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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. God's been good to Me - Keith Urban (another surprise, huh?)
  2. YAY!!!!!!!!!! Am glad to hear that you are in a better mood or seem to be in a better mood. YOu had me worrying there for a while. I hope that whatever was bothering you will go away and get better. But as I said, am really glad to hear you in a better mood. Kids can do that to you. They just have their cute little innocent ways. . .(Sometimes. HA HA)

  3. Hey talking about my story and Bo...who's your favorite Duke character? Guess I just assumed Luke since he's on your picture, but I guess I should never just assume anything. Which is your favorite episode? Can't believe we spenta ll this time talking and do't think we really talked Dukes before. HA HA. Well maybe a little bit at the beginning now that I think of it. . .

  4. I hope you enjoyed your nephew and that you had a great weekend. Just think, Bristol is now less than a week away! I bet you are so anxious and excited for it. I am and i don't even get to go. I'd have to say Bristol is one of my favorite tracks - though I think i already told you that. HA HA. I am hoping that you get to watch a great race...an exciting race and that all your drivers have a great race - finishing behind Gordon who'll win the race. Of course. ;) HA HA. Sorry I had to say that. (Didn't want to worry you by saying I wished anyone would do better than Gordon in a race.) ;)

  5. Well you survive the weekend w/out a race to watch? I think I did...sadly. HA HA. Though I am not complaining...my muses for my story finally decided to cooperate with me and I spent the whole day Sunday writing. (Though I am sure poor Ol' Bo who got pretty badly beaten was wishin' I didn't get to writing. Don't know why he always finds himself in trouble or hut in my story. Dang muses anyway!) So at least I got something out of an off day Sunday.

  6. She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy - Kenny Chesney (this surprise anyone? HA HA. Anyone get the hint yet that I like Kenny Chesney's music? )
  7. Howdy yourself. How are you?

  8. Almost as good as hockey? *shocked look* Nothing is better than baseball...or NASCAR. HA HA. My opinion of course. Am not a hockey fan, guess I never took the time to sit down and watch it or to understand the sport. Though being a Cubs fan, I will not hold it against ya. GO CUBS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!! KHEE! Oh I am with you one hundred precent...am so excited for baseball season to start up.
  9. Saw you were online and thought I'd send ya a quick hello!

  10. She's a Big Star - Kenny Chesney (Bet y'all see another pattern herer as well. HA HA. Easy to tell who my favorite singers are. )
  11. Welcome to HNet TJ - I hope you do set up camp and stick around awhile! It's always great to meet new Duke fans! Hope you enjoy it here!
  12. *After visiting Chet for a few minutes and after telling him I'd be back, slowly leave court house and walk back to motorcycle, taking in the crowd at the clinic. silently wondering what it's all about. Not one to nose around and ask question, climb onto motorcycle.*
  13. *Meanwhile, I slowly direct my motorcycle into town after reaching the outskirts of town only to rethink my decision of leaving town for awhile and to hide out despite being safe, had changed my mind. Parking my motorcycle back in front of the court house, I notice how everyone has left, including Chet's still body, and silently wonder where everyone is at. Getting off my motorcycle, I slowly begin to walk towards the court house, ignoring the constant pain the screams at my from my chest. Walk to the court house with thought of visiting Chet despite what Brian had said Chet had said towards me. Afterall, Chet had opted to have me live over his beloved horse. I at least owe him a thanks whether or not he wants to hear it or to see me. Rubbing my chest a moment, I walk the steps before turning around to find cars back at the clinic and wonder what is going on there. Wonder if it all is starting all over again, this time without me.* (Sorry to post and run, but I'll be away from my computer for awhile, but will be back)
  14. *Grouchy...you're the one making me grouchy! Let me go and I won't be grouchy!*

    Talking of writing...I have finally broke out of my block (I shouldn't say that too loud, it may change) but on seeing how badly Bo just got beat and is now in the ER, I am seeing why my muses don't want to cooperate with me. I think Bo will be very mad at me when ever he wakes up.

  15. Wow you do have a lot of characters. I think maybe more than i, but all of mine are DOH characters. I have Garrett (of course), Kristy and her two kids. Ethan McKleen who helps Cooter and LB at the garage and who had worked at LB's old garage before he moved to Hazzard (who looks like Billy Currington) and I have a new one that only another person knows about. PI Pheonix Remlinger...AKA Nix or Rem and looks a lot like Lorenzo Lamas' character on Renegade - Vince Black or Reno Raines.

  16. Roger- You are the only one I know that would want to buy a dirty old truck if they won the lottery. Though, if I win the lottery before you, I'll buy one just for you for giving you such a hard time. I'll even run it through my muddy parking lot just make sure it's dirty...
  17. You got it...that'd be fun! A Cubs fan in Canada? It's great! GO CUBS GO!!!!!!!!!!
  18. GeneralLeeGirl- No need to run and hide...I am attempting to understand how anyone could not like NASCAR. HA HA. Only teasing of course. Everyone is entitled to their likes and dislikes. And sorry for the change of topics...once I get on the topic of NASCAR, I can go on and on with it. HA HA. As for your question...Paul Tracy's name sounds familiar but he don't currently drive on the Sprint Cup Series that I follow. I will look it up as to which one he does...in NASCAR there is three series. The Camping World Series which is where they race trucks and the Nationwide Series which is kinda like what AAA baseball is to MLB if that makes sense. Sprint Cup Series is the big time circuit where Cale Yorobough and Richard Petty use to race, now it's names like Jeff Gordon, Jimmie Johnson, Dale Jr, Stewart and so forth race on. There are other types of racing though too...but am thinking that Paul Tracy's name sounds somewhat familiar. I don't follow or watch the truck series or Nationwide, though do kinda look who wins what and what not if I think about it so maybe he races one of those. OK I lied. Couldn't find him on those pages so I googled his name and this is what I came up with. http://www.paultracy.com/ didn't read too much into it, but looks like an indy car maybe. Could be wrong. Hope that helps. Talking of Canada, Jeff Gordon (my all time favorite NASCAR driver) is helping to design a NASCAR track in Canada somewhere. I am very interested to see what it looks like and if the Sprint Cup would go there. Not that I'd be able to, but still interested...
  19. Guitars and Tiki Bars - Kenny Chesney
  20. Though I know what you mean about characters though...I have a hand full of them all. Just Garrett is the more ...don't know. He's not talkative so he's not more talkative than them, but more alive I guess you should say. More dominant than the others. Plus I have one that I have yet to introduce t hat is wanting to be used. Whatever happened to the cannon characters I use to always write for? Truth be told, I write more for them than I do Garrett anyway, but my created characters will outnumber the cannon ones pretty soon if they keep coming like they want to. I should just shove 'em all in a closet and lock the door on 'em all!

    How many characters do you have? I though you only had Lori?

  21. Well then on those every day where I ain't man handled, I consider myself lucky then. Now let me go!!!!

    Ah the big ol' world is waiting for you Lori...don't fight it, embrace it! You'll do fine, just be yourself.

    OOoo never knew that Lori was intentionally meant for CSI...though I guess I don't blame her for not wanting to leave Hazzard once you brought her there. That'd be kinda like cruel and unusaully punishment -placing her in a nice place such as Hazzard where Garrett is and then yank her out and expect her to return to the world of CSI where Garrett or the other Dukes aren't at. Shame on ya for even thinkin' of that...poor Lori! ;) HA HA HA. Just joking....

  22. He's part of Jr Nation, huh? LOL. (Jr has been voted as the most popular driver for seven years now...therefore JR Nation.) Don't know if Cale has a son or a grandson, would be interesting to know though and see if they decided to come into NASCAR. If I hear, I'll let you know. As for another orange 01 car in NASCAR, I haven't heard of it. There are a couple of orange cars out there...Jeff Burton's car is orange kinda and is 31...at least has a one in it. HA HA. Not the same though. Only here can we go from talking of belt buckles to NASCAR.
  23. Oooooo a NASCAR question... I think I know the answer to this one, so if it is wrong, someone please let me know. I think NASCAR (the officials and the head people of NASCAR) is who owns the numbers and gives them to the car owners or team owners who hands them to the drivers. Well Roger, I suppose you are forgiven for not watching or liking NASCAR. You've got a legit excuse to not watching it or following it - though in my opinion, you are missing out. HA HA. Kids are great and you need to enjoy them while you can at the age and stage they are in. They grow so quickly. So enjoy your grandchildren, Roger, you are deserving of it. Well, your friend sounds like he knows his NASCAR. Glad to hear that I am not the only NASCAR fanatic. Though I have to ask, who does he follow...or who's his favorite driver? (Sorry....as I said, had to ask. I am always curious as to who is everyone's favorite driver is for some odd reason.) It would be interesting to hear which drivers likes or use to watch the Dukes. You are probably right that most or some of them were fans at one time or another. I know, if it weren't for the Dukes, I wouldn't like NASCAR. Before I got into the Dukes, I thought any sort of racing like NASCAR was a senseless sport - after all all they do is chase each other in circles for a few hours every week. Might as well as watch the dog chase it's tail - it's not as long and for the most part it won't get hurt. But now look at me...I can't stand to miss a race and look forward to the next race. Thanks to Bo, Luke, and The General Lee. Gotta love it! (OK Roger...my lips are now sealed. Bo and Luke won't hear it from me. )
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