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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. I'm gonna take a stab at this one Cedar Creek Yreka County Hazzard Fur Post
  2. After the initial shock had wore off the three girls went upto the loft to plan the wedding. Dixie was trying to act happy but B.L could tell she wasn't one bit happy but she was trying to be for Lori's sake. B.L had to give the kid credit there cos she wasn't sure she could pull it off she'd probably have beat the crap outta Lori by now.....
  3. Luther looked at Luke slack jawed he didn't exactly know what to think, he was glad Lori was back in town but this about her and Luke getting married had him floored. He scratched his head and stammered a little. "Well....L...Luke...that's.....uh...rea...real...nice." The rest of them Cooter, B.L and Dixie was standing close enough to hear what Luke said of course he wasn't exactly whispering anyway. They were just as shocked at Luther hearing the news they looked between Luke and Lori back and forth over and over so much one would think their heads would snap off their necks. Lori looked at her cousins and grinned asking them "Well ain't ya'll gonna congradulate me?" Dixie ran out of the garage before anybody could see her tears. The others just looked at her in stunned silence as she disappeared out of the garage wondering what was up with her she'd been really happy lately about her upcoming 'big' birthday. Cooter looked at Lori with a much of a heart felt smile as he could muster and hugged her whispering in her ear. "Congradulations Lor" B.L was still a little stunned but seeing Dixie run out like that she started to think about the conversation they had the day they went shopping and it all made sense now the dressing up more like she herself,Lori and Daisy did. Dixie wanted to impress Luke. She looked back at Lori and hugged her briefly "congradulations Lori, guess I'd better go see what's up with Dix make sure she's not sick or something." Lori smiled and nodded B.L headed out of the garage in search of Dixie. The younger girl wasn't hard to find either she was just at the side of the garage in the alley leaning against the wall. B.L sat down beside her and spoke quietly. "That shopping trip we took you wanted to get clothes to impress Luke didn't ya?" Dixie choked on her tears nodding, B.L.......
  4. I believe it was Ace Parker, he wanted Bo and Luke to reposes a Roles Royce for Boss Hogg that he'd promised to Lulu.
  5. That next morning Lori got up and did a few chores then started making her deliveries. She tried to keep her mind on her business so's Milo wouldn't try to kill her but she found once in a while her mind would drift to Luke and what could have been. She wondered what him and the rest of the Dukes was doing and what Cooter,B.L and Dixie were doing too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cooter was at the garage that morning already elbow deep in a car's engine that Luke had brought in yesterday on the wrecker. The driver said the car just stalled in the middle of the road for no reason at all. Dixie was propped in B.L's bedroom door trying to convince her to go shopping for Dixie some clothes more like B.L and Daisy wore. "Please B, you don't gotta work afore tonight lets go shopping." B.L sighed and threw up her hands she had planned to relax before going to work tonight but Dixie had foiled those plans if she got her way and that was looking very likely because B.L was tired of listening to her. "Alright we'll go to Capitol City in a little while. Dixie nearly bounced with glee and ran over hugging B.L greatfully then running off to her room to get ready to go. B.L shook her head watching Dixie go she had noticed the sudden change in Dixie lately she had stopped dressing so much like a tomboy. B.L suspected there was a boy involved she just didn't know which one but would find out today if it was the last thing she did today..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm Bo and Jeb were resting after chores, it was going to be a long night tonight with a big deliverly Luke had told them but none of them knew where yet Jesse hadn't told them yet. Luke was just heading out to the garage to work he hoped it wasn't a busy day so he could get some rest too before tonight's run....
  6. The next morning at the Davenport farm and the Duke farm things were pretty much the usual everybody was doing chores and having breakfast. The one thing different at the Davenport farm though was Lori wasn't at the table or doing chores but Cooter hadn't got up the nerve to tell them yet that she'd left during the night while they were all asleep. At the Duke farm breakfast was over and Luke was out back taking out his frustrations on the wood pile as he thought over everything between him and Lori. He loved her he knew and she loved him he knew that too but could they ever really make it work? Sure they got along great most of the time but then others they were like oil and water. He just didn't know what to do......
  7. Len Hickey Stone Canyon Road Possum Hill
  8. Lori shook her head and sped on she had to get away from here before she lost the nerve to leave. A couple hours later she saw the sign that said 'Welcome to Tennessee' and right on going zooming past it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the farm Cooter was still laying in his bed wide awake thinking about Lori and he hoped she would be able to move on with her life now and wished her all the happiness in the world but somehow he didn't think she'd ever be happy unless she had Luke. B.L,Dixie and Luther slept on peacefully none of them having the slightest idea that Lori was gone. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm......
  9. Luke looked over at Lori in the corner and shook his head she could be as stubborn as a mule and the fact that she'd had her a good snoot full of Jack didn't help matters. A little while later Jesse and Luther pulled up to try and figure out how to get the others out of this mess. Luther stomped in giving his four miscreants a look that had them shaking in their boots. Jesse on the ohter hand was as cool as a cucumber as he followed Luther in and shut the door taking a seat in an old chair it was time to get down to business.
  10. Bout that time B.L pulled up and got out of her car looking at Lori then the rest of them then back to Lori and asked. "What's a matter with her she finally go off the deep end?" Cooter shook his head 'no' although he wasn't exactly sure that was the right answer. "She's drunk, Luke took her keys so she hotwired midnight we all cornered her and she jumped Luke then Dixie and her got into it now she's laughin' like a lunatic for some unknown reason." B.L shook her head listening to the events that had just transpired then walked to the back of her car getting out a jug of water, the Judge had been overheating a little and she hadn't had time to see why or have Cooter do it. Uncapping the bottle douses Lori good the hysterical laughing stops instantly. Lori jumped up and tackled B.L and the two went rolling around on the ground B.L finally getting the upper hand since Lori was still pretty drunk straddling Lori's stomach and pinning her hands to the ground above her head......
  11. B.L and Daisy heard the sirens blow by the Boar's Nest and the distinct sounds of 'dixie' resounding through the air. The two looked at each other and headed out the door in a hurry locking up again and putting up the closed sign jumping in their vehicles tearing out of the parking lot to try and get Rosco off the General's tail. Daisy picked up the CB and said "Bo Peep to Lost sheep you got yer ears on?" Luke picked up the mic in the General and answered "Lost Sheep 1 here Daisy we hear ya loud and clear honey but we're a little busy trying to shake Rosco right now." B.L picked up her mic in the Judge hearing Luke and Daisy's transmission and said "Hang loose Luke maybe me and Daisy can get rid of that leech on yer tail." Luke: "would be much obliged if ya can B.L" B.L: "I have an idea ya'll let's play chicken, if Rosco wants to be a bird of prey let him. Luke ya'll turn a 180 and head back this way." Bo yanked on the wheel and turned a sharp 180 almost colliding with Rosco but somehow the sheriff managed to get out of the way and turn his car around giving chase again. What he didn't count on though was seeing B.L and Daisy coming straight at him he couldn't get around either of them and had no choice but to go between them. He closed his eyes and hoped he made it through........
  12. Sure enough it wasn't long before Luke and Dixie were back at the garage to help Cooter work on the General Lee. They climbed out of the wrecker going over to where Cooter was under the General's hood and leaning in to have a look see at what Cooter was doing. Luke: "How is he Coot?" Cooter: "What have you been doing to the poor ole General Lucas?" Luke shrugged and said "Nothin' just practicin' s'all" Soon the sounds of the two Davenports and Luke could be heard along with just friendly chatter while they all worked on the car to get General Lee ready for the big race that was coming up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile B.L was back at the farm getting ready for work she'd just started working at the Boar's Nest with Daisy after one of the other waitresses quit. Putting on a pair of short shorts, red low cut tank top and red high heels she checked her long blonde hair in the mirror it hung halfway down her back instead of the usual ponytail and she had on just a hint of makeup. Deciding she was as ready as she'd ever be she grabbed her purse and went out the door getting in the Judge and headed to work truth was she was a little nervous she hoped she didn't screw up any orders or spill anything on any of the customers she really needed this job because Lori was running shine which B.L was the only one she'd told about it and Cooter got paid for working at the garage with Luther and B.L wanted to prove herself and make her own spending money and not have to borrow from Luther,Lori or Cooter all the time. Arriving at the Boar's Nest B.L was just pulling up as Daisy got there and they walked in together. B.L told Daisy nervously.... "I hope I don't screw up so bad Boss fires me on the first day Lori'd just love that." Daisy: "You'll be fine sugar." The two got busy taking the chairs off the tables and setting them up before the people started drifting in although it was still too early for many people to be drinking but some would come in for the greasy cookies and a cup of coffee for breakfast on their way to work.
  13. B.L came downstairs rubbing sleep out of her eyes and holding her pounding head she heard Anna's voice and stopped dead in her tracks making a 180 and going back upstairs to Dixie's room shaking her awake rather roughly. B.L: "Dixie wake up your mother's here!" Dixie sat up rubbing her sleepy eyes "Mom's here? so she probably came to see Cooter graduate." B.L rubbed her head Dixie had a point there she didn't know why she hadn't thought about that. The two girls got off the bed going downstairs. Anna looked hearing them coming into the kitchen she raised her eyebrows at their clothing or rather lack of it in her opinion. Both had on a skimpy tank top and short shorts and B.L looked sick. Anna asked with concern for her neice "B.L honey are you alright?" B.L nodded and immediately regretted it holding her head "Yes ma'am just not feeling good this morning." There was no need to tell Aunt Anna that she was hung over that would just start WW3 and B.L wasn't ready for any family squabbles until she had some coffee in her which she was pouring that very second. Anna however wasn't dumb she looked at Luther with narrowed eyes and wondered just what he'd let their daughter do. "Luther this child has been drinking!" Luther looked at B.L he knew the kids had a party after graduation last night and that there had been alcohol present and that more than a few of them had probably gotten drunk B.L and Lori was no exception and likely Cooter either if he hadn't been then he surely would get that way at some point after hearing he had a daughter. He looked at Anna and said "She's paying for her drinking from the looks of it she's got a killer headache. Anna there's something you need to know, Cooter's not gonna be home for possibly a couple of days." Anna sat her coffee down as B.L and Dixie joined them at the table hungover or not B.L didn't want to miss a single minute of this conversation. Luther took a deep breath and let it out slowly then said. "Anna we're grandparents Cooter's gone to see his daughter in Alabama" Anna.....
  14. B.L had got stopped by Dixie on her way past Dixie's door to her own bedroom. She wanted to know what was going on all Luther had told her before was that Cooter had gotten a call from Beverly. "Welp *hiccup* cousin seems *hiccup* Cooter's got hisself *hiccup* a kid *hiccup* and is gone *hiccup* to *hiccup* to alabama fer a spell" B.L drunkenly informed Dixie to which Dixie's mouth fell open almost hitting the floor. They talked a few more minutes about the situation and then B.L stumbled to her room and fell into bed but she didn't sleep either the news of Cooter having a kid in alabama had sobered her up some and she was thinking about the news.
  15. B.L was one of them five girls that was drunker than a skunk besides Lori. While Lori was sitting in Luke's lap and singing and drinking the rest of them was just settin' around here and there. All the sudden the CB was heard and it was Luther calling Cooter. "Crazy C you got yer ears on?" Cooter shushed the drunk girls as best he could which wasn't very good they were done too far gone to care then he answered the call "Yeah Dad what's up?" Luther proceeded to tell Cooter about a phone call that had come for him from Beverly in Alabama. Seems she was getting married to this other guy that was wealthy. But the biggest news was she'd had a baby a little girl and all Cooter had to do was do the math to know who the father was. He got this dazed sick look on his face and nearly fell over. Seeing that look sobered Lori and B.L up pretty quick as they jumped to their feet and made their way over to him a little unsteadily catching him before he could fall completely to the ground easing him down instead he looked at his two female cousins and Luke who was now hovering over him too and babbled. "I......I don't believe it I....I'm a daddy" Luke....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.L and Lori....
  16. Cooter smiled and nodded saying "Guess so" Lori smiled her first real smile since the proposal by Billy Ray and said with a small chuckle. "Preacher never woulda got past the objections cos nobody would have held their peace." Cooter had to laugh in agreement he could just imagine everybody jumping up at once protesting when the preacher said 'if there be any objections speak now or forever hold your peace' even the bride would probably have objected he thought.....
  17. Luke fell over laughing and said "You just explained a whoooole lot Coot" Cooter scratched his head and made funny face not sure what he'd just explained all he'd said was Lori was a Davenport. He asked "Explained what?" Luke got up shaking his head at Cooter saying while still chuckling "Never mind Cooter" Cooter shrugged and took a drink of shine and they went back to talking about everything in general.
  18. Meanwhile B.L had gotten brave enough to go home, she wanted to see what sort of trouble Dixie had managed to find home alone. Pulling into the yard she saw Uncle Luther's and Dixie's both vehicles, going in the house Uncle Luther was no where in sight and there was nary a sound in the house either. B.L grinned and wondered if Dixie had managed to get herself killed for some indiscretion. Going through the downstairs not finding anybody B.L went upstairs looking there was nobody up there either she thought until she heard muffled sounds coming from Dixie's room she knocked and opened the door slowly to find Dixie face buried in her pillow crying. "What's the matter Dix ya sick?" Dixie shook her head and said into the pillow not looking at B.L "Dad whipped me" Well this revelation nearly knocked B.L on her fanny Dixie was the one that rarely got taken to the woodshed compared to her,Lori and Cooter. Going into the room B.L sat on the edge of the bed and asked "What for?" Dixie: "Cos Uncle Jesse caught me and Bo in the barn foolin' around" B.L: "Holy Smoke girl! After all this with Lori and Luke and the bet you STILL went to the barn with Bo? What'd Uncle Jesse say?" She had a pretty good idea of what Jesse had said or rather did about it. Dixie nodded to answer B.L's first question and then with a shakey breath answered the second. "He...whipped us B." B.L winced and creased her brow two in one day no wonder Dixie was still in tears. B.L however didn't feel sorry for Dixie long it was her own fault she knew better than to be in that barn with Bo after all the trouble between Luke and Lori lately. Getting off the bed she swatted Dixie's sore behind once then ran like the devil himself was after her as Dixie jumped up stiffly trying to give chase. Giving up part way down the hall though Dixie picked up one of B.L's tennis balls that had somehow gotten out into the hall and chunked it at her bouncing it off the back of B.L's head. "Better keep that in yer room afore Dad sees it laying around fer somebody to trip on." B.L rubbed the back of her head and whirled around on Dixie cussing the younger girl for hitting her in the back of the head with the ball. Then grabbing it where it had bounced off and rolled back out into the hall she tossed it in the corner of her room and slammed the door turning on her stereo loud. Dixie went back to her own room and turned up her own stero with both going it was so loud the windows was rattling. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the Boar's Nest......
  19. Dixie meanwhile had went over to the Duke farm to see Bo she liked him and knew he liked her ALOT. Bo looked up from where him and Luke sat talking on the doorstep when Dixie pulled up. He got up off the step and made his way to her car as she got out. Bo: "Hey Dix" Dixie: "Hey Bo" Bo: "How are ya?" Dixie: "I'm fine, how are you?" Bo: "I'm fine" Truth was he was getting a little hot. Luke shook his head at the two and left them to themselves going inside for a cold shower. Bo took Dixie's hand and led her off toward the barn. In the barn he led her up to the loft, before long clothes were strewn all around them and soft giggles and moans could be heard. Unknown to the two Uncle Jesse needed some jars for a shipment of shine and when he came into the barn he heard the noises. Now normally he wouldn't spy just let his prescense be known but he thought it might be Luke breaking the bet so he climed the ladder the sight that met his eyes nearly gave the Duke patriarch a heart attack. "WHAT IN TARNATION IS GOING ON HERE??!!!!"
  20. *laughs* I thought you were proud of that nickname Lor?
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