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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke looked to Lori and said, "Now tomorrow Lori no matter what Luther says ta me I don't want you to interfere I can handle him." Lori looked at him then looked down before saying quietly "Can't make any promises darlin"..... holding her tongue wasn't one of Lori's strong points that's why her and B.L mixed like water and oil most of the time neihter was willing to keep their mouth shut when the occassion arose to take a jab at the other. Thinking of B.L, Lori..........
  2. Uhoh I may be in trouble here don't recall hearing either reverend's name, here goes... Reverend Ed Bagley Jr Bobcat Flats A Little Game of Pool
  3. Lori smacked Cooter's arm seeing Dixie pull in,she got out and came in the garage she'd come to tell Luke she'd started the process for the divorce and that he'd be getting papers to fill out. "Hey Dix what's up?" Cooter chirped Dixie raised an eyebrow wondering why Cooter was in such a good mood... "Uh hey, nothin's up just been running some errands in town thought I'd stop by." Lori looked at Dixie and said... "Uncle Luther's coming to town tomorrow. He wants to see Little Jesse and Little Luke when they get out of school." Dixie...........
  4. At the Davenport farm all was settling down for a good night's sleep at least that's what they hoped for. B.L. met Cooter in the hall as he was on his way to his room and she hers and Konrad's after being sick yet again. He smiled and patted her shoulder as they passed asking. "How ya feeling B?" B.L. shrugged and answered truthfully "I've been better."
  5. Homer Willis J.D. Hogg Real Estate Skunk Hollow
  6. After Lori had called, Konrad had taken B.L home he knew if she hung around the garage much more she'd go up those stairs and rip into Luke all over again before Lori got home.
  7. Driving home they saw B.L when they got there. B.L had her arms crossed waiting to pounce the second Luke was out of the wrecker. Cooter got out and went around to the passenger side and helped Luke down giving him the crutches. "Well if it aint the hazzard playboy!" B.L spat her eyes in narrow menacing slits. Luke swallowed he knew she was fixin' to rip into him but he guessed he deserved it. "I used to think better of you Luke how could you do that to them? Ya married to Dixie and ya toyin' with Lori it ain't right!"
  8. After telling Daisy and Beth what she'd heard in Luke's room at the hospital BL and Konrad got in their car and headed home it was late. Konrad looked at B.L as they pulled out of the driveway. "That was kinda mean doncha think?" B.L looked at him and said. "That's what Luke gets fer messin' around with Lori when he's married to Dixie it'd be all over the county before long anyway. Better to hear it from me than somebody else....."
  9. Instead of going home B.L wanted to go to the Duke farm she was going to share the 'news' she'd heard in Luke's room with Beth and Daisy. She just couldn't wait to tell them to see what they said, she felt bad that Dixie's marriage was crumbling but this was too good to keep quiet about. At the farm her and Konrad went inside she hadn't told him yet either what she'd heard. He had stayed at the garage to run it while she'd went to see Luke since Lori was in Atlanta doing her shows and Cooter was visiting Luke too. Once Daisy and Beth were seated in the livingroom B.L looked to them and Konrad and said.....
  10. After leaving Luke's room BL walked slowly out to her car thinking about the news Lori had told them. She was really worried now, she'd been so sick lately she prayed nothing was wrong with the child she was carrying. Driving home she kept thinking and wondering if something was wrong. She told Konrad what Lori had found out and her own fears and that she was calling doc to schedule an appointment for a checkup just to be on the safe side. Calling Doc's office he answered.... "Hello Doc Petticord's office" BL said "Doc it's B.L Duke I'd like to schedule an appointment to come in and see you." Doc Petticord raised his eyebrows listening to the young woman and answered. "Of course B.L is something wrong?" B.L. took a deep breath letting it out before answering. "I don't know I've been sick a whole lot and I'd just like ya to check things out to ease my mind. It's probably nothing but...." she trailed off. "Of course B.L come on in right now if you'd like and I'll see if I can set your mind at ease." So ten minutes later B.L and Konrad were on their way to Doc Petticord's office. At the doctor's office Doc Petticord ushered B.L into an examination room and gave her an examination. Finishing up he looked at her and Konrad and said. "You and the baby are fine B.L it's just a bad case of morning sickness. I'll give you a prescription for something to help so you won't dehydrate." After getting a prescription for Zofran the young Duke couple went to the drug store getting it filled before going back home.
  11. B.L had come into the room by this time, listening to Lori's story she put her hand over her abdomen beginning to wonder if there could be something wrong with her own pregnancy she had been sick alot more than she thought she should have been but being her first time pregnant she wasn't sure weather it was normal or not.
  12. B.L had decided to come see Luke herself and to check on Dixie she just missed Lori in the hall but had stepped off the elevator and was coming toward Luke's room just in time to hear Bo's outburst. She couldn't agree with him more.
  13. I'm gonna take a guess here because I have no idea on the last two lol Hector Farley Hogg's Friendly Fertilizer Company Plainville Road
  14. Dixie heard Luke and woke up and got out of his bed going back to hers. She turned on her side facing away from Luke she had thought maybe she'd got somewhere last night but now she wasn't sure. He was still trying to hold onto both her and Lori. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori went on to her appointment...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A few minutes later a nurse with a wheelchair came to take Dixie for her tests. "Mrs. Duke I'm here to take you for your tests." Dixie nodded and got up getting in the wheelchair and the nurse wheeled her out Luke watching.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back in hazzard the rest of the Dukes and Davenports........ "Mrs. Duke, I'm here to take you for your tests.
  15. Dixie arrived in the hospital and went in Luke's room, sitting Jesse down he ran over to the bed smiling "DADDY!!" Luke smiled and ruffled his hair "Hi son."
  16. Luke didn't exactly believe it but guessed why she looked so sick. He reached beside him stroking little Luke's brunette curls away from his face.
  17. Suddenly B.L jumped up and headed for the restroom. This would be the end to her peaceful day. Making it just in time she leaned over the toilet upchucking, her abdominal muscles were starting to get sore from all this throwing up she couldn't remember ever being this sick in her life and it had so far been every day with no relief in sight. She didn't remember Dixie being this sick with Jesse or Beth with her five kids, they had both had good days and bad so far all of B.L's had been bad. After a few minutes when she hadn't come back Konrad followed her holding back her hair and rubbing her back. "Ya gonna be alright B?" B.L shook her head wiping her mouth and mumbled "Morning sickness is god's cruel joke on expectant mothers. I will never laugh at Dixie and Beth again." Konrad wet a wash cloth giving it to her and helped her sit on the edge of the bathtub. Leaning forward with her head in her hands B.L closed her eyes hoping the neausa would pass sooner today instead of lasting all day again. As another wave of sickness caused her to throw up again she knew that her hopes were dashed she'd be sick most of the day........
  18. When the nurse came back out of Luke's room Bo and Cooter went in. Bo could see the pain etched in Luke's face and asked "You alright cousin?" Luke nodded 'yes' that he was ok trying to ignore the pain and get it to ease off. "Hey Lucas" Cooter said, he was glad that Luke wasn't hurt more seriously than he was. What he wasn't too happy about though was the way Luke kept dangling both Lori and Dixie on a chain like a couple of toys. So when he got through playing with one he could play with the other. Cooter spoke again breaking the akward silence. "Dixie said ya was gonna be alright, that's good ta hear." Luke nodded and said quietly "Yeah.....sure don't feel like it right now though." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the farm Jesse and Dixie had arrived and while Jesse was doing some things outside Dixie went back in the house to do the things she had to do before Little Jesse got home from school. Dixie sat down on the couch after a while for a breather she felt tired today more tired than she could remember feeling when she'd been pregnant with little Jesse......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Over at the Davenport farm B.L. and Konrad were just spending some quality time together. Usually Konrad would be at the garage helping Cooter but B.L had told both him and Cooter in no uncertain terms that while Lori was hanging around there Konrad would not be there without her tagging along. Maybe she was being silly she thought but fact was she wasn't sure she trusted Lori around her husband. "Ya think Luke,Dixie and Lori will ever get this mess worked out?" she asked Konrad leaning back against his chest as they sat in the recliner together. Konrad kissed the side of her head and said.... "I don't know, but it ain't our problem." B.L snorted and said "Is too our problem it's everybody in both families problem, they're our cousins."
  19. In the waitingroom the others waited for word on Luke. After Dixie had got her cry out and had composed herself she and Bo joined the others in the waitingroom. Jesse looked to them seeing that Dixie had been crying and asked. "Isi it bad?" Dixie shook her head and said "His right leg is broke and they're doing surgery to set it but he should be ok in about 8 weeks the doctor said."......
  20. Everyone smiled to her keeping their comments to themselves. Jesse hugged BL and Konrad both.... "Congradulations you two, so when's the little bundle of joy due?" BL thought and calculated in her mind just when the baby might be due and told them. Daisy moved over by BL and Konrad and gave BL a hug... "Congradulations honey" next she hugged Konrad and whispered to him "Congradulations bro." Konrad returned the hug kissing Daisy's cheek lightly "Thanks sis." Letting go of Daisy he wrapped his arm around B.L.'s shoulders.
  21. Everyone at the hospital was waiting for word on Luke. It was one of the worst kind of waits not knowing anything except that he was hurt that's all Dixie had said on her way out the door. BL and Konrad look at everyone in the waiting room and BL says... "Well we were gonna tell ya'll our news after dinner." Jesse looked at them... "Hope it's good news we could all sure use some right now." Konrad smiled and took BL's hand they looked at the family gathered in the waitingroom and said in unison. "We're gonna have a baby!" Jesse and everyone............
  22. A short while later a car could be heard pulling up and a minute later B.L and Konrad came in the door going straight to the kitchen where Jesse,Daisy and Dixie were preparing dinner, BL wading in and helping told Jesse...... "Uncle Jesse why don't you go on in the livingroom with Konrad I'll help the girls in here." Uncle Jesse nodded and left the kitchen leaving it to the women. Alot of chattering could be heard going on as they prepared the meal, sunday's after church was always like this the kids running around screaming and the adults chattering making the decible level in the old farm house a dull roar. About 45 minutes later they were putting the food on the table and setting it. Today they were having fried chicken with all the trimmings. BL went to call the kids, Jesse and Konrad to the table. Just as they were about to sit down another vehicle pulled up with one behind that it was..........
  23. BL put her arm around Dixie guessing how her morning had went much the same as BL's had gone. She whispered. "Don't feel bad Dix, Konrad almost had to get the pliers to zip me up this morning." Dixie giggled she could just see B.L's dress not fitting and Konrad trying to zip it with a pair of pliers. B.L grinned seeing that her admission had helped Dixie's feeling a little, she continued. "I still can't breathe deep if I do the whole thing's gonna bust wide open." Konrad kissed the side of B.L's head with an amused snort it had been funny watching her struggle with the zipper before throwing her hands up in the air in defeat before he'd helped her. Just then Lulu spotted B.L and Konrad and came back over to congradulate them on their news. "congradulations you two I heard you were expecting also." B.L nodded putting a hand on her stomach wishing she could unzip this blasted dress and take a deep breath. "Thank you, found out just the other day." Lulu smiled and congradulated them again walking away as soon as she was gone B.L. and Konrad being the last of the Dukes there got in the car to head home and change out of their sunday best. B.L. sighed thinking about the sermon. "Poor Lori." Konrad looked at her with a raised eyebrow only to get a mean look back "Don't give me that look, I do have a heart ya know, she's my cousin even if we do fight like cats and dogs most of the time." Konrad chuckled softly leaned over and kissed her cheek before starting the car heading home. "Let's go home your starting to turn a nice shade of purple from lack of a deep breath." B.L. just rolled her eyes at him as they headed out of town she looked at the Garage seeing Lori's managers car and Midnight and the wrecker she wondered if Lori had killed her manager and Cooter was disposing of the body.
  24. Luke went over to Lori putting his hands on her arms rubbing up and down slowly. "Lori I......." Lori jerked away from his touch still peeved "DON'T TOUCH ME!" Cooter came back in the garage to get something and heard Lori still sounding like she was in a rant. He went up the inside stairs and found them. "Hey Lucas why doncha come on down here and help me out fer a while let her cool off." Luke sighed and nodded following Cooter back down to the garage below.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the farm BL and Konrad were just leaving to go over to the Duke farm to tell Uncle Jesse the news of their impending little arrival.....
  25. Luke bit his lip he hadn't exactly figured out how much he was going to say but in that moment when Lori told him if he loved her he'd tell blew it all. "I called Dixie last night we met out at still site 6 to talk. All we did was talk honest! I just wanted to talk to her and see her that's all and when I told her you was pregnant again she got mad and left." Luke looked down sadly he had hoped the meeting would go better than it had. He loved Dixie with everything in him and Little Jesse too but then there was Lori and Little Luke too....
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