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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Glad your hs team is doing good. That is always exciting to keep up with especially if you know the kids on the team. As for me...I am not a happy Bears fan right now. One would think that since I am closer to Chicago that Fox would air the Bears game, but no, they are playing the Packers game. Not a happy fan right now. Been keeping up with the game through Facebook and Twitter. But definately not the same as watching the game. Not bad enough have no race to watch today, now no football either. Sorry y'all, but needed to vent. Not that complaining about it has helped any, but still. . .
  2. Well MM...don't be too mad at me for saying this, but GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They play your Seahawks today, but feel after how your Seahawks took out Johnny Knox last year (who is still out for the rest of the season due to it) that the Bears deserve the win today. Heck your SH should just hand over the win in their condolences for what had happened...HA HA :D . Please forgive me...GO BEARS!!!! ;)

  3. Oh trust me...them Duke boys will have JEFF GORDON out of jail way before Daytona gets here. You should never under estimate Bo and Luke ... (You are honestly forgiven Roger )
  4. Sorry to disappoint you Roger, but they don't have the worst driver of the year award...besides only the top ten in points get to go the banquet. That is unless you win the most popular driver of the year award. Then you get to go. Lucky for Dale. Only the top twelve drivers get to go to Las Vegas for the victory lap. Sorry to let you down Roger, but poor ol' David wasn't even invited to the banquet. Life's not fair, ain't it? Perhaps next year David will be invited...but first he's got to earn the invite. Or better yet, you could become a Jeff Gordon fan...seeing how his drive for five (his fifth championship) is on for next year, he has to there. In fact if he wins the championship next year he'll get to sit at the front table and get everyone to congratulate him as Keselowski did this year. Yep...next year is Gordon's year. (Well I can always hope at least, right? ) I am feeling better, thank you Roger. Though you may have a point there...perhaps you could go talk to Brian France and tell him he needs to bring NASCAR back. Tell him I can't wait another 85 days for Daytona to get here.
  5. "Honey, I'm home!" Luke sarcastically states as he walks into the old kitchen of the farm house to be greeted by a couple of anxious faces of Jesse and Daisy. "Sorry we took so long," he pauses as Bo follows him inside, "but ol' slow poke here held us up. If it weren't for him -" "Me?" Bo speaks up, anger laced thickly within the two letters of his question, "If I am not mistaken, it was you who ordered me to stop and watch Rosco...then ordered me to park where he was parked just so you could staisfy your curiosity! Ordering me around like a damn dog...heck you treat the dogs better than that!" "You will watch your language in this house Bo Duke," Jesse is quick to correct Bo who silently nods and looks away, "and no one here has said a dang thing about you two being late. So you two can stop your bickering about your timing as of right now. Am I understood?" Both Bo and Luke glance at each other and nods. "Very well," Jesse interrupts the silence, "so, what's going on?" Once again Bo and Luke glance at each other as if willing the other to speak up first. "What's going on?" Bo is the first to go on, "Gordon has been sitting behind bars while we have been sitting around doing nothing! Luke's genius plan." Bo gripes as he walks past his cousin, "Sit around and do nothing...just as if he wants Gordon to stay in jail. Oh," Bo stops, "that's right. It was his genius idea for Gordon to surrender to Rosco to begin with. Yeah," he nods, "he's real proud of himself this time." "Now wait a minute right now," Luke steps forward angrily, "it's not like that and you know it! I'm sorry as heck Gordon is in all of this and in jail and as I've told you before, I'm not any happier about it than you are! Perhaps if you weren't so blinded by your respect for Gordon and weren't so damn stubborn you'd -" "Both of you, stop, right now!" Jesse's raised voice quickly draws silence into the old farm's kitchen, "This is my house and in my house you will respect one another and you will talk civil to one another. Am I clear or am I clear?" "Yes sir," both boys state. "Bo you know dang well to trust Luke's ideas and you know dang well he is trying his best to help Gordon get out of jail. For a minute stop thinking of Gordon in jail and start thinking of Luke's plans. Perhaps if you have a better idea, then you should speak up. If not, then shut up and help him out," Jesse pauses to look from Bo to Luke, "and Luke. Perhaps you should stop and think of how Bo feels. Respect how he feels. You two start working together, perhaps you'd get somewhere." "Yes sir," once again both boys say at the same time before glancing grudgingly at one another. "Very well then," Jesse says with a small smirk, "I'll ask again, what's going on?" "Well as Bo said, I had him stop and watch Rosco," Luke is quick to speak up before Bo could get another jab in on him, "and it was just as I feared. He was hanging up a poster advertising Gordon in town and if you pay ten dollars you can race against Gordon." "Ah so Hogg's plan is finally publicized then?" Jesse questions aloud, "Just as we were fearing..." "Not only that," Bo says leaning against the living room entry way, "he can't even get Gordon's name right." Daisy grunts in disbelief besides Jesse. "How can you get Gordon's name wrong? Heck how can you even spell it wrong? It's spelled just as how you would say it..." "You'll love this," Luke gives a sarcastic laugh before nodding at Bo. "Yeah it's not Jeff Gordon," Bo adds shaking his head, "It's Gordon Jeff. Not bad enough he is framing Gordon for Rosco's lack of skill behind the wheel, not bad enough he's trying to gain money out of Rosco's lack of skill behind the wheel...he has to go get JEFF GORDON's name wrong." Jesse gives a small laugh and shakes his head. "Leave it to Hogg to get his name wrong," he pauses for a long moment, "What you thinking of doing now?" "Perhaps we should break into Hogg's office when he is not expecting us and show him how we feel about this so called poster he hung up," Bo is quick to insert. "We do that," Luke shakes the idea off, "we'll find ourselves in jail next to Gordon. And that my friend will do little to nothing to helping Gordon out of jail. No we need an idea that will be rational and something he won't be expecting," Luke pauses for a long moment, rethinking of his plan thus far, "if only we could find a way to prove that Rosco is at fault for the accident. A way to clear Gordon's name..." "That'd be too easy, Luke," Bo counters him, "you know that."
  6. Well the NASCAR awards were on last night on SPEED and guess who DIDN'T get to watch it due to being sick and without cable. ME! Not fun being sick, even worse when you know you have to miss something due to it. Ah well. Don't have much to report about it other than that Jeff Gordon won the Myers Award -for lifetime contributions to stock-car racing - he is only the third active drivers to win that award. He won it for his extensive cancer fighting efforts. (I got that from NASCAR.com) Bet y'all can't guess who won the fan voted Most Popular award...give up yet? DALE EARNHARDT JR won the most popular driver award for the tenth year in a row. That's a surprise, ain't it? Sorry for the lack of info...have watched them in the past and it is nice to see the drivers out of their uniforms and in tuxes with their wives. . . Anyway...85 more days til Daytona! 85 long more days...
  7. Thanks Roger...I can't wait to go look at it. Hopefully that does help...
  8. Well y'all, in case you are wondering (you know you are...) there is exactly 88 more days until Daytona and the beginning of the 2013 NASCAR season. *SIGH* Don't know if I'll be able to survive my NASCAR withdrawal this season... If you are having NASCAR withdrawals as well...the chase drivers in the Sprint Cup Series are now in Las Vegas. Friday, sometime (sorry don't have the time right now...) on the SPEED channel they will have the NASCAR banquet and awards. They are interesting and fun to watch...especially if your driver is in the top ten...the top ten drivers will be at the banquet/awards. All twelve drivers will drive around Las Vegas ... though don't know if they show that part or not, can't remember really seeing it on TV. 88 more days til Daytona...
  9. Thanks Roger :). I miss writing them...and it's only been a week. :( It is going to be a long winter... *sigh*

  10. My college team didn't do so hot this year and as with any other sport I follow, once my team's season finish, well my seasn finish. On a brighter note...the Bears did much better today with their QB, Jay Cutler, back from his concussion. Bears 28, Vikings 10. This Bears fan is HAPPY tonight. Welcome back Cutler!
  11. LOL...team rivalries are fun, ain't they? My Hawkeyes were horrible this year. On a side note, Jay Cutler has been cleared to play tomorrow...this Bear's fan is HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO BEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I have not a clue Roger...though do know that was a very painful game to watch. Probably would have been a better game to watch if the Bears quarterback wasn't out due to a concussion...he better be back Sunday. Don't know much about your Steelers, but got to say those were quite the uniforms they wore last week. I guess they didn't have to worry about getting lost in the crowd...
  13. "Good Morning" Mandisa I absolutely LOVE this song...one of my favorite Christian songs that is out at the moment. Mandisa has such a great personality to her. Toby Mac sings with her and he is one of my favorite Christian artists - love his energy and his songs. As I said, love this song...great song to put the volume up high - wish I could have this on my alarm clock!
  14. You and your friends may be crushing me in fantasy basketball...am horrible this year at basketball it seems...but no one crushes me in NASCAR. Including you... This oughta be fun.
  15. I noticed that too Roger when I posted it and thought of you. I perscribe to NASCAR Illustrated and this month's magazine has a nice article on David Ragen that made me think of you too. Seems like a nice kid. I will let you believe that Roger...btw I finished second and fourth in the two fantasy NASCAR leagues I am in. In the second place one I was like eight points out of first place or so...did win the playoff segment of the season. Did something right at least.
  16. Well sadly the 2012 NASCAR season is over...now the dreaded off season. Here is the official point standings for the 2012 season: 1 - Brad Keselowski 2 - Clint Bowyer 3 - Jimmie Johnson 4 - Kasey Kahne 5 - Greg Biffle 6 - Denny Hamlin 7 - Matt Kenseth 8 - Kevin Harvick 9 - Tony Stewart 10 - Jeff Gordon 11 - Martin Truex Jr. 12 - Dale Earnhardt Jr. NON CHASE DRIVERS 13 - Kyle Busch 14 - Ryan Newman 15 - Carl Edwards 16 - Paul Menard 17 - Joey Logano 18 - Marcos Ambrose 19 - Jeff Burton 20 - Jamie McMurray 21 - Aric Almirola 22 - Juan Pablo Montoya 23 - Bobby Labonte 24 - Regan Smith 25 - Kurt Busch 26 - Mark Martin 27 - Travis Kvapil 28 - David Ragan 29 - Casey Mears 30 - David Gilliland 31 - Landon Cassill 32 - A J Allmendinger 33 - Dave Blaney 34 - David Reutimann 35 - Brian Vickers 36 - David Stremme 37 - Michael McDowell 38 - J.J. Yeley 39 - Josh Wise 40 - Ken Schrader 41 - Stephen Leicht 42 - Scott Speed 43 - Michael Waltrip 96 more days until Daytona...I already can't wait!
  17. Well I really know where I rank with you Roger. Hate to be you when it comes time for Fantasy NASCAR...97 more days.
  18. Congrats to Brad first before me, Roger? I am so insulted...no, I am beyond insulted. After all this time you had me fooled into thinking we were friends. My headache is gone...don't know about the neighbors' though. Am still excited...I can live the next 97 days living off a GREAT win. Which means there is 97 more days until I can beat you in Fantasy NASCAR...
  19. Well I don't even know where to start with my post race review right now...I am so mixed with emotions right now I got a headache. For the most part, the race was very uneventful...expected for Homestead. Two debri cautions and one for Nationwide Series champion Ricky Stenhouse Jr wrecking.. Jimmie Johnson came in twenty points behind Brad Keselowski and it went back and forth through out the race. Until during a routine green flag pit stop, the 48 crew forgot to put on a lug nut and had to go back in...then came out only for him to have engine problems to send him into the garage... To give Brad Keselowski the 2012 NASCAR championship...Jimmie Johnson finishes third in points as Clint Bowyer got his wish to finish second in points. (Clint Bowyer is 39 points behind Keselowski and JJ is 40 points behind Keselowski). Well Jeff Gordon had to finish ahead of Martin Truex Jr by five points today...with twenty laps to go or so, race leader Kyle Busch and Truex Jr had to pit...handing the lead over to JEFF GORDON. Oh and by the way, Clint Bowyer was behind Jeff Gordon, but never gave him much of a battle. JEFF GORDON WENT ON TO WIN HIS FIRST RACE AT HOMESTEAD...JEFF GORDON'S 87TH CAREER NASCAR WIN! Not only that, Jeff Gordon won with his 20 year special Dupont car. (Being a huge JEFF GORDON fan, I was yelling and screaming. Surprised the neighbors didn't come and see what was wrong. LOL) Love how classy Jimmie Johnson and Chad Knaus are as well as Jeff Gordon to congrutulate Brad despite losing the championship. Penske has been searching for the championship for two decades (Penske owns Keselowski's car) and finally got it. Penske is the only team who drives Dodge in NASCAR and will be switching to Ford next year. Great for Dodge to step out like that... Here is the final results: 1. Jeff Gordon 2. Clint Bowyer 3. Ryan Newman 4. Kyle Busch 5. Greg Biffle 6. Martin Truex Jr. 7. Aric Almirola 8. Kevin Harvick 9. Kurt Busch 10. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 11. Paul Menard 12. Carl Edwards 13. Marcos Ambrose 14. Joey Logano 15. Brad Keselowski 16. Mark Martin 17. Tony Stewart 18. Matt Kenseth 19. Jeff Burton 20. Jamie McMurray 21. Kasey Kahne 22. Sam Hornish Jr. 23. Trevor Bayne 24. Denny Hamlin 25. Bobby Labonte 26. Travis Kvapil 27. Landon Cassill 28. Juan Montoya 29. Casey Mears 30. Regan Smith 31. David Ragan 32. Dave Blaney 33. David Gillilan.d 34. David Reutimann 35. J.J. Yeley 36. Jimmie Johnson 37. Ken Schrader 38. David Stremme 39. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 40. Josh Wise * 41. Michael McDowell 42. Scott Riggs 43. Mike Bliss Well there is exactly 98 more days until the 2013 NASCAR season starts at Daytona next year...my count down is ON as of now. I will post the official points tomorrow when the points will be official. As of right now the points are unofficial and don't want to over lap my review with points. No matter what, Brad Keselwoski is the 2012 season championship.
  20. Wel there is 38 laps left of the season and this fan is NOT happy. Will write later...
  21. Thanks Lizzy for the update...you are more up to date on it than I am. Happy for Ambrose to be starting at number one...he deserves a good break. As for Keselowski...hmmm just say I am a Jimmie Johnson fan. As Darrell Waltrip says on Facebook...I'm just sayin'. LOL It should be interesting to see who has the better race today between Keseowski and JJ and who is handed the championship trophy after today's race. Always feel bad for the winner of Homestead because their win always seemed to be shadowed over by whoever wins the championship...the championship driver seems to get the more publicity and the bigger spin outs and so forth...
  22. Well first of all, for anyone who follows the Nationwide Series (y'all tell me if you want me to post results for that series...I can make a topic for that series as well...) today was their last race. Dale Earnhardt Jr's driver, Ragen Smith won the race. While Jack Rousch's driver, Ricky Stenhouse Jr won the championship by 23 points over Elliot Sadler thanks to Sadler's late race accident last week. Ricky Stenhouse Jr will be taking over Matt Kenseth's 17 car next year (also for Jack Rousch). Meanwhile the Sprint Cup Series' last race is tomorrow at Homestead - Miami. Dang, where has the season gone? Seems like it just started - NASCAR by far must have the shortest season...ever! LOL. I say that jokingly, I know their season is longer than most and going about nine month long...or short if you are me. Just can't believe at this time tomorrow, the champion will be crowned and my NASCAR withdrawl will officially start (it has already unofficially started...). Here is the starting line up for the Sprint Cup Series... 1. Joey Logano 2. Marcos Ambrose 3. Brad Keselowski 4. Carl Edwards 5. Aric Almirola 6. Clint Bowyer 7. Martin Truex Jr. 8. Kyle Busch 9. Mark Martin 10. Jimmie Johnson 11. Matt Kenseth 12. Kasey Kahne 13. Greg Biffle 14. Jamie McMurray 15. Jeff Gordon 16. Dale Earnhardt Jr. 17. Sam Hornish Jr. 18. Paul Menard 19. Ryan Newman 20. Trevor Bayne 21. Juan Montoya 22. David Stremme 23. Kevin Harvick 24. Regan Smith 25. Michael McDowell 26. Kurt Busch 27. Ricky Stenhouse Jr. 28.Casey Mears 29. Mike Bliss 30. Landon Cassill 31. Dave Blaney 32. Bobby Labonte 33. Jeff Burton 34. David Ragan 35. Tony Stewart 36. Josh Wise* 37. David Reutimann 38. Travis Kvapil 39. J.J. Yeley Chevrolet 40. David Gilliland 41.Denny Hamlin+ 42. Ken Schrader+ 43. Scott Riggs Did Not Qualify 44. Reed Sorenson 45. Stephen Leicht* 46. Jason Leffler 47. Joe Nemechek + Set by Owner Points * Denotes Rookie Fingers crossed that ALL of our drivers will have a fun and safe race tomorrow and that all the drama has evaporated over this past week. Right now Jimmie Johnson is twenty points behind Brad Keselowski. According to the broadcasters during the race last week, Jimmie Johnson needs to lead the most laps and to win the race and for Brad Keselowski to finish 16th or worse for tomorrow's race.
  23. LOL Roger. EXACTLY.Don't know why he makes such a big deal over his phone...he has better things to worry about out on the track than his phone and taking and sending pictures via Twitter.
  24. Well I don't know how many of you would care one way or another on this but with all this negativity swirling around Jeff Gordon this week (totally disagree with it all...of course!) feel like it is time to shed some positive information on the driver of the 24 Sprint Cup car. Twenty years ago from TODAY (Thursday, November 15th) a young kid from California with a new sponsor to the sport climbed into the 24 car for Rick Hendrick. Jeff Gordon's first race was at Altanta which was the last race of the season and was also Richard "the King" Petty's last race. Congrats Jeff Gordon and Dupont on twenty great years in NASCAR! Sadly I didn't become a fan of NASCAR until 1997 or 1998 and really didn't understand the sport until '04 when the new point system started (sadly). But Gordon has been my favorite driver since the day I became a fan of NASCAR... This Sunday at Homestead Jeff Gordon and Dupont will have a special 20 year paint scheme...I for one can't wait to see it. Personally, I hope to get to see the car a lot and in Victory Lane when the the checkered flag drops.
  25. Innocent driver? Like Jeff Gordon...would hate for that to happen. Uh I'd hate to see anyone get hurt in any way shape or form... If it would help Jimmie Johnson... (I'd love JJ to win the championship, but I am done with all of this. Gordon needs to stay FAR away from any further conflicts. On and off the track!) HA HA Roger. I hope Jeff Gordon is far away from thirtieth place on Sunday...but if Bowyer has anything to say about it he probably would like to see Gordon back there. I just hope those two will be able to stay FAR away from each other, but normally when drivers have conflicts like that, it seems like they find a way to get by each other.
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