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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Puzzle Hoss - thanks for the explanation. Makes pefect sense now that you explained it. LOL
  2. CHAPTER FIVE Jefferson Davis "Boss" Hogg drove his Cadiallac as fast as he dared to as Rosco's weak words raced rapidly within him, speeding up his harsh and dark emotions that has seemed to swallow him whole. Emotions of intense anger and hatred to guilt and sympathy. Anger and hatred towards the man Rosco had pointed his finger to as to be the one responsable for his brakes malfunctioning, guilt for being so blind to the obvious. He had grudgingly admitted to himself that it was very unlikely that Bo Duke was capable of doing such an evil thing to Rosco as cutting his brakes to clear his name, but he desperately wanted to find Bo guilty of the heinious crime of attempted murder. Just to say that they got the killer locked away and behind bars. So while Boss' new associate runs free the youngest Duke sits locked away for something even Boss knows he wasn't capable of doing. And sympathy for the youngest Duke. To see Rosco go roll his car down the ditch and then get arrested and charged with murder to top it all off. Everytime Boss went down to scrowl and yell at Bo, Bo looked worse and responded less to his intimidating tricks. There was no denying or yelling at him of how innocent he was as he has always done in the past. Instead he sat on the cot looking down and depressed. And it was clear to Boss now, that Bo actually believed he was guilty of the charges Boss gave him. Sighing heavily he shakes the thoughts of Bo out of his mind, he'd have to worry about him after he dealt with Tristian. Only to send fear and worry spreading rapidly within him at the thought of crossing Tristian ashe recalls Tristian's tough example he had made of what would happen if Hogg had attempted to cross him or back out of their arrangements. Yet, here Hogg is about to confront him and charge him for attempting to kill the sheriff and momentarily the thought hits him that he should have Deputy Strait besides him. But his rash anger is quick to shove the thougth away. Hogg did this by hiring Tristian and he would deal with Tristian for what he had done with Rosco. So with thoughts of Rosco stuck in the hospital bed, Hogg pulls his car to a halt and quickly climbs out and silently closes the door behind him. He takes a quick glance around before he steps into the thick wooded and weedy area where he quietly walks through it. A moment later he reaches the end of the wooded area and fear climbs rapidly within him to find Tristian and his side kick sitting at their camp fire, their tent several feet behind him. "Here's for Rosco," he whispers to himself as he steps into the opening and both Tristian and his side kick jump to their feet and draw their guns at him, "Relax Tristian. It's me." "Hogg!" Tristian steps in front of his side kick and Hogg boldly takes a couple of steps towards the gun man, "I tol' you to not come here unless there is an extreme emergency. You've got ten second to state your emergency or I'll shoot that fat head of your's off and feed it to the gators!" "My emergency?" Boss gulps, feeling less sure of himself than he had a few minutes ago, "My emergency is that you and your buddy there has tried to kill my sheriff. My brother in law. And I'm here to press-" Boss is interrupted as Tristian shoves his gun into his forehead. "We tried to kill your hick sheriff?" Tristian sarcastically laughs, "What gave you a crazy idea like that?" "It ain't a crazy idea. It's the truth. Rosco tol' me about your phone call in my office, of your threat to him to shut him up. I can't believe you -" "Believe what you want. But now you're a risk to us as well stupid man," Tristian shakes his head as he steps to the side and his tall muscular man steps up, "Tyson, tie him up tight against that there tree. Put tape around his mouth. I don't want to hear a sound from him til I'm ready to dispose of him." "Be glad to," the man named Tyson grins at Hogg who backs away, fear consuming him and he yells out in surprise and pain as he trips on a log and falls onto his back. Tyson roughly yanks him up by his armpits, Hogg kicks and screams against the dirt in fear as he is dragged to a thick tree. "Shut up fat man!" Tyson snaps at him and kicks him in the back as he grabs thick rope that Tristian had thrown to him. "You'll be sorry for this. I'm the commissioner! I will be missed by everyone and they will come looking for me and when they find me, you will -" "You are so funny, aren't you Commissioner. You missed? I have been in town long enough to have seen and know how you treat your people. You cheat them. Steal from them. Lie to them. Heck you hired us to frame one of 'em just so that the would be out of your way," Tyson shakes his head in dismiss as he tightly ties Hogg to the tree, "And you think they'll miss you? You actually think they'll want to help you after how you treated them? Not in a million years, Commissioner," he pauses to cut off a long piece of silver and thick tape and tightly places it over Hogg's mouth. Standing up he shakes his head at Boss, "In fact, Commissioner, I bet we could leave you just like this and you'd end up starving to death. A couple years go by and they'll be throwing your bones in for the gators to chew on." He takes a few steps away from Hogg, shaking his head, "Yeah, Commissioner, you'll be missed alright." Boss quietly watches the man walk away to be filled with intense fear and sadness in realization that he was right. After how he treats his people, no one would want to help him. No one would look for him. In fact, when he doesn't show up for the next few days, they'll probably all celebrate at the Boar's Nest. And who could blame them? Sitting tied to the tree and watching Tristian and Tyson sit back down at their camp fire, looking like nothing had even happened, Hogg couldn't blame them. Tears build in his eyes in realization he was as good as dead right now and he had only himself to blame. (Feel free to send me your thoughts or reviews on my story thus far by PMing them to me. )
  3. Here is the top ten in points after Dover: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Jimmie Johnson (Ironically, Johnson is 24 points behind Edwards. GO DRIVER 24!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 3. Kyle Busch 4. Dale Earndhardt Jr 5. Kevin Harvick 6. Matt Kenseth 7. Ryan Newman 8. Clint Bowyer 9. Kurt Busch 10. Tony Stewart Well I guess I should be happy since according to NASCAR.com's points where I got all this info at...Gordon managed to climb up three positions and now is fourteenth in points. But sadly, after finishing seventeenth yesterday and hanging around that position for most of the day, don't see how he could have managed that. I guess the obvious scenerio is that the other drivers ahead of him last week had worse finishes than Gordon. I'm just hoping that he will have better restarts,. a faster car, and a much better finish in two weeks at Charolette (the next point race). (Half of the drivers will be racing at Charolette next Saturday for the All Star race which is non points and the drivers all race for a million dollars. The driver's will definately NOT be point racing, but all going for the win...makes for a great night of racing!)
  4. Well the race at Dover has just come to an end a few minutes ago and not a whole lot happened within the four hundred laps and four hundred miles that it took to end the race. There was a lot of rubber on the track from the rain and tires that made it slick and a few drivers slid out from it. Kasey Kahne raced well, but had engine problems and had to go to the garage as did AJ Allmindinger. Juan Pablo Montoya at one point was leading the race, but at the end of the race he slid and hit the wall to bring out the last cauthion of the race. Jimmie Johnson led the most laps and him and Carl Edwards spent most of the day swapping first place. But with the last pit stop, Edwards and pehraps Johnson took four tires and several drivers took two. While Mark Martin stayed out. Matt Kenseth won his second race of the year and Martin came in second. Kyle Busch had to start 43rd due to an engine change but passed cars in his normal fashion and finished in the top ten. Harvick finished tenth...there was no altercations between the two or any other driver. Here is the top ten: 1. Matt Kenseth 2. Mark Martin 3. Marcos Ambrose 4. Kyle Busch 5. Brian Vickers 6. Clint Bowyer 7. Carl Edwards 8. Martin Truex Jr 9. Jimmie Johnson 10. Kevin Harvick As for me, it was a disappointing race since Gordon hung out mid teens most of the day and ended back there as well. Don't know what his deal is lately, but he needs another win. He needs a top five finish. He needs to do better than he has been lately. Of course that all is a lot easier said than done, I guess. Just frustrating with his points and where he has finished at the moment. Next week we'll be going night race at Charolette under the lights where there is no points and they all will be racing for a million dollars. The All Star Race...not all forty-three drivers will be racing but only the select few that will make it on past wins and points. Should make for a good race...
  5. Jesse slowly awakens and is momentarily surprised to find himself slumped over in the cab of his truck before his eyes fully adjust and his mind slowly becomes alert. "Damn it Jesse!" he cusses at himself, angry at himself for allowing himself to fall asleep. Not that he s hould be surprised at the fact taht he fell asleep, after all, it has been a few days since he last got a full night's sleep. Ever since Bo was charged with the robbery at the jewlry store, Jesse has been plagued heavy with worry fo rhis youngest nephew. Bo has been charged falsely several times before, but it had always been with Luke and had Luke besides him when and if they got arrested. But this time, Boss had moved away from his normal plan of charging both boys, he is now only going after Jesse's youngest, Bo Duke. If it had been Luke, Jesse would still be worrying, but not half as much as he is with Bo. Both his boys are strong and smart, but Luke is wise and more independent thatn Bo. Bo is quick to react and often times niave. And then the accident with Rosco that had sent Rosco to the hospital and Bo to jail with new charges of attempted murder had happened. To make everything worse. Bo had dealt with his solo charge with resentment towards the sheriff, but had been pretty calm about it. But with the new charge, he has locked himself within himself and his dark emotions of grief and guilt. Shoving his thoughts and worry about Bo, he panicly glances around the parking lot and relief fills him to see Hogg's familiar car parked where it had been before he had fallen alseep. "C'mon Boss," Jesse nervously glances down at his pocket watch that slowly ticks on and he frustratedly puts it back in his pocket. Looking back up, he sees Boss walking out of the hospital, walking with determination and purprose in each step he takes. Only to alert Jesse that something is up with Boss and he slowly starts his engine as Boss climbs into his car and Jesse watch as he quick backs out of his parking spot and drives towards the entrance of the parking lot. Jesse watches him turn left before he pulls out of his parking spot and slowly follows Boss left to see Boss going around the curve several feet away from him. "Where we going, Boss?" Jesse wonders aloud, half wondering if he should call it in to Luke, but threw the idea down, worried that Hogg may be listening in.
  6. Yesterday was the Nationwide Series race at Dover. Of the video that I saw, with fourteen laps to go, Carl Edwards and Joey Lagano were going at it for the win. On the final restart for a green white checkered restart, Carl spun the tires and Joey got the lead back from Carl. A little while later, Joey looked like he wiggled a bit and Carl used it to pass him to take the lead. After Carl passed him, Joey slammed into Clint Bowyer who went onto two wheels and the accident collected several cars and instantly red flagged the race. Carl Edwards went on to win the race and went and talked it over with Joey. Clint Bowyer has seemed to have the knack to be in the wrong place at the wrong place. Last week he got collected in the feud with Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick in the Sprint Series and now this last night... Here is the top ten of the race: 1. Carl Edwards 2. Kyle Busch 3. Reed Sorenson 4. Ricky Stenhouse Jr 5. David Reutimann 6. Elliot Sadler 7. Kenny Wallace 8. James Buesher 9. Aric Almorilo 10. Mike Wallace
  7. Well the boys race at Dover, the Monster Mile, tomorrow afternoon - the pre race show starts at 11:30 central time - my time. It will be interesting to see if there will be some payback from last weekend's race between Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick. Sounds like they haven't gotten along all week with what seems to have been verbal assaults amongst them. Though I am willing to bet that with them on probation that they will control themselves and wait until they are off probation before they do anything. Though Kyle Busch and Jimmie Johnson seem to be good here. Kyle Busch has won the truck series at Dover on Friday and Carl Edwards just won the Nationwide Series race at Dover. Qualifying for the Sprint Cup had been rained out so they went by speeds on their first practice. I am highly hoping that it don't rain at Dover tomorrow...it is very depressing when they cancel a race due to rain. It always means they'll race on Monday afternoon...and guess who has to be at work on Monday afternoon. Me! LOL Here is the first ten starting positions for tomorrow's race: 1. Jimmie Johnson 2. AJ Allmindinger 3. Dale Earndhardt Jr 4. Kasey Kahne 5. Joey Lagano 6. Kurt Busch 7. Kyle Busch 8. Martin Truex Jr 9. Brad Keselowski 10. Kevin Harvick Well, don't know if I said it before, but I'll say it again if I had. The garage swap at Hendrick Motors has seemed to serve Dale Jr very well. He has all of Gordon's old pit crew, crew chief, garage, and cars...now look at Jr starting third and like fourth in points. Now all he needs is that elusive win and how he's been racin', wouldn't surprise me to see him get it sometime soon.
  8. Finley suspiciously eyes his unwanted visitors and thinks about all that had been said. He'd love to pull one over on Rosco after what Rosco and Boss had done to him, but he also loves his solitude and if he harbors fugitives from Rosco, his solitude would not only be interupted by his new visitors, but perhaps the law itself. "What 'm I to do while you hidin' out here?" he barks. "Do whatever you want to do. Show us a room and we'll stay in it 'til we leave," Luke speaks up, "we just need a place where Rosco won't look. And I'm willin' he's forgotten about you. Most folk in Hazzard has. Only reason I thought of you was because Jesse was going over some old stories the other day and mentioned the one with you." "Well I'd rather to stay forgotten about," Finley harshly responds, looking out his window before walking away, "but I owe Jesse so this once I will help hide you. Go in that room o'r there. You've got a day to figure out what to do and get off my land or else I start shootin'. One by one. Understand?" "A day. We got it," Luke nods as he slowly gets up and walks over to the entrance that Finley had pointed to. "Thanks for giving us a room. We won't make any noise." Finley snorts. "Except when the law comes with their fancy and loud sirens you mean?" he rolls his eyes as he walks the other way. Bo watches him before he follows Gordon into the room that doubly lined with jugs of homemade moonshine. "Well that's all fine and dandy. We's on probation for this stuff and he sticks us in a room of it. Now when Rosco finds us we'll not only be arrested for hording a fugitive, aiding and abbetting, resisting arrest, and now we'll get charged for breaking probation. We're now looking up to thirty years in the pen," Bo gripes as Luke slowly sits down on the bare floor on the opposite side of the room, "we'll all be old men before we get another breath of fresh air. Hope you're enjoying it, Lukas." "Well Bo, now aren't you a big ball of sunshine today?" Luke snaps, "We've been in tighter positions than this and we made it out of it. Just as we will now." "You're on probation?" Gordon asks, speaking for the first time. Luke eyes Bo and gives him a silent sarcastic thank you. "Yeah we got caught running our uncle's shine. Our lawyer was able to talk us out of jail with a few years of probation time for it if our uncle vouched to never make or run shine again. Which he did. Leaving Bo and I on probation. We get caught with a gun or near shine, we're looking for some heavy prison time," Luke responds inhaling heavily, taking in the jugs of shine. "But ol' Rosco won't find us in here as long as we stay inside. Though I'm willin' to bet he won't find us if we were outside either, but would rather stay inside where we won't be seen." "Well tell us Lukas, if we are to stay inside, then how we suppose to use the restroom? You know as well as I do that Finley don't have indoor plumbing," Bo responds. "We'll have to make a run for it. As I said, I bet Rosco has forgotten about this ol' place a long time ago," Luke calmly states, "now we got better things to worry about than our probation. Such as how we are to clear Gordon's name here. After all, no one else saw it. It's only Rosco's word against Gordon's." "C'mon Luke what's gotten into you? You hit your head and now suffering from amnesia?" Bo sarcastically snaps at Luke, still standing, "You know as well as I do that Rosco's word ain't worth nothing! He lies so much he probably can't remember how to tell the truth." Luke rolls his eyes in his last attempt to stay calm with his cousin. "I know that and you know that. But if this comes to court, Boss Hogg will be the judge and he'll take Rosco's word over anyone else's. You know that as well," he snaps, "Why won't you have a seat, Bo? Standing there snapping at me won't get nothing solved." "I'm not snapping at you. I'm telling you how it is," Bo snaps at him, feeling impatient and upset at Luke and how he's been treating him, "don't know what we'll solve by hiding out with a room full of shine. Since when have we run and hid? What Jesse say? Dukes don't run and they don't hide. Well what you call this, Luke?" "You rather us stay in town and let Rosco arrest the three of us? Cause as of right now, I don't have a better plan than to hide out," Luke states, motioning Gordon to sit down and he slowly does, feeling lost amongst the argument, "we'll stay here until I can think of a way to get us all out of this." "You think of something? As if Gordon and I couldn't think of a way out? Is that it, Luke?" Bo rolls his eyes, feeling sensitive about anything Luke has to say, "After all, I'm just stupid and don't listen. Ain't that right?" Luke looks away, knowing he deserved that one. "Look Bo, I'm sorry. OK? I had things under control and then you try sneaking up and get caught. You put me on the spot in order to save your sorry behind from getting shot by Finley. I said the first thing that came to mind," Luke states before realizing how bad that sounds, "never mind Bo. I just said it in order to get him to relax and not shoot you." "So you think I'm stupid huh -" Bo starts to say, his temper flaring. "Wait a moment here boys," Gordon calmly interupts him, "I don't think sitting in this here room yelling and arguing with one another is going to help anything. In fact, it's bound to make it worse. At least it seems to on track. "I apologize for getting you in this spot. I should never have allowed you to step in as you both did. It was very generous of you, but it's got you in trouble as well. I should have just allowed your hick sheriff to arrest me and call my lawyer and work it out the legal way. Now it's too late for that," Jeff pauses, looking at the boys, "Now when you two first walked up to me I could tell that you were good friends. You know the friends that are there for one another. Friends that are there to save your back when need be. Friends to talk with and laugh with." He pauses again as he notices the tension amongst the two slowly begin to evaporate at his truth, "And now look at you. Damn, I hate being the cause to ruin such a great friendship. Especially you two being kin and all. "It may be too late, but perhaps it would be best if I make my way outta here and back to the mainland and give myself up," Jeff exhales loudly, thinking of how the media will play all this once they get word about it. "On my dead body you will!" Bo quickly yells in disgust, "No damn way would I allow that to happen! Rosco has falsely accused and charged you and I ain't about to see you get arrested on such false charges just so he can have some publicity stunt of his own." "Well ain't fair for -" "Bo's right. We can't let you turn yourself in. You said it yourself. It's too late. Even if it wasn't too late, we wouldn't let you. No way we'd let the law win on such false charges," Luke pauses before he glances over at Bo who has his back turned towards him, "and Gordon's right. Us arguing and fighting won't help anything but to make things worse. I am sorry Bo for what I said. For how I acted. You're not stupid, just seeing you walk up like that unnerved and upsetted me. Hogg nor Rosco is worth getting upset at each other over. Friends?" Bo lets out a deep breath he had been holding as his thoughts and emotions rushes violently within him. He slowly turns around with a relaxed grin on his face in attempt to hide his emotions. "When weren't we?" he questions as they shake hands and Luke pulls him in for a hug. As Luke let's go, he asks, "Well Lukas. You're the one with all the brains. You tell us what we do to help clear our names...this time?"
  9. Insect Well Hoss I don't have your bat phobia that you are talking about, but have a huge phobia of spiders and really dislike bugs. . .as well as snakes (but I can at least watch them on TV or see them in the zoo without getting upset about it. Spiders is a whole different story...)
  10. "Jefferson Davis Hogg!" Lulu's shrill voice penetrates through the eery silence in the hospital's waiting room to force his pacing to a brief halt before he begins again, "Your pacing ain't doing Rosco no good. In fact it's making me nervous and sick so I'd appreciate it greatly if you'd stop right now." Hogg eyes Lulu harshly, yearning for the unlit cigar that is tucked away within his inner coat pocket. "Well I need to do something!" he snaps, "They won't let me have my cigar, they won't let me in there to be with my own sheriff. My brother in law!" he rolls his dark eyes, "Rosco was starting to wake up and they kick us out. And why?" "They said -" "I don't care what they say! This is my town and no one, I mean no one, tells me what I can and can not do. Not even a damn doctor that has all them fancy papers to his name," he starts pacing again, "They think just cause they went to college all them years, wears a white coat, and is authorized to perform surgeries and what not on people that they can do just whatever they want. Say whatever they want. Not to me they don't!" "You know differently, JD!" Lulu states firmly, "You're just upset because it's Rosco in there and you aren't able to be in there to see what's going on. Well he's my brother. Don't you think I feel the same way? Well I do, but I also realize that the doctors have their right and they know what they are doing. You need to sit down and relax. They'll be out with word when they are ready." "I don't care about their damn rights! We've been out here for -" "Commissioner," a voice interupts them and they turn around to find the doctor standing behind them, clipboard in hand, "I'm sorry to keep you waiting like this." "How's Rosco?" Hogg impatiently asks. The doctor eyes Hogg for a long moment before glancing down at his clipboard and looks up again. "Rosco has finally and fully awaken. He seems alert and with it," he finally answers, "he is breathing better and his internal bleeding seems to have gotten better." "Will he be OK, Doctor?" Lulu asks, tears of relief in her eyes. The doctor nods. "He's not all the way out of the woods. He still has the concussion, but that too seems to look like it will get better with time. But I can comfortably say that I am eighty percent sure he'll be OK," he offers them a smile before turning to Hogg, "He was asking for you, sir." Hogg eyes his wife and shrugs before he walks down the familiar hall way that leads to Rosco's door. Looking up and down the hallway, Hogg opens the door and slowly steps in before closing the door behind him. Turning around to face Rosco who lies in the old hospital bed, hooked up to IVs and to an oxygen tank that runs through the tubes in his nose. "Boss," Rosco weakly states, pain evident in his blue eyes as he stares up at Hogg. "Hey there Rosco. Just talked to the doctor. He says you should be fine if you keep at it the way you are," Hogg forces a fake smile, "ain't that great?" Rosco briefly nods. "Yeah sure it is," he finally states as Hogg welcomes himself to a chair next to Rosco's bed, "but we need to talk about the person that put me in here -" "Hey there Rosco. You let me and your deputy worry about that. You need to worry about resting and getting to feeling better," Hogg states with a smile, "but if it makes you feel better, I'll let you know that we got the one responsible for it all locked behind bars. He'll be heading to Atlanta come morning." Rosco harshly shakes his head no at Hogg and the pain in his eyes accelerates and he goes back to being still once again. "I don't think you do, Boss, that's what I want to talk to you about. I know how you think. How you work. And I feel pretty confident that it's Bo Duke who's sitting in jail for all this and we all know him well enough that he wouldn't do anything to hurt no one. Not even me or you who framed him for that robbery," Rosco pauses and Boss moves nervously in his chair. Everyone he's seen since the accident has said the same thing and in the back of his mind, he knows the same thing. But he was chasing Rosco. . . Rosco interupts Hogg's thoughts by continuing, "Yeah sure he didn't pull over when I asked him to and ran from me, but that ain't what sent me down that ditch or ravine. My breaks were out and seeing as how Cooter just replaced the breaks I am willing to bet they were cut, weren't they?" he looks at Hogg who gives a brief nod, "And we know Bo nor any of the Dukes would do such a thing...which leaves me wondering why you have Bo locked up for somethingn you know he didn't do." "How you know I don't know that? He robbed -" "He didn't rob no one and you know it! You and Tristian, your new business partner, robbed the jewlry store and planted it on Bo. I may not shed no love for Bo, but I don't want no innocent man going away on attempted murder when it was someone else who did this to me. And let the guilty man walk just so you can have a Duke behind bars," Rosco snaps, "Bo didn't rob no one and he didn't cut my breaks. All he's guilty of is running from the law and avoiding arrest...all of which I can't blame him since he knows as good as I do that you framed him!" Hogg inhales heavily. He didn't expect this outburst from his sheriff when he first walked in the door. The last thing he was worried about was police work, all he was thinking about was his sheriff. "If Bo Duke didn't do this to you, then you mind telling me who did? You may not be popular, Rosco, but you think of anyone who'd cut your brake lines?" he throws back at his sheriff, "Wrongly accused or not, Bo had ample of reasons to do that to get back at you." "Sure he did. But he wouldn't do it and you know it," Rosco pauses to regain his strength, "but I do know who would or could." Rosco pauses to draw Hogg's attention, "Tristian. You're new business partner." "Why he do a stupid thing like that for?" Boss snaps at him. "Because that morning I went to your office looking for you and when I walked in, I found Tristian sitting behind your desk, talking on the phone. I overheard him say something of pulling the hat over the fat man's eyes and how the fat man, you, wouldn't know what hit him. He looked up and saw me then and stated he had a problem and hung up on whoever he was talking to," Rosco pauses for a long moment, feeling tired and weak, "he cornered me in and asked me what I heard. I lied and said nothing. He didn't believe me and that measures had to be taken to make sure I didn't leak. I was able to push him away and walk out your door just as you were walking in." "Why didn't you tell me?" Boss questions, sitting alert. "Because everytime we were alone without him you were on me about getting Bo arrested and doing my job. I didn't see him anywhere near my car, but if I had to bet on who cut my brakes. I'd go with Tristian," Rosco exhales heavily, relieved to finally get his story out. "Damn it," Hogg cusses as he rises to his feet, "well I think it is time me and Tristian have a talk." "No Boss," Rosco pleads, "he's dangerous. Look what he did to me. Just think what he could do to you. All I ask, is to let Bo out and release all charges on him. Just this time." "I'm the town commissioner, sheriff, and I have to take precautions in order to protect my town and with that monster on the streets, my town is not safe. You rest and I'll send Bo your way when I release him. How's that?" he moves towards the door, "Lulu is wanting to see you. You up to her company?" "Yeah OK," Rosco states behind Boss, "be carefull Boss." Hogg closes the door and briskly walks over to Lulu. "Something has come up and I have to attend to police business. He is in the same room and says he'd love your company. I'll send someone to pick you up or come get you myself whenever I am done." "Is everything OK, J.D? Is this something to do with Rosco?" she worriedly asks. "You can say that. Seems we got the wrong man in jail," he whispers to her, "I have to go get the right man." "Hate to say I tol' you so, J.D.! I told you Bo was innocent!" she states with tears in her eyes, "Please be careful. Don't get hurt." Hogg nods. "Just got visit your brother. Things will be fine," he states as he quickly walks away, determined to do right by Rosco.
  11. Jesse Duke sits silently in his old truck as his old mind wanders quickly from thought to thought that only seems to stir the dark emotions that has swept over him this morning. First it was Enos' stubborn silent treatment he had given Luke and Cooter when they had went in to question him over the prints and Boss' associate. Then there was Bo who he had just left from visiting. Same as last night and despite Jesse's firm and stern order to eat and get some rest had only eaten a few bites and perhaps taken a short nap. Well, Jesse had worried idly long enough. Visiting Rosco and Bo, worried over both of their situations was doing nothing to help Jesse. Only to make it worse. So looking at his reflection in his bug splattered windshield, the strong realization hits him. Hits him hard. He has to do something to help Bo. Help prove his innocence. No matter what Luke and Cooter had to say about it. Luke had included him in his plans in small minute plans, plans that Luke knew Jesse wouldn't get hurt or in trouble in. He was trying to protect his uncle. As always. Well despite what Luke thought, Jesse didn't need his protection. And if Luke wouldn't include him in any major part of his own plans he had going with Cooter, he would come up with his own plans to help his youngest nephew and to clear his name. So now, he sits in his old truck in the parking lot of the hospital, staring blankly at the all too familiar convertable Cadilliac that sits parked two rows over. Patiently waiting for his old moonshine buddy to leave the hospital in hopes of him leading Jesse to his new associate. In hopes of seeing or hearing who had framed Bo. Of who had done that to Rosco. So while Luke and Cooter were chasing down the law aspect of the frame up and of Bo's situation, Jesse now stubbornly is set on the trail of the bad guys. It breaks Jesse's heart to see Bo so down on himself, so torn up, that he was willing to do anything in his moral power to help him out. Even if it meant facing the person who went out of their way to kill the sheriff in hopes of clearing Bo's name. In hopes of finding the real truth and proving it Boss once and for all.
  12. By the time that Gordon and Bo returned to the brush where Luke and Finley were standing, Luke's guilt was at full blast within him for how he had belittled Bo. Silently, in his mind, he can hear Jesse impatiently explaining to him that Bo was only trying to help, that he looks up to him, and wanted to do what Luke was doing, to impress Luke. As Jesse had often said to him in the past, while growing up. They they may be grown up, but deep down, Luke knew there was still truth in all that Jesse had said to him back then. Luke jumps as Finley throws the gun up over his shoulder and Luke slowly turns around to find Bo and Gordon silently making their way to him. "Calm down, Finley. You sent Bo out to retrieve our friend. Here they are," Luke states, his hands up in surrender. "I know that. I may be old, but I have a memory a mile long. Ask that uncle o' your's!" Finley snaps, "Who's the friend?" Gordon, Bo, and Luke all eye each other with the question. "I'm Jeff Gordon, sir," Gordon speaks up for the first time, "I drive on the NASCAR circuit. I took a drive down these here parts only for your sheriff to run into my car and now is accusing me of all these made up charges. These two boys came to my rescue and now they're in trouble with him too." Finley eyes them all suspiciously before lowering the gun and snorts. "No surprise there. The law in these parts is as crooked as they come. With that said, any friends of the Dukes are awright with me. Espeically if they're on the run from the law here," he gives them a crooked smile before turning around, "follow me. Must not stay out here too long. They'll see us." Gordon nods as the Duke boys follow the old man into a small shack and Finley is quick to close the door behind him. "Thank-you sir for helping us out," Gordon states. "Well as Luke reminded me, I have little to no choice. I owe their uncle a big one. So," he eyes Luke with harsh eyes, "here it is. How long you here for?" Luke nods as he eyes Bo who stands quietly by the door, his back towards them while he eyes out through the thin curtians. "Til I can think of something to help Gordon out of his predictament that Rosco put him in," he cautiously states, "Bo move away from the window. We may be in the middle of no where, but I don't want to take any chances." Bo eyes Luke momentarily before moving across the room, away from the window and farther away from Luke.
  13. Happy birthday Uncle Jesse! I hope you have a great day tomorrow!
  14. Wow...it's been awhile since I posted on the news page for NASCAR. . . Well NASCAR has stepped forward with the punishments...or what NASCAR considers to be punishments...for Kyle Busch and Kevin Harvick for their actions on last Saturday night's race. Both Kyle and Kevin were fined twenty-five thousand dollars (pocket change to them...) and put on probation (in all three series...truck, Nationwide, and Sprint) until June 15th (just over a month!). The rest of this post is of my OPINION and perhaps I am alone with how I feel, but I will vent anyway. . . Never have been a fan of Kyle Busch due to his way of driving and never thought I would be defending him...but I am now. (then again he has changed since last year. More mature. As a driver and as a person. Perhaps he has matured with age or marriage has changed him. Anyway it is, he has changed for the better in my opinion...) First off, twenty - five thousand dollars is only pocket change to them compared to how much they earn in a race and so forth. And probation over a month? Robby Gordon is on probation for the rest of the year for supposedly punching Kevn Conway before the season had started. Yet Harvick who punched Kyle through the window is only on probation just over a month? Or when Jeff Gordon shoved Matt Kenseth in '06 he was on probation for a half of year for his FIRST offense. This is not Kevin's nor Kyle's first offense as a driver. Yet... Second of all (where I defend Kyle)...Kyle may have changed, but everyone knows he will not take getting shoved around or hit on the track. Especially with five laps to go. Also Kevin Harvick had spun Kyle out at Homestead at the end of last year, so it's not the first time Harvick had hit Kyle like that. So what else was Kyle to do? After getting hit TWICE by Harvick, he hit back. Then Harvick parked his car in front of Kyle, walked out, and punched Kyle through the open window. Sure it was unsafe of Kyle to hit Harvick's car out of the way with people walking around, so he shouldn't have done it. But with Kevin punching him, what else was he to do other than get out and fight Harvick? I know NASCAR has the Boys have at it slogan and I can't complain too much since Gordon got away with shoving Burton last year after Burton wrecked Gordon during a caution. And it does draw attention and viewers to the sport, of which NASCAR needs, but there should be some line that NASCAR consistantly follows no matter who the driver is. Whether it is Kevin Harvick, Kyle Busch who are top names or Robby Gordon who isn't a top name and gets probation all year. Well I apologize for venting and as I said all of that was my OPINION...which I know, I know, this is for news. Not opinions. But I love talking NASCAR and with it comes emotions I guess. Would love to hear what y'all feel about what happened and of the consequences.
  15. Well I did catch the race afterall... NASCAR had warned Juan Pablo Montoya and Ryan Newman to stay away from each other this weekend after their incidents that went on between the two of them last weekend. And they ended up listening to NASCAR and there was no reprecautions from last weekend... It was a good and exciting race. A lot of things did happen, especially towards the end. And despite NASCAR's warning against Montoya, Montoya spun Jimmie Johnson around and almost did the same to Brian Vickers. Luckily Johnson saved his car...in fact, think he spun out another team and did finish the race. There was a lot of cautions mainly for spinning out and stuff like that. But for accidents as well...last I saw, they counted 16 stripes on the Darlington wall from drivers hitting the wall. Kasey Kahne got the pole with the fastest qualifying run at Darlington and had led a lot of laps. Kyle Busch led a lot of laps as well until he felt a vibration and had to make an unplanned pit stop that had put him a lap down. He was passing cars like crazy when he came back out and he eventually got his lap back. Someone spun David Ragen who ran into Brian Vicker's driver door to peel the door off and tore his window net off...it reminded me of "Repo Men" when the boys welded them spikes on Cooter's truck and Bo went out peeling the bad guys' doors off with them. That's what it looked like. Even the announcers were awed by it and how they never saw something like that before. There was several mishaps on pit road. Jr knocked over the commitment cone so he got penalized. Gordon's gas man was still gassing his car when he drove off to knock his crewman on the ground (he was OK). Menard's crew was on the ground in front of the car trying to get someting off the grill when Menard drove off with the hand on the grill. Luckily he pulled it away and was fine... Well the big accident so to speak happened with five to go. They were in a restart after Jeff Burton's engine blew. Kevin Harvick went down the track and bumped Kyle Busch. Kyle Busch then got in front of Harvick and Harvick ran into the back of him. A half of a lap later, Clint Boywer and Harvick were besides Kyle (Kyle by the wall, Harvick besides him, and then Bowyer) well Kyle bumped Harvick and it slammed Boywer into the wall (feel bad for him. He was an innocent victim here.) Kyle hooked left and hit Harvick. (All that happeneing in front of Gordon...) Meanwhile, Regan Smith (Furniture Row) held off Carl Edwards on another restart to win his FIRST Sprint Cup race! Do like Carl Edwards, but am excited that Regan won his first race after so many ups and downs in his career. So while Smith was doing his victory lap, Harvick wouldn't let Kyle into the pits before they backed into the pits and Harvick parked right in front of Kyle. (As the announcers put it, Harvick went after Kyle.) Harvick parked there for awhile before he climbed out of his car and went back to Kyle and PUNCHED Kyle through the window...Kyle tapped Harvick's parked car to send Harvick's car into the pit wall and Kyle drove into the garage area. Needless to say NASCAR called both Harvick and Busch into the NASCAR hauler (where they go when they get in trouble) to have a talk. While they were in the hauler Harvick's and Busch's pit crew was fighting each other - being held back by NASCAR officials. Fox interviewed Harvick and asked him if it is over (after they were in the hauler) and Harvick didn't say it, but made it clear it wasn't over. Well I am not a Kyle Busch fan, but I admit he has changes this year, but even so, he can take so much of being hit. Not saying he was right to hit Harvick back, but Harvick had to know Busch wouldn't take getting hit like that with four or five laps to go. And Harvick parking in front of him like that and trying to punch him through the window, well I feel was uncalled for. Jeff Hammond, Fox NASCAR announcer, says NASCAR will be dishing out penalties on Tuesday after reviewing the incident farther. I'd have to say Harvick was more at fault here than Busch...that is my intake on it. Would love to hear what y'all's intake on it if you were able to see it on TV or see it on the computer. Am sure it will bring controversy to NASCAR this week (to take it off of Montoya and Newman from last week...) According to Harvick, sounds like we'll be seeing the rest of it next Sunday at Dover...the Monster Mile. Here is the top ten finishes of last night's race: 1. Regan Smith 2. Carl Edwards 3. Brad Keselowski 4. Kasey Kahne 5. Ryan Newman 6. Denny Hamlin 7. Tony Stewart 8. Greg Biffle 9. Jamie McMurray 10. Martin Treux Jr (Kyle Busch came in 11th, Gordon 12th...and Harvick finished 17th.) Well if that don't attract viewers for next week's race, well, I don't know what will. LOL. Not big on retaliation, but if it does happen, it better not be around Gordon or Johnson. They have both been plagued with enough bad luck this year, that they don't need to get any more bad luck finishes. I will definately let y'all know what NASCAR says about what had happeend when I read about it (probably put it on NASCAR news...). (Roger...read above post for my response on your previous post here. )
  16. Thanks Roger...that's a great birthday wish! Too bad it didn't come true...he finished twelveth though had avoided the big one. He started out good, but didn't get the finish I was hoping for. A top five would have been great. Oh well, I guess. Don't think they were thinking of Abraham Hogg when they nicknamed the track that. Don't know how they came up with that name other than they count the Darlington Stripes each car creates. LOL. I do like night races, because they are different than the normal day races they usually have...they only have a handful of them, but don't know how many off the top of my head. Thanks for the birthday wish, Roger!
  17. Thank-you Roger:).

  18. Thank-you Lost Sheep22 :).

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