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General Grant

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Everything posted by General Grant

  1. Hey Y'all! Oh, was that Santa Bo? I thought that was Luke! But, I've been known to mess up now and again. In the words of Bo, Okay, so I 'aint perfect, just pretty! I agree with Laura about Roger and the eggnog. We'll have to ask everyone at the meeting to watch him very closely! You know how he gets on that stuff! I like frosted mugs, but I would not order a beer! I am partial to ice cold juice! Catch y'all soon! General Grant
  2. Now Roger and Lori, don't go scarrin' chubcityracing off like you did the last person who introduced themself! Geesh! Anyway, let me give you a warm welcome.... to Hazzard County. You sure did find all of the Dukes nuts on this site! That is exactly how I found the site, I just stumbled on the site. Luckily, Roger an Lori didn't scare me off like they did the last tourist! I hope you enjoy your stay and have a nice long visit! If you have any questions, we would all be more than happy to help you out. Just be aware when you are posting and looking around the site, if you see RogerDuke's name on a post, you know there's trouble! Esspecially if there is a LoriDavenport and Laura Duke in the same post! Khee! I am just kidding! Feel free to make yourself at home! Again, Welcome... to Hazzard County! I'll catch y'all later! General Grant
  3. Hey Y'all! I agree with what you are sayin' 'bout not going to the event because you don't like the movie, but, I also understand that everyone shows their displeasure in a different way. How ever, I did't like the movie at all. I think the producers picked up on all of the wrong things in the making of that film. I didn't see any of the moral lessons, or qualities that make the Dukes series a real winner. Although some will disagree, that is my opinion that yes, the action and chemistry of characters made the show fun, but the lessons involved made it a winner. Not just by Hollywood's criteria. I think that is why a lot of people really could understand the show. For one hour every week, there was someone to show compassion, forgiveness, friendship, and teach you a very valuable lesson. You just don't find that on TV anymore. I am very thankful for coming across the Dukes series! With all of that said, I don't think we should ban the actors if they want to come to Dukefest and I don't think y'all should ruin a good time by not going. But, I also think we should make it known to them that the movie is not what we are supporting, it is the series. Hope no one got upset by anything I said, if they did, I am really sorry. I just wanted to voice my opinion, but if it upset anyone, I would be more than happy to talk about it! That is not what I would ever want to do, is upset a fellow cousin! General Grant
  4. Hey y'all! Movies based on a series are almost never as good as the actual series. Must be because there are no ideas left and the producers just don't do their homework about the series. They always seem to pick up on the wrong things. Changing gears here, but has anyone seen the latest Dukes movie? I saw it at the store the other day, and judging by the pictures and plot, I don't think I will like it. Anyone seen it, and what did you think? General Grant
  5. I still say that it is Waylon's voice! I hope that I didn't scare Denver C. away, he agreed with me! Anyway, I am not sure how we could find out for sure. Maybe we should go on John, Tom, and Catherine's websites and demand that they tell us! That would probably be about the weirdest question they ever got! General Grant
  6. Hey Lori! I don't think that is so crazy! Our neighbors probably think I am crazy. When it snows or is icy in the driveway, I take ol' Suzie (our four-wheeler) out and do loops, turns, spins, etc. while yellin' Yeeehaw! Our neighbors must think we are nuts. I would just love to see their facial expressions, because this is a yearly event! Our neighbors must wonder what is going on this year, because Suzie is gettin' worked on, so I haven't been able to take her out this year! Dang! That is almost depressing!!!!!! Hopefully she'll be up and kickin' soon! General Grant
  7. Another brilliant idea from Roger! That sounds good to me! I will certainly try to be there! That sounds like a great time. Roger, if you bring the eggnog, I'll get some frosted mugs! Y'all, I am sure that Roger will be drinkin' eggnog while he is at the Christmas party! Anyway, for the sake of making this short, I am going to try to be there, hopefully it won't turn out like the last meetin' where I couldn't come! General Grant Hope to catch y'all at the party!
  8. Okay, thanks North of Border1. It was really interesting seeing what he looks like now, he don't look anything like Coy. It is really strange how people change over the years! Thank you again for the info. General Grant
  9. Hey y'all! LoriDavenport, do you mean to tell me that ol' boy is your car?! WOW! That is what I refer to as a looker! Was Roger indeed throwin' back the buttermilks last night?! Well, Well, caught in the act! Khee! I got 'em now! Khee! I hope he didn't scare any of the others out of the meeting on Saturday, that I missed. I was upset about that all week, still am. Enos was chasin' me and I drove into a snowbank! No, I'm just kidding. But, the next meeting I really hope to be a part of. How did that go, anyway? General Grant I love the car in the picture!
  10. Hey y'all! Why can't the TV producers ever say anything that is good news, so people can stop calling me "Stormin' Norman!" Thank you TimDuke! I also smell LOSER, and I am really upset about this! It is an outrage! I say that William Daniels should be the one and only voice for KITT, and that is it! I also don't think that David Hasslehoff should be the head of the Foundation for Law and Government. I mean, if they were going to kill Devon off, they should just leave it at that, instead of insisting upon ruining it more! I still can't believe that they are going to ruin a great series!! I wish I were ol' Rosco right now, so I could cuff 'em and stuff 'em and then tell them to hush! Khee! Khee! I'm gone~ Catch y'all later! General Grant
  11. Hey y'all! Not to sound like the balladeer, but I think everyone is tryin' to understand everyone else, and no one understands what anyone is sayin'. That is usually what will happen when you get a bunch of Hazzardites together! That is a good idea to ask John. If y'all get to Dukefest, or get any autographes, I would love to hear about it! General Grant
  12. Hey Julieduke! If you do not mind my asking, how did you find out all that about your family? I would really like to get into that and find pictures, letters, stories, or history on my family. I pretty much have names and dates on my mom's side, but don't even know where to begin on my dad's side. I was wonderin' if you had to go through all of that, or if it was more, from memory. That is pretty cool about Julie Ann and Julianna. That must be almost scarrey to have a picture of someone else that looks almost just like you. That is really cool. What year is that picture from? I really enjoy looking at old pictures and objects! That is really cool that you did all that! Good luck if you decide to pursue it and I hope you find all you want to know! General Grant
  13. Hey Julieduke! When you say that Knight Rider will return, do you mean that they are making a new series or movie? If they are and are switching vehicles.... That is an outrage! I saw what they did in the last Knight Rider movie. They killed Devon and KITT!!!!!! KITTs personality and look made the show. And Devon was great. I don't know, I am probably going to stand alone on this one, but my opinion is that the series ended, and they will never be able to duplicate it, so they shouldn't try, they should just give us the series and let us have happy thoughts on that! What's your opinion, y'all? General Grant
  14. Hey y'all! I am really glad that you checked in! Thanks morgan for answering the question about the signature! That was really helpful, as you can probably tell, I am not too bright when it comes to computers! General Grant I hope someone can answer my other question!
  15. Hey y'all! First off, LoriDavenport.. you changed your picture! I like it! I know, you get Laura Duke and RogerDuke in the Boars Nest, put a couple of buttermilks and a half gallon of egg nog infront of them, and you're lookin' for trouble! Khee!! Don't worry, LoriDavenport, I am sure one of these days one of us will catch you in the Boars Nest throwin' back a few buttermilks! I really hope we didn't scare Christine off! I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Laura Duke single handedly scared her off!!! And Roger probably helped to scare a few more off!! Catch y'all soon General Grant
  16. I hear ya, Garrett Duke! I also taped a few episodes if I couldn't watch it! Did they make a Walker movie?! If they did, I never knew about it. News travels slow here, I guess! Does anyone know how many seasons it lasted? I think it is four, but I am not sure. I really like the chemistry between Walker and Trivette, and how they play off of each other. But, I'd have to say that Trivette is my favorite on there. I sometimes feel like him, tryin' hard, but fallin' short, but havin' fun doin' so! Catch y'all later! General Grant
  17. Hey Roger! That's good! I think you must be more "Duke like" I must be more like ol' Rosco! Trippin' over a snowbank, I still laugh about that! You must really like the Dukes of Hazzard, if you say "Hang on cuz!" Which cousin was it, Bo, Luke, Daisy, or were you thinkin' more along the lines of cousin Uncle Jesse?! I hope you showed that car that pulled out infront of you some manners! You probably sped up and told them to pull it over and then gave them the Rosco! I can just see it!! Everytime I see someone pull out infront of me or someone else now I will probably think of you sayin' "Hold on Cuz!" General Grant
  18. Hey Y'all! I sure missed a lot! I know what you mean about horses! I would love to ride mine to get around. But it takes a half hour to get anywhere driving, and I think if I actually made my horses work they'd buck me off, leave me in the middle of no where and high-tail it on back to the barn! I'll take payin' for gas as opposed to payin' the hospital bill! Khee! Khee! MaryAnne... you have a firebird,too?! I said it several times and I'll say it again, I wish I had a firebird! Any reason behind namin' them Maverick and Sassy? General Grant
  19. Hello Christine! Now don't let Laura or Roger fool you! We do more than throw bad jokes around! Khee! I think I do real good jokes. I must say, I am the normal one! Khee! I drink strictly Apple Juice at the Boar's Nest, though I have to press the apples myself 'cause they only sell buttermilk! Oh yes, Roger, I did see Laura Duke pourin' a little Eggnog in her buttermilk. I will attest to that! I hope that you two didn't scare Christine away. It seems she left the post for awhile. I am sure you two did a thorough job of scarrin' her out of here! I apologize Christine, if you are anywhere to be found! Khee! Khee! Khee! In the words of Boss Hogg in "Witness for the Persecution" (although it is not bed time yet!) "Good Night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!" General Grant
  20. Hey Julieduke! I am glad that you are feeling better. Ol' Rosco must have been improving his driving, but he can never steer clear of that pond! I'll have to go get Cooter to fish him out! I cannot say enough how much I enjoyed you letter! I really think it is a great letter. I was moved by it, esspecially so because I have the opposite situation. My grandfather is close (distance wise) but we are really far. I really wish it were different. I am not a sentimental person, but I will admit I got a little misty-eyed when I read that. Thank you for submitting such a great peice of work! I think we need more people like you that can write so well what other people must be thinkin' in their own lives! I am glad you are back and feelin' better! I am sure Rosco enjoys your return too! Afterall, who would he be able to chase?! General Grant
  21. Hey Y'all! I would think that a dirt bike would be so fun!!!! I am sure that you have fun on that ol' dirt road of yours! I'll catch y'all later! General Grant
  22. Hey y'all I know this might sound a little Cruel, but some of those crashes are downright funny! I really like when Rosco and poor Flash are in "Hot Pursuit!" and Rosco tells Flash to "Buckle up for Safety!" As fer havin' a Rosco moment. The other day I tripped over a little snow bank and while I was trippin', I caught my self doin' the Rosco "Khee! Oooo!" Luckily no one was around. I just started laughin. I guess you had to be there! I still chuckle when I think about that! General Grant
  23. Thank You Denver C!!!! That is kind of what I was saying, so everyone was givin' me the business (very politely, of course!) I am glad I have someone else who thought the same thing! I understand completely what you were saying. You said it much better than I was sayin' it! Well, Laura Duke, so much for that barrel, I think Denver C just put you in a pickle! Thank you Denver C. I, and the other good folks here, were beginning to think I was crazy! Thank you for proving otherwise. I thought maybe I was just hearin' things. (General Grant... turn yer hearin' aid up!) I'll catch y'all later! General Grant Oh, Roger and Laura, keep up yer creative thoughts, Khee!! No, I'm just kiddin' I guess someone agreein' with me has gone to my head, I best skedaddle before I get goin' too much!
  24. Hey Denver C. That was so funny that people were posing behind the JEEP! I would probably have started laughing. But, I am sure you were honored and proud, too! Boy, that'd be nice if people washed my vehicle for me! Unfortunatley that little task falls to me! I know what you mean about the Jeep wave! When we first got our Jeep, all of these people would wave at me, and I admit, I thought they were crazy. I didn't know why they did it, and we were forced to ask the Jeep dealer that we bought Miss Daisy (the Jeep) from why all of these people waved at us. He told us it was a Jeep thing, but he was probably laughin' at us all week for having to ask him!! Jonathan and Sylvia sound like real good lookers! I hope you had your brother-in-law give them an extra coat of polish! I'll catch y'all later! General Grant
  25. Hey bwgath! I am glad that you are not upset. Great picture! General Grant
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