General Grant
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Everything posted by General Grant
Oh, it is nice to see that my mini isn't the only one. I thought maybe it was my fault. A lot of his training has been from our family. My farrier always jokes about Boomer because he has such a stubborn attitude if you do Anything he doesn't like. She (our farrier) I think like that, though. He is the type that just demand respect. In that way, I think he'd be a great beginner horse because he'll teach respect to you in his own, high attitude way. Talk to y'all soon! General Grant
I am sorry Starskyknight! I don't have any TV vehicles, just a Bronco XLT and a S10 Blazer! I hope that some people start posting! Talk to you soon General Grant
Hey y'all! I know this is an older post, but it seemed interesting, so I am writing! I have two horses. A paint Quarter Horse named Frankie (except when he's being rude, then I call him Franklin!) and a miniature named Boomer. LoriDavenport, I notice that you said you have a miniature, so maybe you will know this: Is it just me, or are miniatures the type of horse that what they lack in size they make up in attitude? I don't know about your horse, but mine has such an attitude! Sometimes I wonder why he isn't the top horse. My horses live with three others, a morgan/saddlebred, an appaloosa, and a POA. Let me tell you... Boomer (my mini) certainly is not on the bottom of the pecking order! Anyway, I just ride pleasure western, no showing. But, I am trying to teach Boomer carting. Any Ideas, y'all? Talk to you soon! General Grant
Thanks Roger! I also hope to hear from Jessi soon. Jessi: I hope that you are getting through this. I know it is hard, but I'm here if you need to talk. Looking back of the other posts, it looks like you've got all the dukes in your corner supporting you as you are going through this. I hope to hear from you soon. General Grant
Hey JESSI DUKE First off, let me say how sincerely sorry I am about your whole situation. I know where you are coming from. I also have family issues, and I know what it is like to feel like your family dropped you. Just know that it will get better in time. You will, later on, see things in a whole new light and it will clear up, once you make peace with yourself. I am sorry that I can't help more, as much as I'd like to, but that is something you have to find on your own. As hard as it is, I hope you know that we (your Duke cousins) are here for you and will continue to be as long as you need. I don't know about the rest of the fans on here, but I must say I am honored that you would come to us and trust us that much to talk about it. You're one step closer to making peace with the situation. Don't ever give up hope and always know that us Dukes are pullin' for you. I know you mentioned that your mom left you when you were 16. I hope that you don't feel like it is your fault. I am sure that is a sticky situation, but I am sure she had a reason. Maybe she was scared that she couldn't provide for you as much as she would have liked to, couldn't get you as many things as the other kids. Anyhow, I hope you can get through this. God never gives us more than we can handle! I am sure you can handle this. Just know you can talk to us all anytime about this! I hope that this helped at least a little bit. General Grant
Hey y'all! I am not sure what day y'all have in mind. Wednesday's won't work for me, though. As for time, it don't matter, as long as it is not too late at night. Otherwise I'll get up late and the animals will let me know how mad they are 'cause I made 'em wait for their breakfast! Hey, that is a great thought Roger about what you're thankful for. Well, it's Thanksgiving, and I am thankful for y'all on the Hazzardnet, as well as my family to keep me in line, friends to help me through the hard times and to share the good times with, neighbors to help and to teach me the value of helping one another, and my animals to remind me how lucky I am- and to teach me the value of hard work! Catch y'all later! General Grant
Hey y'all! Thank you BrianColtrane! Without you, or the other moderators, we couldn't be here! Thanks! Well, Roger, I am no expert, but I'll give this a shot. Right under the HazzardNet pictures at the top of the screen, there is an orange bar that says User CP, FAQ, Members List, etc... Then, find the word chat, and click on it. (At least that is how I think it is done! I've never done it either!) Is this making any sense? Don't worry, I am the same way with computers. I have to think pretty hard to get something done on this thing! I hear ya! I also find milking to be pretty easy, but gettin' them cows to lay an egg is a whole other story! Khee! Talk to you soon, y'all! General Grant
Hey y'all! I can't believe that people wouldn't stick around! I can't imagine why. It is really fun here and I enjoy reading y'alls posts. Esspecially you, Laura and Roger. I agree with you, Laura that Roger is like the Uncle Jesse of the group. You really do keep us all in line. Uncle Jesse is a really great person! So, I really like him too! I hope to see y'all at the Boars Nest too. But I'll take an apple juice... In a frosted mug! Khee! I'll Catch y'all later! Khee! Khee! I love it! I'm Gone! General Grant Hey, an afterthought!! I've got a question for you Laura Duke and Roger... Would you like to set up a chat time sometime?
Should newer movie actors be at Dukesfest?
General Grant replied to TimDuke's topic in DukesFest & Other Events
Thanks Laura Duke! Yeehaw! I for one can say that you have not upset or offended me. I don't think any of us Dukes would be offended by someone simply stating what they think. Thank you for your input, fellow Duke! General Grant:D -
Hey y'all! Great point Rogerduke and Laura Duke, we really do owe a lot to the moderators of this site (hopefully they read this) any way, I know I am real thankful! Rogerduke, I'll take you up on that offer, but I'll take mine in a frosted mug! (I just did the Bo laugh!) Catch y'all later! General Grant
Hey RogerDuke! I completely understand what you are saying. Christmas, for some reason, seems to be a season that just has a special feel to it, so I understand what you're sayin'. Although I must say that seeing Halloween costumes ( some were really creepy, I didn't like that) and Christmas decorations in the same aisle seemed really weird. It just didn't seem right. I know what you mean about hearing about Christmas in mid-November, I also enjoy hearing about Christmas, and Christmas music, but not right after they play the Monster Mash! I know what you mean, too, vinsmouse, Christmas in July. Pretty soon Christmas decorations will share an asile with the Fourth of July decorations! General Grant Oh, RogerDuke, I am sure you don't mind the criticizing, but I am sure you'd rather get a compliment!!!! Have a great day, y'all!
Hey y'all! Great point deathangel_tori about the homemade gifts! I like that, a lot of times it isn't the big expensive gifts that really count, it is the home made gifts, where you pour your heart and soul into making it that really count. And, I also liked the comment DaisyMaeDuke made about they carol at nursing homes, adopt a family, etc... and about the plastic santas along side the Halloween costumes! That is the true Christmas spirit! That was just wierd this year to see on one side of the aisle Halloween decorations and costumes and on the other side of the same aisle... Christmas decorations. This was at Wal-Mart, and it wasn't even Halloween Yet! Catch y'all Later! General Grant
Hello again Rogerduke! What a great story! Me, give an Idea to someone else! That's funny, usually it is the other way around! Anyway, that was off subject, That was a great story and I enjoyed it. I also agree, the first time I saw the Dukes (I thought it was dumb, remember) I didn't know I would come to love it so much! General Grant
Hey Starskyknight! Them sound like great plans! I hope you get your General Lee and Dixie soon! That would be so Cool, not to mention fun for you! I wish you the very best in that, and like I said, I really do hope that you will get them soon! General Grant
Thank you Rogerduke. You are right about us all bein' cousins. I must say it sure feels like you know everyone on here! Coy and Vance sure did a lot and didn't get much credit for any of it. General Grant What do ya know... I actually kept it short this time! Khee!
Should newer movie actors be at Dukesfest?
General Grant replied to TimDuke's topic in DukesFest & Other Events
Not to go sticking my nose where it don't belong, but... I was somewhat surprised at the level of intensity. I think we are straying from the subject at hand and we, as Dukes, I think are starting to disregard the feelings and opinions of people who don't have the same exact opinion or thought. I think we should learn from eachother, and together (as a family) try to be patient, listen and learn from one another and not get all upset. Now I understand that this is, infact, a sticky subject, but shouldn't we let our Duke side show and approach it with confidence in ourselves and our fellow Duke fans. But at the same time, approach with an understanding that we are all here together and we just should NOT let the subject throw chaos into a wonderful place. That certainly is not what the Dukes would do. Laura, I understand completely what you are saying, I think that you may have given us a deeper understanding as to what the Dukes really are all about. I understand what everyone else is saying, but Laura Duke, you just proved what the Dukes are about. Sure, the movie is not the same, and never will compare to the original. They picked up on the wrong things and threw into the movie what they thought we all liked, but they were wrong. I think we can all learn something here from Laura Duke... we Dukes may not like the movie or the actors, but the Dukes would bend over backwards to help anyone, and to make them feel welcome, and they would do it lovingly, even if it were that movie! I hope you understand what I'm sayin' and I would like to thank you Laura Duke, you just showed me something I was lackin' when I wrote the previous post about this same subject. Thank you, I just learned a very valuable lesson! General Grant -
I heard that somewhere too. Maybe the commentary on the first season? General Grant
Should newer movie actors be at Dukesfest?
General Grant replied to TimDuke's topic in DukesFest & Other Events
I hope that y'all aren't rolling yer eyes and saying, "Oh, no, Not another LONG message from General Grant! That General Grant is always giving long winded opinions!" Sorry, y'all! Here goes: WOW! First off, let me say that you just wrote something we can all learn from, Laura Duke. "Remeber, these actors are following a script and a director. As I was reminded, this is the same thing Coy and Vance were doing." Amazing point. I never thought of that, and you are so right about that. But, I also believe that the Dukes of Hazzard was a whole lot more than what that appauling movie portrayed. Again, I say it... Shock and Horror filled me! I think that the cast of the movie should get invited to Dukesfest, but they should have to pay to get in like the rest of us! I must say, that I am really humbled by y'all saying Coy and Vance should be allowed and it has, once again, proven to me how welcoming you can be and I commend y'all for that! I think that the movie never should have been released. I'd be more than happy to end the Dukes movies, and not watch the movies, if that is how they are going to be. Dang it all, we like the heart and soul that went into the production of the Dukes series. We don't like the horrible immitation(and I am not refering to Coy and Vance, just for the record!) junk that the shoved onto the television, put a '69 Charger on the screen, yelled Yeehaw, and called it the Dukes. It just didn't have the heart and soul of the original cast and crew, nor did it have the valuable lessons that people now days need more than ever. It makes me wonder how many kegs of Jesse's shine they downed before they made the decision to produce that movie and to allow it come onto the big screen! But my answer to the question was I think they should get a warm Hazzard welcome, but make 'em pay to get in! Khee! Else, we could give the Boss Hogg finale and let them in for free, but charge them twice the going rate to let them out. Khee! I love it! Hot pursuit! Anyway, to borrow a line from Laura Duke, I hope that I didn't ruffle anyone's tail feathers! I'm Gone, General Grant -
Thank you Rogerduke. I doubt that these big corporate (not to mention greedy) companies really give two rips whether I buy for Christmas, although I firmly believe that one person can make a difference, I sometimes wonder if there really is a way to fight the system and let it be known that we don't like this and we want to fight it! Loridavenport, I TOTALLY agree with what you said, it is nice to see that at least some people have standards (that also applies to you Rogerduke!) Now that you make me think about it for a moment, I also see it every day, and I love the saying, "It is better to give than to recieve" It just gives you such a great feeling, like you are on top of the world when you can give a gift to someone. Esspecially when it is from the heart. It almost put tears in my eyes to hear that y'all think the same about Christmas, I don't know what it is about that time of year, but starting just before Thanksgiving and into Christmas, I just get such a great feeling. I don't in any way expect gifts, in some ways I think Christmas would be better if I could just give gifts to my family and spend time with them. This Christmas, I hope that I will still have that feeling, in my family(grandparents, and uncle) there is rough water, my part of the family is caught between a rock and a hard place. It just so happensthat it started just before Christmas last year, but has continued to get worse. I feel that "Christmas Joy" right now, because y'all have once again proven what I knew true Dukes were! I think the meaning of Christmas IS lost already. Anyway, I cannot say enough, (and I will probably say it every time I write) I truly am proud to be a fan! Thank you to y'all for letting me see that there really are people who have morals in this day and age and that it isn't just a thing of the past! General Grant
Sorry y'all, but another long one! Boy, if only everyone could be like this group of people here. I love what you said, Laura Duke, "Even though I totally disagreed with all of you there was no judging, just understanding." I wish life were that way. It really makes you stop and think that if we all pull together like family should, then, despite the differences, we can come to an understanding with one another, and a deeper respect for those around us. I simply cannot say enough how proud I am that all of you patiently listened to one another and responded with the greatest respect for everyone's opinions. I truly am thankful that this site was shown to me. I really like what you said, Rogerduke, about the Dukes fans being a second family and that you model your lifestyle around the Hazzard County residents but don't put them above God. I feel pretty much the same way (although I just love those car jumps, Khee!) I know exactly where you are coming from when you say that, and I also got a big ole' Bo grin on my face! It is funny how I have gotten this far with the Dukes. It started as a kind of joke. For my sister's birthday, I bought the first Dukes season because while on vacation I saw one of the episodes and thought it was the dumbest thing(bear with me, I changed my opinion!) So, after watching the first episode I was shocked when Bo went up to Daisy and put his arms around her and said, "you know, if we weren't cousins I'd marry you." To which Daisy replied, "That never stopped anyone in this family before." And Bo grins and and says "You got a point there" followed by his famous HA HA laugh! Shock and Horror filled me as I looked over at my sister(now remember, I got this as a gift for her) and saw her face the phrase OH MY! was written all over her face! I simply said we'll exchange this tomorrow and you can just take the money! But, trying to be polite, she said no, she would just watch a few more episodes. And, before you know it, season two came out and we rushed to the store to buy it. And, along came season 7 (my sister just about cried on the last episode) But, I must say, I truly am lucky to have seen that show. It really has shown me HOW to live. Being in the country, I always veiwed life as boring and somewhat dull, but now there is no where else I'd rather be than home, in the country, and able to have all of the excitement and adventures that city folk miss out on. I mean, how many city people can go out and have thier horse pull them on a sled, or ride a hay wagon down the street, or drive around in the back 40(even if we used to do that with teh Lumina, now we have a JEEP!) or have that same intense thrill of staking hay over you head in an over cramped, overheated hundred year old barn. Not many! Anyway, thank you all for helping me to truly see that I really am blessed to live in the country and to truly understand the values that are so clearly presented in the Dukes of Hazzard. I cannot express my gratitude enough to all of you, or how proud I am to be a Dukes fan and to live and learn from the best! I'll catch y'all later. Having shared my opinion on a very delicate subject for Dukes fans (Coy and Vance) and seeing the remarkable amount of enthusiasm with which you replied, and the generosity, patience, and kindness y'all shared, I cannot help but thinking that I must be one of the luckiest people! You have proven right here what it is all about. You have shown what the Dukes of Hazzard have been trying to tell us all along, Dukes don't fight Dukes! All we have is family! General Grant
I would love to have a KITT car, but the problem is that I don't have money I can spend on that right now. Some day... Anyway, I hope that you will enjoy your stay at the Hazzard net! Roger Duke, that mule sounds pretty impressive! I have a horse and he won't even cross a ditch, let alone with me still on him! Khee! I'm gone! General Grant
Oh, Okay! Thank you Julieduke, I get it now! Khee! General Grant
What on earth are you talking about? You are going to have to help me out with the meaning of that last post you wrote, because I simply do not understand. General Grant
I am sorry that your question is not getting answered, but I am very glad there are Knight Rider Fans here as well!!!! I take it you are a jeepster?! We have a Jeep, and it is funny how they all wave at each other! I love the picture. General Grant
Hello Starskyknight! You own a KITT car?! I wish I could own a KITT car. Owning a General Lee would be cool, but I wish I could own a KITT car. Not to be a traitor or anything to the Dukes of Hazzard, but I would love to own a KITT car! Catch y'all soon! General Grant I wish I could own a KITT car!