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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Gary Allen's Greatest Hits CD...haven't listened to it in a long while, but am reminded just how good it is. Of course that could be a matter of my own opinion as well.
  2. *Nods at Daney who seems to be keeping her distance from me while eyeing her momentarily.* Glad to see you free from those two *looks over towards Bo and Luke before glancing back at Daney* and look to be alright.
  3. Trip around the Sun - Jimmy Buffett with Martina McBride
  4. Garrett Duke


    I saw it a couple of weeks ago. DIdn't think I would, it isn't the type of movie I am interested in. But am glad I saw it. I liked the movie and the characters. Knew it was fake and all taht, but they had me holding on hoping that it would work out in the end. Don't know anything about the title or the cartoon, but it was a good movie. I see what you are talking about Roger with the plot behind it - that is probably where they got it from. All in all it was a good movie I thought - better than I had thought it would be.
  5. When Summer comes around - Keith Urban (Can y'all guess who I'm listening to...HA HA)
  6. I wanna kiss a girl - Keith Urban
  7. There Goes my life - Kenny Chesney
  8. Anyway, glad he didn't get parked for another race or suspended or what not as I was fearing he would be. Guess Keselowski was wanting NASCAR to park him at Bristol too for it. I don't blame Keselowski for being upset...he had a top five car they said, but I think they should look at the intent of the retaliation andn ot what happened. I am sure Carl didn't intend to flip him like that...

    Anyway, I'll shut up now that I've given you a huge novel to read here. I hope that you are having a good week! (Just think, the next Sprint Cup race will be your Bristol race! :) Lucky you!!!!!!!!!!!)

  9. Well looks like NASCAR has placed Edwards on a three race probation for his actions on Sunday...well that and plus parking him after the incident. WHich was a lot better than what I was thinkin' they were gonna do. Guess him, Rousch, and Penske and Keselowski will have to havea sit in meeting before Bristol though to clear the ways and all.

    Though NASCAR's rules never make much sense to me...I mean when Gordon shoved Kennseth a few years ago after the spring Bristol race, he got fined ten thousand dollars and put on a six month probation area. Yet Edwards only gets three races on probation plus parked for six laps? Not saying I think Edwards deserves what Gordon got, but I am sure Kennseth was in no danger of getting hurt by Gordon's shove either. Their ruling and all that is never consistant if you ask me.

  10. *Standing back from everyone, though within hearing distance, takes everything in quietly while contemplating what to do next when the sound of The General comes in loud and clear before it comes into sight. Silently watches as Bo and Luke get out with Daney before taking another look at Brian as he tells them to let her go and allow a small smile to cross face to see some closure to the ordeal that had just happened before it quickly disappears. Steals a quick glance at Chet's still body, wondering when he'll wake up and what will be in store for him when he wakes up. Sighing heavily, look back up to watch Bo and Luke let Daney go, yet stay where I stand.*
  11. Lori!!!!!!!!! What have I ever done to you to deserve this?!!!!!!!

    Homeschool? HOw's that going? Well other than boring...that's too bad. Hope it gets better for you.l

  12. *Takes a cigarette and lights it and offer them back to Brian.* Thanks. I somehow lost mine...probably back at the clinic. *inhales deeply before blowing out.* I appreciate what you've said and hopefully someday I will prove myself to him. Who knows, maybe one day, I will. *Shakes head doubtfully.* Anyway, never thought I'd be saying this when all this started, but somehow *pauses dramatically to inhale once more* I do believe ya. As for me, I have no hard feelings towards you.
  13. EEHK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    HA HA. You got Garrett yelling. ;) I'm doin' alright. How about you? It was great hearing from you!

  14. *Eyes Brian for a long moment, allows it all to sink in before eyes fall down onto Chet's still body. Looking up at Brian, wondering how much of that was said for MaryAnne, before giving a slight nod.* Well I appreciate your plan you had there Brian. Not too keen on visiting Seattle or anything, but I guess it'd be better than being six feet under. *Eyes dart to Chet once more, remembering what Brian had said he had told him. Shaking head looks away from him.* Yeah *sarcastic small laugh* you had plenty of chances to kill me if you really wanted to. Was kinda wondering why you hadn't...I mean it'd take a while before too many people missed me enough to send a search team out for me. You could be long gone by then. *falls into silent thought while hand routinely goes to pocket before I yank it back out in frustration.*
  15. *Eyes Brian for a long moment with emotion-less gray eyes while allowing all he had said to slowly and harshly sink in before eyeing Chet lying on the ground. Taking a long breath, looks back up at Brian.* First of all, I don't see where killing his horse or killing me or Daney will accomplish anything, Brian. Then again, I ain't in your shoes. *Eyes go back to Chet for a moment.* Guess I should just feel lucky he chose me over his beloved horse, though at the moment, I ain't feelin' too lucky. *Hangs head, thoughts turning to Daney before glaring up at Brian.* So just like that, you're goin' to go kill Daney? Someone who has little to do with any of this? I hate to see animals killed for little reason as well, but that's between you and Chet. Though there is no way I am going to stand here and allow you to kill her to get at him! *Points angrily down at Chet's still body.* So if you have to kill someone, kill me, because obviously, I won't be missed too much. (I'll catch up with y'all tomorrow night. )
  16. *Nods in relief at Brian before glancing back down at Chet, watching him breath unconciously before turning to Brian.* That's good. *Pauses momentarily to catch breath* Tell me, Brian, what happened in there. *Points back to the court house.* (Well I have to be going in a few minutes. Morning will come quick. )
  17. *Quickly am distracted from converstation with Brian as Chet runs out of the court house and MaryAnne jumping out ot of the bushes to shoot Chet with something.* No! *Hear myself yell before realizing it was myself before eyeing Brian and then MaryAnne for a long moment and then walk over rushedly to Chet.*
  18. *Glances questionably up at Brian before slowly climbing out of the car* It's over. Just like that? *takes a step back from Brian* Somehow I doubt it being that easy. . .
  19. She's got the Rythm and I've Got the Blues - Alan Jackson
  20. Hopefully next t ime they are in Atlanta, Goodyear will bring another tire or they can fix the problem or what not .Obviously something was wrong with the tire since almost eveyrone seemed to have problems with it at one point or another. I don't understand why Gordon has such strong cars and compete with the top cars only to have one type of problem or another during the last half of the race or so. Las Vegas so far this year is the only race that he hasn't had any real problems with his car!!! Yet he is up front at one point in the race or another....Something has to change. He can't go on finishing 20th or so for much longer. ERRR

    Well I will shut up for now. Am looking forward to hearing your take on the race. Sorry McMurray and Edwards had such a bad race for you. Happy for you that Kurt won, though am not a big Kurt Busch fan...:)

  21. Anyway, turned it back on just in time to see Carl's retaliation on BK. I taped the race knowing I'd miss the ending, so I'm gonna have to go back and see it again as to hear their itnerviews and to hear what the announcers had to say since the sound was down so low...but what was your take on it? As I said earlier, Carl surprises me. Never thought he'd go back after him in retaliation, afterall, when BK bumped him, Carl admitted it wasn't done on purpose. And NASCAR parked Carl's car after that for aggressive driving. . .never saw that happened before. There is a first for everything. Too bad it is on a driver who isn't normally an aggressive driver liket hat, but then again, Carl is lucky that BK or anyone else didn't get hurt or involved. Still can'be believe Carl would do that. . .

  22. Well what ya think of the race? Horrible, wasn't it? Though if I'm remembering right, Kurt is one of your favorites...if so, at least one of yer drivers done well. Guess I have to be totally honest, I didn't catch all of the race. *head down, ashamed* watched my neice this weekend and had to leave with 55 laps left to meet up with my sister and her husband to Pizza hut to drop my niece back off with them. Though told the guy at Pizza Hut to turn on the race, which he did...ok I didnt' tell, I asked. LOL

  23. Tonight I wanna cry - Keith Urban
  24. *Sitting alone in Brian's parked car, quietly watch the small activity in the street while thoughts wander back to where all had started. How I got involved to where we are now. Glancing down, pull shirt up to take in the bandage that shows a large dark area where blood had stained the bandage. Either fresh or old. Placing shirt down and ignoring the pain once more, glance up at the court house with thoughts of walking out and attempting to disappear in between the buildings and wonder how far I could get without getting any further attention or if it would bring any attention from Brian or any one of his friends. Thoughts of escaping in order to find Bo and Luke in order to get to Daney. Thoughts that are quickly argued against with the pain and how outnumbered I would be if I escaped. Still eyeing the courthouse begin to think of Chet locked within and once more worry what Brian has in mind for him as well. Shaking head, hand goes back down to pocket for a cigarette and once again, come up empty.* Damn I need a smoke. *Say aloud to self before resting head on head rest and closing eyes.*
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