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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Happy birthday Enos! Perhaps ol' Bo and Luke will take it easy for you today and allow you to give them that ticket you're always trying to give them since it's your birthday. Have a great one!
  2. I agree. Very nice artwork!
  3. Dang Lori, you've gone and done it. You beat me to posting this awesome news! Thanks for letting us all know...hope it is true, even if I don't have cable to watch it. Perhaps I can catch an ep here and there at my parents' house. I agree with Roger. I have all the episodes on DVD and most on VHS as well, but it is pretty special to see it on TV knowing every other Duke fan may be watching the same episode and all! Great news in the world of Dukes! YEE HAAAA!!!!!!!
  4. Kasey Kahne, AJ Allmindinger, Elliot Sadler, and Paul Menard are currently racing for Richard Petty. Sadly I don't think any of them are going to make it into the chase this year. Kasey Kahne is the best driver of the crew and he is in sixteenth spot as of right now. Also, Kahne and Menard are definately leaving after this year. Kahne to Red Bull and Menard to Richard Childress Racing. Elliot Sadler's contract will end at the end of this year and of what article titles suggest, he don't know what he is going to do next year. Leaving Allmindinger as the only for sure driver for next sure...don't know if they have found anyone to replace the other drivers. . .
  5. *Bo watches Jesse in startlement and fear. He had never heard Jesse talk like that or seen him act like that. Only to remind him of what Luke had told him. It was up to him to help Jesse. It was up to him to help Molly. But what was he suppose to do if Jesse didn't want his help? He couldn't just force it on him if he didn't want it. The only thought that comes to mind would be to follow Jesse, but everyone knows how horrible Bo is at sneaking around and following anyone unnoticed. As Jesse reaches the steps, Bo hears himself abruptly blurting out* "Who said anything about stopping you? And seeing how you seem to be a few years older than I, who am I to say you aren't a grown man?" *Bo pauses as he buys time to think.* "But I ain't no child either. You can't just go and expect me to stay home and worry about you either. Luke'd have my hide if he knew I let you go by your stubborn self. So, if you can't be persuaded not to go, at least let me go with you." *Bo is surprised to hear an authoritive edge behind his voice as well as strong confidence that he feels little of as he stands facing his uncle.*
  6. Woo Hoo another C.H.i.P.s fan! LOL. I use to watch that show every day after school. Wrote fan-fic for it as well - not that it was any good. Was big time into that show until I got back into watching the Dukes. Ponch was my favorite.
  7. Oooo now you are making me soooo jealous and happy for you all at the same time! LOL. I am glad that you are able to watch your F1 practies, qualifying and the race! I am happy for you that way...jealous of you because the Sprint Cup has this weekend off. Meaning no race for me to watch. I'm going to be soooo lost. LOL. Could watch the Nationwide Series race in Montreal if I remember, but don't generally watch those. . .Glad F1 is back for you to watch. I take it your long break is longer than a week or two, so I guess I should consider myself lucky it is only for one weekend .Still seems like a long time to wait for a race. LOL...
  8. Well you may know more...I only saw what they showed on the TV...don't know if they showed six different angles of it. LOL. I just said it how I saw it...and that may be biased considering who my favorite drivers are, and stuff like this always has more than just one view and opinion to. Don't think anyone is wrong here. I apologize if I did say it wrong or see it wrong. You are right, reputations tend to stick with you no matter what and in all situations. It is hard to lose a negative reputation like that. Montoya is a talented driver, especially when you look at his racing resume and the different cars he had raced and won in! Don't mean to take that away from him or mean anything negative about him. I know you are not arguing...you are just saying how you saw the incident between him and Johnson. Which is fine with me. I'm more than glad to hear how or if someone sees something differently than I. Thanks. I do try to stay impartial despite having my favorites, but I know I don't always do all that great of a job because I generally watch and take more in of what or how my drivers are doing than I do everyone else. If that makes sense. So I try to stay impartial and include everyone and not to play favorites...just sometimes it's hard. LOL It is interesting to hear and learn about F1 and the differences. I know little about F1. Very little. The only racing I really know is NASCAR.
  9. It won't be like this for Long- Darius Rucker
  10. Oooo now you've gone and done it...must think your pretty brave to be sitting there like that and dissing my other favorite sport. LOL. Though I do think it is played else where and not just in the United States. They get a lot of their players from Central America and know in the winter some players go to China or some Asian country to play a game of baseball or so. But I don't know much about that. I just know the teams and what is played here in America. Am a die hard Cubs fan...no matter how bad they are this year. You can keep your hurling, soccor, rugby, and Gaelic football. I'll stick with my NASCAR and baseball, something I know about. It is interesting the different types of sports each country has and all that. That is too bad you only get NASCAR highlights...that would drive me crazy to not be able to watch the whole thing! Well go ahead and ask any question you have and I will try to answer them for you.
  11. Be Wary of A Woman - Darius Rucker
  12. *Bo watches as Andrew leaves the drive way and drives off onto the dusty dirt road before he slowly pushes himself backwards and walks through the kitchen. Taking a deep breath, Bo opens the screen door to step outside and seeing the ghostly pale skin of his uncle, his heart comes to a dreadful halt. Forcing himself to breath, Bo walks down the porch steps and to his uncle to ask* "Uncle Jesse, what's wrong?"*
  13. Jami- That is the episode I was thinking of. Thanks Roger...your comment of General Hospital - LOL! Well if the only flaw your wife has, no matter how big it is, is not being a fan of the Dukes, she must be clsoe to perfect for you then. Though with how much you seem to watch it, I'm surprised she hasn't grown to like it.
  14. I don't mean to be arguing with you, Hoss. Perhaps it wasn't Montoya's fault and I don't mean to be negative about Montoya if you are a Montoya fan. He's got to have talent to be out on the track every weekend like he is. I may not always pass, but I do try to be partial on here for all the drivers and not just the ones that I like or follow. I apologize if I am not doing a good job at that. Being a big fan, I have drivers that I love and a few drivers that I don't care all that much for, but I do understand that everyone has a right to their own opinion and the last thing I want to do is to create hard feelings by being negative about their driver. I know I get defensive when people start dissing Gordon and all that, so I know how it feels when someone isn't positive about favorite drivers and all that. As for the accident, I just said how I saw it, but also as I said, that could be biased since Johnson is one of my favorite drivers and the accident' pretty much took out any chance of him winning. Johnson himself said he didn't think Montoya did it on purpose and going 200 mph, whether it was Johnson's fault or Montoya's fault, mistakes will happen, especially at that speed. And perhaps Johnson didn't give him much room, I don't know. Didn't look like a lot of room on the TV, but there is never a lot of room when passing out there it seems like. Anyway it had happened, it is over with and am sure they'll move on from it and be over it. Tobacco products are no longer allowed in NASCAR. It use to be called the Winston Cup for the longest time, but they changed it I think because of the product. Most teams don't look alike in NASCAR. Only team I can think of that does is Red Bull and Red Bull sponsors both cars...NASCAR can have four drivers to a team and for the most part they have different sponsors from one another.
  15. 1.) NASCAR has a new rule this year that the drivers a lap can not stop for pits and do a drive round or something like that and get back onto the lead lap. They normally let them do that after the drivers get back out from pitting. 2.) NASCAR has three main divisions. Crafton Truck Series, Nationwide Series, and Sprint Cup Series. Crafton Truck series is where they drive a truck...Nationwide Series is a step down from the Sprint Cup. Don't know if you're a baseball fan, but Nationwide Series is what AAA baseball is to the MLB. (Do you have baseball where you live? LOL. Just take it for granted that everyone has baseball.) It is where most drivers start before going to the Sprint Cup, but Sprint Cup drivers are allowed to drive Nationwide as well. Sprint Cup Series is the elite series, the main serieis. Kyle Busch owns his own truck in the truck series and think he only drives a limited schedule there, but could be wrong about that since I don't really follow or watch the truck series. He races all the Nationwide series races and of course all of the Sprint Cup Series. He won in all three series last weekend at Bristol which has never been done before, until last weekend when he did it. As for points...each series has their own point system. So his points go in that division and won't transfer over to another division.
  16. I don't know what to think about what is going on with Jimmie Johnson. The last four years he has drove flawlessely to get the championship, his crew has been flawless as well. This year I have seen him make some mistakes, his crew had a few bad pit stops, and they have ran into uncharacteristically bad luck for him. Luck has been on his side the past few years as of now, but he's had a good run of bad luck. He started the first half of the season off great with five wins, but after that, nothing. Same can be said about Denny Hamlin. I don't know if I'd say he's taking it easy...guess with five wins he can afford to do that to an extent, but he's not locked in the chase so he's taking some risks if all this is him taking it easy...but it is sure giving people something to talk about and with the bad attendance and low TV viewings, I'm sure they are all looking for ways to make it exciting to gather more viewers. If that is the case though, I'd be rather disappointed in JJ that he'd be doing all this on purpose and not giving it his all. I want it all to be legit and not be made up or coerced so to speak. Though he has had bad luck and isn't doing the greatest now, he will most likely make it into the chase where him and Denny Hamlin will be at number one since they both have five wins. More than anyone this year. And the chase is when JJ and his team really seems to step up to the plate and make it all happen. So unless his bad luck follows him into the chase, I see him returning in dominant fashion come chase time...he always picks it up then. He does all he can to get into the chase, get some extra points, and then gives it his all... As for Junior, I am ninety percent sure he will not be making it into the chase. Only Kevin Harvick and Jeff Gordon has been officially locked into the chase, but also heard that most likely the top ten will be in the chase (including JJ) when it comes time for the chase. Junior is sixteenth I think and some points back. I don't see him making it. I haven't heard that he's been officially eliminated yet so maybe he could make it, but I doubt it with how far back he is right now. I don't know what is his deal is, he's a great guy, great driver, and has the best equimpment under him...it's a win combination right there and yet he isn't driving. Something isn't adding up. Junior is my third favorite driver...I really hope his team and him can step it up and be better next year. He hasn't had a great year this year or all that good of a year, but I do believe he had a better year than last year where he finished the year out at 25 spot int points. But he's still not where he should be. . .
  17. Well perhaps I was wrong in my assessment there...I am not a Montoya fan due to his aggressive driving and am a pretty big Johnson fan, so perhaps my opinion is biased on that. I don't know...I saw it as Johnson passing Montoya and Montoya running into the back of Johnson to slam him into the wall. I never got to hear Montoya's side of the story and when they talked to Johnson he was unsure why Montoya did that. I don't know. That is just how I saw it from watching the race Sunday. NASCAR drivers are known as their drivers...odd how that works out. But it is odd once a driver has a number for years and has to change numbers for one reason or another. Like Jr use to be 8 before going to Hendrick and his step mom wouldn't let him take his number with him; now he is 88...or Stewart use to be 20 and now he is 14 after one of his favorite drivers, AJ Foyt. 24 is one of my favorite numbers due to Gordon. The smaller the number for sponsors makes sense, I guess. But I'd rather have the numbers...LOL David Reutimann is pretty good. He drives for Michael Waltrip who use to drive. I think his team as a whole has gotten better this year.
  18. Wow I can't believe I missed this thread! LOL. My favorite Duke cousin would be Bo, but he is closely by Luke in my opinion. As for why? He just seems so carefree, loving of life and for those around him, he's a great driver, he stands up for what he believes in, and he's good looking. Luke because of his calm and quiet demenor, he's good looking, and he too stands up for what he believes in. I think they compliment each other...it just wouldn't be right without the other one. I know Bo was gone for an episode or two, and it was just odd and seemed wrong to have one and not the other one there. LOL
  19. *Bo hangs up the phone and slowly gets up from his seat, dreading what Luke had told him. What was he suppose to do to help calm Jesse's worries and to help Swamp Molly? Luke was the brains between the two of them. Bo's pride may not allow him to swallow the fact that Luke is smarter and better at a lot of things than he is. But deep down, reality sinks heavily within him. Luke is the one that thinks his way out of the trouble they find themselves in, the one that sees everything as it is and finds a way around their trouble. Bo only sees the problem itself, seemingly blind to any way out of the trouble. Yet he is suppose to help Swamp Molly. How?* Damn it Luke * He cusses aloud in frustration as he makes his way to the window to find Jesse outside talking to his old friend, Andrew. Upon seeing the worried and fear filled looks upon Jesse's and Andrew's faces, only draws Bo's curiosity out as to what they are talking about. *
  20. Well the door opened in "Days of Shine and Roses" or something like that. I am too lazy to look it up, but I figured you'd know which one I am talking about if I put the title wrong. But LOL...that was a funny story. Was wondering why you were trying to open the doors...I'd be upset if I got a General and the doors opened. Glad that your doors didn't open, though is very ironic that your non Duke loving wife would be the one to point that out though.
  21. All My Exes Live In Texas - George Strait
  22. You are very welcome. I enjoy posting and writing about the races! I am a huge NASCAR fan who barely misses a race...though have missed a few here and there. Been a fan for about thirteen years now, though didn't get hooked into watching it as much as I do until six or so years ago when I finally got to understanding the sport more. Though I wouldn't know if I am a bigger fan or not. . . My all time favorite NASCAR driver is Jeff Gordon! I finally met another Jeff Gordon fan! My second favorite is Jimmie Johnson since Gordon owns half of his car. Richard Petty is an awesome driver, but never really watched him other than in highlights and videos and all that. GO GORDON GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. Rosco is the sheriff of Hazzard County.
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