Yesterday, USA Today did a story about the skyrocketing popularity of reality shows based on rednecks. Some of the shows they mentioned were "Swamp People", "Hillbilly Handfishin'" and "Bayou Billionaires". They mentioned others but you get the idea. I'm thrilled with these new shows. I've seen some of them and I'm excited that they are so popular now. There's always going to be a few people who watch these shows to make fun of the rednecks but I'll agree with the author of the story (Carol Memmott) that the vast majority of viewers like these shows because the people on them are so real, unique and authentic. I'll add that I think these shows are going to be around a long time. The world has gotten complicated and crazy and folks crave the opposite. One of my favorite saying is by Ralph Waldo Emerson, "To be simple is to be great". The nuttier the world gets, the more people will look to simplicity to regain their sanity and there's nothing more simple than being a redneck and watching other rednecks be rednecks. My second favorite all-time song is "What This World Needs is a Few More Rednecks" by the Charlie Daniels Band. The lyrics have never been more true than they are today. If you get a chance check it out. I'm excited about this new redneck revival. Maybe it will mean a whole new group of folks will discover (or re-discover) The Dukes of Hazzard.