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Garrett Duke

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Everything posted by Garrett Duke

  1. Marty Stuart is awesome and he put on an awesome show! He is a great perfomer and seems to be a great guy. A good sense of humor. Was only an hour long concert, but it was a great hour and it was worth any price to see...though the only thing we paid was to get into the fair grounds (plus I bought Marty's new GREAT CD). "Hillbilly Rock" is my all time favorite Marty Stuart songs...was really excited when he played that song. Awesome song - love it! Wish they would play him and his music on the radio . Not to make you jealous or anything, Roger, but after his concert, got to stand in line and shook Marty's hand and got Marty's and his band's autograph on the new CD I bought. It was a great night. Great show...would suggest you go see him if you ever get the chance to do so.
  2. You trying to rub it all in, huh Roger? LOL. Good question. Perhaps they just don't know how to destribute the money properly. They do have a few players that are getting a pretty penny right now (Aramis Rameriz and Alfonso Soriano for example)...and now are rumored trying to get either Prince Fielder or Albert Pujols for next year... Pujols is asking for a two hundred mil contract and it sounds like Fielder is asking about the same as well. Personally I think the Cubs should stick with Pena who they have at first and destribute that kinda money across the field where they need the help at. As I said, that all is just rumors flying around right now so am not getting too worried about it. But it does make you wonder why the Yankees can afford a new ball park plus Jeter and all the other top name players that takes them to the post season and the Cubs are just stuck... Perhaps that goat they didnt let on the field all them years ago really did put a bad luck spell on 'em after all...
  3. Call it what you want Roger...still not happy about missing this race. HA HA. (Actually, was going to miss it if they raced on Sunday since I went and saw Marty Stuart. But would have been able to see it today if they raced on Monday as they normally do when the race gets postponed...) I just hope this tropical storm Lee will pass over and not inflict too much harm on any one or anything. Doesn't sound like fun at all...
  4. Well I went to a Marty Stuart concert last night - what an awesome perfromer! I enjoyed his music just as much now as I did back growing up. I even stood in line after the show and got to shake his hand and get his autograph. Awesome concert...awesome performer! Anyways, listening to his music last night there were a few songs of his that reminded me of the Dukes and thought I would post them here... heard this one for the first time last night...great song. (Marty is singing with Merle Haggard in this video!) My all time favorite Marty Stuart song! Love it.
  5. You sound pretty certain there Roger. Last I saw the Brew crew was at least ten games ahead of their local competition... Not that I care that much...my concern with baseball ends when the Cubs. Will be interested to see who will win the WS, but for me, baseball ends when the Cubs season ends. Which is in a couple of weeks...very depressing for me.
  6. Well I am g lad I didn't stay home today...er last night to watch the race since it got rained out. I was kinda wishin it would thinking I could watch it tomorrow since I got tomorrow off. WRONG! They will be racing the Sprint Cup race in Atlanta at noon or eleven EST on Tuesday...when I have to be at work! So irritated. Guess there is a chance for tornadoes, high winds, and rain in tomorrow's Atlanta forecast. I get no break this weekend! So y'all will have to rely on my race coverage they show online. :(
  7. Well sorry to say this Roger but of your list of favorite drivers the only one that had the option of earning his way into the chase was David Ragen. Ragen has had the best year of his career this year with his win at daytona and his near wi n at the Daytona 500...he may need a miracle to get into the chase right now, but he has a lot to smile about this year. So don't go looking all sad on me about him not in the chase. But if he did make it in the chase I would be happy for him and you. He's a good kid...just not as happy as I am that Gordon is in it...and Johnson. Am really hoping Jr will make it into the chase as well, but he still could drop out of it if he has two bad races. (fingers crossed that he'll have two GREAT races!) Yep...Atlanta...actually it is not in Atlanta itself but an hour away or something like that. Know it isn't in Atlanta as it seems as it should be since it is Atlanta Motorspeedway. A couple of years ago John Schneider sang the "National Anthem"...I was in heaven! Won't be able to watch it on Sunday due to going to see Marty Stuart, but am hoping to record it and watch it on Monday. (Love three day weekends!)
  8. Just heard the best news all day...Jeff Gordon is now clinched into the chase...if not the top ten, then as one of the two wild cards! (Jumping up and down in excitement!) can now be relaxed for the next couple of races knowing no matter what, Gordon is going to be in the 2011 chase and has that golden opportunity to gain his fifth championship. HIS DRIVE FOR FIVE IS ON!!!!!!!! OK I am probably the only one excited about the news...don't know if there is any other Jeff Gordon fans on the site. But thought I'd share my excitement with y'all. Kyle Busch, Jimmie Johnson, Matt Kenseth, Carl Edwards, Kevin Harvick, and Jeff Gordon has now clinched their way into the chase (Harvick and Gordon are tied in points as is Kyle Busch and Jimmie Johnson...both my guys tied with someone else and am hoping they both will prevail.) Well there's my exciting news...ain't y'all excited?
  9. Michael Waltrip (Darrell Waltrip's younger brother.) went on to win the race. As of now, (August 29, 2011) who has the most wins of the 2011 season?
  10. Welcome to Hazzardnet! :)

  11. Nascar (Won't let me capitalize the whole word...)
  12. Thanks Roger. Third place is a great finish for the 24 team and it was great to see him have such a fast and dominant race car. I have little room to complain about, just disappointed that he didn't get the win he should have gotten it. Yeah...there's always controversy in NASCAR. If it isn't one thing...it's something else. As for David Ragen finished twentieth...not such a good run for the number six team, but he did finish ahead of where he started so at least he had a better finish t han start...he started twenty-fourth. Bobby Labonte runs a full schedule where as his older brother Terry only races a handful of races, if that. It is great to see them both in the race together. Wish Bobby would have better finishes than he has had as of lately.
  13. Your getting old? Then I must be getting ancient then. Sounds like you had a great time at the Dukefest thing. I am so jealous! :( Glad you got to go. :) Love "Blue Bloods" I can't miss it - was bummed out Friday night when they replaced it for a preseason football game. How dare they do that to me! LOL. Tom Selleck is Ok with me - he's great in the show. Donnie Wahlberg got me fixed...Danny that is. I am tired, but other than that, am good. :) Hope all is well with you.

  14. In other words...Jeff Gordon got robbed of his 85th win last night. Of course, I am a Jeff Gordon fan and my opinion is biased... I should explain a little bit how it works...pit road has sensors laid periodically through pit road. Well some drivers will pick their pit stalls knowing where the sensors are and will speed where the sensors are not laid out. According to Gordon, Bristol's pit road the sensors are spread out farther than normal. So I guess it is the track at fault as much as the drivers...but all the same, I feel Gordon got robbed last night.
  15. To continue my review...I just read something and I stand corrected. It doesn't sound like Gordon had bad pit stops, just other cars were passing him when he was going the speed down pit road. At least the last one. Which in my opinion, means they were speeding and won unfairly. Oh well...it was a race Gordon should have and could have won, but coming home third isn't all that bad. He was very dominant and strong ALL race long which is very promising for him..and his fans going into the chase. I just wanted to correct myself and take my blame of Gordon's crew that is normally great in any race. They may have had a part in it...don't know, but sounds like they had some help at coming out sixth and not one or two. All I know is what they show and say on TV...
  16. Well the night race at Bristol was last night and it was as great of a race as I had expected it to be...though for this Jeff Gordon fan, was kinda disappointing. Ryan Newman earned the pole and led the first four laps before getting passed. Matt Kenseth led a lot of laps...but Jeff Gordon led the most laps with leading 206 laps out of the entire five hundred lap race. In my opinion, his pit crew kinda was lacking something. Everytime he went into pit road, Matt Kenseth came out first and Gordon had to pass him again on the track. Except when they made their final pit stop with eighty to go when he got back out on the track sixth to lose five positions! Brad Keselowski and Martin Truex Jr took two tires instead of four as Gordon and other cars took four. After winning the past three out of five races at Bristol, Kyle Busch had a rough night when with seventy or so laps to go he got smushed in between two cars. He came home fourteenth. Mark Martin tried to get in between Brian Vickers and Bobby or Terry Labonte but there wasn't enough room and he got sent into the wall and out of the race. David Stremme and another car got into and got a chain reaction when Denny Hamlin and Paul Menard hit each other. Menard came home thirtieth while Hamlin finished seventh...both are fighting to get into the chase that will start in three weeks. Few guys who needed to have good races for the chase had bad races last night. Tony Stewart who had a horrible qualifying and started as the last car on the track finished three laps down. Kevin Harvick was a lap down, but he is pretty good in the top ten. Clint Bowyer had a poor race as well. Greg Biffle had his tire go flat under green and during the next caution pit stop, he got caught speeding in pits and he finished a couple or so laps down. Brad Keselowski held on to win the race. Making him the hottest driver of August after winning twice and having a couple of top tens or something like that. Gordon went on and fought his way to finish third which is a pretty good finishing spot. One I should be happy with. But knowing that he should have had the win if his pit crew had been has good as other's has been. Here is the top ten finishing spots: 1. Brad Keselwoski 2. Martin Truex Jr 3. Jeff Gordon 4. Jimmie Johnson 5. Jamie McMurray 6. Matt Kenseth 7. Denny Hamlin 8. Ryan Newman 9. Carl Edwards 10. Marcos Ambrose We have two more races until the chase starts at Chicagoland...Atlanta next Sunday night and then Richmond. So far, Kyle Busch and Jimmie Johnson are locked into the chase. Right now, doesn't look like I'll be able to be watching the Atlanta race next week due to going to go see Marty Stuart with my family. Hopefully will be reading up on and posting what I read...Still hate misisng any races. Atlanta is always a good race!
  17. LOL Roger. Yeah just about as dramatic...then add to it the dramatic pulling of hair in the Nationwide Series race of Steven Wallace. Then to add to the drama that Bristol will most likely to add to the drama...
  18. Hope you are having a great birthday!

  19. "Don't Turn off The Lights" NKOTBSB (New Kids on the Block with the Backstreet Boys They are performing on "Dancing with the Stars" I love this song! Really makes me want to go to another concert! Awesome song...awesome groups! The video goes onto another song or two of the groups...best video I could find though. Call it a bonus on the thread!
  20. Miss Marty Stuart and his music...am looking forward to seeing him in concert in a couple of weeks! Love his music.
  21. Not the New Kids, but they put on a great concert with the NKOTB in June when I went and saw 'em both in concert...it was NKOTBSB! So want to go to another concert!
  22. Love this song...and at the moment am in the mood for some NKOTB.
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