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Everything posted by North_of_Border1

  1. Hello and welcome! I don't know about John's fan club but for 5$ you can join his Collier & Company Fan club. Your name will appear in the DVD's credits among other goodies. Just search for Collier & Co fan club on Google and you'll find it.
  2. Welcome to the board! You just found a great place to hang out.
  3. Yes I read that too. They wanted to spin off Jude to his own show but it never happened. I think it would have been a good show. I liked Jude. Always had the perfect comebacks for every comment. They also wanted to spin off the private detective and his two female assistants. That I don't think would have worked.
  4. His tail? LOL!! My neighbour has to put a leash on her tiny dog otherwise he disappears under the snow. No cars! Yes I remember that a journalist wrote a few years ago that he was in the States and was driving on the highway. He figured no one was on the streets because of the storm but then a cop stopped him and told him about cars not being allowed out. The frozen cop made the journalist follow him all the way to the police station where he checked his I.D. (there was some confusion with Quebec drivers licences at the time) and explained the rules over hot chocolate. Once thawed, the cop was in a better mood and didn't give a fine to the journalist. We don't have that here. We're advised to stay inside but if you feel courageous (or stupid depending on one's point of view) you can go out.
  5. Pardon my ignorance Kit but what to you mean by level 3? I know about hurricane winds levels but we don't really use them here. Are there some for snow storm too? I would gladly report the situation here at this moment but I can barely see outside. I spotted a few car advancing slowly with their hazard lights flashing. That means that the visibility must be down to zero. Oh boy. Lights flashed a little while I typed. I hope we don't have a power outage.
  6. Happy Birthday!! We're supposed to get about a foot of snow too. With heavy winds. Added to the 8 feet we already got this winter it makes for a lot of snow even by Canadian standards. LOL You know it's bad here when there is reports of avalanches at the snow depots! 2 this year. They are above and beyond capacity and the city's budget is spent. We're beating records from the 1940s. Crazy winter.
  7. I recently saw that Full House christmas episode on the web. YouTube I believe. It was nice to see him in another role.
  8. Greetings mighty fellow Canuck!! I'm from North of the border myself hence my screen name. Welcome to the board!
  9. Glad you're back!
  10. Cool pic TimDuke! I missed the first minute of it and missed the most important part. LOL I have a good excuse though. I was here chatting.
  11. You got me curious so I Googled Dukes of Hazzard Annual and there are a few for sale here and there. Mostly on British sites and the British side of Ebay and Amazon. They sell for about 4 to 5 GPB or 8 .00 $to 10.00$ US each. Do yours look like these: www.angelfire.com/.../products.html
  12. I have a few easy recipes. I'll start with the easiest. I got this recipe from Woman's Day magazine but it sounds like something uncle Jesse would make. Fast, easy and can feed two hungry Dukes boys when served the bisque. It's called 2-ingredient no-knead beer bread. 2 2/3 cups self-rising flour (not cake flour) 12 oz beer (a bottle) freshly opened. - Put flour in a bowl and add beer. Stir with a rubber spatula just until flour is moistened completely. - Scrape in lightly greased 9 x 5 x 3 in. loaf pan and bake for 50 to 55 minutes in 375F oven until top is slightly browned and pick inserted near center comes out clean. - Cool in pan on rack for 5 minutes then turn out on rack to cool completely. I just made one and I will taste it tomorrow for breakfast. I'll tell you how it is. They say it makes great toast. If anyone is interested I also have other very easy recipes like a fabulous chicken in wine sauce recipe from actor/TV host Evan Farmer, Pâté Chinois (Shepherd's pie) Quebec style and a pretty good macaroni and cheese recipe from a NHL player. Oh and Frittata (omelette) made with leftover pasta.
  13. I forgot: I must correct myself. The line is red when KITT is speaking not blue. I don't know what I saw but I was totally wrong. Also may I ask where everybody sees pieces of the old KITT?
  14. LOL General I didn't say that Dr. Phil in not cool. I have nothing against Dr. Phil. It was KITT turning into a shrink that not so cool. When KITT replied "that does suck" it nearly killed the fun for me. Computers analyse probabilities and spit out information not emotions. I forgot to mention my two favourite laugh out loud moments. Micheal's reaction the first time he sits in the car and it says HI and the scene with the potato chip on the floor when Micheal gets thrown on the window by KITT wild spinning. Those were funny.
  15. Yes there was a chat last Sunday. I was there. There was about 6-7 people I think. I popped in the chat room while I waited for the Knight Rider movie and ended up taping the movie. LOL
  16. Ok I watched the movie last night and just read all your reviews of it. Please keep in mind that I haven't seen the original KR since it first aired but this is my two cents: I thought the movie was so-so. To me it was mostly just character introduction like many pilot movies are. Character introduction is always a little boring. I think the series will be much better. Things didn't connect until the end until Micheal Knight showed up. The final scene when the other Micheal asked KITT if he could drive and backed out of the plane to the old KR music brought everything around. There was a sense of familiarity that felt just right. However they should have used the truck instead of a plane. That was a bizarre idea. The truck can be on any street not a plane. As far as the new KITT is concerned well.....I missed the old KITT. BUT I love Mustangs and thought he looked really good. I didn't like the changing of the colour thing. That was a little far fetched in my opinion. As odd as it may sound I like reality in my fiction. LOL You know something that appear possible to do even if it isn't invented in real life yet. I also think it would have been neat if they kept the red bars (or at least a red line instead of blue) when KITT speaks. One little familiar thing would have been nice. Also I thought KITT was a tad too human. He's a computer, he can't discuss relationships except perhaps show divorce statistics. Sometimes he almost sounded like Dr Phil. I liked the casting all of it. The new Micheal is very likeable, cute and athletic. I can see him as KITT's buddy. The no nonsense FBI agent was pretty cool too. She would be a good regular caracter in the series. Will I watch the series? I don't know. I really don't know...
  17. Oh I enjoyed is performance in the movie. He can be as silly as he wants in character. I was referring to his behaviour off screen. Wasn't he who climbed over the chairs when he won an Oscar? That was not an appropriate place and time to be goofy.
  18. I'm Canadian of Italian descent so I guess I don't count LOL but for what it's worth I watched La vita è bella with Roberto Benigni. He seems like a nice man but his silly behaviour bothers me. I watched Il Postino, a Italy / France/ Belgium co-production and really enjoyed the old Don Camillo movies with French actor Fernandel and Italian actor Gino Cervi as Peppone. Those movie were also Italy / France co-production. I watched the french version. Very funny.
  19. It's OK General Grant. I'm not mad, just teasing. Barely saw me myself! LOL Must have been me you saw. I went in said Hello and then out I was. LOL Took me only a minute to get back in. I actually kicked myself out twice! There were about six of us at the Boar's Nest. The pop-up thing doesn't work for me but the chat in forum does. I don't have hi-speed access and it take a moment to load but not long. Perhaps Emy-Rae needs to download a more recent version of Java script or whatever that thing is called. I will definitely chat again!
  20. Well? I pop in and you leave? I'm sure I had a glimpse of you before accidentaly kicking myself out. LOL It was fun last night. I could actually follow and not reply two subjets too late. LOL
  21. The chat in pop-up doesn't work for me but the chat in forum option does. Therefore I will be at the next chat if I can. I'm not good at all at chatting live, I only did it a few times, but I'll do my best. See ya!
  22. For those that get the message I mentioned above: "...You are coming from an unauthorized domain." All you have to do is to temporarily disable your Firewall before the show starts. The Firewall stops a cookie which the script checks as a security measure.
  23. Thank you so much for the link! The person that posted it on YouTube put up all sorts of fun stuff. Including other behind the scenes Dukes moment like Dukes bloopers. I had never seen the one with Coy. Love it!!
  24. Bonjour et bienvenue ! Welcome you did indeed find the right place to have fun Hazzard style!
  25. Welcome to the board!
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