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Everything posted by LoriDavenport

  1. My avatar in which I am getting ready to change? LOL It was of Marius de Romanus (Vincent Perez) Absolutely love that man. He played in Queen of the Damned....it's the third book in the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice.

  2. Bah...I don't care. lol I just wish this year would hurry up and end so I can go on to college.

  3. Big D little i Big N little ozzo! Tony and Gibbs for me. I love NCIS.
  4. THE 26TH?!?!?!

    Im appalled by that statement.

  5. Actually trouble is all I've been getting into. LOL but that's me. I had a goal set to not go to my principal's office daily, but that went down the drain...

  6. What can I say, I got talent! :D

  7. I seen this thread...and just had to sniff around. Fun ways to get fit? Hmm.. If it includes pastries...ice cream...a little NCIS or a Tom Cruise movie...yeah, that's a fun way to get fit.
  8. Yes, I did. lol I had a real good one. Thanks for asking dear. ;)

  9. Ohhh of course I'd never let Garrett see me cry...he couldn't handle me if I did. ;) His heart would melt! :D nah, he'd roll his eyes and make fun of me...but deep down he wants to just squeeze the stuffing out of me! LOL

  10. Thanks for the birthday wishes. :)

  11. Thank you for the birthday wishes. :)

  12. Woo! three cakes! LOL thank you for the birthday wishes. :D

  13. It was very special lol I recieved two cakes instead of one! There was plenty of left overs though me thinks if I tried to send it to you through the computer...somethings bound and determined to screw up! LOL! Thanks so much for the birthday wishes too, and wow...Garrett sung for me.. *starts tearing up* I feel so special!


  14. when the two were in the glider that's during the episode where cooter's daughter pays him a visit. Episode titled Cooter's Girl.
  15. Congrats Roger! Couldn't think of a more suited person for this title! It's like DaisyMae said, Uncle Jesse would be proud!
  16. howdy, yeah everything's cool. getting ready to go register for my senior year...oh joy. lol. :)

  17. My cousin's family who lives up the holler from me has a general lee....and I want it soooo bad. It needs a new paint job...well...new everything actually lol. Well Rog, the way times are as of now, it wouldn't pay to live down here.
  18. Dunno if this counts or not but here in Hazard, they use to have Boss Hogg's corner. They would have contests for the women to see who's appearance was more like daisy's, same for the men as well. It's not the Boar's Nest, but hey it's still Dukes. They also have a bar that's actually named Dukes...or Dukes of Hazard? I think it's just Dukes though.
  19. the pink tank top and shorts is from the episode Jude Emery....she also wore a white dress in that same ep as well. (least I think it was white, lol it was dark.) And you are correct Rog, it was from "Return of the Ridge Raiders" season 2, the pretty piggy outfit that is. In a Birds Gotta Fly (I think thats the title, I aint quite sure, it has the word "fly" in it LOL) She wears a racing jumpsuit and in season 6, of course, she dresses up in Bo's orange jump suit to try and win the race for him...it was during the second part of the two part special, Under Cover Dukes.
  20. Guys! Let it rest. period. If you keep posting to this thread... (Ha, good one to be talking..) then it will only cause more problems...MaryAnne has already said knock it off...
  21. What I told you last night someone should do. Lock the thread. I sent a message to MaryAnne, if she doesn't lock it, then we should just ignore this frivolous thread period. I'm tired of fighting a losing battle. It's like arguing with a brick wall. You get no wheres.
  22. Well, you know what...I'll do something even better.
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