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Everything posted by North_of_Border1

  1. Love the pics! Thanks for posting them! You know....I actually remember one of the lunch boxes. A classmate or two had them way back then. I remember my brother a miniature General Lee that would launch from a wristband. He just lifted the transparent lid, pressed a button and boom out raced the General. It went far too! He also a had long sleeved t-shirt with a jumping General on the front. It was his favourite shirt. He lived in it. LOL
  2. Welcome to the boards Matt!
  3. Welcome to the site!
  4. If I'm not mistaken it was your birthday on January 28th. So....HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

    I hope you had a really nice day.

  5. Happy Birthday!!

    Sorry to be a bit late. I was busy and unable to log on. I hope you had a nice day. :)

  6. Ooooh that sounds like fun! I will be there! Considering the trivia champions I'll be facing I'm pretty sure I won't make it to the Championship but I'll have a heck of a good time trying. Can't wait!
  7. Oh I didn't notice that I could put more than one selection. Note to self: read posts before clicking.....it was in bold red too..... I picked Saturday but I'll be here on the chosen day. I don't think I will have a problem with any of the options. Super cool idea!
  8. Wishing a speedy recovery to your fiancé Amanda.
  9. Congratulations on the sale. I'm sure you'll sell the rest too. They're gorgeous!!
  10. 1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper unless the gift's shape makes it impossible to wrap nicely. 2. Real tree or artificial? Artificial but it looks real. 3. When do you put up the tree? First weekend in December. A tradition dad started the year grandma passed away to cheer us up. Before that we'd put it up later. 4. When do you take down the tree? Right after January 6th like many Europeans I know here. We always got our gifts on December 25 from Santa but in popular Italian folklore Befana visits all the children of Italy on the eve January 6th to fill their socks with candy and presents if they are good or a lump of coal or dark candy if they are bad. 5. Do you like eggnog? I liked the one mom made. The store one, not so much. 6. Favorite gift received as a child? Probably the Barbie camper. I got the big one. 3ft long. Love it! 7. Hardest person to buy for? Dad. He doesn't have much yet he has everything. 8. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes 9. Mail or email cards? e-mail. 10.Worst Christmas gift ever received? Don't remember. Never got anything bad. 11. Favorite Christmas movie? Movie I don't know. I must have seen How the Grinch Stole Christmas (not the Jim Carrey one) and Charlie Brown Christmas a million times. 12. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Early December 13. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Nope 14. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Chocolate 15. Lights on the tree? Yes 16. Favorite Christmas Song ? Minuit, Chrétiens (Oh Holy Night) and O Tannenbaum (Oh Christmas Tree) 17. Travel at Christmas or stay at home? Stay home 18. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? No, not all of them 19. Angel on the treetop or a Star? Star 20. Open the presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Christmas Day 21. Most annoying thing about this time of year. Cold weather and super full parking lots 22. Favorite ornament theme or color? I like red and gold. 23. Favorite thing about this time of year? Seeing all the houses and mall decorated with Christmas lights. People are in a great mood. 24. What do you want for Christmas this year? I'd love to have Mom back. I would like a job too. I think Santa might grant my wish for the second one...*fingers crossed* 25. Who is most likely to respond to this? Anyone who enjoys sharing about themselves.
  11. Beautiful pictures! I bet you got some attention driving along in the General. Even the bird posed with it. The rest of the flock must be envious. LOL
  12. Welcome to the board !
  13. Hi! Indeed, long time no chat. I have been away for awhile and now It seems that whenever I show up the chat room is empty.

  14. Cool! I'll take a look. I haven't seen the show since it originally aired.
  15. My day was pretty boring. I still don't have a job so I got up late. Cold and rainy day, about 5 Celsius (41 for those south of the border ). Moped around the apartment a bit and then went to dad's house. Called a snow contractor for him and did some laundry and put away the last bit of paperwork in regards to mom's passing and that's it. The weather matched my mood today.
  16. Howdy! *waves* Welcome to the group! Building your own General how very cool! You've come to the right place for General Lee experts. Check out the threads about it in the car section of the forum. Enjoy the ride.
  17. I don't have a digital picture to post. Well let's see...I'm about 5'1" and I'm down to 85 pounds (very stressful summer) but working on getting back to my usual and much healthier 95. I have long wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Pale skin. I don't fancy myself particularly pretty but occasionally people tell me I am. I'm not ugly though. LOL
  18. Welcome aboard Steve! This is a great place for all things Hazzard. Like fellow members say, don't forget to watch out for flying Generals.
  19. They exist. Just put the names in a search engine like Google and plenty of Dukes and Hoggs will pop. Plenty of Hoggs in Canada like the Hon. Gordon Hogg, Minister of State for Mining at the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia. Companies like Hogg Fuel and Supply Limited and Hogg Motor Sales both in Kitchener, Ontario, The second one actually dresses like Boss Hogg. Don't if the owners are Hoggs though. As for Duke there are people with the name like singer Patty Duke. Does Duke Ellington count?
  20. Me ! Me ! I remember! *jumps up and down* I liked that show! To this day I call every German Shepard I see (or any dog that remotely resemble one) Rudy. I can't help myself. LOL If I ever get a dog that will be his name. The title Katts and Dog was so much better than Rin Tin Tin. Why did they changed it I wonder too. I will sign your petition and hope that they will restore Rudy's name and the show title on the DVD.
  21. ¡Hola! Have you tried the subtitles option on your DVD player if it has it? One day I was watching movie and seeing subtitles even after I selected "no subtitles" on the DVD itself. My brother looked at the remote and there was a button called "subtitles"! The player was putting them on! Maybe you add them from the machine instead of the disc. I wish I could help you more than that. I don't have the Dukes DVDs.
  22. Welcome to the boards Mike77!! I try to say hi to all new members but with my crazy schedule of late I missed a few. Better late than never eh? I'm glad that you were able to have a nice vacation with your family. Let's hope for many more.
  23. Welcome to the party Dodge!
  24. Welcome to the board Arty!
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