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General Grant

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Everything posted by General Grant

  1. Ooooo! Is there somethin' you ought to be tellin' me, Lori?! As fer gettin' out of this, over the years I've had practice! So, y'all just sit back and watch! Better get out of here before Julie and her camera come back! Don't y'all worry none, I'll be out of here in the blink of an eye! Oh, Lori, you call this tight, do you?! (takes off one shoe and with foot picks up a small, jagged stone, begins rubbing the rope with it) (smirks at Lori) I'll be over there real soon to get you, then you'll be sorry!
  2. There an echo in here?! You heard me, I said can't back up! Push! Push! Push! We shall see, Lori... We shall see! Which I don't think will be much, seein' as how your bark is worse than yer bite, as they say! Khee!
  3. Hey Garrett, that isn't complaining, and it is certainly not a bother! Well, here I go now... yesterday we had rain, and then it froze, and now MORE SNOW!!! I guess we can go sledding for quite awhile with all the snow we have! I am sure that any day now, we will have Spring like weather. Sooner or later spring has to come... Anyway, until then, keep warm, y'all! General Grant
  4. (raises eyebrow to Lori) Oh, you would, would you?! I hope you ain't throwin' out threats you can't back up... And Julie... I ain't done nothing. You are the trouble maker! Keep it up and I'll go get Sheriff Little to cuff you and stuff you! Khee! Khee!
  5. Okay, y'all... I may be a little biased here, but I'll try not to be. Here goes. I think there is only one word I know of to adequately describe the Knight Rider show, and that is this: YUCK!!! I didn't like it, I thought it was horrible. And Brian is right, the commercials were more interesting than the actual storyline. It seems to me that even at the half way point, there wasn't much action. I was still waiting to get to the highpoint of the show and then the end credits were rolling. Plus, in my opinion, they totally killed the theme song! I was almost forced to break out the emergency box of kleenex! I thought that a couple of the scenes were questionable and was wondering why they were put into the show. As was mentioned earlier, there were a couple "sick" jokes/scenes that had absolutely nothing to do with the plot, which there wasn't much of a plot... I was a little upset because the original Michael was in the show for maybe thirty seconds, and that was it... But, I don't think him having a longer appearance would have helped the show at all. Not only did they deface KITT, they turned him into a self-righteous sissy, with a very strange (if any) personality and a creepy voice. I apologize if I offend anyone by saying any of this, but I thought that the voice alone was just awful. It was almost creepy. I didn't like some of the graphics, like the bullets bouncing off of the car, and it's changing colors. Everyone who knows Knight Rider gets the basic idea that the car is bullet proof. They really didn't need to waste their time (or money) to show us throughout the show. After that, I will never look at a mustang the same way... I was ready to take the baseball bat to the TV!! At least the rest of the family had fun watching me watch the show! Anyway, I agree with dukefan and Brian Coltrane, it was horrible. To me, the announcer for Knight Rider should not have sounded so proud of the show. Anyway, I apologize for going on. I really do appreciate everyone's opinions, and I find it great that some of you enjoyed it. That is great that you had a nice time watching it! Hope to hear more discussion on the subject, you all have such great input! General Grant
  6. That is it, Julie!!! I have had enough of all the foolishenss and enough of all the games... This time I mean it!! (for all you who don't know... I am just joking!!) You hand over that picture... OR ELSE!! And don't y'all go answerin' that question about where you want the picture. That means YOU, Lori!
  7. OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE!!! Are you kiddin' me?! I guess that I'll just have to take that picture away from you, then! (starts running toward Julie and tries to snatch the picture out of her hand) Oh, and Lori, here I was thinking that you were givin' me as much as you had in you! Really, I'd know if you was tryin' huh?! I don't think I would.
  8. Don't Worry Garrett Duke and Lori! Spring will be here before we know it! yesterday morning the birds were chirping and singing quite nicely... that always makes me think of Spring. But, then today we got a big snow/ice storm. (Okay, maybe that was the wrong time to say about the snow/ice storm... sorry) Spring will come, you can count on that, just as sure as Boss Hogg is going to try an' swindle the Dukes out of their farm, and Rosco is going to try and frame them for somethin' they didn't do! Just think WARM! General Grant
  9. Okay, Okay, I said I wouldn't say anything until after Knight Rider premiered, but I have to, seein' as how we kind of switched gears! I tend to agree with TimDuke, I don't think that Knight Rider will catch with hardcore fans of the original series, like myself. Which I am sure that with all of the ranting and raving I did in previous posts (which I apologize if I got upset) you all figured I was a fan of the original series. Anyways, enough about poor KITT (although the newer version should be kitt! ) until after I see it tonight. On to the Dukes... No offense Brian, but if that is supposed to be the General Lee, he looks awful! I totally agree, Roger. I would maybe watch a new show of the Dukes, just to see if it was any good. I did so with the movie starring Jessica Simpson and Willie Nelson (and the rest that I am not sure who they are, sorry!) I thought it was a horrible representation of what the Dukes are all about. Although, I can understand if they got that idea if they watched only the first episode. But even "One Armed Bandits" wasn't that bad! Give me them ol' family morals and values that were in the original and I'd be quite happy! Although I think I have to disagree about the original actors. No offense meant here... I love the Dukes of Hazzard, and the original actors. But, I think that they should have left well enough alone after the series (and maybe the reunion movies) After all Uncle Jesse and Boss Hogg aren't ever going to be in the shows anymore if they ever do another reunion. For me that takes out half the fun already. No one can ever come close to Boss' 50% of 50% of 50% saying! And there isn't an actor I know of today that can be as spunky and loving all at the same time and seem so real as Denver! Okay y'all. That is my thought on the subject. Hopefully I didn't jump to any conclusions, or come back later and reread everything only to realize that I should have thought this over more carefully. I know I have said this before, but I really do appreciate everyone's opinions and just the whole way you present them. You don't cut others down, but you make your opinions known. It is great how y'all can do that! General Grant Oh, TimDuke... in that last post you wrote when you said: "You can see how upset some are getting about this new KITT." were you referring to me?!? Sorry if it is that obvious that I am upset about that... I am really trying to remain calm.
  10. Don't go gettin' too confident in yerslef, Lori, you ain't seen nothin' yet! I am back from where I was headed off to, so you don't have to worry none! Oh, and Laura... I do not need to stay here at the side of the road holding the danged picture that Julie was supposed to give me... which I never got! Oh, are you giving me all you got Lori, I didn't notice...
  11. Oh, that is okay, Lori. I get teased, too, because I like Glen Campbell and older TV shows, but in my opinion, they are a heck of a lot better than most of the stuff they put on TV... Well, I am going to have to admit that until I saw the Dukes of Hazzard, I never even heard of Waylon, and I don't listen to his music too much. But if I do hear some, I appreciate it more simply becuase I think of him saying "Welcome... to Hazzard County" One of my All time Favorite Lines!! I agree about the "new" country music. It just isn't the same. I never realized that either until I saw the Dukes and started looking into music from Waylon, and other artists around that time. I really enjoy the older stuff and sometimes wonder how people like the new music. Most of it you can't understand what they are saying, and some of it I am surprised that it can get on the radio with the message it is sending. Okay, I'll stop babbling now. I would like to thank y'all for starting this thread and keeping it going. Great Idea! Poor ol' Waylon seems to get neglected sometimes... We always think of the main characters and the General Lee... Poor ol' Waylon!! I'll catch y'all around Hazzard General Grant
  12. I'll take that as a compliment! Thank you!!
  13. Oh, yes, snow days.... Those are always fun. You know, I don't think I ever had to make up for a snow day! Them seeds that came through the mail just HAVE to be a signal of spring. Afterall, you can't plant in the middle of winter! Spring is coming! Besides that, my stack of hay is runnin' out! So, when that pile reaches the half way mark... Spring is sure to follow... It just has to be! Come on Hayin' season! Don't worry, Garrett, one of these times, it will be the last storm of the Season! I know that at first the snow is really pretty, and the cold isn't too bad. But after seeing it non stop for a while, that is enough. Then it needs to stop. I guess we are just having an "Old Fashioned Winter" as everyone around here keep saying! I am convinced that the weather goes in cycles! First we have a couple years of dry, pretty warm winters (like 10 degrees!) and then BANG we get get ____ feet of snow, and -30! You summed it up, Garrett, Brrrr! Well, Spring is coming! Keep thinking that, but until then bundle up when you go outside! General Grant
  14. Oh, I saw the previews, I think that i am in for a LONG ride with this one. I think it will be so horrible that I might be forced to break out the Emergency box of Kleenex! KITT should not be the Knight Industries Three Thousand, and Should not be a mustang. KITT is The Knight Industires Two Thousand, a Trans Am, and that is that! Even the new laser looks horrible! They Defaced KITT! I know, I know, I said I was calming down, but I saw the car on the Today Show and my blood pressure sky rocketed!!! Anyway, I will watch it Sunday night,(oh, no, I don't know if I'll make the chat then ) But I don't think I am going to take to this now "Knight Rider" thing. I say just leave the series alone and let me have my happy memories! Well, I respect everyone elses' opinions. I'll try to stop sounding like a fanatic, and won't say a word until Moday, after I see the show...
  15. You can take that however your little ol' heart desires, Lori! Khee! Khee! I believe I'll hit the road and go, that way I can be back here before anyone misses me! Although I am not sure if I could go without bein' noticed!
  16. Oh, thanks y'all! But, I think that what I was sayin' is what most of the citizens were thinking. So, thanks, but don't thank me, I meant what I said. (referring to my last post) And, since so much has happened in a couple of days, I am going to cram everything into one post, so y'all hang on... Brian, I do agree that this site wouldn't be what it is without the whole community, but, I think that you three are brilliant for having thought this up. Meadowmufn, I apologize for my last comment, I think that I may have just made your life miserable by complimenting Brian, I'll try not to let that happen again! MaryAnne, Like I said above, I meant every word of what I said. I don't know how y'all thought of creating this site, but you did a marvelous job. I wish I'd have a bright idea like that every now and then! Lori, we all know that you aren't a bad kid (else you wouldn't be here, right!!) now you'd better not be gettin' in no trouble at school, ya hear?! But, I agree that the moderators can be quite funny at times. Cowboy, I agree (again... I need to find a different word for agree!) that there are always new people to meet. That is the great thing about this site is that people come by the dozen to greet a new person. I remember when I signed up, I got a welcome that I was surprised at, because everyone was just so friendly! B.L. Davenport, you are right, there is a lot of information on here. There are so many different people with so many different backgrounds, that it just makes this site so much better because there are so many different ideas and opinions. And there is a lot of information you can carry with you in everyday life, but that isn't to say the Dukes aren't every day life! Daney, I,too enjoy watching the community grow. I've only been here since October(I think) but it seems like a I've known this site for a lifetime, and a lot of these people treat you like they've known you all their life. They treat you like a friend they never met! AlexJackson, You really shouldn't call poor Brian insane! Afterall, he is the moderator! Khee! I'm just joking, I guess our appearing insane from time to time isn't so bad. It gives the site character! Oh, and I like your avator! You a MacGyver fan, too?! I think that covers it. I'll catch y'all later, and I really enjoy reading all of your posts, everyone, so keep up the good work. General Grant
  17. Here ya are, Julie (tosses the keys to her) Now, I got me somewhere's to go... but don't you worry none, I'll be back!
  18. Hey Y'all! I hope that you can make it Lori. Oh, Emy-Rae, I have done that a couple of times. Usually people will come, but sometimes they won't. Go ahead and give it a try!! Maybe I'll be in sometime when you do that! General Grant
  19. Okay Brian and MaryAnne! You two don't settle down, I'll be forced to get Sherriff Little over here! Khee! Anyway, Meadowmufn, when you get that book published, can I have a copy, that will make some good reading! Hey Roger, when does that video come out? Do you know if I could get it signed by the entire cast? Okay, now that I have some of my dry humor out, I am going to be serious... Thank you to all of the moderators and citizens, HazzardNet simply would not be as great as it is. I would like to thank you all for that. With out HazzardNet, I would think I was the only nut out there that believed the Dukes of Hazzard are real, and I'd think I was it... luckily I stumbled on this site and found that there are a lot of people out there who are just as passionate (and more so) about the Dukes. Thank you to MaryAnne, Brian and Meadowmufn for making the site great (even if Brian does sleep alot on the job, I hear!) And, the citizens, too, deserve a round of applause for only continuing to improve the site. I think y'all should get awards, or something. Anyway, sorry to stray everyone off topic, but I figured that since all three moderators and some of my fellow Hazzardite citizens were included in this thread, there wouldn't be a better place to type it. So, THANK YOU again, very much! I'll catch y'all around Hazzard! General Grant
  20. Oh, I hope y'all get some nicer weather! I know that it can really be upsetting when it snows non-stop for days and it is really UNBEARIBLY cold! Brrrrr...! Oh, you weren't whining or rambling, Garrett Duke, I think I was doing more of it than anyone else on the thread! Well, I do have a good bit of news... while you are going into the cold spell, I am coming out of it! Okay, maybe that wasn't good news for you... sorry! You all sound like you are getting some good amounts of snow. Don't worry, it will get nice and warm pretty soon. Maybe this is just the last winter storm of the season. (hey, we can hope!!) Just think, it is one less storm you will have to deal with this year, and one more day closer to that warm spring weather! Don't worry, you won't freeze into an ice cube, I am sure. I know that spring is coming because yesterday I recieved some garden seeds in the mail. If that don't signal spring, I don't know what does! Hang in there, y'all! General Grant
  21. Julie... you ask nicely and say please, I'll give them here keys back! And the only thing you did to me was not get me down out of that tree. And take that danged picture! Hey, I'll trade the keys for the picture! Hey Lori you wait up, now ya hear?! After Julie gets these keys back, I think I had better get esscorted. Last thing I need is to get Julie cross!
  22. Hey Y'all! North_of_Border1... I figured you were joking, but I thought I'd better make sure. Oh, I know what you mean, I have dial-up, so it takes a little while to load, and I am ALWAYS getting kicked off! I just hate when that happens! Everyone must laugh at me because they can never tell if I am coming or going. Poor Emy-Rae! I hope that you can figure it out, I want you to get in on the fun, too! Hey xxgeneral_lee01xx... I feel bad that no one was there to chat with last night. I am pretty sure that Sunday would be your best shot to chat, unless you see if someone else is online and you sneak in a chat. Usually people will come! Hope to catch y'all next week! General Grant
  23. Hey Y'all! I agree, Garrett Duke, Nothing below 0! Right now, where I am we are coming out of a two day frigid cycle. So, it is 0 right now, and it is like a heat wave out there! I tell you waking up to -16 makes it hard to go out to the barn and do the chores... I don't know how the animals do it outside during that!?! Oh, yes, sledding is fun, and you can only do in the winter. Now, don't y'all try this at home, but in the winter I hook my horse up to the sled and if it is the Paint/Quarter horse, one rides on the horse, the other gets pulled in the sled, otherwise I hook the sled up to the miniature and just use the carting cues with him and go by myself. Fortunatley they took to it pretty good the first time I tried it! My neighbors must wonder. Say, if it keeps warming up here, I might have to take the miniature out for a spin! I am still excited for spring though. The only thing I don't like about the warm weather (besides extreme heat) is snakes. I am scared to death of even a little garder snake, and that is about the only reason I hate warmer weather... I hate snakes... can't stand them... Anyway, as soon as it warms to at least double digits above zero, I enjoy winter... okay, y'all Stay warm! And go pop in an episode of the Dukes!
  24. Lori, I would't do it if I was you! Ol' Frankie's got more horse power than that there car! And I do have that rope, I'm thinkin' about using it on you, Julie, since you are so willing to jump in and make it miserable for me!! (Starts walking up to Julie with rope in hand, but grabs the car keys instead) (smirks) There, now I don't think that you'll be driving that ol' car fer awhile. Might want to consider moving it out of the way, 'cause I'm on my way to get Rosco to fine you for illegal parking! Khee! Khee!
  25. Hey Y'all! I apologize North_of_Border1! I didn't even see you! I checked in late at about 7:15 CST (I think) and saw that 1 person was chatting, but when I went to the chat room, no one was there! I could only stay on a couple of minutes anyway, so I didn't stick around. I am so so sorry. I'm just plain embarrassed 'bout that! It sounds like you did a lot better than I do on the chats! Good Job!!! It really is hard to get your comments in on time. I think I must come in 5 to 10 subjects too late.... Sorry everyone! Did anyone show up to chat? I hope someone had fun Sunday chatting with fellow Hazzardites... I am sorry to hear that Emy-Rae Duke. Did you try to chat in the forum web page, or the pop-up? For me the pop-up used to work, but it doesn't anymore. When the chat room pops up, do you click the gray screen? That is what I have to do to get in. Anyway, maybe next week. I hope that I catch up with y'all next time. General Grant
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