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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. B.L had woke up from her nap but was still just sitting leaned back in the chair listening to all the sounds in the garage around her. Sitting up though she looked at Lori with a smirk and said "Well cuz grandma already thinks me an' you is the two baddest girls around cos we do think of fun." Lori couldn't help grinning a little at the thought she was bad and said "Me worse than you." Chuckling B.L had to agree there she was still gonna get Dixie though all this torture had been her fault because she blabbed to Grandma playing the innocent little angel as always. Grinning wickedly B.L thought if Grandma really only knew that Dixie hasn't been as good as she pretended. Cooter and Bo came back to the rest after looking at the new parts Cooter raised his eyebrows questioningly at B.L's wicked grin. Luke.......
  2. Out in the woodshed B.L was frantically pleading her case "Uncle Luther I swear I didn't mean to knock Grandma down. Lori had her radio up real loud and I was trying to get her to turn it down." Luther sighed and looked to the ceiling of the woodshed wondering 'why me' then relented and sent B.L back inside. B.L went straight to her room she could hear Lori and Dixie aggrevating the boys.
  3. Dixie just walked out and saw the two she was as excited as Lori about having them both there tonight. B.L wasn't getting a response with her knocking so now she was beating on the wall with her tennis shoe yelling "LOREN TURN THAT DOWN OR I'M GONNA TURN IT DOWN FER YA!!!!" Grandma D raised up it sounded like them girls was bustin' the house down she started to go up the stairs and give them a piece of her cane when all the sudden Lori came tumbling down the stairs where B.L had thrown her down knocking poor ole Grandma off her feet. Lori jumped to her feet and and ran up the stairs screaming like a banshee "BL I'LL KILL YOU" B.L laughed and said "Catch me first" then slid down the banister nearly giving grandma a coronary at the less than lady like behavior.
  4. Luke looked to Bo and shook his head it seemed these three girls couldn't go five minutes without fighting. Lori went over to Luke and rubbed against his side blowing in his ear again making him shiver and rub the blown sensation from his ear if she kept that up he didn't think he could hold to the bet. Bo was trying to get B.L's attention with no luck she wasn't having any of it to her he was just a 'kid'.
  5. Lori and B.L kept right on singing their bedrooms was right next to each other so they was singing a "I've got friends in low places" through the wall one singing a verse then the other then they'd join in together on the chorus. "WELL I'VE GOT FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES WHERE THE WHISKEY DROWNS AND THE BEER CHASES MY BLUUUES AWAYYYYY!!!!" Grandma D had had enough of this caterwallin especially this particular song which she didn't approve of. Not only did she not like the fact the girls wore jeans and t-shirts but she thought it was just absolutely dreadful that they went to the Boar's Nest. Going into Lori's room first then B.L's she dragged them out of their beds by their ear and to the bathroom then put them both under the cold shower that sobered them up real quick and they both screeched. "GRANDMAAAAA!!!" Cooter had managed to get to sleep somehow from all the caterwallin' but when the two screeched from the bathroom right next to his room he jumped and fell out of bed, scrambling to his feet he ran down the hall to see if the old woman was killing them. Dixie meanwhile was hid around the corner laughing her head off.......
  6. Oak Ridge Boys Baker's Creek Peach Street Hotel i'm only absolutely sure about the oak ridge boys cos they were on twice and are my favorite country group since i was little.
  7. Grandma Davenport unknown to Lori or Luther was dead serious about putting Lori in a mideval chastity belt. She may not be able to save Lori's virginity but she could at least keep her from being referred to as a 'woman of the night' and heading down that particular road and getting paid for her 'services'. B.L has finally stopped laughing when Lori had went to her room but hearing Dixie poking fun at Lori didn't help she was muffling laughs in her pillow. She had to help Lori out of this perdicament before Grandma D decided it was a good idea to put her and possibly Dixie in a chastity belt too.....
  8. Emboldened by Lori's action B.L was the next one to go AWOL she had that itchy dress off and her jeans and a halter top on faster than you can say jack frost running out the door jumping in the Judge. Just as she was about to peel out Cooter jumped in the window his feet still hanging out as B.L tore up the dust heading someplace any place but home with Grandma Davenport! The old woman in question was standing in the yard shaking her walking stick at the retreating car and threatening to use it on some behinds. Cooter grumbled as he righted himself in the passenger seat...... "You coulda gimme time to change." B.L: "Nuh uh not and stick around there just untuck ya shirt and mess up yer hair." Cooter did just that as B.L continued to speed toward the Boar's Nest. In the parking lot they saw Luke's car and Lori's getting out of the Judge they could hear the ruckus going on inside shrugging to each other they walked in but by then everything had stopped because someone had yelled Rosco. Lori was still giving Luke the evil eye though so the two Davenport escapees joined them asking.... "What's going on?" Lori looked at them and said "I got involved!!" Cooter and B.L just shook their heads it seemed Lori never would learn where Luke was concerned no matter how much anybody tried to tell her.
  9. Luke looked at her smiling and said "I can't help it everytime I look at you I just can't stop myself getting involved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile at the Davenport farm it was a race to see who was gonna kill Dixie first Cooter or B.L or just maybe it'd be a combined effort. They had Dixie trapped she'd started to run around the outside of the house to try and make a break for one of the vehicles only to find B.L had her cornered on one end and Cooter on the other both stalking toward her with looks that could kill. B.L made it to Dixie first and grabbed her shaking her hard. "DIXIE LEE DAVENPORT IF I WANT MY BUSINESS SPLATTERED ALL OVER THE COUNTY I'LL TELL IT!!!!" Poor ole Dixie's teeth was a rattling in her head B.L was shaking her so hard. Cooter wasn't pleased with her either because of her he'd spent a night in jail then had to go to school. But he didn't want B.L to shake all her brains out of her ears either nor for Luther to catch them so he was desperately trying to pry B.L's hands off Dixie. "B...let her go ya gonna shake her brains loose" B.L "WHAT BRAIN SHE AIN'T GOT ONE OR SHE'D A KEPT HER MOUTH SHUT" Just then.......
  10. Dear cousin Dixie..cut the innocent act 'sister' we all know your no good goody two shoes! LOL B.L Davenport
  11. Cooter thought fast and propped a chair under the door knob so Rosco couldn't get in. He then looked at the others and put his finger to his lips shushing them and pointed toward the window they were gonna have to crawl out it to get to the vehicles while Rosco was trying to get in the door. Luke and Cooter climbed out the window first then helped Lori and B.L out since Lori had a busted knee and B.L was wearing her prom dress as they crept toward the vehicles and climbed in Lori and Luke in the wrecker and B.L got in with Cooter this time Rosco finally got into the shack but it was empty. Just as Rosco kicked through the door the engines roared and the 4 teenagers tore out heading for the Duke farm so they could discuss this in the barn........
  12. B.L glared at Luke and elbowed him in the gut which caused his laughing to stop instantly as he gasped for air winded. "Shut up Lucas!" She looked at Lori with a snort of course she had enemies they all did but the question is which one of them had stolen the crowns and put them in her car. "Of course I got enemies Lori we all do question is which one of the skunks is it framed me." Luke had recovered and him and Cooter both had thoughtful expresions as they tried to figure out which enemy of B.L's had framed her.....
  13. Luke gulped he could see the wheels turning in B.L's head and the wicked gleam in her eye. B.L smirked and looked between them "Can't you two keep yer clothes on around each other?" Lori stuck her tongue out at B.L and smirked saying "Nope" Before anything more could be said Cooter drove up and came in looking at the three, Lori was looking a little annoyed and Luke looked like a cherry he was turning so red and B.L stood there grinning wickedly at them. He had to ask "What's going on here?" B.L obliged him with an answer "Lori's been back a whole day and her and lover boy here's done been jumping each other's bones." Cooter..........
  14. B.L heard the familiar voice and grabbed the CB mic from her car she didn't see Rosco close so she could stop long enough to tell Lori what was going on. "Sweet Talker here Whiskey Bent I read ya loud and clear but can't talk I'm on the run." Lori chuckled and pressed the button to talk again "What'd you do?" B.L "Nothin' some jackass framed me! The crowns for prom king and queen came up missing and guess where they turned up?" Lori: "Yer locker?" B.L: "No.......worse in my car!!!" Lori: "I'm on my way cousin....." Lori looked at Luke and said...........
  15. (Pardon the double posting but I decided couldn't have a Davenport give up quite so willingly and go to jail peacefully for something they didn't do) After Rosco put B.L in the car she slipped out the other door and ran for it across the school parking lot. Not as fast as normal in the high heels she stopped and kicked them off then took off again like a bolt of lightening with Rosco in hot pursuit yelling "FREEEZZZEEEE!" B.L looked back briefly to see where Rosco was he was nowhere even close to her and he was panting as he tried to catch her. She yelled back over her shoulder. "NO WAY ROSCO I AIN'T GOIN' TO JAIL FER SOMETHIN' I DIDN'T DO I WAS FRAMED!!!" As the chase continued with most of the prom goers now outside cheering B.L on as she tried her darndest to out run Rosco Luther........
  16. B.L nearly fell out of her chair at Alfred's confession she knew he hadn't stolen the crowns anymore than she had. He just was trying to save her skin because the principal was talking about expelling B.L and not letting her graduate with the rest of the class which about had B.L in tears at the thought of being kept in school another year. But she couldn't let Alfred take the wrap either then she'd feel obligated to him in some way and while Alfred was a nice enough boy B.L didn't want to be attached to him in any way. B.L. said "Alfred I 'ppreciate what yer doin' but we both know t'wasn't you that took them crowns and put 'em in my car anymore'n it was me that did it." she looked at the principal before finishing "which I DIDN'T" The principal however wasn't buyin' it see he was a cocky little rooster who had moved in from Nashville Tennessee and he'd heard about the Dukes and Davenports so was out to take them all down because he thought he could get brownie points that way. "Miss Davenport save yourself alot of trouble now and just confess and I'll only call your Uncle to come get you but if you keep up with these lies I'll be forced to call the Sheriff." B.L rolled her eyes and growled "I DIDN'T DO IT!!!" Mr. Duitt: "I'm sorry you leave me no choice" Mr. Duitt picked up the phone and called Luther explaining what had happened and that B.L would be at the jail then he called Rosco to come pick her up...... In the gym Cooter was still interrogating people trying to pressure the skunk who'd framed B.L into talking but so far he was having no luck. Meantime Rosco had come to get B.L and was taking her out in cuffs Cooter seen this and came out to investigate asking. "What's going on? Rosco have you gone squirrely B.L ain't done nothin" "Gjitt that's where your wrong Cooter the principal done called and said she had stolen some crowns or something or other and the goods was in her car. I looked and sure 'nuff they was there so I'm takin' her to jail." B.L looked at Cooter with tears pooling in her eyes that she was trying to keep from falling and choked. "I didn't do it Coot honest to god I didn't" Cooter hugged her and whispered "I know ya didn't and I'm gonna find out who did you can bet on it." Rosco then put B.L in his cop cruiser and took her to the jail fingerprinting her and then putting her in the holding cell upstairs. Luther..........
  17. Luke headed out to Mark and Robin while Cooter and Vance had Lori off in the other direction. Daisy, B.L, Bo, and Jeb all stood around trying to decide what to do and to get everybody else minding their own business and back to having a good time. If that was even possible now after what just happened.
  18. Luke got to the shower first as he said when they got to Mark's and it was really COLD. He came out towel drying his hair wearing his best jeans and his shirt with the tiny light blue gingham checks. Mark was next he finished in record time although both boys could have used at least an hour under that cold water. Robin curled her hair and just pulled it up on the sides a little clipping it with a barette at the back and coming downstairs just as Luke and Mark did. Luke escorted Robin out the door and they all headed for the dance. Mark hadn't had a chance to get a date but he hoped B.L was there alone and they could hook up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the dance things hadn't got going good yet, all the cheerleaders were there making sure everything was ready to go though. Cooter and Lori came in through the gym doors. Lori was dressed to kill in tight jeans and a low cut black top and her boots and jacket. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the new comers to the dance. B.L grins seeing who it is and hurries on the little make shift stage picking up the microphone. "We have a special guest tonight our very own veteran cheerleader captain Lori Davenport is back in town!" Luke, Mark and Robin came in just then too........
  19. B.L and Dixie had pulled out behind Lori and Cooter but had headed to the dance they weren't interested in a fight tonight there was better things to do. Just as they got to the dance so did the rest of the Duke clan well except Luke. The group went into the gym B.L. Dixie and Daisy stopping to gaze at the decorations mezmorised it was beautiful to say the least with all the snowflakes hanging from the ceiling on fishing line and then there was several on the walls and such. The floor had been covered in a white protective covering to protect the waxed finish but it added to the atmosphere perfectly looking like a blanket of freshly fallen snow on the gym floor.
  20. B.L in the meantime was upstairs still listening to all this. She heard one of them slam or throw something against the bars and said "Hey no murders down there I want ta get out 'fore Christmas." There was no reply though the boys wasn't amused unknown to her there was still a standoff going on down there it had just got real quiet. She heard whistling out in the hallway it must be Rosco she thought to come check on them. Not wanting him to catch wind of what was going on she quickly warned them. "Fella's Rosco's comin' ya best knock it off down there." Just as Rosco came in she made it back to her bunk laying down with one of her school books reading casually. Rosco..........
  21. Jude Emery I am Rosco and Lulu's sister that comes to visit in one episode who am I?
  22. B.L fell over laughing hearing Vance's middle name she'd never heard it mentioned before and now she knew why it was girly! All the boys got reaaal quiet hearing the high pitched laughing coming from somewhere. Cooter looked up and saw the air vent now and said "B.L how much have you heard?!" B.L gasped and answered giggling "Oohh I dunno enough to get Luke killed, and Vance's middle name..." B.L covered her mouth then as it hit her if they could hear her laughing they knew she knew everything they'd been saying. "Brandy Lou Davenport you tell Luther and I'll......" Luke fumed shaking his fist at the vent B.L could keep secrets when she wanted to but she had a penchant for telling tales just to start trouble. B.L "You'll what Lucas?" Luke: "I dunno but I'll think of somethin!" B.L: "Ok ok I won't tell........I'm boored up here all by my lonesome ya'll there's nobody to talk to."
  23. B.L sat on her bunk upstairs she could hear Luke and Vance yelling at each other about Lori. She nearly fell off her bunk laughing hearing Vance bawl Luke out for just letting Lori leave like she had and when things were really quiet she could hear them all talking through the air vent they just didn't know she could hear them. Hearing about Lori miscarrying B.L nearly had a heart attack, Luther'd kill Luke if he ever found out about Lori being pregnant but B.L sure as heck wasn't gonna be the one to tell him not this time no siree.
  24. Ernie Ledbetter I'm Cooter's other cousin that fills in for him and I appear in two episodes who am I?
  25. Alrighty I ain't answered nothin' in several posts so let's see how smart i'm or am not lol. Amos Clydsdale First Baptist Church (the one in town is Hazzard Gospel Church) Moss Creek
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