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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Nice thread! It is always intresting to hear how people chose their user names or their character names! As for me, I just went with my DOH fan-fic characters that I created...Garrett and Kristy Duke.(They are half brother and half sister to one another - Garrett being Bo's twin) I use to use Kristy all the time, but for the past couple of years or so, it's been Garrett. Just who is more vocal at the time I guess. As for the names, Kristy's full name is Kristian - for their religion, shorten it to Kristy since John had something to do with "Christy". (I know it is spelled differently, I just thought it would be kinda different to spell it with a K). As for Garrett...I really don't know where or how I came up with his name. If I recall, it took me a while to get a name I liked and could go with (along with the character). Sorry for the long introduction or explanation to my user names that I use . Sorry if I bored anyone there!
  2. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MARYANNE! I hope that whatever you do on your special day will be fun and relaxing - and is something that you want to do. You deserve to have a wonderful birthday and wonderful year to follow after all your hard work you do here. Have a great and special birthday!
  3. This is a very interesting thread! It was great to hear how y'all got addicted to the Dukes and how you were introduced to the show. Well I was five or six when the show got taken off of the air, so I remember very little of the show - though I was a big fan of it. I remember a couple of scenes back from then. One of the General flying and of Bo and Luke getting chased by Rosco and Boss and Luke blew out the water tower to get them both soaked. And then being very confused on why one day it was on TV and the next it wasn't... I got readdicted to it in 1997 a year after they started to play the Dukes on TNN. The first episode I saw then was the second part to "10 Million Dollar Sheriff" I can still see the scene where I had turned it on at. I was a big C.H.i.P.s fan then, but instantly traded in C.H.i.P.s for the Dukes. I've been a big DOH fan ever since. . .
  4. Well this is a hard question because there is so many songs out there and I can think of a few right off hand that remind me of Hazzard. Problem being, I know in another day or two I'll have another handful of songs. *Hillbilly Shoes* By Montgomery Gentry - just the attitude of the song and what it says. *Big white Cadallac* By Dwight Yoakam - for Boss' car. *Our Town* once again by Montgomery Gentry *Good Ol' Boys* By Waylon Jennings -for the obvious reasons *Boondocks* by Little Big Town *What was I thinkin'* By Dierks Bently A couple were already mentioned, but I put them in for agreement. As I said above, I am sure I will think of more in a day or so. LOL.
  5. Welcome back aboard Kelly! Glad to see that you have more time to be posting again...don't know if we've ever got the chance to talk or not, but you look familiar. Glad to see you back .
  6. Thank-you General Grant and Emy-Rae! The chocolate was very yummy Emy-Rae ...and you are right General Grant - it is amazing at how many different ways one could celebrate a holiday or how many traditions there is. It is always interesting to hear about them...The only traditions that I can think of is that we usually go to mass Saturday night (at least lately) and then on Easter or around Easter (whatever works best for everyone) we get together as a family to celebrate it. Lately not a big family gathering, but with my sister and her husband and my parents...and now my neice. I hope everyone is having a great Easter and that the Easter bunny was very nice to you all.
  7. Julie - I don't think it would have been the first rear end collision, I can see it happening. People not paying attention as they back up. In fact, I think on vacation one time, we saw it happen at a Wal-Mart. Can't remember the details, either they had already hit and were stopped or whether it was about to happen and stopped as your's luckily did. As for Rosco as a Valet - he'd have a fight on his hands if he were to even attempt to park Garrett's car. Then again, Garrett doesn't let anyone but him touch his car. But with the pictures and the thought of Rosco behind the wheel, Kristy probably wouldn't give him the keys to her truck. She's a lot more understanding than Garrett would be, but she still wouldn't want to see her truck parked in a tree!
  8. Well, here it is almost a month later and the snow is almost gone! YAY...what do you know, spring may actually come afterall! Am very happy for the sun to be making it's appearance once more outside and to feel the warmer chilly air when I step outside. Not only that, we can actually bring the kids outside in the mornings now to run off all that energy! (I work at a daycare) Gotta love spring - well I do. Warmer weather, green ground, baseball and NASCAR...now that's more like it! Thank-you General Grant and to all else out there that had put up with my complaining about the snow and cold weather...it may not have made spring come any faster, but it felt a little better to be able to talk about it.
  9. It is being held at Atlanta Motor Speedway...but the track technically is not in Atlanta. I can't recall the name of the town or city that it is actually held at, but I remember from the last NASCAR race they had there, that it wasn't it Atlanta. They are racing there again on Sunday...maybe I'll hear it again. It is several miles out of Atlanta if I remembr right...but is an awesome track, sure wish I could go again this year!
  10. Happy Birthday Catherine! May it be a good one with a great year to follow!
  11. Emy-Rae, Good luck getting your computer fixed...that's a bummer that it's acting up on you! Computers are great...when they WORK! LOL...hope you can get the problem fixed real soon!
  12. What a hard question, because I like most if not all the characters on the Dukes of Hazzard, and for different reasons. I would like to hang out with the boys with their car, but would also like to sit down and talk with Jesse, listen to what he has to say. I'd probably would have to say at the Duke farm with the whole Duke family...but then again it would be entertaining to hang out with Boss and Rosco and see them in action as well.
  13. Thanks General Grant;) I hope that your weather does turn spring like tomorrow or the day after. And yeah, I have been praying for better and warmer weather! Well as I said, it snowed all day Sunday and all the mushy stuff that we once had, froze. Woke up Monday morning for work, went out to start my car, and my doors were frozen shut! Good thing I was able to borrow my mom's car...even with that, I was late for work and I open! LOL, luckily they were all understanding and no one was there waiting for me to open - I was twelve minutes off, but I still feel bad. My doors wouldn't open until this afternoon when I got home and worked with it! Dang weather anyway...ice and snow everywhere! That and freezing cold weather...brrrrr. At least it wasn't windy today like it was Sunday night through last night, that helps... alitttle. By the sounds of it, from people at work, we are suppose to get another storm just like that one Sunday and Monday again! As I said before...does it ever stop? LOL. But you are right...sooner or later, all this snow and ice will be gone and left a big ol' mud puddle. I am hoping for the sooner part though.
  14. Though it has snowed pretty much all day today and everything is even more so covered in snow than it already was...you must be right, spring should be coming. Afterall my boys were back to racing today at Daytona and spring training for my Cubs should be starting within another couple of weeks. Those are sure signs (for me) that spring is about to come...just wish the spring like weather would come a little faster than what it is. OK I spose that should be about it for my complaining...sorry to bother with it. I just can't stand all this snow and cold any longer! LOL
  15. Well Lori, you can't say I didn't try...guess I'll have to go do that myself. Glad that you got out of it today and to see you on-line.
  16. Well I wish spring would hurry up and come along instead of stalling and taking it's sweet time of getting here. LOL. Looks like we are in for another bad storm after midnight tonight and through tomorrow. My dad called and said he heard someone say we're in a storm for about ten inches and fifty mph wind! BRRRRRRRRR...I think I'm gonna go move to Hazzard, you think Uncle Jesse would have room in the barn for me and my dog? LOL! Oh well, spring has to be somewhere...don't it? Or maybe it will just forget us and we'll be stuck in winter! EEEHK!!!!!!
  17. Forget food and cooking...I'd much rather listen to Tom and John or anything Duke related than that. Well, that's a bummer for us Duke fans. Hopefully they'll be on some other time.
  18. Oh good! That means you can come over and clean mine when you get done there!
  19. I might have heard his songs and of Waylon before I got into the Dukes in '97 (Don't ask me how I remember that...lol) but never paid much attention to him until I got into the show. Now I own several albums of him (mainly they are all hit collections) and really enjoy his music. I enjoyed listening to him on the show, he always had interesing, funny things to say. It is too bad they hadn't paid the extra money to show his face along with his hands in the opening song. I think some of my favorite sayings too are him introducing Hazzard and at the beginning of the show, the Duke family. He helped you know the characters from the get go. I must confess while I am here at it, that I do listen to the newer stuff and own a lot of albums from new artists. But as I said, it is a lot different than what it use to be which is sad because it was good back then too. They should have two different categories or be more willing to play the older stuff with the new. There are a few artists out there that are pure country that are still singing...like Alan Jackson, George Strait...Joe Nichols is pretty Country I think. But there isn't much out there any more.
  20. I haven't seen that episode in a long time...though it has really been too long since I really sat down and watched a DOH episode due to the lack of time. But I liked Jude and the whole episode. To me it seemed unique and different compared to the rest of the episodes which was neat to see.
  21. Lucky for you Lori! I always enjoyed those when I was in school...that is until the end of the year when it came to make them up! LOL. I'm sure school kids are lovin' it right now... Well, Dixie_Nachelle01, I am glad that you finally got the snow I sent out for you and that you are enjoying it. At least someone is . Though you are right, it is hard to keep up with when it keeps snowing continuously and all. General Grant, you weren't complaining either...I hope that you are right about them seeds being a signal of spring and warmer weather about to come. I keep thinking the same as you, this could be the last, it could be...but then it don't turn out to be the last. Though as you said very nicely, it just might and sooner or later, it will be the last and warmer weather is bound to follow...hopefully. LOL. The snow is pretty, I'll give it that much credit. But it is the freezing cold, ice, and wind that I can't stand. BRRRRRRRRR. LOL. Sounds like another cold one tomorrow with winds, sleet, snow and the whole works! YAY, YAY! Y'all hear my sarcasm? LOL! Though at least they are only predicting an inch of snow this time, what I fear is the ice and driving in it. Y'all keep warm!
  22. Yeah they did mention me by name...I was surprised that they took me up on my idea and even more so that they publicly thanked me, by name, for pointing out the fact of it marking six years since Waylon's death. I got to hear two Waylon's songs today...first this morning on my way to work with that program and then I came home for my break and the DJ played "Luchenback Texas" which is my favorite Waylon song! (I leave the radio on for my dog while I am away) It couldn't have came at a better time. I had a rough or hectic day today where things just didn't seem to go my way, hearing Waylon just seems to make things to be OK. I agree with you about the new songs and artists, but I can't complain much since I do listen to the radio all the time and like some of those artists. But I agree, they are definately a lot different than what it once was. Probably what they had considered Rock back then, could be classified as Country today. Which is sad. My mom often says that they should make Country Music into two settings, one alternative and one plain Country or something. When Alan Jackson (I am pretty sure it was him) came into the picture and was wanting to become a Country singer, they turned him away, telling him he was too Country! I don't understand how they could say something like that or turn someone down for that reason when that is the genre of music he was applying for. (Then again, I can't see how anyone could turn Alan Jackson and his music away!) LOL...sorry for all my rambling. Thank-you Roger for your comments...Waylon Jennings is my favorite singer that sang before the 1990's or so. But I must say that all in all, he is one of my all time favorites. You can't go wrong with ol' Waylon.
  23. My radio station that I listen to the most, has this thing they do at five forty in the morning (somewhere around that time) where they play one old song. They usaully do a theme or something to play throughout the week and begin a new one the next week. They also take submissions and ideas... So I sent in last week that they should play a week of Waylon, this week, since Wednesday will mark six years since his death...and starting today they are doing it! Was excited to hear that they are taking my idea...of course, my luck and all, I only caught onto the last part of the song due to the radio in my car being on the wrong channel. They even thanked me on the radio for the idea and pointing the fact out to them of it being the anniversary of his death. So for this week, I'll be able to hear a song of ol' Waylon on my way to work. I always consider it a good morning when they chose a song of his to play at that time. Nothing too big, but had to share it with someone.
  24. I am getting so sick and tired of winter and all this snow! I am beginning to wonder if it will ever stop! Not only has it been freezing cold the past two days, it has now been snowing all afternoon! Plus they say more tonight and then moreso tomorrow! For now, it has slowed down a bit for now at least...it just never stops! I keep thinking that sooner or later, it has to get better, warmer...something. Yet nothing, just more snow and more cold weather! Where's spring and warm weather when you need it the most? LOL. Sorry for all my rambling and complaining here - I know it is winter and know to expect snow and cold weather during this time of year. But this much?! I don't think we've had a winter this cold or with this much snow in years...all I can say is, BRRRRRRRRRRRRR! LOL I'll shut-up now...
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