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Everything posted by North_of_Border1

  1. Hey there! We already met in the chat room but welcome to the boards!
  2. Perhaps it is the movie General! That would explain the G. Looks like the same lettering to me. I'm no car expert but I am enjoying this thread. Or should I say this investigation. LOL I love a good "mystery" I have a question for our resident experts, did Bo ever drive a general with a black steering wheel? I thought it was dark tan like John's General.
  3. Hello *waves* welcome aboard!
  4. Say, you are good. LOL You could teach that fellow a thing or two about the General. Either way I noticed the car has the door lock thingy too. John said that they removed it for filming when Tom cut his back on it. Maybe the fellow made the modifications during restoration of the car. He put back all that was missing. Although from what I hear not a lot Generals survived after the show. That said, the car still looks very very nice
  5. That is not necessarily roots. My friend is a real natural blonde. The bottom layer of hair is darker than the top layer. When we were kids and went swimming she almost looked brunette when her hair was wet.
  6. Howdy! I noticed your birthday. That makes 3 of us with the same birthday. Except I'm way older than you an Runningwild LOL. Have a nice day :)

  7. I love all the Duke cousins but If I need to choose I go with Luke. I like how he is strong, cool, calm and collected. He thinks before acting, taking calculated risks. Looks out for his family. Reigns in Bo's enthusiasm and impulsiveness yet following him in the craziness of the adventures they encounter.
  8. Hi! Welcome to the boards!
  9. Didn't they already restored it for the DVD releases? The show doesn't air on CMT anymore because ABC Family bought the rights to it. They were not planning to air it anytime soon so John Schneider asked fans to write to the station requesting that they broadcast the show. It's the 30th anniversary of the show and John though it only fair that the show would air for this special anniversary.
  10. Hi! That is odd. I don't get asked a user name when I enter the chat. Then again I'm always logged in when I enter the chat room. I just select chat in forum webpage because the pop up option does not work for me. I'm sure our kind moderators / owners can help you more than me.
  11. Hi! Welcome to the boards!
  12. As I was reading the recent replies I noticed my own post and I need to correct it. Christopher Mayer did not attend the 2007 Dukes Day. He was scheduled but couldn't make it for some reason. Leamington, Ontario is an hour drive from Detroit. AUGUST 22 TO 24, 2008 The STARS ARE HERE ALL 3 DAYS, DINNER WITH THE STARS " FRIDAY August 22 " BYRON CHERRY aka "COY DUKE", DON PEDRO COLLEY aka "SHERIFF LITTLE", "BILLIE RAE BATES", "PAUL CASEY" from Las Vegas. AUGUST 23, 24th, CAR SHOW & SWAP MEET
  13. Well, personally I like Fridays and Saturdays because I don't have to get up early for work the next morning and thus can stay up late. However it might not attract crowds in the chat room as I assume (and hope) the folks here have a better social life than me and go out on weekends. So in the end, I'm ok with keeping it on Sundays or whatever day people are on. I'll just try to be a good girl and not stay too late. Much easier said than done. LOL
  14. I liked the weekly chats. I'm all for doing it again.
  15. Have you seen the KissthisGuy website? It's gigantic archive of misheard lyrics. The site was named after a misheard lyric from a Jimi Hendrix song.
  16. Welcome to HazzardNet!
  17. You're a winner to us. 2/3 is really good. Congrats! Beside a kiss from John is better than any trophy in my opinion. You got to meet Cooter too.
  18. Happy Father's Day to all dads.
  19. The one I found is titled: Memorial Day Concert - God Bless America Sarah Brightman overpowers everyone on the last note. I think there is more than one posting of the song though. Even though were Canadian my mom loves that song and always sings along when she hears it. LOL
  20. It is on YouTube but you don't get to see a lot of John on that song. It was the last one and he sang it with the entire cast. The camera pans left and right to cover everyone. It is still a beautiful number and a wonderful song. He must have sung a solo number earlier. I would surely like to see that one. Thanks for the wishes. Hopefully mom will be alright. She needs heart surgery so she's stuck in the Hospital until then.
  21. Nooo. I didn't see it. It aired on an American channel. On the other end I was looking forward to see John perform at the Memorial day concert on PBS which was airing at the same time but I missed that too. Dang it. I was with my mom at the emergency room waiting for a doctor to see her. I should have set the VCR. I should have known that it takes hours to see a doctor at the ER. I hope someone puts clips of it on the net.
  22. Tough question. There are many actors that I like but aside from the cast of DOH which would be awesome to meet I would like to meet Erik Estrada. The reason is that he made me feel better about being who I am at a time when I didn't like being me. Let me explain: I'm Italian. First generation born in Canada. I was raised in a white french speaking city. There were no ethnic minorities there at that time. Although I'm not a visible minority I always felt different. Nobody could pronounce or spell my name right. My parents were not like other parents. Nobody but me knew what polenta or mortadella was. I didn't know what meatloaf was. I was bullied too. In the show Chips (I was 8 when it first aired) the most popular character was Poncherello played by Erik. He was THE MAN of the hour. In the show everybody loved Ponch. He was the most handsome and coolest cop. Erik was in every magazine. Posters all over the place. Now I know Erik is Latino not Italian. Neither was Ponch. He was supposed to be Italian but Erik changed it. Nevertheless as a kid I didn't see any difference between Latinos and Italians. The names sound the same and the language is very similar. I understand it well. Most of the time. After every episode I went to bed thinking "They all think he's so cool and he's like me. So I guess I'm pretty cool too." It put a smile on my face. And just for that I will always appreciate him.
  23. YES YES YES !! That is exactly what happened!! I was so insulted to see my beloved job go a 25 years kid with no experience (as capable and talented as she is) and for for being demoted for no reason that it did indeed take over my life. I just couldn't get over it. I cried A LOT! I'm OK now though. Finally got over it. Almost. I could still easily get myself worked up if I thought about it too much. Vent a little. That said, thank you everyone for the kinds words of encouragement. I was so stunned Friday I just felt like I had to tell somebody somewhere.
  24. And I mean kinda. Being told that you are laid off is not a good feeling... A feeling of failure. Even though I know that in this circumstance they were the idiots not me. As some of you know I have been looking for another job for the last year because the new boss made my life miserable. I definitely would have preferred giving my resignation instead but my boss...er..former boss was faster than me unfortunately. On the brighter side at least know I can go to job interviews anytime I want. No more sneaking around. Oh well one door closes, others will open. In the meantime of the 3 adm. assistants in the office, 1 is on medical leave until next year, the other is going on maternity leave for 1 year and I'm gone. Hahaha. Good luck boys. You're gonna need it. I know they already hired someone and they are going to rearrange the tasks again. I actually knew of the new person before being told I was gone.
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