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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. That is a good picture you took there of the boys! Am glad that you had a good time and sounds like you got some good merchandise there as well. I like Neal's music and his singing was great and energetic. Didn't mean to sound like I didn't like him or anything like that or anything else negative. I appreciate that Neal and the rest of the singers seem to take time out for their fan club members, but would highly rather that they do it before or after the concert as most other artists do. Out of all the concerts that I have been to, Neal McCoy's concert is the only concert that I went to that seemed like he catered to his fan club through his entire concert time. I just found it rude and annoying. Other than taking time out during the concert for his fan club members (I really can't remember what he did for them, other than he did take time out for them) he put on an energetic concert. Thanks for posting the picture on line, good luck with the rest that you are picking out to post.
  2. Yes please post pictures when you get the chance! It sounds like you had an awesome time at the concert, I am very happy that you were able to go and see them. Sounds like they are going to be coming out with another good album - am excited to hear they have another CD..new CD...coming out. Hopefully it will bring them a lot of success and bring us with some new songs on the radio. I seen them a few years ago with Neal McCoy. Everyone thought I would like Neal better, but the boys were way better than Neal McCoy. Neal was alright, but he spent most of his time on the stage dealing with his fan club - seemed like every other song he would have one of them on stage or do something for his members. Glad he is doing things for them, but it didnt' seem fair to everyone there that wasn't in his fan club, kinda made it seem like he thought they were more important than the others there. Plus it took up time that he could have been singing. Was disappointed with that. The Oak Ridge Boys put on an awesome concert, liked them before the concert, but afterwards, I had left a bigger Oak RIdge Boys fan than when I had entered. They are just awesome...glad to hear you had a good time!
  3. Awww I am sorry to hear that. I hate leaving when I think someone is mad at them or vice versa. Maybe you could write her an e-mail explaining what happened? Or PM her here? Just a couple of ideas. I hope that things will start to get better with you!

    PS: Who is James Marsden? LOL -shows how little I know.

  4. Maybe a friend would want them? Or keep them somewhere in case your copy wears out or gets lost or something. Just a couple of ideas. . .

  5. It does sound like he gave you some interesting stuff. I already have the reunion movies, but the lunch box would be pretty cool. The cars sound awesome as well.

  6. You are very welcome. I am here if and when you need to talk. I may not have the best advice, but my ear is always open. As I said, that only means there is someone else out there for you and that he isn't the one. I am happy to hear though that he is giving you his Dukes collectables - at least he left you something that you know you'll enjoy.

    I'm with you there as well. I haven't watched an Duke ep in a long time (which is probably why my muses have abandoned me), but the show still and always will hold a special place in my heart. No matter how much I've seen each episode or how long I've been a fan...it's too good of a show to just abandon all together! Or any of it for that matter!

  7. DaisyXEnos - I am sooo sorry to hear about your boyfriend:(. I hope that it will get better for you. It must mean that he wasn't meant for you and that there is someone else somewhere out there for you. Once again, I am sorry to hear abouot your bf.

  8. Daisy - Thank-you for the belated b-day wish. That is OK:D

  9. Happy birthday, Wekke! I hope that you had a very special day for your day - boy it'd be great to be able to share a birthday with one of the cast of the Dukes. Especially Denver Pyle! I came up five days short on his b-day.

    Anyways, Happy Birthday! Hope it was a great one...or is a great one!

  10. Nice work, Wekke! Thank-you for sharing your work with us and for taking the time to draw the floor plan! You put a lot of detail within it...a lot of detail I hadn't even realized was in the house. I sure could have used the floor plan before I started writing my stories...or at least my series that I had started. Their house as well as other establishments or what not in town always seemed to change from season to season. Or at least way different from the first five episodes that they aired in Georgia. Their inconsistancies make it hard to use much detail within my story without worrying that I have got it all wrong. Which according to your floor plan, I have the house wrong in a few areas. Great job on the floor plan and thanks again for sharing it with us. I enjoyed it very much.
  11. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DENVER! You are very well missed! I had always heard and believed his birthday was on May 11th...I think I only heard it once of the December 25th one. I know he died on December 25th...So, until I hear elsewise, his birthday will always be remembered and celebrated on May 11th by me.
  12. Thank-you Val...it was great!

  13. Thank-you Redneck girl! It was a very good day. Thanks

  14. Thank-you i1976 for the update on Harry. He will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers as he faces this difficult time.
  15. Nothing here. There?

  16. Hi Emy...long time no see. How've you been?

  17. Hey James, I have to go get something to eat for dinner, but will be back on sometime afterwards. It was nice chatting with you - thanks for sh owing me your drawing!

  18. Is or has anyone wrote a story for the good luck challenge? Was just curious. . . I am and have been writing a story for it when I find the time and when my muses agree to work with me. It will definately be late, but I guess it is better late than never.
  19. Very glad to hear that!

  20. Hey DaisyxEnos. I haven't talked to you in a long time. HOpe all is well with you. :D

  21. Happy birthday MaryAnne- I hope that your special day was a good one!

  22. How've you been Lori? Long time no see...hope you've been staying out of trouble. Hope school is going well for you and that all of your muses are cooperating with you...if not, at least better than what my muses are treating me. ;) Dang muses anyhow, who needs 'em? Anyways, I hope all is going well for you. :D

  23. *quizzical look* Um, please refresh my memory. You look familiar, but I can't remember why. Have we met? Who are you again? ;)

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