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Everything posted by North_of_Border1

  1. I read it in Byron's Group. Usually he posts in the Dukes Day forum which is an extension of the Canadian Dukes Fan Club website and official forum. It has information about the annual Dukes Days in Canada in which some cast members participate including Byron. http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/Byron_Cherry_aka_COY_DUKE/?yguid=209957574 I don't know if Byron participates in the official forum though. My membership is still pending but the owner usually carries news and important messages from one site to the other.
  2. Very cool recap BoJamesDuke. Much appreciated for those of us who can't see the show. Emy-Rae there is a thread about the show in the on TV this week section where there are links to clips of the show.
  3. I can't see the video either. It say loading but it doesn't start. However with a little research I found a clip on BBC America. http://www.bbcamerica.com/content/231/index.jsp Click on videos then search for the Graham Norton Show at the top. I wish they put the whole thing on there.
  4. Starting a thread for Dukesfest 2008 to share news and stuff. Me first: Byron Cherry posted on a Yahoo group that John was filming near his home and invited him over to hang out. They hugged for the first time in 25 years and had a blast and thus it is official Byron a.k.a. Coy Duke will be at Dukesfest 2008. He goes on to say that if anyone has any Duke related questions you can e-mail him and he'll be more than happy to answer.
  5. I posted this on a Yahoo site (DOH related) that I know Byron Cherry frequents and posts on. So far not a peep from anybody including Byron. Nobody responded the few time I posted there. Well maybe once but nobody responds to much over there. Weird message board. This place is much better.
  6. I thought they were alright. The acting wasn't so good sometimes, John and Tom were better but I enjoyed the episodes with Coy and Vance. The first few shows were weird because I was so used to Bo and Luke but after that it was okay by me. I did not like the way they were shipped out when Bo and Luke came back; by the first commercial break with barely a line of dialogue. It would have been fun to see all 4 of them have one adventure together. Ben Jones says it best: Nice guys put in a difficult situation.
  7. I thought that actor looked familiar. I must have remembered him from the Mean Green Machine. After all I did see the episode this summer.
  8. I watch the show. Never miss it. I agree Matthew is great in fact I like all the characters but my favorite is Morgan played by Shemar Moore.
  9. I saw that episode a few times and never saw that scene. CMT Canada must edit a lot of stuff out unfortunately. Stupid commercials.
  10. Ciao! You can see the gag reel on the Coller & Co website too. http://www.collierandcomovie.com/
  11. I've seen one episode of Nip/Tuck and it's not for me. But I will watch John. A porn star? Sounds funny. I'm surprised that John would do that show considering he's advocating for more family oriented stuff but heck he's an adult, he's allowed to do serious grown up stuff if he wants sometimes. LOL
  12. Welcome Aniya !!
  13. He was fun to watch. Don Pedro Colley talked about his time on Dukes recently in the following interview: http://brbtv.blogspot.com/ You need to scroll down a bit to find it. Pictures included.
  14. The episode is "Along came a Duke" in season 3
  15. There is a Dukes happening in Ontario Canada every year. It's called Hair Dare Dukes Day for Cancer. You can meet DOH actors and contribute to the Canadian Cancer Society at the same time. Among the activities there is a dinner with the stars this year the attendees were Byron Cherry aka "COY DUKE", Don Pedro Colley aka "SHERIFF LITTLE" and Christopher Mayor aka "VANCE DUKE". Billie Rae Bates and Paul Casey were also there. Jack Gordon aka "HONEST JOHN LEDBETTER" was scheduled to attend again but he passed away this spring. You can get autographs and see famous cars such as the General Lee, the Hazzard County Sheriff car, K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider the Starsky & Hutch Torino, an A-TEAM van the MAD MAX CAR from Mad Max 1, the Bat Boat with Batman & Robin the boy wonder, the new Dukes 2005 movie sherrif's car and more. More info: http://tv.groups.yahoo.com/group/Hair_Dare_Dukes_Day_for_Cancer/ For 2008: http://canadiandukes.com/upcoming/
  16. I beg to differ. sort of. LOL I some scenes it appears that dummies are in the passenger side of the cars. For example in one scene Rosco's car spins to the side to avoid another car (Enos I think). I don't remember if he hits it or not but Boss Hogg (dummy) who is riding with Rosco falls to the side and looses his hat out the window. They had a voice over of Boss saying something like "Oh My hat! My hat!". Then in the next shot you see Boss opening the car door and picking up the hat. But like Lostsheep says stunt men were apparently always driving and jumping the cars. Except for the miniatures.
  17. There is one episode (final season I think) where Bo and Luke are talking to Cooter while he is filling up the General. If I remember correctly the scene starts with a close up shot of the gas nozzle in the General and Bo's face behind it leaning on the car watching. That was the only time that I know of that we saw the General get filled up.
  18. Yeah be careful. Those cops are not Rosco LOL. Speed up and they'll cuff you & stuff you alright but at gun point.
  19. It sort of puts me in the mood to accelerate or drive a little faster but I don't really do it. My car is not the General. Quite the opposite LOL.
  20. Never saw Christmas comes to Willow Creek. I'd love too though. I know that Tom apparently has/had a beef against Chip and Byron. It is frustrating to watch someone take over your job. It can make you go against a person. It's happening to me now so I know the feeling but like Rosco says "It's not personal", it's business. If that is the case for Tom, who knows maybe he won't mind working with them now. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed. LOL
  21. The idea of seeing them all together is what I love about it. Say what you want but I like Coy and Vance. The acting was not very good at times and Bo & Luke are the best but Chris and Byron are alright in my book. Like Ben "Cooter" says, good guys put in a difficult situation. I assume however that John will concentrate on Collier & Co 2 first.
  22. Hey all! I found this interview John recently did on TV Guide.com http://www.tvguide.com/News/john-schneider-dukes/070608-02 He mentions a script he has called Trailer Trash that he would like to do with Tom Wopat that sounds like a hoot! They would be cousins and he is even considering getting Christopher Mayer and Byron Cherry. That would be so awesome!!!
  23. Jeb was playes by actor Christopher Hensel. He's a singer as well: http://cdbaby.com/cd/hensel I guess you have to able to sing to be a Duke. LOL
  24. I liked that episode too. I thought Jude had really funny lines. They were supposed to spin it off in a series. I think I would have enjoyed it. Jude was very likeable. The idea didn't die apparently. Walker Texas Ranger comes to mind.
  25. Ciao! Youtube is a great place to find clips of John singing. My favourite is one I recently found: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4vLssXG9vM8 I knew he was a great country singer but that blew me away. He was only about 25 then! Tom sure has strong competition. LOL
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