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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Ding dang it! I can't believe that John could be so close to me and yet I didn't know about it until afterwards! The one time he finally comes to my state, I don't hear about it until after the fact - first heard it from someone at work about seeing him a few days after the event then come on here and see it again. Sadly ironic how life works sometimes. . . Congrats Buzz 17 on getting his autograph and the cars! Glad you got to go and looks like you had a fun time! I hope all that went had a good time.
  2. LOL Roger...what a great analogy ol' Waylon made there! Almost makes me feel bad for ol' Hughie Hogg...almost being the key word.
  3. Thanks Redneck Girl for the lyrics...and sadly the whole lyrics and song rings true to today's world. I thought that was how it went, but wasn't quite sure off the top of my head. Thanks! Toby's great as is Alan Jackson
  4. I think after over twenty-four thousand posts, that well know you now...with or without an introduction. Though I am glad to finally get to read your introduction.
  5. LOL Better than I. I don't have any talent

  6. Yep...don't think I took any art classes, but had to take music in Jr high or the beginning of high school and am horrible at singing. So if I can do it, you can do it. ;)

  7. I have heard the song a few times and seen the video for the first time this morning. I like the song, but would like to hear it again to listen into more all that it has to say. Wasn't a fan of the video - it was just something different. But do like the song and the tune behind the song. Am a big Toby Keith fan and I can picture myself buying the album when it is out to buy in another month or two. As I have all of his other albums...well most of them. I don't have his Blue Moon CD. You are very right...Toby is surely not afraid to speak his mind or to say it as it is. You can count on Toby.
  8. Draw stick people ;). LOL...just do your best, that is all that anyone can ask of you.

  9. OK Daisy, you have over twenty-four thousand posts...wayyyyyyyyyyyy more than I do and I've been here longer (I think), and you are just now getting around to introducing yourself? Sorry Daisy, don't get mad at me...I just had to ask.
  10. Awwww DaisyxEnos...I remember those days. Thanks for the flashback there. LOL. The excitement at something new and the nervousness at something new. You'll do fine, just relax and believe in yourself. You can do it.

  11. Hi Redneck Girl...I am sooooooooooooooooooo glad you were able to go to your concert and that you had such an awesome time at the fair! YAY you!!!!!!! :D

  12. Hi DaisyxEnos. LOL. Hope all is well with you.

  13. I am confused...do you own any Kenny Chesney CDs? LOL ;)

  14. I am sorry to hear that you are getting into an argument or a disagreement with her. I hope you two can get it settled out.

  15. Days Go By - Keith Urban (I know it doesn't exactly match perfectly, but I had to get in a Keith Urban song )
  16. Sorry to say this Daisy, but you're missing out. My opinion of course.
  17. I am listening to Kenny Chesney's No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem CD...what an amazing CD -as always with him. But the whole album is just so relaxing to me for some reason, it also reminds me of living in my first apartment in Oklahoma for some reason or another...I bought the album while I was living there so maybe that is it. But as I said, the whole album is filled with such great music, very relaxing to me. The last song on the album, "I can't go there" is sung with Tim McGraw...the song gives me goosebumps each time I hear it. Tim has such a haunty voice in it, he does the song great as does Kenny. They put a lot of emotion into the song. Anyone else hear the album? What you think?
  18. I have most of their albums or several of their albums. Guess I don't know on the top of my head how many they do have out and how many I do have, but I do have several of their albums and do intend on getting their album that is coming out in September. So at least we have those to listen to.
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