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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jesse watched and added "Maybe, but she was in the wrong as much as you were. She's alright Luke her hind end is sore but that won't last." Luke shook his head, Dixie didn't deserve none of that as far as he saw it and he'd like the chance to tell Luther and give him a piece of his mind. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Davenport farm Dixie had finally fallen asleep while Cooter and B.L watched over her. B.L looked at Cooter and whispered shaking her head "Where'd that defiance come from? She was worse than me, you and Lori all put together." Cooter scrubbed his hands down his face nodding in agreement he'd never seen Dixie act that way before. Everybody thought she was the quiet good girl but she'd proved today she was just as head strong as any of the rest of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm............
  2. Cooter and BL had the same reaction at the same time "you WHAT?!" neither one had a clue that she was on the pill. Dixie repeated what she'd said "I've been on the pill for about a year now" B.L remembered a conversation that she and Dixie had had a while back "I thought you said you weren't gonna do it until you were married or absolutely sure it was the right guy." Dixie looked at BL and said, "I am sure ya'll." Cooter was stunned by this he had no idea the two discussed such things. Looking down he saw the ring on Dixie's left hand and asked "Where'd you get this?" Dixie looked at her hand and smiled a little "Uncle Jesse gave it to me for Luke it's Luke's mother's engagement ring....see ya'll he DOES love me" Cooter wasn't sure how to answer his sister. He wanted her happy but he'd known Luke Duke for years. He finally said, "Are you sure it ain't just to get him out of trouble." Dixie raised her head from Cooter's shoulder and looked him in the eye "I'm sure, I love him Cooter."
  3. Cooter looked up from what he was doing and said "what? I thought you and Dixie were upstairs asleep by now." B.L knew there wasn't time to explain alot most likely by now Luther had started in on Dixie "Luther's gonna whip Dixie again cos she won't give him 'Dixie Delight's key!" "SH--! Ain't that girl learned a da-- thing today?" he asked himself more than B.L and took off running in the door and bounding up the stairs with B.L following slowly and stiffly behind. Luther had Dixie bent over and was indeed whipping her he had the belt pulled back for another lick saying "Give ME the key Dixie!" Dixie knew it was coming again and her butt was already on fire after three licks but she just didn't care "NO!!! AND YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!!" B.L cringed those would be Dixie's famous last words she was sure. Cooter went over and put a hand on Luther's wrist to the hand that was holding the belt. "Dad don't she's had enough today, remember what Jesse said afore ya whipped her earlier? This is crossin' that line." Luther nodded and opened his hand letting the belt fall to the floor he knew of father's who beat their kids and he refused to be one of them no matter what his kids were doing. Dxie opened her eyes when there was no belt connecting with her behind at her refusal to still hand over her car key. Cooter.......
  4. Luther was back at the house and had put the shot gun back in it's usual place. He was considerably calmer now after shooting off 100 rounds or so. Cooter was out doing chores mostly to avoid being in the house with Luther. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jesse was still at the farm with B.L and Dixie talking to them while they were eating some lunch. The phone rang and Jesse got up to answer it "Hello, Duke farm Jesse Duke speaking" "Uncle Jesse it's Bo" Jesse swallowed his big toe had been hurting him he just wondered what Bo had got himself into. "Where are ya Bo?" Bo swallowed Jesse was not going to like this one bit "I....I'm in jail" "WHAT?!" Jesse couldn't believe with all that was going on with Luke that Bo would go and get himself arrested. "Uncle Jesse just let me explain, I needed to talk to Luke and this was the only way I could.? Bo explained sounding desperate and hoped Jesse would understand. Dixie and B.L were looking at each other with puzzled looks wondering what was going on now. Jesse took a deep breath and let it out slow saying "I'll be down as soon as I drop B.L and Dixie off at home."
  5. Luther sighed and said "I want them home in an hour ONE hour no longer!" "Ok see you in an hour." Jesse said and hung up the phone. Luther hung up on the other end a little harder than necessary. He looked at Cooter sitting on the couch and said "Well they decided to go to Jesse's he's gonna bring them home in an hour. He said they was actin' like they was scared to come home." "Well, Dad I am on your side here and all but I can't says I blame them. You are almost over that line of being out of control. I know I was too the other night when I told them to arrest me and put me in the cell with Luke, but I have calmed a bit, but you ain't." Luther turned red at Cooter's comment and shouted "I AM CALM!" Cooter raised his eyes wide open and said calmly, "No ya ain't." Luther pinched the bridge of his nose squinting his eyes shut tightly for a few seconds trying to calm down "Jesse threatened to call Rosco and get him involved." "Well the way you are acting, I can't say I blame him. I know they did wrong but you are out for blood. I'm afraid myself you will take your anger at Luke out on Dixie." Luther sank down in his recliner his head in his hands Cooter was right he had to calm down before he dealt with Dixie or he'd hurt her and he didn't want to do that. He was furious with Luke and Dixie but he couldn't let his anger at Luke loose on Dixie. He stood up and said "I'm gonna take a LONG walk before Jesse gets here with the girls." Cooter sighed hoping his Dad walked off some of the anger before he got back. Luther picked up the shot gun and walked out the door he was going to do some target practicing while he was out. He walked out the door and toward the woods at the side of the house.
  6. "Uncle Jesse he can't do that he just can't" Bo was just about to have a breakdown he was so upset over what was happening to Luke. "Bo, he's doing what he thinks is best for Dixie it's all he can do. We's got to support him not fall to pieces." Bo shook his head 'no' furiously "Can't you make him see sense?" Jesse sighed this was hard on all of them but Bo was especially taking it hard even harder than Daisy. "No Bo I've talked to him and he's determined to go through with this, there's nothing I can say to make him change his mind." Bo was about to blow a gasket, "UNCLE JESSE! Luke CAN'T do THAT! He CAN'T just LET THEM take him to PRISON!!!" Jesse put his hand on Bo's shoulder "Bo, he don't want to go to prison but if he pleads innocent they will do tests on Dixie to prove what they did and Luke said he WOULDN'T let that happen." Bo wasn't being really rational, "He's choosing protecting her over Himself! Over ME!!!" He had all he could take and stormed out the back door! Jesse knew Bo just needed time to work things out in his mind so he watched him head toward the barn. He knew he was going to the hayloft. Jesse looked out the window he wasn't any happier about the thought of Luke going to prison than Bo was but he also had to think about all the other 'kids' not just worry about Luke. He hoped Luther would calm down and not ruin his relationship with Dixie over this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As Jesse was having these thoughts Dixie and B.L pulled up in 'Dixieland Delight'. Jesse went out on the porch as the two girls got to the steps. B.L looked a little shakey and pale. "Now didn't Luther tell you two to go straight home?" Jesse asked them gently B.L nodded and said "Yes sir but she got me in the car and instead of following Cooter on home she grabbed another gear kept going and ALMOST killed US!!" Dixie swallowed and threw herself at Jesse wrapping her arms around him burying her face in his overalls and sobbing "I....I...w...w...was...af...afra....afraid....ta....go....hoooome!" Jesse wrapped his arms around the sobbing girl and looked to BL for an explanation. B.L sighed and answered the unasked question. "Luther still ain't 'dealt' with her and she's afraid of what he's going to do. You saw how he was at the house! " Jesse said, "Girls I've tried to reason with him too." Dixie looked up at him, "Uncle Jesse I almost couldn't walk for a month over a hickey. He'll kill me over this!" Jesse said "I'm sure he's not going to kill you he'll calm down." B.L spoke up "Uncle Jesse he bounced Konrad's head off the wall ALL the way downstairs when he saw him coming out of my room one morning BEFORE all this. I just thought he was furious then but I ain't never seen him THIS mad!"
  7. Once Luke was settled in the cell, Peggy let the Dukes and two Davenports. Bo was the first to speak after, "Luke! Did you HAVE to do that? Are you CRAZY?" Standing holding hands of both Daisy and Dixie, Luke replied evenly, "Yes, I did. And, No, I'm not." Bo voiced what was on the others mind but no one (except Luke and Jesse -- unknown to the others) had talked about . "By saying you're guilty on this you'll..." Bo paused trying to choke the lump in his throat back down to try to talk to Luke in the short time they would have. "Luke, you'll go to jail..." Bo looked up to try to stop the tears that were threatening. Luke knew his next statement to Bo was likely to upset him, Dixie and Daisy more so than the others so Luke tried to speak with a calmness he didn't feel.
  8. Luther Davenport wasn't a bit surprised to see the white pickup coming down the driveway. Dixie heard the familiar pick up coming down the road and quietly made her way onto the porch. B.L followed Dixie onto the porch inching around her and standing in front of Dixie so that she was between her and Luther. As Jesse walked onto the porch he stood a little in front of B.L putting himself between the obviously furious Luther and the two girls. "Luther our families go way back." he began. Luther nodded but his eyes never left Dixie who was standing just outside the door on the other side of Jesse Duke, and behind B.L "That's true Jesse and I'm just as sorry as you to see it all end this way, but what Luke did to my little girl I won't stand for!" Jesse calmly said, "I've talked to Luke this morning. He would like to do what he can to fix the situation." Luther ground his teeth speaking through them clenched he asked, "Can he give back her VIRGINITY?!" Dixie flinched as if she had been smacked. Jesse continued calmly, "Luke knows what you and most everyone else is going to think. He told me that Dixie wasn't just another girl. He said he loves her." Jesse sees steam coming out of Luther's ears and his face is turning red. "Hear me out ... He'd like to marry her." Jesse tried to explain further, "Luke knows that even if you allow her to marry him that you may not change your mind about the charges. He's not saying that to get out of trouble. How happy do you think she'd be knowing you sent him to prison? Luther," Jesse said very gently hoping not to set Luther off, "Luke says she could be with child." Luther spoke again barely controlling his anger, "It doesn't matter if he marries her or not I WON'T drop the charges!" The last bit about Dixie possibly being with child was more than Luther could take he took a step toward Jesse intending to go THROUGH him and B.L to get to Dixie. Dixie backed farther away from her father. Jesse said calmly in a commanding voice, "LUTHER DAVENPORT! Touch one hair on that girls head while you are THAT mad and I'll have Rosco lock you up!" Luther looked at Jesse when he spoke but he was too mad still to think rationally he said "I'm not gonna touch one hair on her head but her a-- is MINE!" Luther was about 10 shades of purple, and Cooter was obviously hot under the collar too. Jesse stepped closer said in a voice that even worried Cooter, "Luther DON'T do it. Don't touch her while you are this mad. Whip her if you must but do it when you aren't mad!" Luther said "Jesse I may NEVER be calm again!" "Luther YOU or I, NOR them can change what's happened." Jesse said calmly, "But we all need to do what's best for them." "What's best for HER is a whippin!" Luther fumed. Dixie finally got a bit brave and spoke up, "I talked LUKE into the backseat! He didn't FORCE me into anything. Uncle Jesse I've loved Luke a LONG TIME!! I didn't know me being 16 was a problem, I swear that! I'd never have put Luke in this situation if I KNEW! Uncle Jesse PLEASE don't LET LUTHER send LUKE to prison." Dixie had spit her father's name out like she had a bad taste in her mouth and was barely able to say the word 'prison'. Jesse held his arm out as Dixie stepped toward him and buried her face in his overalls. He wrapped his arm protectively around Dixie's shoulders. Luther was still seething as he glared at Dixie, "YOU talked HIM into WHAT???? MY 16 year old daughter has now got the reputation of a WHORE. HE's done this to one too many girls Jesse. I'm going to see to it that I do everything in my power to have the book thrown at him." Luther's voice was raising. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie held on to Jesse for dear life! Jesse felt her grip on him tighten, as he said, "Luther Dixie is not the first 16 year old to ever be with a boy." Luther's eye flew open and he said, "Jesse, Luke ain't NO BOY he's a MAN! He should have known better than to take advantage of a 16 year old child!" B.L got brave or stupid she’d never really know what possessed her to speak “Uncle Luther REMEMBER when I was 16!†Luther glared at her and said “don’t remind ME!!! Dixie looked up at her father with tears in her eyes, "I'm NO CHILD and Luke DID know better, but HE unlike this family thought I was 18 not 16! If I'd have known it made a difference I would have told him how old I was and I da-- sure wouldn't have pushed him in that situation!!!!!" Luther replied, "I've got to go talk to Trooper Mitchell Jesse. I'm not backing down from this." Jesse humbly asked, "Don't do this to my boy?" Luther replied coldly, "He did it to himself." “Luther what’s it gonna solve? What’s done is done it won’t undo it just gonna make things bad between good friends!†B.L added with more fire than Jesse had used in his plea purposely leaving out ‘uncle’ a term of deep respect and love that she had always used without thinking twice about it. "BL I already told you I'm not backing down from pushing this.†“Your just being stubborn and unreasonable!†B.L said with her hands on her hips. "And as her Father I CAN BE!" Dixie shook her head and said, "BL he's not going to listen. He's worse than Rosco trying to put the Duke boys away!" “He’s being an a—hole!†B.L fumed she was madder than he—none of this was fair to Dixie or Luke sure what they’d been caught doing was illegal because of Dixie’s age but she was willing so B.L thought it was all just a waste of time and energy just for the sake of punishing Luke for assuming something instead of asking. Dixie agreed and started walking off the porch, "Yeah I know!" Jesse was trying his best to hush the two girls that were only making Luther worse. B.L followed Dixie off the porch and they got in the Judge heading for the jail without a word to Luther about where they were going. Luther and Jesse got in their vehicles and headed to the courthouse too. Jesse went downstairs to see Luke when he arrived looking ten years older he shook his head sadly and said “I tried Luke but he won’t budge.â€
  9. The next morning, Dixie wasn't asleep. She hadn't slept all night. She either cried or thought about Luke all night. Last night was supposed to be special and unforgettable. It had been special right up until the flashlights came on. As for unforgettable Dixie was sure that neither her, Luke and half the County would ever forget it, either. Cooter said, "You got to deal with her sometime." Luther replied, "I know. I'm just trying to calm down a bit first. It just don't seem to be workin'." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jesse pulled up in front of the Courthouse and jail just before 8:30am. He had to know what went on with Luke, but in order to try to help him. He hoped there would be SOMETHING he could do. Jesse took a seat outside Luke cell. "Ok, Luke what happened?" Luke sighed, "You remember Dixie's big birthday party, we all went all out for. Well, it turns out it was her 16th birthday NOT 18th!..." Jesse interrupted, "Did she tell you she was 18?" Luke gave Jesse a brief sad smile, "No." he sighed, "I figured that out ALL on my own. I know, ... I assumed myself into a God awful lot of trouble." Jesse asked, "So what did they charge you with?" "Trooper Mitchell said he'd give me as big a break as he could and ONLY charge me with Indecent Exposure, Public Intoxication, two counts of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor, and Resisting Arrest. Luther can insist on him charging me with the felony, which, ... after what I heard going on upstairs I figure he will." replied Luke. Jesse gave Luke a look of reassurance, "I'll go talk to Luther." he said simply. "I appreciate it, but Jesse, ... I'm not so sure that will help. Just make sure Dixie is Ok. She had no idea what was wrong last night and as mad as Luther was I'm sure she has lived hard." said Luke with concern. "Jesse, I had a lot of time to think last night about a whole lot. Other than the age thing, I'm not a bit sorry for what happened. I do love Dixie." Jesse looked surprised. Luke continued after seeing the look, "Yeah, I said that. ... I just thought I loved Robin. Then I ran around trying to prove something." he shook his head, "I guess I proved what a jerk I can be... He--, ... as far as I know, ... I was Da-- lucky that none of them showed up pregnant. And then there was Lori, who DID end up pregnant and I didn't even know til it was too late. I tried to get her to get over me and I tried to get over her but we just kept coming back to each other. I loved her, part of me still does, but we've proved it will never work." he paused. Jesse just let him talk, "I love Dixie. I am not saying what I'm about to say to try to get me out of anything. I want to marry her and I intend to tell the Judge that this morning. When you talk to Luther, if you think it will help you can tell him that for me." Jesse looked at his nephew. It seemed he had watched him grow up right before his eyes in the last five minutes. Luke looked much older than his twenty years. "Your sure about that?" "As sure as I've been about anything for quiet sometime, now. No matter what happens. I love her. She will have to live with what we did last night. It might be easier for her, at least if she has my name. I don't want anyone to think that she was just the last in a long line of conquests." said Luke with seriousness. Jesse asked, "Luke is there any doubt about WHAT was going on last night?" Jesse continued a bit embarrassed, "I mean, ..." Luke stopped him, shook his head 'no', looking into his Uncle's eyes. "No, what they said they saw was EXACTLY what they saw." he sighed. Luke felt himself shake inside as he stood up straight to tell Jesse the rest of his decisions, "I know in order to prove it though they will want 'tests' ran on Dixie. I won't let that happen. I'll not let her go though that." "Luke, ..." Jesse was interrupted. Looking Jesse in the eyes, "I'll plead guilty and hope for the best if it comes to that. IF they run the tests it will only confirm what did happen and put her through He--. Her having to live with my assumption is bad enough." "Luke you could talk yourself right into prison." informed Jesse. "I know that." he sighed. "Isn't there any doubt? Those tests could come out shedding some doubt." said Jesse. Luke shook his head no. "The evidence would be there." Jesse looked him in the eye, "Could she be pregnant?" Luke got a kind of far off look and smiled just a bit before answering, "That would be the only good thing to come out of this. Yeah, she could be." He seemed a bit satisfied at that thought. Jesse stood up looking Luke face to face, saying a bit loud, "Luke have you lost all your senses? How long have you two been SEEING each other?" Jesse asked worriedly. Luke knew what he meant since he had been given permission from her father to take her some places, "Last night was the only time." Jesse asked, "You swear?" Luke nodded yes, "Yes." he continued, "Can I ask you to do something for me that I might not get to do myself, depending on what goes on upstairs?" Jesse realized so far Luke had not asked him to do anything for him. He had not asked him to talk to the Judge. He hadn't asked him to talk to Luther, Jesse had offered. He hadn't even asked Jesse to get him out of jail. "What is it, Luke?" Luke looked very serious. "On my dresser is a small white box. It has been there since I dated Robin. I just recently figured out Dixie's size and had it sized and cleaned. I had plans to give it to her myself but never found the right moment. Will you see she gets it. NO matter what happens I want her to have it." Jesse knew the box. "Luke would that be your Mother's engagement ring?" With tears in his eyes for the first time since Jesse arrived, Luke bit his lip before he answered. He said as his voice cracked just a bit, "Yes, ... it is. If she'll have it after all this, I'd like her to have it, ... and all the promises that goes with it." "You'll be able to do that yourself." Jesse tried to assure Luke. Luke shook his head, "I'm not so sure about that." Jesse left to go check on Dixie and talk to Luther. He noted the garage wasn't open yet so everyone was likely still at the farm.
  10. At the jail Peggy as she asked Luke, "Do you want to make a call now?" "What time is it?" asked Luke. Peggy looked at her watch, "Three thirty." Luke shook his head, "Not now, there's nothing Jesse can do until morning anyway. Unless Luther wakes him now, it will be better to call about five thirty, if that's Ok?" Peggy gave him a slight smile. "It will be fine. I'll let get the phone for you then." Luke knew no news was good news but had to ask, "I heard," he nodded towards the steps. "Did Trooper Mitchell change the charges yet?" he asked glumly. "He told Mr. Davenport what he charged you with. He also told him what you could be charged with, then he said he'd give him until tomorrow to think about it. For now they stand the same as he told you." Peggy explained. Peggy looked at the clock it was 5:30am. She got the phone hooked up where the cord would reach to the cell. Sleep had alluded Luke, though he was laying on the hard bunk starring at the ceiling. Peggy's movement had gotten his attention. As Luke sat up he saw Peggy coming his way with the phone and a large cup of coffee. She handed the coffee to Luke and sat the phone down on a shelf on the wall near the side of the cell. Taking a drink of the coffee Luke looked at the phone and sighed. "You know all my life I have been able to tell Uncle Jesse anything, but I don't think I can tell him this." He had decided hours ago to prepare Jesse the worst then hope for the best. He heard how upset Luther and Cooter had been. He doubted that even Uncle Jesse could calm them down enough to keep him from being charged with the felony. He sighed again. For Peggy she didn't know what to say to make this any better for Luke. She had been party to the events upstairs last night as she had came in, in the middle of it. Luke asked, "What time is it?" "5:40 am" was all Peggy said. Luke knew he had to call now before Jesse discovered him not home. Reaching through the bars Luke picked up the phone. "Maybelle get me the Duke farm please." Jesse had just poured his first cup of coffee when the phone rang. Looking at the clock. Jesse knew no one called here that early unless something was wrong. "Jesse Duke." he answered. Luke bit his lip hard at the sound of Jesse's voice. He knew what he was going to say would hurt Jesse more than it did him IF that was possible. "Uncle Jesse ..." "Luke? Where are you?" Jesse asked not sure he wanted to know. There was a long silence before Luke answered, "In jail." "What in tar nation did you do now? Let me guess been in another fight with just anyone who wanted to fight? OR maybe the last time wasn't long enough, so you went out racing again, you're sure to get your license revoked if you keep of this foolishness!" Jesse wasn't happy. Jesse was answered with total silence. "Luke. Tell me what they charged you with." replied Jesse sternly. Luke stood rock solidly still, yet he felt him shaking uncontrollably on the inside as he said, "St, ... Stat, ..., Statu, ... tory, ... Rape." Luke's voice had cracked up badly and the last word was almost unheard, but Jesse heard him LOUD AND CLEAR. Jesse almost dropped his coffee cup, "What? Who? Did they manage to set you up?" "Jesse, I only wished it were one of their set ups." Luke said as he turned his back to Peggy. His eyes had, against his will, filled with tears. "Just listen a minute. That's not the formal charge yet. Though I'd bet my life it will be after seeing the Judge. Jesse replied, "Peggy's there? Ask her when is the earliest I can come talk to you about this and see what we can figure out. Luke did and replied, "8:30 am." Jesse said, "Luke I'll be setting there at 8:30am. Who's is the girl?" Luke would rather tell him that in person but figured he'd better prepare him in case he ran into the Davenports, "Thanks, Uncle Jesse." Luke paused, his voice barely heard by Jesse. He cleared his throat, "Dixie Dav, ... en, ... port." Confused Jesse said, "What? Didn't you all just tell me she had her 18th birthday party?" Jesse voice was a bit loud for the hour of the morning. Luke sighed, "It's a long story. I've got to go. It makes me feel better knowing at least you think like I did." Jesse looked at the phone confused now more than ever, "Luke, I love you." "I love you too." Luke handed the phone to Peggy. He laid on the bunk and faced the wall.
  11. Luke could hear the commotion upstairs. He expected at any minute Luther and or Cooter to storm down the stairs leading to the cells. What Luke didn't know was that it had taken both Troopers, Rosco, and Dixie's pleading, along with promises from Rosco and the Trooper of their own arrests to convince them both to leave the jail. When Peggy, the correctional officer, arrive downstairs, Luke was setting on the bunk Indian style. He had been staring at nothing replaying the nights events. Cooter and Luther were to mad to say anything to Dixie at this point. At the farm Luther pointed to her room and said, "Don't even come out until you are called for." To Dixie that wasn't so bad an idea as she was not at all looking to dealing with her father. Or should she say being dealt with BY her father. Cooter and Luther were far too mad to get any sleep that night. Dixie didn't sleep either. She was worried about what was going to happen to Luke. She felt really bad for him being in this situation because of her. HOW had Luke thought she was 18 instead of 16? She truly didn't know that there was over fours years difference in their age, but had she known she also wouldn't have known that it made a difference. B.L followed Dixie to her room and stayed up with her all night talking. At one point Dixie asked “B what’s the big deal with me being 16 and Luke 20?†B.L sighed and answered “Luke is technically an adult and you are still a child so in the eyes of the law he’s took ‘advantage’ of you no matter how willing you were. Over four years age difference is illegal.†Konrad had decided it was best for him not to be seen nor heard in that house considering his name was Duke. He went back to the Duke farm but didn’t want to wake anybody up although he truly doubted they were asleep but he went to the barn anyway and slept in the loft.
  12. Rosco was at his desk when the Troopers brought Luke in to the jail. Dixie was told to take a seat at Rosco's desk which she did. Rosco had no idea what was going on. He said, "You can just put him up here until we process him." referring to the upstairs cell. Luke managed to find his voice, "Rosco if it's all the same to you. I'd just as soon go downstairs. It will probably be safer there once Luther is called." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As soon as the State Police reached the jail with Luke and Dixie. Luther was called to pick her up. All he had been told was that he needed to pick up his daughter at the jail and to see Trooper Mitchell. He wondered just what kind of trouble Luke Duke had managed to get Dixie into now. "Cooter I've got to go to the jail to pick up Dixie." Cooter asked, "Why?" Luther answered, "That I'm not sure of." "I'm coming with you!" Cooter replied. Konrad and B.L was just pulling up into the yard after their rendezvous at Hazzard Pond just in time to see Luther and Cooter coming out the front door. B.L stuck her head out the window and asked “Where ya’ll going this time of night?†Luther said “To get Dixie at the jail!†B.L said “jail!?†then looked at Konrad with an ‘uhoh’ look. Luther and Cooter didn’t give B.L time to ask what Dixie was in jail before leaving. Well always one to want to be in on the action B.L told Konrad “follow ‘em this should be interesting.†~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trooper Mitchell was still writing his report when Luther got there. He explained the situation and Luther and Cooter flew mad. B.L groaned hearing Trooper Mitchell’s explanation of the situation and she looked at Dixie who looked about as miserable as a girl could look. She went to the younger girl and hugged her comfortingly. Konrad just stood back watching it all he didn’t really know what to say or do he couldn’t believe Luke had managed to get himself in this mess he felt sorry for Dixie Luther was furious and the poor girl looked a little afraid. They wanted to see Luke! at one point Cooter said, "Just arrest me and put me downstairs WITH LUKE, Rosco!!!" Luther wanted the book thrown at Luke.
  13. Dixie replied honestly, "No? What are you all talking about?" Luke whispered, "Sixteen? not eighteen? What was with the Big Birthday?" Dixie was far to innocent to know what was wrong. She replied, "The eighth was a big Birthday. My sweet sixteen. Luke what is wrong?" The look that was on Luke's face was like none Dixie had ever seen on his face before. It was of sheer TERROR! The younger Trooper said, "Miss, you are under eighteen. He's over four years older than you. Which makes what was going on in that back seat when we came up very illegal for Mr. Duke here." Luke was scaring her and he knew it but it was all he could do right now to breath. His chest was tight. He felt numb all over and he was struggling to breath to keep from passing out. He had been so careful to not let this happen. For the two years he could buy beer he'd ever asked his dates to see their ID before he bought them a beer, now THIS! The young Trooper said in a voice of authority. "Mr. Duke on the car and spread 'um!" Before moving, Luke said to Dixie, "This is all my fault. Just remember that. Nothing that happened tonight was your fault. I assumed way too much. I wouldn't have changed a thing except I would have hoped, I'd have waited until you were eighteen if I weren't such a jacka-- and assumed I knew everything." he finished the three quarters of beer in one drink as he slide off the hood. Trooper Mitchell said to Dixie, "Come on you can ride up front with me as soon as we get a wrecker out here." Luke now knew he certainly didn't want Mr. Davenport out here to tow the General Lee under these circumstances. He said, "I'll sign a waiver or whatever. Don't call a wrecker. Mr. Peabody and all of Hazzard know this car. It will be Ok here." The younger Trooper said, "Suit yourself!" As he began to frisk Luke who was spread eagle against the car. At the moment the Trooper placed the first handcuff on Luke, he got a glimpse of Dixie who was crying. Luke couldn't take the fact she was hurting like this and her crying tore him apart. He pulled away heading towards Dixie. Both Troopers turned their attention on Luke. Being a bit more skilled, Trooper Mitchell downed Luke. He had his left shoulder and arm behind his back and was putting pressure on it. Luke was still fighting. Trooper Mitchell applied more pressure as he said, "Calm down! I can, ..., and will, ..., break it!" he cranked the arm even harder. Finally Luke felt the pain above the adrenaline rush he had gotten when he saw Dixie crying and relaxed, letting the Trooper cuff him. Luke would be sorry of that move tomorrow, when the moonshine wore off and his shoulder began to hurt. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trooper Mitchell had always been a close friend of the Dukes but had to do his job. Once Trooper Mitchell got him to the car he said, "Luke I'm going to cut you as big a break as I can. Even after THAT stunt. I'm only charging you with Indecent Exposure, Public Intoxication , two counts of Contributing to the Delinquency of a Minor and now Resisting Arrest instead of the Felony." Luke looked at him in disbelief. The Trooper continued. "However, if her Father pushes, I'll have to drop one Contributing and charge you with the Felony charge of Statutory Rape . Understood?" Luke felt a slight relief but was sure it would be short lived once Mr. Davenport found out. The younger Trooper said, "What?" Trooper Mitchell told him, "I'll be writing this report." The younger Trooper stomped to his side of the car. (Statutory Rape is defined as a n. ---- Sexual relations with a person who has not reached the statutory age of consent.(even if both parties participating are willingly)
  14. Luke looked confused at the Senior Trooper. Luke was getting a bit disgusted at this point. "What is his problem?" he said getting on the hood of the General Lee still holding the beer. He was making all this fuss over a couple of misdemeanors? "Hoooawh! Calm down! What?" Trooper Mitchell said, “This is not really necessary.†He motioned to Luke to relax. The younger Trooper showed Trooper Mitchell the licenses he had in his hands indicating the information in question. Trooper Mitchell said showing his annoyance with the 'eager beaver', "I'll handle this! Luke is all your information correct here?" Luke sighed as he looked at his driver's license he'd seen and shown to every law enforcement person in the Tri-Counties. "Yeah, it's right. Why?" Trooper Mitchell just waved him off. "Miss Davenport is all your information correct?" Dixie checked her license. It took a minute to find her voice when she said, "Yes, Sir, it is. What's wrong?" Again, the Senior Trooper waved off her question. He handed Luke both driver's licenses, "Tell me the names and date of births on these. Luke read his license, "Lucas K. Duke, Jan. 10, 19?6." Trooper Mitchell said, "And the other one?" Luke read, "Dixie Lee Davenport, April 8, 19?0. So?" The Trooper saw Luke's confusion. "How old are you?" Luke replied a bit annoyed, "Twenty." "How old is Miss Davenport?" he asked. Luke replied very annoyed and very sure of himself, "Eighteen." Dixie shot Luke a confused look. Trooper Mitchell said, "Look again. Do the Math. How old are you two?" Luke replied, "Jan. 10, 19?6, twenty. April 8, 19?0, eight ..." There was a long silence as Luke looked at Dixie. Dixie shook her head, 'No.' She was very innocent and confused about what was so important about her age and what difference two years could make. Luke stared at both the driver's licenses before him for several minutes. He sighed loudly, and said while shaking his head, "I'll be a So-#$--$($& SIXTEEN?" Luke gasped almost unable to breath. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie was still confused and nodded 'yes'. "Yeah. What's wrong with that?" At this point Luke almost passed out; he still remembers his knees going so weak he had to set down on the hood of the General to keep from falling. He had been preaching to Bo since before Bo turned 18 to ID any one before he even bought them a drink, to be really careful since the law was trying to bust them they could put someone up to setting them up. He had preached and preached! He had also thought that he had been so careful in this area, since he had been 18. “Sixteen….. Oh, ….. Hell.†Luke looked utterly defeated at this point, but managed to try to explain, "Ever heard the term 'jail bait?'." The wind was definitely out of his sails.
  15. The new Trooper asked, "Have you been drinking?" Luke knew that they had him already for at least indecent exposure, but he just hoped he could talk Dixie out of trouble. So he decided to be honest with them. "Yes, I have been drinking but I didn’t intend to go anywhere until morning." The young Trooper, taking the lead, said, "You are trespassing on private property. I need to see your license." Luke was more than peeved, as he handed him his driver's license. "I want to check the registration too." said the young Trooper. Luke replied, "Mr. Peabody has never complained about us being out here. It's over the driver's visor. I can save you the time." he said looking at Trooper Mitchell. "My license is valid with six points for racing. The registration will come back to myself and Bo Duke and expires April next year." Trooper Mitchell waved his hand. "Let him run it. It will give him something to do. He--, I'd never have stopped!" The younger Trooper returned. "Ok, your license checks out like you said it would. Can the young lady drive this home or do I need to call for a wrecker?" Luke didn't want a wrecker called. Knowing all He-- would break loose when Luther Davenport had to come and pick up Dixie from the Sheriffs office without finding her out here with him. He also knew that Cooter's Dad had the wrecker after midnight. Dixie had been drinking too. He figured to play it down, hoping they would just take her home so he lied. "Well, she can't drive a standard." The younger Trooper said to Dixie, "Well, just for the sake of knowing who's who here let me see your license." Dixie looked at Luke. She was shaking like a leaf. Luke replied with a sigh. This was becoming a very long night, "Go ahead give him your license." He took another drink of beer. The young Trooper asked, "Have you been drinking?" Luke answered for Dixie. "She's had a little to drink." Dixie handed her license to the young Trooper who wasted no time in going to run it. Luke asked Trooper Mitchell while the other Trooper was running Dixie's license. "I figure he's already stacking charges against me. Starting with Trespassing and Indecent Exposure which is fine. But, can we keep her out of this? Maybe just take her home or call her Dad and tell him I was racing again or something?" Dixie looked at him in utter disbelief. It had never crossed her mind that Luke would be charged for 'nothing'. He said only loud enough for her to hear, "I'm likely not going home tonight. ... I know that, ..., and it's OK. I'm just trying to get you home without charges." The older Trooper smiled for a brief second. "I'll do what I can to tame the 'eager beaver'." "I'd sure appreciate it." said Luke. He again sipped the beer. The young Trooper came back to the General Lee like the forest was on fire, with his hand on the but of his gun, saying, "Duke, ..., get, ... on, ..., the hood, ..., NOW!"
  16. If you managed to read to page 11 of 12 of Dixie's 16th Birthday Surprise and wasn't satisfied with that ending or just want a different look, I am posting this alternate ending. The story had been outline a couple different ways but ended far too soon for me. So if you want to see what happens to Luke and Dixie after they are caught together in the back seat of the General Lee here's a different look. If you are just checking this story out and want more background information, check out Dixie's 16th Birthday Surprise. If you are reading, drop me a PM, I love the view counter, but just because you clicked on doesn't mean you read it. So let me know how you'd like to see this end. Thanks. Dixie. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was Easter school break. Everyone had a touch of Spring fever. They all headed out to the lake for a bit of racing. No one paid much attention to Luke giving Dixie a ride out as they now had Luther's permission to somewhat date. Now with two convictions of racing and several points on his license Luke decided to let Bo race the General tonight. He gave the General Lee a once over. As before, Dixie and Luke watched several races. Dixie had planned to stay with Daisy tonight unknown to Jesse. She now, virtually, didn't have a time to be in. Her Dad knew she was staying with Daisy. By Jesse not knowing she planned to stay, he'd not pay any attention if Daisy beat her home. The night progressed without any law showing up. Though Bo had raced the General Lee several times it was Luke's turn to drive him home. Most everyone was heading off on their own to take the long way home tonight. Luke would be taking Dixie home. "I'm going to just make sure this fire is out." Luke called. Dixie said a bit nervous, "That was slick." As everyone else pulled out on there way home. Luke just smiled. He did make sure the fire was out then suggested riding down to the lake. He pulled the General Lee down into an open meadow that was just off the dirt road where they had raced. Luke asked, "Are you in any hurry to get home?" Dixie replied, "No, not at all." Luke said, "Good." He went to the trunk of the car and took out a a partial Mason jar of moonshine that he had been sipping on all evening. Luke placed the car keys on the dash, fixed him a glass of shine which Dixie was also sipping on. Luke was figuring on staying out until almost dawn then drifting the General Lee into the drive. He and Dixie would sneak in before Jesse got up. He and Dixie talked about all sorts of things for quiet some time. Luke poured the last of the shine into their glass and tossed the Mason jar to the bushes. As he turned around Dixie had move into the back seat of the General Lee, she said innocently, "There's more room back here." Luke cleared his throat before saying, "Well, yes there is. Are you sure?" Dixie smiled, "I am very certain, ..., there is more room back here." she said slowly. Luke didn't need a second invitation to join her in the back seat... While Dixie and Luke was in the backseat of the General Lee steaming up the windows B.L and Konrad was doing a little window steaming of their own in the backseat of his car at Hazzard Pond. They however weren’t interrupted by ‘eager beavers’. Konrad kissed down B.L’s neck and murmured against her warm skin “ I think I’m in loveâ€. B.L had her head tilted back while Konrad was kissing her neck and said breathily“me too†LATER, Trooper Mitchell was riding with his young partner down on lake road where they had caught some 'kids' racing several months ago. The new State Trooper was very eager to make a name for himself. His lights hit a car parked in a meadow. He indicated this to his Senior partner, "What do you make of that?" Trooper Mitchell knew the car and was pretty sure what was going on but the young Trooper insisted on checking into it. The Senior partner replied, "You've probably got a couple kids making out. Lets go to the barn." The young trooper said, "Let's at least check it out." He was far to eager for Trooper Mitchell but was far enough in his training that Trooper Mitchell was giving him the lead in a lot of stops. As they turned, both Troopers recognized the General Lee with the windows (What little windows there were) fogged up. As Luke was kissing Dixie passionately he opened his eyes to the bright light of a flash light. "Sh--!" Luke sighed. Once she realized they had company Dixie gasped. The voice behind the flash light said, "State Police. Get out of the car." Now Luke was really cursing! He said, "Give us a second OK?" "Where are the car keys?" Another voice asked. He was afraid Luke was going to try to pull out. It was the voice of the younger Trooper who had been looking to get a 'feather in his cap' by arresting Luke the time before. Luke replied as he handed Dixie her clothing. "On the dash, I'll hand them to you." He was trying to buy some time. He reached for the keys and handed them to the Trooper that had the light. Luke covered Dixie the best he could while she got dressed, then he put on his jeans, took his shirt and boots with him as he got out of the car. He turned to help Dixie out of the car. Both of their appearances were a bit unorganized. After stepping into his boots Luke plopped on the hood of the General Lee as he buttoned his shirt and motioned for Dixie to take the seat beside him on the hood. She did and he wrapped his arm around her to comfort her. He whispered in her ear, "I told you there would be nights like this!" Luke had finished the last of the shine and had opened a beer prior to the Troopers arrival which he had in his hand and now took a drink.
  17. At the hearing Daisy and B.L tried to comfort Dixie as she sat crying her eyes out listening to the hearing. Luke was sentenced to jail but eventually pardoned and then joined the marines. Dixie left to go back to her mother's Luther still hadn't forgiven her and life was HARD in hazzard for her because of it. Konrad went back to Atlanta when he'd took off like a scalded cat out of the Davenport yard but eventually returned when he felt it was safe again. He also went into the marines at the same time Luke did. B.L and Cooter were left at the farm with Luther and though he wasn't thrilled with B.L's indescretions anymore than he had been Dixie's they made peace and everything returned to normal for Hazzard.
  18. Jesse pulled up at the Davenport farm to see Luther and Cooter and Lori all looking at Dixie with evil looks while B.L was standing in front of her hands on hips feet spread apart ready to do battle it seemed. Luther Davenport wasn't a bit surprised to see the white pickup coming down the driveway. Jesse walked onto the porch. "Luther our families go way back." he began. Luther nodded but his eyes never left Dixie behind B.L as he spoke "That's true Jesse and I'm just as sorry as you to see it all end this way, but what Luke did to my little girl I won't stand for!" Jesse calmly said, "I've talked to Luke this morning. He would like to do what he can to fix the situation." Luther ground his teeth speaking through them clenched he asked "can he give back her VIRGINITY?!" Dixie flinched behind B.L so close to B.L's back that she had felt it. Jesse continued calmly. "Luke knows what you and most everyone else is going to think. He told me that Dixie wasn't just another girl. He said he loves her." Jesse sees steam coming out of Luther's ears and his face is turning red. "Hear me out ... He'd like to marry her." Lori then shot back "What good will that do? So Dixie can end up like me DIVORCED by age 20!" Jesse tried to explain further, "Luke knows that even if you allow her to marry him that you may not change your mind about the charges. He's not saying that to get out of trouble. How happy do you think she'd be knowing you sent him to prison? Luther," Jesse said very gently hoping not to set Luther off, "Luke says she could be with child." Luther spoke again barely controlling his anger "it doesn't matter if he marries her or not I WON'T drop the charges!" The last bit about Dixie possibly being with child was more than Luther could take he took a step toward B.L intending to go THROUGH her to get to Dixie causing B.L to jump and push Dixie back so she was pinned between the wall and herself. Jesse said calmly in a commanding voice, "LUTHER DAVENPORT! Touch one hair on that girls head while you are THAT mad and I'll have Rosco lock you up!" Luther looked at Jesse when he spoke but he was too mad still to think rationally he said "I'm not gonna touch one hair on her head but her a-- is MINE!" By now Konrad had made his way to the front door the sight that met his eyes nearly blew him away. Luther was about 10 shades of purple, Lori looked like the cat who ate the canary and Cooter was obviously hot under the collar too but what surprised him the most was that B.L had Dixie pinned betwenn herself and the wall. Jesse stepped closer to the porch and said in a voice that even worried Cooter, "Luther DON'T do it. Don't touch her while you are this mad. Whip her if you must but do it when you aren't mad!" Luther said "Jesse I may NEVER be calm again!" "Luther YOU or I, NOR them can change what's happened." Jesse said calmly, "But we all need to do what's best for them." "What's best for HER is a whippin!" Luther fumed. "Uncle Luther it didn't change anything when ya whipped me and Lori for this sorta thing what makes ya think it's gonna change anything with Dixie?" B.L intervened quietly while Luther was taking a breath before his next round of shouting. Dixie finally got a bit brave and spoke up, "I talked LUKE into the backseat! He didn't FORCE me into anything. Uncle Jesse I've loved Luke a LONG TIME" Dixie saw Lori glaring at her, "Guess you knew us both better than we knew ourselves, Cousin. I didn't know me being 16 was a problem, I swear that! I'd never have put Luke in this situation if I KNEW! Uncle Jesse PLEASE don't LET LUTHER send LUKE to prison." Dixie had spit her father's name out like she had a bad taste in her mouth and was barely able to say the word 'prison'. Konrad inched his way out on the porch but he tried to look invisible he didn't want Luther to turn on him for just being kin to Luke. Luther was still seething as he glared at Dixie, "YOU talked HIM into WHAT???? MY 16 year old daughter has now got the reputation of a WHORE. HE's done this to one too many girls Jesse. I'm going to see to it that I do everything in my power to have the book thrown at him." Luther's voice was raising. Then, he turned to BL and warned, "YOU stay out of THIS or I'll whip YOU BOTH!" It was at that time Konrad came onto the porch, Luther barked, "BOY! You HAD BETTER GET! I can't get my hands on THAT cousin of yours BUT I CAN YOU!!" Jesse motioned for Konrad to keep on moving. Jesse had things for now under control BUT BARELY! B.L ignored Luther's warning to stay out of it she wasn't going to stand there and let him call Dixie a whore she hadn't done anything other girls in the county hadn't done B.L and Lori included. "YA BETTER WHIP ME NOW THEN COS I'M NOT STAYIN OUT OF IT! KONRAD AND ME AIN'T STOPPED SHARIN' MY ROOM JUST COS YOU WHIPPED ME AND BOUNCED HIS HEAD OFF THE WALL. AND ANOTHER THING WE AIN'T KEPT IT INNOCENT NEITHER JUST SHARIN' THE BED FOR ABOUT A MONTH NOW!" Konrad didn't stick around for another second after that outburst he jumped off the porch and took off running toward his car and speeding out of the yard like a scalded cat.
  19. Dixie saw B.L come flying into the yard hauling a--, Jesse's raised voice had woken her up and when she'd found out Luke was in jail and it somehow had something to do with Dixie she flew out of their like her tail was on fire to get home. She just knew Luther would kill Dixie and from the look on Dixie's face the sh-- had done hit the fan and the fact Lori was home didn't go unnoticed either. Going up to them B.L asked calmly "What's going on?" Lori smirked and said "baby cousin here was sneakin' off to see Luke is what we figure." Dixie looked at B.L eyes pleading for help "I wasn't B I swear it!" Luther had his arms crossed looking madder than he'd ever looked before and he said "I'm gonna make sure they throw the book at Luke Duke for what he did." B.L had only gotten the bare minimum of information from Jesse before she'd run out the door all she knew really was Luke was in jail and it somehow involved Dixie. "What'd Luke do?" This question got Luther, Cooter and Dixie all talking at once sounding like a bunch of chattering birds and B.L couldn't decipher one story from the other. Whistling loudly to get their attention B.L asked "one at a time fill me in on the details please." Cooter jumped in and told B.L what the troopers had told him and Luther when they'd went to pick up Dixie at the police station last night. B.L's mouth fell open. Dixie was almost in tears because Luther and Cooter was threatening to string Luke up to the nearest tall tree by his neck, she said. "H....he....d...did....didn't....do......nothin'.....I.....didn't...want....him..to....do....B." Luther heard these words and took a step toward Dixie B.L grabbed Dixie's wrist and put Dixie behind her and then spoke knowing they were all going to be mad at her but she didn't care this wasn't right. "Uncle Luther, Cooter now I know what Luke did was wrong but it's not like he did it without Dixie's consent maybe she ain't 18 but she's old enough to know what she wants to do and not do with a guy." Luther Cooter and Lori..........
  20. He marched across the square to the courthouse his features a dark cloud as he approached the three Dukes and his son. Jesse could see Luther was practically blowing smoke out his ears so suggested. "Let's go over to the garage and talk I guess your wondering what's going on Luther." Luther nodded he was defenitely wondering what was going on. They all walked over to the garage and then Luther asked the one question the three younger men didn't want to answer. "What is going on?" Cooter.......
  21. B.L replied without elaborating "yes sir" Jesse asked, He has not been anywhere he's not allowed again has he? B.L thought 'oh sh-- if she said Konrad had not been in her room she was lying and if she said he had then they'd both be in trouble by Jesse and Luther. Deciding to deliberately misinterpret Uncle Jesse's question B.L answered "no sir" he hadn't been anywhere as far as her body was concerned that she hadn't allowed even if he'd been in her room. Well, good so long as he's behaving himself. How are Luke and Dixie doing? B.L silently let out the breath she'd been holding now that Jesse was onto a safer topic and answered. "They been doing good, Uncle Luther's real impressed with the way they been acting and he's given Dixie an extra hour on her curfew." Jesse replied, "I tried to raise them boys and all you kids right. Konrad I know hasn't been around me much but he's lucky your uncle let him come back into his house. I was really dissappointed in him. And I wasn't at all sure Luke would be able to stick with the conditions he agreed to." B.L looked down it was as much her fault Konrad had been caught in her room as it was his. She didn't know all the conditions Luke agreed to but what she did know didn't seem like anything Luke couldn't stick to. Jesse added, "I'm glad something has gotten that boy to start making better choices. He agreed not even to drink if Dixie was with him and I was surpised that Luther alowed them to go to the lake together tonight. He had only been able to go to the Boar's Nest. They even had to leave right before or right after Luther did. Just didn't see Luke agreeing to such terms when he could have dated about any girl in the state." A feather could have knocked B.L over when Jesse finished she had known Dixie really liked Luke and apparently the feeling was mutual. That would explain him only drinking coke at the Boar's Nest when Dixie was with him while the rest of them was drinking beer. Jesse finished his coffee, "Yeah he starts acting like he's got some sense and still manages to get arrested. Guess I better go see what I can do about getting them out." B.L nodded and watched Jesse as he got up put his coffee cup in the sink and left to go get the 'boys'. She wasn't looking forward to Luther getting wind of any of this he was going to blow his stack she bet.
  22. Back at the Duke farm B.L and Dixie and Daisy were all in Daisy's room talking. B.L was still trying to figure out a way to bust Luke, Cooter and Konrad out of jail. Dixie noticed the look on her cousin's face and asked "What's rollin' around in yer head I can see the wheels turnin from here." B.L sat up on the bed indian style and said "Well I was thinking about going in there and bustin' the boys out." Dixie and Daisy both was shaking their heads 'no'. It wasn't gonna be easy to get the guys out of jail but to get them out and keep Jesse and or Luther from knowing they'd been broke out was near impossible. Daisy said "Uncle Jesse'd throw a fit if you did that he'll go get 'em in the mornin' and besides if Rosco catches you then he'll put you in jail too and that's not gonna solve anything." Dixie added "Dad's already been watching you and Konrad and me and Luke he'll be watching even closer now and would be even worse if you got arrested too. B.L please don't do anything stupid to make Dad crack down on me and Luke again." Dixie was practically begging B.L not to get herself or the fellas in anymore trouble. B.L finally nodded "Ya'll are right, ain't gonna do nobody no good if I get myself in trouble too."
  23. While Bo was telling Uncle Jesse the bad news the three girls had been hanging loose just inside the door. B.L spoke up then "Uncle Jesse it wasn't either one of their faults. Ernie was shootin' off his mouth and Konrad shut it fer him. Luke and Cooter was just an innocent bystander trying to stop trouble before Rosco showed up." Dixie was nodding in agreement with B.L and said "yeah" Jesse looked at all of them and sighed he knew he wouldn't sleep the rest of the night with them in jail. He said "well ya'll go to bed nothin' we's can do till mornin' anyway." B.L was already making plans to get Ernie and teach him a lesson and bust Konrad, Luke and Cooter out of jail......
  24. honest abe's cigar emporium stone canyon hazzard connection the first two are purely guesses
  25. Konrad sighed and said "me either" At the jail they were taken in and uncuffed then fingerprinted and booked before being put into cells.
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