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Everything posted by North_of_Border1

  1. It's a great place to be for anything Duke related. Favourite episode...hmmmm...tough choice.There are so many good ones. I can say that Carnival of Thrills and The Ghost of General Lee rank among my favourites. I've been a fan since the show first aired. I was 8 years old in 1979 I didn't remembered much of the early episodes before seeing the reruns. See what you did? You made me reveal my age. LOL
  2. *Imagining* Niiice I like Mustangs. Expensive gas guzzlers but they look so good. I remember seeing on the news years ago that our provincial police got themselves a Corvette (maybe more, don't remember). They use it on the highways to accelerate really fast and catch the major speeders. The local police bought a Volvo sedan a few years ago. Beautiful car too. I nicknamed the officer "Volvocop". LOL
  3. When Dodge introduced the new Chargers the article I read did mention that they were sold to police departments. The picture had one painted with police markings. Looked nice! Of course I immediately thought about DOH and the reaction Bo and Luke would have had if they saw Rosco barreling down behind them in a Charger. Better yet, Rosco's reaction when told about his new car being a Charger. LOL!
  4. *waves* Hello again!
  5. Tough question. I like all the dancers LOL. I like Tony Dovolani. He caught my eye first so I would choose him as a partner. Derek Hough is my other favourite. I would love to dance with him too. He's adorable. Young but adorable and I think the casting director would put me with him.
  6. Welcome Jeremy_Duke ! Like General Grant says this group is a blast to be a part of. Everyone is super friendly and believe me you will find loads of Duke information here.
  7. Oh I remember other stuff! There are quite a few times when the General lands you can see the front end it crumple and when it cuts to the boys or another view of the car continuing on it's way, it is magically fixed. LOL They did use pieces of footage brilliantly tough. Once the General didn't quite make the landing and the back hit the water. They had Bo say "Dang it! I got the tail end wet!" Another time Boss Hogg was in the patrol car with Rosco. When Rosco spun the car and stopped the Boss dummy (it was sometimes obvious when they used them) lost his hat out the window. You hear Boss say something like "Oh my hat! I lost my hat!" and it cuts to Boss Hogg opening the door and picking up the hat. Lastly when the General landed in one episode the stunt driver sunk in the seat upon impact and you could clearly see he was wearing a white helmet. I wish I would have noted the episode titles when I saw all that stuff. Too bad.
  8. *Drool* That must be so good. I had never heard of funnel cake before. It's sort of like beignets. As they say here I will go to bed more intelligent tonight. I don't like to work with hot oil (kinda scares me LOL, and is hard to dispose of) but THAT I will have to try.
  9. Great thread! Loved your stories! Might as well reveal my age too. LOL I was 8 back in 1979 when DOH started airing. I don't remember how I got hooked but I did. I was one of the rare TV shows that the whole family watched together. The other was the A-Team. You see my dad is not completely fluent in English but Dukes was more action than talk so he could still follow the story even if he misunderstood some of the things that were said. Them Dukes talk fast. LOL Besides he and my brother love car chases. My brother was 5 in 1979 and he would sit on the floor and roll laughing when Rosco would crash. Whenever a scene would start with Bo and Luke in the car he would yell "Yay they're in the car, where's Rosco?? Car chase! Car chase!" I remember his favourite t-shirt had the General on it. He also had wristband with a tiny General that would shoot out of it. I had a huge huge crush on Bo. Mom always liked Luke and Enos. I stopped thinking about the Dukes until a few years ago when I happened across an episode on CMT. It was love all over again. Except this time Luke is more my type. LOL!
  10. Great topic!! And good ears! I didn't notice the 68. The funniest thing I ever saw was a production blooper rather than an actor's bloopers. There is one shot where you see the General jump over the creek. You also see the camera mounted on the side of the car plain as day. The scene cuts to the view from said camera then back. It's hilarious! Although I realize those stunts are expensive, nowadays that shot would have been scrapped. I also noticed that in the episode with the race horse the General doesn't have a roll bar.
  11. Byron is not from Canada but from Atlanta, Georgia. He lives in California now. I never met Byron in person but those who did say that he's the nicest guy, boisterous, fun-loving, always smiling, the life of the party. A fellow member here TomBo says "Byron (Coy) Is a great guy to meet" After reading his occasional posts I would say he's a cool guy too. He loves doing Duke related stuff and meet fans. He is thrilled to be at Dukesfest. For one who was not a big Coy and Vance fan I'm turning into a Byron Cherry encyclopedia. LMAO!
  12. Well in my case it started on another board. The message board for the "In a Fix" television show over at TLC. I used to post the episode's schedule there. I wanted a screen name that reflected the fact that I'm Canadian. The one I wanted was already taken so I came up with North_of_Border. That's my screen name almost everywhere. I used the same name when I came here but then had a problem logging in so I created a new user name and I added 1 to it. That's how I became North_of_Border1 At first I was annoyed by the 1 but then I realized that the General Lee has the number 1 on it so now I like it. LOL
  13. For those who are interested and I'm sure some folks here will be, John Schneider has created a Yee Haaa ring tone. He is selling it on E-Bay for a couple of bucks. Just look for hazzard-county-swap-meet on Ebay stores or just plain Google it.
  14. I know what you mean Dukefan. I would like to go to Dukefest too but a bit far from our side of the border isn't it? I'm in Montreal and even driving straight down it makes for a long trip and highways don't go straight down. There is a Dukes fan gathering in Ontario every year. Proceeds go to cancer research. It's called the Hair Dare Dukes Day for Cancer. You can find information on it's Yahoo Groups page. Byron posts there sometimes. The "big" stars of the show are not there but Byron Cherry (Coy) and Don Pedro Colley (Sherrif Little) always come. So are Billie Rae Bates and Paul Casey. Chris Mayer was supposed to come last year but couldn't make it. Many famous television cars including, of course, the General, Rosco's patrol and such are on display. That said, I haven't been there so I don't know how popular it is. I saw a very short video of Byron trying a mini motorcycle on Youtube and it looked rather empty at that time. Perhaps it was filmed at the opening or closing times.
  15. From what I read and the comments that the ladies at TomTown wrote after seapking to Tom, he says that he has nothing against Dukes of Hazzard and enjoys getting back into it once in a while and meeting the Duke fans but doesn't want to make a steady diet of it. From what he told one of the ladies he had fun at Dukesfest but it seems he finds it a little overwhelming (for lack of a better word, not sure how to put it) crowd wise. Lots of people down there. LOL I've never been to Dukesfest and I've never met him in person. I've heard that he was a little late at Dukesfest. The ladies that did meet him say that he is a very nice guy. As far as not being there last year, I read that he had a clause in his contract (for Chicago) that if the show's run was to be extended that he had to stay and could not leave for other things. That is what happenend so he had to cancel his appearance at Dukesfest otherwise he would have been there for sure. Tom quote: "It's great to see the fans again," he said. "At the same time, if I got something else that doesn't let me out, that doesn't make those allowances, I've got to weigh those things."
  16. Wow! I wrote a paper on his cubist paintings in an Art History class once but I didn't know that! How did his parents come up with a name like that? Holy Moly!
  17. Finally it is officially announced! Byron must be so happy. Actually...he is, judging by the YeeHaa on is post LOL... He really wanted to participate from what I hear. He loved being on the show that's for sure.
  18. Thank you for the information! It does explain the situation about it being yanked off CMT despite fans clamoring for it.
  19. Welcome to the boards!
  20. Excellent idea! The questions might make the cast remember some anecdotes which they can share with fans. I hope I'm not too late but what about a question like : Name 4 or 5 musical guests that were on the show. Answer: The Oak Ridge Boys (twice), Tammy Wynette, Hoyt Axton, Dottie West, Roy Orbison, Johnny Paycheck. Did I miss any? Or How many many episodes did (insert cast member name) directed? Or more simply which cast members directed at least one episode? Denver Pyle: (11) R.I.P Henry Flatt, The Great Santa Clause Chase, To catch a Duke, Bye, Bye, Boss, The great Bank Robbery, Goodbye General Lee, Dukescam Scam, New Deputy in Town, Share and Share Alike, LAwman of the year, The great insurance Fraud, Sorrell Booke: (4) Coy vs Vance, A Boy's Best Friend, danger on The Hazzard Express, Strange visitor to Hazzard Tom Wopat: (5) Lulu's Gone away, The Boar'S Nest Bears, Happy Birthdau General Lee, The haunting of J.D. Hogg, Enos and Daisy's Wedding James Best: (2) Dead and Alive, Cale Yarborough Comes to Hazzard John Schneider (1): Opening Night at the Boar's Nest - also credited as writer
  21. I'm sure that the Collier & Co MySpace page is genuine. The behind the scene videos where posted there before the movie came out. In one of the clips John is seen typing a response and he mentions MySpace. Sometimes Breet and Derek (Executive Producers of the movie) post blogs instead of John.
  22. Bo's Crush is right about the question. I don't remember his answer either. LOL Did you know that Helio is Entertainment Tonight's official Dancing With the Stars reporter this season? Last season it was Donny Osmond which was cool. Donny would have been good this year too since he must understand sign language. But Helio will do a great job too.
  23. Me too! Last season had so much stuff going on. It was the most fun season. I loved Helio. He's so cute! This season has an interesting cast too!
  24. 1. Very true, cast first, guests later. I will give you that one. 2. I did NOT say he fits into Dukefest. I just say the more the merrier. The dukes always welcomed strangers into their home, so should we. Uncle Jesse wouldn't have it any other way. Yes they owned a TV. I saw it in the background in the living room once. I would assume they watched Nascar races. 3. About Led Zeppelin and al.: Good point. I see what you mean. However Michael Damien (who was in The Young in the Restless not GH) is James Best's son-in-law so his presence actually would make a little more sense that Mr. West's. LOL! I would put him in as a singing guest.
  25. I can picture Bo Duke being a Batman fan. He loves action and fast cars. I bet he wanted a Batmobile as a boy. LOL! I don't have anything against Adam West in particular. He seems like a nice man and I enjoyed the show as well as a kind. The idea of him at Dukesfest is odd at first but there were special guests on the show so I guess I'll consider him being a "special guest star" at DF. Besides since John and Elly are nice enough to organize the whole thing (I can only imagine the logistics of it, Yikes!) I feel they have the right to invite some friends if they so choose. One thing I find peculiar though is that there is no mention of Byron Cherry on the Dukesfest website. He said that John invited him. I know that he doesn't have as much fans as the other cast members but putting him on the list would be the polite thing to do in my opinion. He and Chris did help keep the show going after all. I also wonder if they thought about inviting Chris and Don Pedro Colley. Mr. Colley always comes to the gathering in Canada. I think he would enjoy Dukefest, the biggest one of all. I hope Byron mentioned it to John Well that was my two cents' worth. Now I shall sit back and enjoy this debate. I'm enjoying this thread. LOL
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