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Everything posted by LoriDavenport

  1. lol Im off to bed, good night dear.

  2. You're still up?!?!? shouldn't you be going to bed young lady?!?

  3. Uh huh...LOL Of course you would say that!

  4. Yeah that does tend to get a little old hearing about one driver and that driver only. There are definitely better drivers out there.

    Though if it was Gordon, I bet you wouldn't complain! LOL

  5. Was on Garrett's profile and...you watch degrassi too? Sweet.. lol I watch it all the time...since my tv is out of my room...I hardly get to watch any of the new episodes.

  6. LOL Well sue me!!! Those names didnt come to mind whilst I was thinking of racing!!! LOL

  7. *Gasps*

    I forgot about Darrell and Richard!!!

    Gordon is pretty cool, and Jimmie is too. I don't watch most of the newer races, just the older stuff LOL. I told ya I'm old fashioned.

  8. I'll agree, it is hard to listen to that advice and take it to heart. There's some people out ther who tend to take it to far. You just need to be the one to put them in place... And properly in place mind you, not like me. It sucks having a short temper.
  9. My favorite's always been Cale Yarborough lol. Call me old fashioned but yeah, he's my favorite.

    LOL it's the weekend so im up allllllll night! LOL trying to RP Naruto with a friend, hopefully he won't disappear again! But, just whenever you're free is fine with me. and yeah we need to work on our story again, I almost forgot about it!

  10. With fanfics...the people on FanFiction.net can be harsh...there's nothing wrong with your writing style Garrett, it's very distinguished. The same thing goes for art...Deviantart.com is a place where people are harsh on your styles of art.... Ive got an account on both so, I would know. People think that when they're rude about giving criticsm, that it's called "constructive criticsm" when it's not, it's pessimistic criticsm... Listen to me you guys, If you like what you've done, then it doesn't matter what others think. It's what lies within your heart that counts. Words are just that; words. They mean nothing, have no action. There's always going to be someone that your piece of art or writing isn't going to please, and to be honest, they need to get the stick out of their a**es and get over themsevles.
  11. Whenever you're on and have time we can rp with garrett and lori lol. I betcha she can find him in a heartbeat LOL. Now lets not be doing something drastic with the rope...Garrett means well Im sure LOL. and no problem, I like NASCAR for the fast cars....its not all that bad of an influence!

  12. Hey, yeah everything's going pretty good up this way. Lori's behaving nicely lol. Awwwe, She'll come in just to pay him a special visit if it would help him LOL.

  13. Hey, i know you're an artist like me and all...so I created an art group where you can post your artwork. If you dont mind, could you please tell your friends about it...Im too lazy to go through and find everyone and click on them sending them an invite to the group. heh. thanks.

  14. Because they rock..duh. 'Nough said about it. Heh, Nah. I love the dukes because I love my family. When I watch the Dukes, it reminds me of my family so much that it isn't funny. It's a southern show, and you don't see much of those anymore, unless people want to ruin the image of the old south even more than they already have. They show reality and what is really like, with the corrupt politicians and politics. Poverty in the south and how farmers got by. It's a show that children can watch without picking up a line that has something to do with sex, drugs, or rock and roll. There's crime in it of course, but they always show that justice will prevail. And in the end karma turns around and bites boss hogg square in the behind. It has great moral values and lessons to be learned in each episode. As I said previously, it rocks...and that's all there is to it.
  15. Well. Seen this thread and decided to jump in.. Cooter and Luke. I love Enos to death, don't get me wrong, but Cooter's just too derned loveable and Luke's blue eyes just does it for me.
  16. Happy birthday Tom! Yes, Im well aware that it is a day early LOL. I forget things so easily and find it more thoughtful to say a happy early birthday than a late one.
  17. If you don't know how to move a freakin' thread, ask Maryanne, Bryan, or Mufn it is their job. It's like Chet said, this isnt rocket science...I made this mistake once but I accepted help when it came to writing, and I accepted it respectfully! I was taught the hard way, we were at least trying to help you out and be nice about it!!
  18. Alright I've kept my mouth shut long enough...There's a specific difference in RR and RP. RR is more formal and done in paragraphs as Chet has tried to explain, notice the key word, tried. I suppose you get credit for trying though Chet, some people are just too hard headed to take the advice and tidy up their writing style. Ahem, as I was explaining, RP is done in usually sentences or the actions are done with asteriks. It looks to me that you two are RPing. Sure some stories have catching titles but the content needs a whole heck of a lot of work. What you said DaisyXEnos was true, we can't control your writing style, but you're in high school for crying out loud...you should know how to write a complete sentence with punctuation and spelling, correct mind you, tossed in.
  19. WHAT?!?! I suggested that for our homecoming this year and told I needed to keep my ideas to myself... of course i suggested a ninja theme too...I just really dont like homecoming. But, that's really great they actually agreed on the Dukes of Hazzard. It warms my heart to see my generation takin' a likin' to a wonderful tv show.
  20. I honestly wonder how I ever ended up in the green zone...
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