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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Hey Daisy-

    Not much here. You? I am sorry that I haven't wrote, responded, or RPed with you in a long while. I just haven't had much time to do any of it for a while, if I am on, it had been only for a few minutes to check things out. Sorry. :(

    I hope you have a very HAPPY THANKSGIVING and that whatever you do will be fun and relaxing with a lot of GOOD food. ;) Take care!

  2. Hey Julie. Not much going on here. How about there? Just work and the normal stuff I guess. We're having nice weather - warm and sunny. Odd for where I live at. Though it is suppose to snow by Friday. Yuck!

  3. Daisy - me either. I don't get much chances to hop on any more. Though don't know how much I will be on in the future as well. Depends on how I feel I guess. Take care

  4. Daisy- Not much here. Just really tired. We had a Halloween party for the kids at work...and trust me, that's work. LOL. I'm sure they had fun, but it wore me out! Especially since I had to work longer to attend the party - though got off early yesterday for it. Hope all is well with you.

  5. Great to hear that you are feeling better Daisy! It is always a huge bummer to be sick. Hopefully those Duke tapes had helped you!

    I don't have time to chat right now. I'm sorry. I am only on checking e-mails and all that. Sorry. Perhaps later sometime I'll have more time to chat.

    Hope you have a great Halloween!

  6. (((Lori))) Take all the time that you need to get things in order. Your personal life is more improtant than being online. Know you will be missed. I hope that things will get better for you. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

    Take care

  7. OK ;)

    Glad I was of some help :D

  8. Hey Julie, how's it going?

  9. Awwww Daisy. I hope that you get feeling better. Perhaps your favorite DOH episode help you feel better? LOL. Well, at least you got a day off out of it. ;)

    I'm on now if you are on and wanting to chat

  10. Daisy- I am on if you want to chat for a little while

  11. :D I am glad that your birthday was special...you deserve it.
  12. Thanks...Lilly seems to be fine and back to her normal self. LOL. (My dog) It was hard for me to leave her behind like that by herself - am very glad to have her home and to be able to pick her up when I was able to.

    Sorry Daisy. I will try to come back online after dinner if all goes well. HOpe you've had a great day!

  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VAL! I hope that you had a very special day on your birthday and that your birthday wishes will come true. ;) Happy birthday!

  14. Daisy - that is OK. I had to go at the same time, because my vet called and said I could pick up my dog. I boarded her there on Friday and didn't get back in time to pick her up on Saturday - so he called while he was there doing chores last night. Long story short - I had to go pick her up. ;)

    I have to go in a little while for dinner. I may be on later. Depends on how I feel and how things go.

  15. Lori - (((Hugs))))

    I understand completely - your personal life should rank high above your online life. (If all that makes sense)

    I hope that everything has settled down for you and that everything is alright for you and your family.

  16. Happy birthday - I hope that you had a great and special day today!

  17. Perhaps for a little while.

  18. That is Ok. I had to leave shortly afterwards, I think. It was nice chatting with you. Have a good day tomorrow!

  19. Hey Lori - Hope everything is OK with you. Perhaps we can chat one of these days? Just let me know!

  20. Sorry Daisy...I was only on for a couple of minutes earlier. I probably won't be back on until Saturday or so.

  21. Well Lori...I owe you a huge apology. I went ahead and posted on our story The Enemy. I had nothing to do so I figured I'd open it up and see what I came up with...and beleive it or not, I was able to write! Amazing ain't it?

    Anyways...I hope you don't mind that I went and posted out of my turn and all. I also apologize, I wrote for Luke. I know I left him to you, but oddly enough, Luke motivated me tonight.

    As always, tell me what you think. I hope you like it and that it isn't too repetitive. If it is, tell me! I just wrote what I came up with. So I hope it is OK!

  22. Sorry Daisy...I have to get going. Maybe another time

  23. Staring out through the small window that hangs over the small night stand that seperates his bed from Bo's, Luke allows the harsh and intense emotions to swell heavily within him. His thoughts flow roughly within him only to reignite the powerful emotions that he has submitted to. Emotions that has ran through him the past couple of weeks, emotions that he has fought hard to hide from the world around him. Just as he has always done. Hiding his emotions had always protected him while allowing him to be strong for his cousin; just as he had always been told to do while growing up. Be strong, be there for him, protect him. He hid his emotions while Bo showed his emotions clearly through his emotion-filled blue eyes and how he acted, always reacting to how he feels before thinking. Leaving him open and vulnerable. Now that Bo was gone and he was left alone at the old farm, he saw little sense of hiding his pain and anger that rages within him or the questioning and anger thoughts that flood within. Taking a step back, he stares sadly down at Bo's bed that Paul had so greedily accepted upon Bo's departure. Guilt once again soars through Luke as his mind wonders back to yesterday and the powerful and hateful words he had spoken towards his cousin, his best friend. Guilt as he silently re-pictures the blood flowing from Bo's nose after he had punched him squarely in the face and the tears swelling in his cousin's eyes. Guilt towards teh emotional and physical pain he had inflicted upon Bo. "Damn it," he cusses out loud to break through the eery silence. He had fought Bo unfairly in the fact that he had used strong and powerful moves he had learned while in the Marines towards him. Bo had fought back as much as he could and with all his practice he has had over the years of the fights he had been in, it was nothing compared to Luke's fighting skills. Luke knew he was stronger and smarter than him and he had used it against him to inflict as much pain as possible to him. The only thing saving Bo from being seriously hurt or killed was Daisy and Jesse yelling at him to stop, when he did, he had forced Bo out of the house. Forcing him out as if he was the one in charge and not Jesse. And why? Because he had threatened to invade upon the friendship he had with Paul of only a couple of weeks. He was suppose to be strong, be there for Bo, to protect Bo. Yet it was him who inflicted the most pain. Physical and emotional. He had hurt Bo for the sake of a stranger, a stranger who seemed fun and adventuresome. Open and welcoming. Honest and friendly. But most of all, Paul was the same age of Luke. Had been in the military and had been to war to see the violence and hatred. The blood and death. He listened and understood to Luke and how he felt. He's been there, done that. They had spent hours up at night comparing war and military stories. Bo listened and understood the basics of what he went through, but not the whole thing. Not like Paul. More anger and guilt swells within him as realization slowly sinks in as his thoughts continue to unravel within him as he rewinds through the past couple of weeks. Has their similar war pasts forced him to be so blind? Make him turn towards a stranger and inflict so much pain on the person who he had cared teh most for? Bo may not understand the four years he had spent at war or the time preparing for war, but he was always there for him. Always. Bo was always there to for him to listen, to laugh with, to help out any way he could; even if he didn't always understand. Once again, Cooter was right. Luke of all people should know Bo the best. Afterall they shared the same room for most of their life, spent nights up talking about their problems, spent most of their time together. Now staring down at Bo's bed and going through the past and sorting out his hidden emotions, he strongly realizes that Bo wouldn't warn him of Paul or accuse Paul so strongly without knowing something. "Damn it," he repeats as fear builds within him as he hears Bo's warnings in his head once again of Paul. Fear of the damage Paul has already done or is about to do with Hazzard and his family. Most of all, his fear builds within him as his strong gut feeling yells at him that Bo's in serious trouble, the same gut feeling that seems to warn him each time his cousin gets in some kind of trouble. Closing his eyes for a short moment, he says a silent prayer for his cousin before he reopens them and runs out to the phonee to dial in Cooter's number. "Crazy Cooter," his friend drawls on the other side of the line, "You've reached Hazzard County Garage, how can I help you?" "Cooter!" Luke yells desperately into his friend's ear, "I know I am not the person you probably want to talk to right now and I understand why.l I was a total jerk...to you and to everyone! But. . ."Luke cuts himself off to catch a breath, "I need a favor. I need a car or a truck. Something I can drive." Luke glances around the empty farm as fear builds desperately within him, hoping that Paul stays away for at least a half hour and that he's far away from where ever Bo is. "Well," he hears Cooter slowly begin to answer to force Luke's nerves to sky rocket within him, "OK." "Thanks Cooter. I'll explain when you get here," Luke sighs heavily as he hears Cooter hang up and he slowly does the same before he begins to walk nervously back and forth. (CUE LORI)
  24. Well Lori, it sounds like you know your character really good and that is a great thing! No, don't try to change her. I found the more you try, the more obstenant they are. Well at least Garrett is.

    Garrett dislikes Hazzard as well and that is an understatement. Though he faces little choice but to stay in Hazzard. Perhaps one day he will like it. Who knows.

    Well if Lori does leave, I hope you find another character or at least stay around. It would get lonely around here without you.

  25. Well y'all...I'm back. Had a great and too fast of a trip.;) Not only that...I may have the internet at my apartment as well! That is where I am at right now. Perhaps I finally found the right program to my provider. I don't know. It is very slow though. I don't know if it is from my virus scan and updates that are all going on right now. I hjope that is the case, because that was the main reason why I got a new computer - the other one was way too slow for me. Oh well, I guess we will see. Hopefully it'll speed up or I can find something to speed it up. Anyways...I"m back.

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