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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Congradulations Daisy Mae! I am very happy for you that you were able to not only see Tom but to actually meet him. Lucky you! Your story made me remember my first, at least I think it was my first, John Michael Montgomery concert years ago. (though your story was way better). During his opening act I noticed this guy sitting next to me...for some reason I noticed him during the openning act...but then he disappeared during John Micheal's performance...to find him on the stage. I am pretty sure he was one of John Michael's guitar players...not a hundred percent sure, but am pretty sure it was him. Like I said, your story Daisy Mae was way better, just made me think of that. You actually got to meet/talk/ share a drink with Tom himself! Lucky you! LOL
  2. I guess it could be...I seen both episodes in the same day.
  3. OK I apologize for my venting...had to vent to someone who may understand my worries about NASCAR. Ain't bad enough I have to wait two months for Daytona, but now I may not be able to watch it...errr. Hope all is going well with you and that you will have a great week!

  4. I am soooo very worried/upset at my parents' cable company. while watching Numb3rs Friday night there was a line on the bottom of the screen that said that their cable company is going to terminate that channel starting Jan. 1st! Who would think of terminating the channel Numb3rs is on?! Then to top it off...I was complaining to someone at work about it to find out that, that channel isn't the only channel they are planning on terminating...they are planning on terminating FOX as well! ERRRR. Now that makes me mad. There goes Daytona...there goes Darrell Waltrip...there Goes Jeff Hammond...there goes my racing from Feb. through the end of May! *Takes a deep breath* I guess I could watch Numb3rs on my TV at my apartment through my digitial converter, but last time I tried that, it kept freezing up on me...as well as I could on FOX. But it is so much more convenient and nice to do it at my parents' where I know it will come in! :( :(

  5. I bet that was a scary drive! I hate driving in snow and ice. Glad you made it Ok. We got a lot of snow and cold weather. Luckily we haven't had much snow since then, it snowed a little this afternoon, but not to amount to much. Enjoyed the day off, but now the snow can melt...or it can wait until Christmas and then melt afterwards. ;)

    Good idea...I doubt Santa would mind too much asking for Spring to come. Sure he's as big of a NASCAR fan as us. HEE HEE;) Now who could be his favorite driver? LOL

  6. I think I have heard of th Stewie awards, but never paid much attention to them until I saw what Gordon won and took it that Gordon said something big or something. I was way wrong. I think you said what my dad said when I told him who won the award and why. It was Tony being Tony. I was wondering if he would actually take the chair and it would be interesting to see what Gordon did say about it, but I bet you are right, he would keep quiet about it. I guess I just don't understand why Tony made such a big deal about it or what his deal was. He has changed in the past couple of years...more laid back or something. not so easily upset as he once was, but like you said, somethings are hard to change. I shouldn't let it bother me, it doesn't, just find it odd...especially that he found it award worthy. ;) Sorry I know you said you like Stewart, and I like him a lot better than what I use to. I don't mean anything against him or you.

  7. Eleven more days to be exact for Christmas...and I am not ready . I still need to get something for both of my parents, have a lot of things that need to be wrapped, and still have to send cards out...fill them out even. ERRRR...it is coming too fast!

    I am glad to hear that you are almost done...that is such a great feeling. Even more glad that you took time off to be home...though I will miss your messages! I have the 23rd off until the 29th...then will have New Year's Day off...they day care is closed those days. YAY...and I feel the same way. Very excited about it! Though know that it will go wayyyy too fast!

  8. Days Go By - Another Keith Urban song
  9. TexasDaisy - Freddy Fender sings that. Wish I could take credit for that one, but I can't. I had to google it.
  10. Am a huge Keith Urban fan. Have seen him in concert twice and own all of his albums...at least I think. I may be missing one, but I doubt it. Josh Turner is good...heard this morning he has either a new song coming out or a new album. Not sure.
  11. I can for a little while

  12. Know how that goes...being exhausted by the time evenning comes around.

  13. The Chair is sang by George Strait. And you are very welcome TexasDaisy! These are the Days - Keith Urban
  14. That is an interesting tradition Roger. I bet your wife isn't too happy with the mess you create, but I am sure with the meat you get from the deer, you'll make it up to her. Plus with Christmas music, it does make it a Christmas tradition I would think. At the moment I am now listening to Keith Urban's "Be Here" CD. Another great album by the Australian. He puts such great emotion into his music!
  15. No Duke stories? LOL. I bet you were good at it, but I imagine with three kids as young as you have they keep you busy.

  16. Thanks. Hope it all goes well with you as well. Just out of curiosity, who is with John in your picture?

  17. Life is busy and hectic, I'll agree with that. As for Christmas I am halfway ready...now if I can be all the way ready. ;)

  18. Haven't talked to you in forever so I thought I'd drop you a line to say hi. So...Hi! LOL. Hope all is well.

  19. Hey do you write? What kind?

  20. Well I didn't mean to write you a novel this week but it looks like I am. ;) Hopefully not too boring of a novel. LOL.

    I was thinking earlier today...Monday is the fourteenth, that means we will have exactly two months left to wait for Daytona. :( Two long months...how will I ever survive that long? LOL

    Thankfully I have you to talk to! :D

  21. I am listening to Kenny Chesney's "Be as You Are" CD...another great CD. Every song on the album, to me, is very nice and relaxing.
  22. Old Blue Chair - Kenny Chesney (Thanks Roger...you have me kicking myself now. After reading your song title I couldn't think of a song to go with it until I put in Kenny Chesney's "Be As You Are" CD and looked at the songs to get the song title....I should have known it without looking! LOL)
  23. I guess I don't know much about the Stewie awards nor did I pay that much attention to them, but read who won what. I came expecting big was said, apparently not by what I gathered. I don't know...I just don't understand how something like that would get an award...

    Listening to the press pass, it surprised me with Stewart's attitude. He won the race but he seemed frustrated with the media. I guess it is no big deal to me or shouldn't be since it has been over two months ago, but just surprised me going back to it and listening to it...I didn't listen to it back then, but did now to hear what was said that was good enough for an award. Well now I know. LOL

  24. Well never mind with my question about the Stewie awards...I finally found the answer after looking through a few sites that I had googled. And boy if that was the most quote of the season, then it must have been pretty boring season as of what the drivers said.

    The fans on nascar.com were right...it was Stewart being sarcastic. It was a press pass interview with Stewart after he won Kansas in October with Gordon coming in second. One of the media people asking questions began by stating that Jeff Gordon had been in the room and Stewart acted all surprised and or awed by the fact Gordon was there and even more so when they said he sat in the same chair he had been sitting in. Made a big deal over the chair asking if he could have the chair and maybe Gordon could sign it for him. (that was what the award was for)

  25. TexasDaisy - Never like the rain is sang by Clint Black
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