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Everything posted by RogerDuke

  1. Sorry to hear things haven't improved Spike. I'm very lucky to live in the woods with only one neighbor. They have been like family to me since 1979 when I bought my property at 19. I wish I could give you advice except for this.....Don't lose your temper. Your neighbor and his buddy aren't worth it. Before you know it you'll be out of there and this will all be in the past.
  2. These are always tough to plan so we should start early. We're going to get together for a Christmas Party. We don't know if it will be in a chat room or simply posts on this thread. It will probably have to be on a weekend. Might I suggest (it's only a suggestion for now) 3:00 Eastern Standard Time. Before we start suggesting days please post here what days you would NOT be able to make it. I CAN'T make Saturday December 14. We also could consider a weeknight if the folks across the pond have a night they could stay up late.
  3. I'm not sure about tomorrow (Dec 5) Hobie. It depends on how much snow we get. Also (it gets worse) December 12 at 6:00 is my grandson's Christmas concert. He's a senior in high school and it's his last so I can't miss it. Do you want to do Friday at 5 (EST)? Could you make that Hoss?
  4. Let me know if you get any pictures of Flash "chasin' them possums through the woods" on that new game trail camera of yours. Or better yet, post the pictures on HazzardNet. We're expecting a half a foot of snow tonight and it's the heavy greasy type so Cooter should be busy in the morning pulling all those cars out of the ditch.
  5. LOL After sipping on the egg nog that I didn't realize was spiked I probably said a few things that I regretted and I'm glad it was lost. My big concern this year would be that Hobie will slip a little of his finest in that nog. Maybe I'll stick with straight buttermilk this Christmas.
  6. I agree with every word of this....well written cousin!
  7. JJ retiring!? As always, thanks for the updates Spike.
  8. I could go as early as 5:00 Eastern Standard Time for the episode watch parties if that meant Hoss could make it. Who is good with Thursdays? We'd have to do a Christmas party on a weekend though to get all the time zones in.
  9. How hard would it be to get together an old fashioned chat room Christmas party? Of course we couldn't do it without you attending MM. Our Christmas parties always required law enforcement since someone always ended up spiking the egg nog....and you know better than anybody how much trouble comes after that. Everybody always behaved better when the Supreme Superior Commander was in the room.
  10. You're in the right place cousin!
  11. Please don't give up on this idea Hobie because it is an awesome one. I can't make it on most Saturdays, including this one.
  12. That's a coincidence. Last month we picked up a 2 set DVD of Scooby Halloween episodes. I think there are 14 of them and was only $7
  13. Just an idea.....should you think about doing this on a weekday really EARLY in the evening so folks across the pond can get in too?. Weekends are always busy for me and probably other folks too. If so, we should figure out which day.
  14. You always bring up some interesting subjects MM. The very fact that you think about these things is proof what a big fan you are. Hey, wait a second, MM is what I usually call Meadowmufn, our Supreme Superior Commander.
  15. I always think that every time I watch it especially around Halloween. I wish they would have done something better like a haunted house that didn't get solved until the end of the episode like on Scooby Doo. Then at the end Boss could have said "I'd have gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky Dukes."
  16. Hoss always amazes me. Hazzardville Horror is a great episode to watch every year around Halloween......although I wouldn't exactly call it terrifying.
  17. You're right that they didn't say brand names but they did say "Charger" on "Happy Birthday General Lee"....the only time in 7 years if I'm remembering correctly.
  18. Just had my first sip of egg nog tonight.....first sip since last Christmas that is. I could drink it by the gallon.
  19. Good to hear from you Boss! Happy Thanksgiving to you and everybody else!
  20. I wouldn't have noticed the tape over the Plymouth name if you wouldn't have pointed it out. I pay attention to details in some things but not usually when watching TV or movies. When we used to have a blooper thread (or 2) on here I think just about all of them surprised me despite seeing each episode several times.
  21. Hobie's into shine not wine!
  22. wild
  23. ten
  24. Great to hear from you again. You've been missed. We hope you find time between all those jobs to log in more often. I wonder if your dogs were barking at Hobie. I hear he's been sneaking around lately looking for a spot for a new still.
  25. Hmmm, I have a list of all the roads and businesses too. I could post them like I did the residents list over several days. I also have a water list....lakes, ponds, swamps, marshes, dams, etc.
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