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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Lori smiled listening to Luke and Little Luke downstairs working on Midnight as she went back to cooking dinner. She looked down at herself as she stood there at the stove and giggled again thinking about Luke saying he wished he had a camera because she was cute standing there at stove in her big flannel shirt and bare feet. She muttered to herself amused "Bare foot and pregnant" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile at the Duke farm dinner was over and the kitchen cleaned up, Jesse looked at Dixie waiting for her to tell him what was on her mind concerning the divorce papers. Dixie started..........
  2. Meanwhile at Cooter's, B.L was in the kitchen with Konrad they were finishing up washing the dishes. He had been helpful since coming home from the garage earlier. Cooter sat in the livingroom reading the newspaper while they finished....
  3. After Luke went upstairs Konrad looked at his watch and decided he'd better go home and check on B.L as he made his way out the door he called back to Cooter a hand raised in farewell. "See ya at home Coot!" Cooter called back chuckling "Yeah see ya there Kon hey don't let B hit ya over the head with a frying pan as ya come in the door." Konrad ignored the teasing and left going home, when he got there he found B.L sitting on the couch looking tame as a kitten instead of the sore tailed cat she'd been that morning. He sat down beside her putting a hand on her knee, B.L looked at him and said quietly..... "I'm sorry I was so mean this morning, I shouldn't have accused you of doing anything with Lori I know better than that you'd never do that to me." Konrad leaned over and kissed her softly "It's ok must have looked pretty bad with me too drunk to stand on my own." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the garage.........
  4. Luke looked to Konrad and asked him,"Let me guess, B.L thinks Lori was tryin to take you away from her?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Konrad nodded with a pained expression on his face and told Luke "Yeah she's either been giving me looks that could kill or yellin' at me all day. I had all I could take and told her I was comin' here for a while." Luke gave him a sympathetic look and patted his shoulder saying "Sorry about that, don't worry though she'll cool down it's just the hormones talkin'." Konrad rubbed his hands over his face still suffering slightly from his hangover or maybe it was B.L's screeching the reason his head still hurt either way it was the same result he had a splitting headache. "I sure hope so or it ain't gonna be safe for me ta sleep in that house tonight she's liable ta slit my throat." Konrad was only about half joking he wasn't sure what B.L might be capable of the way she'd been ranting. Luke..........
  5. Meanwhile at Cooter's BL was tapping her foot arms crossed giving Konrad a look so mean if looks could kill he'd drop dead right where he stood. "You leave here going out with the fellas for a few beers,that's fine. BUT then you come home drunk as a skunk that don't bother me either. I draw the line though DA**** at hanging all over my cousin not Dixie but LORI the WHORE OF HAZZARD!" Konrad held up his hands in surrender and tried to placate B.L "B it wasn't like that I was drunk and Lori was just bringing me home. I'd never step out on you." B.L: "Sure as he** didn't look so innocent to me! What I saw was you with a sh**y grin on your face hanging all over my cousin and her with her arms around you!" Konrad shook his head she wasn't gonna listen to him in this mood no matter how much he tried to tell her what she saw wasn't the way she saw it. Throwing up his hands in defeat Konrad stalked off toward B.L's car calling back to her. "I need a ride to the Boar's Nest to get my car, if that's not asking too much!" He got in the car and waited for her, in the car B.L glared at him briefly before starting the motor and pulling out for the Boar's Nest. Not a word was spoken between the two the whole ride there and when they got there Konrad got out and looked back at B.L through the window saying... "I'll be at the garage helping out if you need me" Well this statement just made B.L madder she almost had smoke coming out of her ears she was so mad. B.L snarled and growled saying non too quietly "THE GARAGE WHERE LORI IS SEE I KNEW IT SHE'S GOT YOU TOO!!" With those parting words B.L sped off back toward home and Konrad got into his own car heading the opposite direction toward town, the garage and he hoped peace and quiet without being ranted at by a pregnant woman. Pulling up at the garage Konrad noticed nobody was there except Midnight he went into the garage and got a beer out of the refriderator before getting to work on a car that was there just something to take his mind off his troubles while he waited for Cooter to get back. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile upstairs Luke and Lori were.......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the farm B.L was cussing a blue streak as she scrubbed the kitchen floor by hand something she only did when she was really pissed and needed to let off some steam.
  6. Konrad wandered into the kitchen looking like something the cat dragged in with his blood shot eyes and slightly green appearance. "I need coffee and two asprin" B.L put him a cup of coffee and two asprin on the table glaring at him. "serves you right for gettin' fallin' down drunk last night!" Konrad cringed at her loud town and muttered pitifully "Please don't yell B." B.L humphed and left him to recupreate he was sadly mistaken if he thought he'd get any sympathy from her.
  7. After Lori left B.L shoved Cooter off to bed and made sure he got there in one piece. Then she went back for Konrad dragging him to their room toppling him into bed and pulling the cover up both men were passed out before their heads hit the pillows.
  8. B.L sees Lori half dragging HER husband and THEIR cousin toward the house and busts out the door then spots Bo and Luke in Midgnight and yells. "ONE MAN's NOT GOOD ENOUGH YOU GOTTA STEAL MY HUSBAND AND BETH'S? AND GOOD LORD ALMIGHTY OUR COUSIN TOO BOY LORI YOU DON'T STOP AT ANYTHING DO YA?" Lori saw red at the accusation and flew in on B.L "I AIN'T BEEN DOING WHAT YOU THINK I BEEN DOING THESE FOUR ARE DRUNKER THAN SKUNKS! I WAS BRINGING THEM HOME SO THEY WOULDN'T GET IN A CAR AND KILL THEMSELVES OR SOMEONE ELSE!" B.L got closer and put her arm around Konrad's waist pulling him away from Lori he gave her a silly drunken grin and slurred. "Hiya's hoooney" B.L glared at him and said "Don't you hiya honey me your drunk!" Lori.........
  9. Konrad sat listening to the other three men, he had met them at the Boar's Nest after they had called telling him they were having a guys night out and he'd talked B.L into letting him meet them. That hadn't been too hard they didn't make a big fuss about it when he wanted a night out with the guys or her with the girls. He didn't quite know what to say to either of his cousins about their predicaments but he kept playing B.L's words over and over in his head about not sleeping he might wake up a gelding when they'd first found out she was pregnant that was the closest he could come to comparing with either and that had only been the shock of the pregnancy. He was just as shocked by Cooter's profound wisdom as Luke had been,that just wasn't Cooter at least noone thought it was. He chugged the rest of his beer before starting on the one Daisy had just brought to the table his foggy brain just barely able to think about the fact B.L was going to kill him in the morning when she had to bring him back to get his car. They continued to sip and talk for quite sometime ..........
  10. Lori kept on singing but had fire in her eyes Luke was going to catch hell later. He did still have enough of his senses though to dislodge the little red head filly from his knee. Cooter and Bo were staring at him with glazed eyes both well on their way to being drunk. Cooter then decided once the red head was gone to try and get Luke's mind off what looked like Lori following him. "So Bo what was it you wanted to talk about?" Bo.......
  11. After sobering B.L looked at the men with a sassy smirk and said "You fellas ain't the only one to take somebody up there, it wasn't high school but I've been up there too" she looked pointedly at Luke grinning "AND the bed NEVER BROKE!" It was nothing for her and Konrad to go up there when they wanted some time to themselves leaving Cooter with the farm to himself, but they had never broke the bed,
  12. B.L had been to see Doc again for her regular check up and decided to walk over to the garage to see if Lori and Luke had killed each other yet. She saw Bo pull in then heard him laughing quickening her step to see what was so funny she went to the back of the garage where the men were and seen the pieces from the bed and fell over laughing calling upstairs to Lori. "HEY LOR BETTER GO EASY ON HIM FROM NOW ON BED'S AIN'T CHEAP!"
  13. Cooter looked at Little Luke puzzling over the question he'd been asked by the little boy. Not entirely sure he knew the answer himself and he wasn't sure about how to explain it to a little boy, he also thought that it was Luke's place to explain such things but he knew he had to tell Little Luke something so with a slight chuckle he gave the best answer he could knowing if any of the women in question heard about the answer he'd gave he was in trouble. "They're crazy" Konrad sat on the bed still trying to comfort B.L as she cried into the pillow the woes of being pregnant. "So what if you can't I'll still love you just as much." he said as he now cradled the crying woman in his arms not quite knowing what else to do it was totally out of character to see B.L cry like this especially over something so trivial as gaining a little weight from being pregnant. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile while Cooter was explaining the mechanics of a pregnant woman with mood swings to Little Luke at the Duke farm Beth was.........
  14. Homer Willis was the dentist and just for a little added info his 'office' hours were from 9am-6pm. LOL I just happened to notice that wrote on the side of the RV last time I watched the episode.
  15. Cooter had brought Little Luke back to the Davenport farm with him while Luke and Lori went to hound dog lake for a while. B.L was staring off into space with a hand over her belly Little Luke had asked her earlier how come she, Lori and Dixie were fat. She had thought she was hiding it pretty good that she'd gotten bigger by wearing a bigger size of jeans and one of Konrad's shirts most of the time so it was loose fitting. She didn't think she was quite ready for maternity clothes yet but maybe she was and that bothered her somewhat, she didn't want to get fat but knew it was inevitable as the baby grew. Konrad came up behind her putting his arms around her and whispering "What's weighing so heavy on your mind?" B.L looked to him over her shoulder and answered his question with one of her own. "Do you think I'm gettin' fat?" Konrad was just about to reply when Cooter came through and noticed her pensive look and asked kissing her temple "You feelin' alright chunky monkey?" he'd started calling her that since she'd gotten bigger jeans and wore Konrad's shirts not meaning anything mean by it was just his term of endearment for her lately but today was the wrong day to call her that. B.L broke free from Konrad's hold and ran to their room laying across the bed bursting into tears. Cooter cursed under his breath as B.L fled the room he hadn't meant to hurt her feelings. Konrad followed her to their room laying down beside her stroking her hair. He said....... "Coot didn't mean anything by it sweetheart, sure your a little bigger around than you was but that's good means the baby's growing." B.L wailed into the pillow.."I know but................
  16. Cooter looked to her, shook his head and headed to his room. B.L watched him go stunned it had been a while since he'd yelled at her like that. She shook her head and said more to herself than Konrad beside her.... "I think I might have went a little too far this time." Konrad scoffed that was the understatement of the century. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm Bo had managed to get Beth undressed too and was in a lovin' mood......
  17. Luke gave Lori a look and said "Yeah we did so what, you and Todd have fun?" Lori.......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After Cooter and Luke left everyone else decided to go too, Beth had to half drag half carry Bo out he'd had just a wee bit too much to drink. B.L. and Konrad went out getting in Konrad's car heading for home he looked over at her and said with a chuckle. "Being pregnant makes you mean." B.L just laughed she'd kill over if she ever had to keep her mouth shut and not say what was on her mind. Back at the farm they went into the house Cooter hadn't got home yet though so they had the house to themselves for a few minutes then when Cooter came in the peace was broken as he hollered. "BRANDY LOU DAVENPORT DUKE......."
  18. Everyone else saw Lori go over to Todd and remove her jacket then go outside with him and their mouths were just hung open in shock. Cooter was the first to recover. "What is that girl doin'?" B.L looked to him and said with a smirk saying "Looks like the Hazzard whore strikes again." Konrad looked at B.L completely shocked when she said that he couldn't believe she'd talk about her own kin that way. He knew she and Lori argued alot and had come to blows more than a few times but Lori was still family. "B.L I don't believe you just said that about your own cousin!" B.L: "The truth's the truth dear." she shrugged the others at the table..........
  19. B.L. and Konrad had woke up that morning too after their own night of fun. B.L. had managed not to throw up most of the night and that had made the mood better. Cooter was already gone to the garage when they woke up so they didn't bother getting straight up they had just layed there a while cuddling and talking quietly. Konrad suggested after a while.... Hey how about we go to the Boar's Nest tonight if your still feeling alright?" B.L kissed him lightly smiling and said. "That sounds real nice darlin" After a while longer they got up and had a light breakfast and started their day. Looking forward to a night out if their plans didn't get changed from B.L puking out her innerds again.
  20. B.L came back from the bathroom having thrown up again! She lay down on the couch her head in Konrad's lap and looked up at him pitifully, all the being sick was really starting to take a toll on her. He stroked her cheek cupping it gently. B.L "I think I'm gonna go back ta Doc tomorrow that medicine he prescribed just ain't helpin." Konrad nodded in agreement "That's probably a good idea love." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the garage and Duke farm....
  21. B.L smirked, she laughed at others misery seems like. She looked to Konrad and said,"Let's go honey, I've had my fun fer the day." Konrad took B.L. home he'd had enough of her fun for the day too. As they pulled up into the Davenport farm yard he looked at her with a small smirk still on her face and said. "Lori's gonna whup you if ya don't stop rufflin' her feathers B." B.L shrugged and grinned chirping "She'll have to catch me first!" Just then another wave of sickness rushed over her and she threw open the car door doubling over next to the car puking. Konrad got out with a sigh and went around to her side holding back her hair. "A turtle could catch you right now as much as you throw up lately." B.L straightened up wiping her mouth glaring at him "Funny!" Konrad kissed her forehead then helped her in the house to lay on the couch for a while until her stomach settled again or the next wave of throwing up hit.
  22. B.L. smirked and said.... "I was havin' fun apparently otherwise I wouldn't be pregnant now would I?" Lori hrumphed and crossed her arms she hated it when B.L got smug then looking at B.L she retorted "Ain't so fun upchucking your vital organs every day though is it?" B.L: "I was havin' fun two years ago BEFORE he was my husband we just didn't flaunt it all over the county!" Lori flew mad at that remark and lunged at B.L but missed as Konrad grabbed B.L round the waist and moved her away from Lori before they could tie into it. B.L opened her mouth to say that she and Konrad still managed to have fun when she wasn't puking her guts out but was cut off by a man walking up unknown to them who was about to be Lori's new manager.....
  23. These I remember I hope Meadow Falls Cherry Lane Dixie Deli
  24. Luke looked to Lori and with a concerned look on his face exclaimed to her.. "Lori ya tryin' ta get him in killed he's only in kindergarten!" Lori replied......
  25. B.L. looked to Konrad and said "Luther's coming in tomorrow, when he hears all that's going on with the Davenport,Duke triangle that garage is gonna blow higher than an exploding still." Konrad chuckled and nodded "Yup, glad me an' you ain't gonna be contributing factors to that explosion neither." B.L: "Me and you both, maybe our news will calm him down but I ain't holdin my breath." She had to laugh a little of course Luther would be happy for them but he was still going to be madder than hell that Luke was toying with both Dixie and Lori's affections not to mention having them both pregnant and Dixie's was gonna be twins! She couldn't wait to get back at Lori for making fun of her just now on the phone but then maybe she wouldn't have to, seeing Luther blow his stack at Lori just as much as at Luke would be justice enough she thought.
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