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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. He watched Konrad get nose to nose with Ernie and say in a low menacing tone "I did not jump the start you're just sore cos you got whipped fair and square by a better car and driver." Well this made Ernie even hotter and he started screaming curses at Konrad. Now Konrad didn't take kindly to being cussed for winning a race fair and square and he knew just how to handle guys like this from his street racing in Atlanta. He wadded up his fist and decked Ernie right in the nose, Ernie grabbed his nose it was bleeding he jumped on Konrad knocking him down and the fight was on. They rolled around in the dirt trading punches, B.L stood out of the way with Dixie while Luke and Cooter tried to break up the fight. Luke had Konrad and Cooter had Ernie pulling them apart just as Rosco pulls up Ernie breaks free popping Konrad right between the eyes. Rosco stepped out of his car and waved his gun shooting up in the air and said "Allllright just hold it right there." Everybody froze and looked at Rosco well Luke and Konrad's first instinct was to run but they didn't because Dixie and B.L was there and Luke had promised Luther he'd look after Dixie. Luke took out his keys to the General Lee and pitched them to Dixie "tell Uncle Jesse will ya?" Dixie caught the keys and nodded with a sigh Jesse and Luther were going to kill Luke. Konrad did the same as Luke he handed B.L his keys so she could get home then Rosco cuffed them and put them in the car heading for the jail house. Dixie went to the Duke farm she was supposed to be staying with Daisy tonight is what she had told Luther. B.L got in Konrad's car and headed home.
  2. Konrad listened to Luke and nodded he was checking over his engine getting ready to race. "Thanks fer the advice cousin....I don't plan on gettin' caught." Luke patted Konrad on the shoulder with a smile "good luck" Konrad: "thanks" While Luke and Konrad had been talking Dixie and B.L had been talking about the guys and B.L had asked Dixie why Luke had parked so far away from the rest of them. Dixie giggled and told her it was so they could be alone. Dixie asked then "are you ridin' in the races with Konrad?" B.L shook her head she knew if Luke raced that Luther didn't want Dixie riding with him so for Dixie's benefit she'd sit out tonight and just watch mostly, maybe next time Dixie could bring her new car and then B.L would run her a little friendly race just for the fun of it and she said as much. "Maybe next time you can bring your car and I'll race ya a lil friendly race." Dixie grinned and her eyes lit up at the thought of trying her skills out behind the wheel of her new car. "That'd be fun B."
  3. Konrad said, "I didn't ASK for her permission, I'm not hen pecked! I just don't want her to get in trouble again and I don't want my head bounced off the wall by Luther Davenport again." Luke could understand this because of his and Dixie's own situation. He didn't want to make Luther mad anymore than Konrad did. "Well just so you know Ernie Ledbetter's tellin' that ya had ta ask yer woman for permission to race." Konrad swore "Sh-- I ain't gonna stand for that NO woman tells me what to do I was just askin' what she wanted to do mainly." Luke chuckled and said "I know that cousin, and BL wouldn't try to tell you what to do neither she's not that kinda girl and she knows how Duke's are." Konrad then walked back over to his car and BL gave him a strange questioning look. He smiled and said "Luke was just tellin' me that some guy named Ernie Ledbetter was sayin' sh-- about me bein' hen pecked and askin' you for permission to race." B.L bit her lip and creased her brow glaring in Ernie's direction a few cars down the line sighing she said. "I'm sorry Konrad." Konrad kissed her forehead and said "hey don't worry about it Luke said he was a trouble maker. I know ya wasn't tryin' to tell me what to do. I'll teach him a lesson later on the track." The races started, Luke and Dixie were down a ways sitting on the hood of the General Lee necking and feeling nothing that would get Luke shot or Dixie in trouble. Cooter noticed the General Lee parked so far away from the rest of them and thought this was a little odd usually they were all parked close to each other racing or not.
  4. B.L and Konrad weren't too far behind him. Cooter got out of the wrecker as B.L and Konrad got out of Konrad's black and yellow mustang, there was still a crowd outside with their hoods up. Konrad looked at B.L and asked silently with raised eyebrows what was the deal with all the raised hoods. B.L grinned and answered the unasked question "Ever so often we all go upto the lake and race. Some of us just go to watch." Konrad smiled and gave the raised hoods a second glance then took B.L by the arm to have a closer look, he said "Awesome, I street race back in Atlanta." B.L walked around the cars with Konrad looking at the motors of course she'd seen all them before there was some pretty hot stuff under some of them and then not so great under others. One guy was eyeing Konrad's mustang and asked "what's under the hood?" Konrad walked back over to his car and popped the hood to give them a look. There was a murmur of ooo's and ahh's when they saw the powerful engine. The guy who had wanted to see under the hood asked "so you gonna race later hot shot?" Konrad looked at B.L and said "am I?" B.L chuckled ever since she'd got in trouble and Luther had bounced his head off the wall multiple times, "if you want to we will Luther knows about the racing and knows we not only go watch but race he's ok with it." Konrad accepted to race closed his hood and then he and B.L joined the rest in the Boar's Nest. They all sat together listening to Jeb's band get tuned up and ready, the guys that planned to race all had cokes and the same went for the girls who were gonna try their luck against each other and the guys. The band played some good songs tonight, Luke and Dixie danced as did Konrad and B.L. After a few hours the people that were going upto the lake for the races slid on out of the Boar's Nest. Cooter was taking the wrecker up as usual in case they needed it tonight. At the lake.......
  5. B.L shrugged and thought about it she and Konrad had gotten really close over the last six months but they still hadn't done it. After a few minutes she answered "He's a nice guy Dix the nicest one I've dated. A relationship ain't all about sex, we have some great conversation too." Dixie thought before answering and said, "Yeah, BL, I know that. I have a good time with Luke. Always have. I really think that is what got to Lori, we could have fun together and I don't have him only talk to me. He-- he KNOWS everybody and if someone speaks to him that's fine cause I know he brought me and is taking ME home not them. I dont' have to have him only." B.L nodded in agreement with Dixie, "that's the way it is we me and Konrad. I know he's leaving with me when it's time to come home and not someone else. I think Lori would have been able to have a better relationship with Luke or anyone else if she hadn't been so possessive and paranoid." Dixie totally agreed with B.L about Lori. B.L looked at Dixie and asked "would you ya know with Luke?" ......
  6. As the crowd came around the building and saw the kiss B.L standing on the far side of Cooter as far away from Luther as she could be with Konrad on her other side whistled shrilly and yelled "GO DIXIE!" Luke turned about ten shades of red and purple as he put DIxie back on the ground. Many eyes were on Dixie's Dad. He merely gave Luke a warning look for now. Daisy said "well take it fer a spin sugar" Luther spoke up then saying "too bad you have to wait to try it out until it's legal." Luke handed Dixie the registration, proof of insurance and the keys saying "it is" Luther, Jesse and all the others were surprised at this not only had Luke bought Dixie the car but he'd got it legal to be ready to hit the road when he gave it to her. Dixie grinned and jumped in the driver's seat with Luke riding shotgun. They peeled out of the Boar's Nest parking lot everyone else went back inside for the rest of the party when Lori and Luke got back. When they got back and came in the Boar's Nest everyone was asking her how her new car handled and all. Dixie was all smiles as she excitedly told them it was great. Luke didn't have one single drink except coke through the whole party and he was sure to be respectable when dancing with Dixie which shocked quite a few people at the party except for his family and hers they all knew why he was being a perfect gentleman.
  7. After Dixie had finished talking to Luke B.L had talked to Daisy and they had done their best to make a few plans without Dixie overhearing them on B.L's side of the conversation......
  8. B.L looked at Dixie wide eyed her mouth falling open nearly hitting the bed, she couldn't believe Lori would be that mean. She knew that Lori and Dixie had their problems but then so did she and Lori but she just couldn't believe what she was hearing and didn't quite no how to respond.
  9. Bo, Luke, and Konrad got out of their cars and came over to where Jesse was standing and he looked at them Luke looked like a whipped pup and Bo looked down right scared about something. Konrad had a bump and bruise on his forehead like he'd been in a fight or something. Jesse sighed and asked "What happened?" Luke and Bo both spoke at the same time "LUTHER DAVENPORT!" Konrad just hung his head. Jesse looked at him and said again "what happened Konrad?" Konrad gulped and peeked up at Uncle Jesse from under lowered lids and said quietly "Mr. Davenport caught me comin' outta B.L's room this mornin'." Jesse turned purple he knew he hadn't raised Konrad but he knew his Aunt Beth in Atlanta on his and Daisy's mother's side and she certainly had taught him better than this. He shook his head and said "Konrad, now I know that you were raised proper. Now, us and the Davenports go a ways back and I don't appreciate you taking advantage of Luther's hospitality the way you did." Konrad said again "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse, it aint gonna happen again if Mr. Davenport sees me again he's liable to shoot me." Jesse nodded this was true Luther was protective of his three girls and he was very conscious about keeping their reputations in tact especially B.L's and Dixie's after all the talk that had been going around about Lori for years. Jesse lectured Konrad for a while longer then told him to help Bo and Luke with the rest of the chores and to stay out of trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie was waiting for BL. She gave her a little time before she went into BL's room. She opened the door just a crack and said, "BL?" B.L was laying across her bed arms folded and her face buried in them bawling her eyes out. Luther was treating her like a child and her butt was on fire this was the worst whipping she'd had in a long time even worse than the one about a month ago when he'd gotten her and Dixie. She looked up and back at the door, "Yeah Dixie?" Dixie asked, "Want to talk or want company? I don't think I'm going to the garage any time soon if at all today?" B.L rolled over a little and winced but nodded answering "Yeah sure come on in." Dixie came in and sat down on the bed "BL you can forget the party. I knew things would fall apart. The car ain't going to be ready. Lori's gone. Luther is still goiong to be pissed at all the Duke boys." B.L gave Dixie an apologetic look and said "I'm sorry Dixie part of this is my fault I screwed up I knew better than to have Konrad in here." Dixie.....
  10. Luther, B.L and Dixie were still in the livingroom just sort of looking at each other stunned over Lori's outburst. Luther knew Lori was right all four of them were grown except for Dixie but he even had to let go of her more and allow her to make her own decisions and hope they were the right ones. None of this though changed the fact that B.L had broken one of the rules about boys or in Cooter's place girls in the bedrooms, he crossed his arms and glared at B.L making her shrink into the couch cushioins. "Your still not off scott free young lady you know the rules and while your head strong like Lori she's always been worse than you." B.L swallowed she knew she was still in deep trouble she'd never out right boldly broken a cardinal rule before. "Yes sir, I'm sorry Uncle Luther but Lori made a good point her, me and Cooter are adults now." she continued "but we should set better examples for Dixie than this." Luther nodded he was still debating whether or not to take B.L to the woodshed. B.L waited quietly head down for the axe to fall she knew it was going to there was no doubt in her mind about it. After a few more minutes of the heavy silence Luther pointed to the door without saying a word. B.L got up and headed outside she knew what he meant. Luther followed her out to the woodshed saying "Brandy Lou I'm disappointed in you, of all the things you could do ya did THIS right under my nose!" B.L had the good graces to look ashamed and whispered. "I'm sorry" at any other time B.L might be going off at him in a lesser degree than Lori had but still going off at him but felt now was not the time to blow up it would only make things worse for her to add sassing to her crimes. Luther took off his belt and B.L knew what was coming and bent over. A few minutes and eight painful licks later B.L walked back into the house stiffly and upto her room. Dixie....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm.....
  11. Back at the garage Cooter and Luther had went back to work once all the 'excitement' was over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the Davenport farm Dixie was still rambling excitedly while Lori was upstairs with her guitar writing a song. B.L and Konrad were doing their best to ignore Dixie's rambling only giving her an occassional 'uh huh', 'really', and 'is that so' just so it would seem that they were paying attention to her. What they were really doing is trying to think of somewhere to go to be alone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The chores done at both farms and supper ate everyone went to bed that night. The next morning...
  12. Konrad was watching Luke and Dixie and asked B.L "what's up with them?" He wondered if they were together especially with all the accusations he'd heard flying around tonight. B.L had noticed them being cozy too and answered. "I dunno but they sure are cozy tonight." Jeb noticed Dixie and Luke too and wondered who had requested all these love songs. He was sure gonna ask Luke about it when he got home.....
  13. Back at B.L's table she and Konrad were leaning their chins into their hands elbows resting on the table as they stared at each other listening to the music. The next song that Jeb played was 'Baby's got her blue jeans on'. Konrad took B.L's hand and asked "would you care to dance madam?" B.L. smiled and stood up saying "I'd love to". They went out onto the dance floor and danced. Konrad holding B.L tight around her waist and the song fit because as usual she was wearing her jeans and boy did they fit WELL. After the song finished before they headed back to their table the band started to play Conway Twitty's "When we get behind closed doors" and B.L blushed thinking about what happened behind those closed doors. Konrad chuckled at her blush and kissed her cheek softly taking her in his arms again as they danced.
  14. B.L looked at Konrad when Lori hit the girl and said "I knew this wasn't going to be good. And we're right in the middle of it." Konrad chuckled and asked "your cousin's and mine always like this?" B.L nodded and answered "yup ALWAYS" Luke was on the dance floor with Dixie. He had heard behind him, Lori say his name a few minuters ago. He turned to see Lori holding Bo's hand and Matt's sister's cousin on the floor. Luke turned. Dixie said, "You're going to Lori? That's what she wants." Luke shook his head, 'no', "I'm going to check on Matt's sister's cousin. Come on." Luke and Dixie went over to check on Matt's cousin's girlfriend's sister and Lori who'd been drinking pretty heavily by this time snarled and asked Luke, "so ya checking on yer next girlfriend Luke? Ain't ya afraid Dixie will get mad at ya?" Luke looked at Lori and said "She's not my next girlfriend. And Dixie isn't goign to get mad at me." B.L and Konrad were turned around at their table watching all the action shaking their heads this was turning out to be quite an evening........
  15. Luke.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Luther had calmed down somewhat he'd let B.L and Konrad leave the garage. They were going to meet the others at the Boar's Nest but they hadn't gotten away without a warning to behave from Luther and a threat from Cooter to B.L that he'd be there and watching her as well as Dixie. Back at the house they went upstairs to get ready to go to the Boar's Nest. Konrad said "I thought ya Uncle Luther was gonna kill us." B.L shrugged as she went into her room with Konrad close behind "I figure he's gonna kill me anyway cos I didn't shut my mouth the first time he told me to." Konrad turned her around and pecked a kiss on her lips "that pretty lil mouth gets you in a whole lot of trouble I bet." "You just don't know the half of it." B.L grinned and wrapped her arms around Konrad's neck and kissed him lightly. Konrad pushed her back on the bed and leaned over her kissing her lips and down her neck it wasn't long before they were making out hot and heavy. Just as B.L reached for Konrad's shirt buttons he pulled back breathing heavily and said "We'd best stop before we get caught." B.L nodded and sat up, she went to the bathroom and took a shower then came back to her room wrapped in a towel. Konrad raised his eyebrows at her and gave her a wolfish look before he went to take a shower while she got dressed. B.L put on a pair of tight jeans and a halter top with her cowboy boots. She blew her hair dry and then curled it in big soft waves with her hot rollers. Konrad put on his good jeans and a t-shirt and his boots when he came out of the shower. Then they left for the Boar's Nest. At the Boar's Nest Konrad held the door open for B.L and when they walked in they could see Luke setting up front with the band along with Dixie who was scantily dressed almost making B.L's eyes pop out. Then she spotted Lori at a table in the back. B.L didn't want to be anywhere near either one of her cousins tonight she was there to have fun and couldn't do that if she was 'babysitting' Dixie or ended up in an argument or fight with Lori. So they chose a table in the middle away from both of the other two Davenport girls and Luke who was sitting up front with Dixie at the Band's table.
  16. Konrad gave Luke a look that said 'i don't want to be me either'. After Luke deserted him Konrad looked back at Luther and Cooter. If looks could kill he'd drop dead by now. Luther pointed at him and said "Mr. Duke I take it that you were the one who put that on my nieces neck?" Konrad nodded slightly and answered braver than he felt truth was he was shaking in his boots "yes sir" "Uncle Luther don't give him the third degree! It ain't the first time I've had one YOU just ain't never seen them before" Luther looked at BL, "I'll deal with you later. Right now I want to talk to Konrad. You are Jesse's nephew adn though I have had trouble with those cousins of yours around MY GIRLS before I thought you would respect the fact that I have opened my home to you and you flaunt in my face the fact you have interests in My neice instead of talking to me. I'd like to know your intents towards her?" B.L puts her hands on her hips and looks at Luther straight in the eye and says "I'm and adult what I do is MY business stop treating me like a child Uncle Luther." Konrad straightened his shoulders and said calmly with more confidence than he felt in the intimidating prescence of B.L's angry Uncle. "I don't know my exact intent sir but I do swear to you i WILL NOT hurt her." Luther glared at BL and informed her, "You both are living under MY roof. My roof, my rules, no back talk! I told you I'd get to you. Konrad hurting my neice wasnt' what I was getting at. First you hurt her YOU WILL DEAL WITH ME. Second I was worrying more about her reputation than whether you intended to hit her, cause THAT won't happen in this lifetime." B.L knew she was pushing it but opened her mouth again at the questioning of her reputation. "I AIN'T Lori Uncle Luther I been with one other boy back in highschool you know that! I don't flaunt my business all over the county either!" Konrad assured Luther "Her reputation will not come into question I promise you that. I will do nothing to make her reputation be questioned or bring shame upon her or the family." Luther pointed at BL, "I'm warning you I'll take you out back and tan your hide!" Then he turned to Konrad, "I will hold you to your word! And I WILL have no ROOM hoping at MY HOUSE!" Konrad nodded respectfully and answered quietly "yes sir understood" B.L thought about telling Luther Konrad didn't room hop he'd been in hers since the first night but thought better of it and kept her mouth shut for once.
  17. B.L grabbed a lug wrench as she chased Lori out of the garage intent to kill. Konrad looked at Luther and Cooter and didn't like the looks he was gettin' one bit. He hoped B.L came back before they killed HIM. While he was nervously watching the two Davenport men B.L and Lori had just made their second lap around the town square B.L gaining on Lori. "LOREN WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU I'M GONNA CLUB YOU UPSIDE THE HEAD WITH THIS WRENCH THEN WRING YER NECK!!!!" Lori just laughed and kept right on running going for another lap around the square. B.L decided she wasn't gonna catch Lori she was tiring and slowing down so gave the wrench a swing and sent it sailing and hit her intended target smacking Lori right in the head with it.....
  18. The next morning B.L and Konrad woke up slipping downstairs in case anyone was home. After finishing the chores they decided to head to the garage, B.L took her hair down letting it hang loose fixing it over her neck she'd noticed a hickey when she'd put it up and knew her cousins or Luther was sure to spot it if she wore her hair up. Konrad helped her do the chores and then they decided to go to the garage. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the garage it was a slow morning, Luther and Cooter sat outside the garage watching the town begin to stir and eating donuts. B.L and Konrad came pulling up at the garage and got out it didn't pass unnoticed by Cooter that B.L's hair was down today over her ears instead of pushed behind them like she usually did when she wore it down. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori saw Robin's car in the yard and saw red she just knew Robin was there and so early in the morning too. Surely the little snot hadn't got up the guts to stay with Luke she thought as she and Bo entered the house. Jesse.....
  19. Lori had drank a little more at the Boar's Nest before Bo had taken her out of there tossed over his shoulder she hadn't been falling down drunk yet he just thought it was a good idea to get her out before any real trouble started. Dixie was still asleep she'd come in really late after the Boar's Nest had closed and she'd give Jeb a ride home.
  20. B.L had watched it all and grumbled "can't take her nowhere she always starts trouble!" Konrad squeezed her hand lightly and said "don't worry about her we're here to have a good time." B.L nodded and they went back to listening to the band.
  21. B.L and Konrad sat down at another table near by so that Cooter and B.L could 'watch' Dixie. Daisy came up to the table and took their orders. "What can I get ya'll?" Konrad looked at B.L to see what she wanted "what would you like B.L?" B.L answered "beer's good with me" Konrad ordered two beers and Daisy went to get them and Bos and Lori's beer and Jack. She came back with the orders and was relieved to see that Bo had been the one to want the beer although she wasn't sure Lori should drink Jack Daniels she hoped Bo kept her from drinking too much. She then gave Konrad and B.L their beers and Cooter his. The band was playing a slow song so Konrad asked B.L to dance and Bo asked Lori. Luke and Robin.....
  22. Back at the garage Konrad looked at all of them and he just had to ask... "What happened at Luke's bachelor party? Why'd he get arrested?" Cooter leaned against the desk crossing his feet at the ankles folding his arms preparing to tell the story. Lori was glaring at him but he was ignoring it. "Everybody had been drinking already Bo there had called in a stripper and Luke had went to the bathroom. He saw this guy that had told Dixie previously to that one night on a date to 'put out or get out'. Luke took exception to that and taught the guy some manners." Konrad had started to grin when he heard Bo had got a stripper but it soon turned to a frown when he'd heard about what the guy had said to Dixie. He might not know Dixie that well but that didn't matter the guy shouldn't have treated her or any other girl like that. Cooter continued with his tale of that night "Well a fight broke out and Rosco got involved, Luke was resisting Rosco still intent on killing the guy he was fighting. State cops came in and tried to intervene Luke swung and hit one of 'em that's when the party ended cos they carted him off to jail." Konrad looked stunned but then recovered and looked at Bo saying "Wished I hadn't missed that now sounds like a real barn burner. Who'd Luke marry?" Well four fingers all pointed in Lori's direction, Konrad looked at her he could see right away Luke had got himself a spitfire. He asked "so why ain't Luke here with his wife.?" B.L piped up this time knowing Lori was going to probably retaliate later "They're divorced she's datin' Bo now." Bo could see Lori's eyes change color and he knew all hell was fixin' to break loose so suggested. "Let's all go get a beer at the Boar's Nest...Jeb's band is supposed to be there tonight." Everybody was quick to agree and started climbing in vehicles, Bo said to Lori. "Hey Lori you can ride with me since Midnight's drying." Lori agreed and climbed in the General Lee......
  23. Cooter was the one to answer "Just the ususal, Lori's been playing follow the leader with Rosco again." "yeah then she found herself the baloney in the sandwich between two Rosco and Enos." B.L piped up. Lori looked up and scowled at B.L and said "well I got away didn't I?!" Dixie giggled that story sounded like a typical mess that Lori would find herself in. Then she turned her attention to more important things than Lori's shenanigans. She looked at the cozy way Konrad had his arms wrapped around B.L's waist as her cousin leaned against his chest while they watched Cooter work. Dixie raised her eyebrows ever since the new Duke had arrived in town and had been staying with them B.L had sure been happy. Walking around with this love sick calf look. And if she wasn't mistaken she'd heard giggling coming from B.L's room last night....
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