldn't get the dates to agree until I found the US information. I should probably be more concerned that IMDb thinks that Ireland is in the UK .
  3. Roth, IMDb used to only show US-based information unless you did a bit of digging. Nowadays it has more regional information, and will show data specific to where you live as the default. Here's the 'Release Info' for 'One Armed Bandits' (which agrees with Wikipedia):
  4. I think the stunt driver would happy landing like this as the crumpling of the front of the car cushions the impact. It wasn't their choice to put weight in the trunk so the General landed flat!
  5. HossC

    NASCAR news

    Well, I guess your season starts a month earlier that ours, so we'll probably have to talk about NASCAR for a while . The Chase always feels very artificial to me, but so do caution flags for stray burger wrappers. Maybe they should try giving a bigger points bonus for winning races as they do in another prominent motorsport (I won't say which one as it will annoy Garrett, but it's named after the sixth letter of the alphabet and the first positive integer ).
  6. I'm sure the Salzar Radials logo is designed to bear a passing resemblance to the Marlboro logo in the same way that the Octoline badge looks quite like the Castrol Oil logo. Even though it's spelled slightly differently, I'd also guess that it might be a reference to Albert J. Salzer who's credited as "unit production manager" on 28 episodes of the early episodes and "associate producer" on 23 episodes. It would fit in with some of the other Real Stuff in Hazzard.
  7. I should've posted this yesterday, but, in my defense, we don't have Martin Luther King, Jr. Day in Ireland. Pride (In The Name of Love) - U2 The chimneys and cranes in the video are all around the port in Dublin. Here's a picture I took from the back of the catamaran ferry about two years ago on an overcast day.
  8. For the past few days there's been a contestant on a UK quiz show that I watch who's name is Denver. Today it was finally his turn in the "hot seat", and the host got to ask about his name (Denver isn't a common name in the UK). He confessed that his mother had named him after Denver Pyle, and mentioned Dukes in his explanation. The contestant's age wasn't given, but I'd guess he was born in the early to mid-50s, so his mother must've been a fan of Denver Pyle's early work. Here's a reminder of how Denver looked in his first movie role - 'The Guilt of Janet Ames' (1947):
  9. Sheep To quote Bo in 'The Meeting', "Have you ever seen such hairy pigs?"
  10. No, it was definitely at Lake Sherwood, across the creek from the later Boar's Nest/Duke Farm locations. Today, the location of Swamp Molly's house is on the edge of the 14th fairway of the golf club, quite close to Stafford Road.
  11. I don't recognize the building, but I'd agree with you about the patrol car from 'The Legacy'. That would make this somewhere at Lake Sherwood. As well as the Duke Farm and Boar's Nest, there were a few other buildings on the ranch, including Swamp Molly's house. I'm guessing that this was one that didn't feature in the show.
  12. This was a lot harder than the one of Cathy due to geometric shapes like wheels. With the one of Cathy I could "cheat" a little with the blurred background. That's just not a good enough excuse. I want new pictures tonight .
  13. I think the color balance is wrong on the picture, which is making Cathy's eyes look bluer. I've tried fixing the levels and removing the text across the center.
  14. HossC

    NASCAR news

    I hope they get further than the US F1 Team did in 2010. Their entry was accepted, but they pulled out before the first race of the season.
  15. HossC

    NASCAR news

    More F1 news, but this has a NASCAR connection. Stewart-Haas Racing co-owner, Gene Haas, has expressed an interest in entering a team in F1. The FIA (motorsport's world governing body) has requested all potential new teams complete a full application by February 10th, and will make a decision on candidates by February 28th. The 2015 season (the most likely time for the new team to start) might include the inaugural New Jersey Grand Prix which has been postponed for the past two years. Formula 1: Nascar boss Gene Haas declares interest in new team
  16. I won't be buying them if they're cropped. I already have all seven seasons on DVD, so the only reason I'd buy them again is for genuinely improved picture quality (and a few new extras wouldn't go amiss). There are a couple of TV shows where I've waited for uncut/complete DVDs to be released, and there are a couple of others that I refuse to buy until they are released uncut. Personally, I'd rather watch Dukes in a 4:3 picture ratio (as recorded) and have black bars at the side of the screen than have part of the picture missing. Just my 2¢ .
  17. Like Roth, I haven't had a chance to see the "HD" versions, but I wonder why they brightened this scene to look like daytime. After reading the other comments about the way the picture has been cropped and scenes have been left out, would it be wrong to surmise that the person converting this episode didn't know or care about the context? It was probably just run through a computer on automatic settings to "improve" the contrast and levels. If WB ever release a new version on Blu-Ray (the picture quality on the current DVDs could be bettered), I hope they get someone who cares about the end results to do the transfer - I'm not holding my breath!
  18. HossC

    NASCAR news

    Thanks for the update, Garrett. I was checking the news every day at the start, but have to admit that I haven't looked since the beginning of the week. The latest article I found warned that even if he does come out of his coma, he'll probably never be the same again. Michael Schumacher: Brain specialist warns seven-time world champion 'will not be Michael Schumacher' if he survives head injury I was hoping that we've have better news by now, but these things take time. If his condition changes, I'll be sure to post an update.
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