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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. She wasn't aware that he had gotten there, let alone was standing behind her as she talked to her friend about Luke. B.L lay on the couch talking to Robin about Luke. She didn't want to see Lori get hurt but had always thought that Luke and Robin were a cute couple. As Luke stood there behind Robin he heard her say to the person she was talking to. "I really think we might be getting back together B.L" Now Luke only knew one B.L at school so that narrowed it down as to who Robin was talking to he just hoped word wouldn't get back to Lori and that B.L wouldn't get mad at him and take it out of his hide. "He's supposed to be coming over tonight, so guess we'll see how things go." Robin was saying and turned on her side catching a glimpse in the corner of her eye she turned her head further and saw Luke standing there and she said to B.L "He's here I'll call ya tomorrow and let ya know how things go....Bye" B.L knew this was likely to hurt Lori but from what she'd seen at school between Lori and Vance somehow she knew her cousin would bounce back. She was happy for Robin though she'd missed Luke and had told B.L so many times. B.L said.... "Hope things work out between you and Luke alright, I'll talk to ya tomorrow....Bye" then adding as an after thought before hanging up the phone B.L said wickedly "Ya'll don't do anything I wouldn't do." Robin laughed and hung up the phone getting off the bed hugging Luke "Hiya stranger" Luke hugged her back and pecked a kiss on the end of her nose raising an eyebrow before saying "Hi, B.L's not plotting my death is she?" Robin laughed and shook her head no and told him that B.L gave them her good wishes although she knew this was likely to hurt Lori.....
  2. I'm only sure about one of these but gonna guess on the other two anyway so here goes Promise Lane Hazzard Airport Cy Cobb
  3. Luke humphed her and gave her a scathing look and said. "What's wrong with it is YOU are using MY younger cousin to get back at ME!" Lori shrugged not the least bit phased by Luke's look if he wanted to play these games then she'd play...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Davenport farm B.L was just about to die to know what was going on with Lori and Luke. She had witnessed everything all day especailly at break but hadn't been to where she could find out what was going on then she'd been with her friends Wendy and Tiffany and it would have been rude to leave them standing there just so she could be nosey. Dixie walked past her room just then and B.L reached out into the hall snagging her younger cousin and dragging her in the room closing the door. "You got any idea what's up with Lor and Luke?" Dixie shook her head she'd been with her own friends but had seen strange things too today. "No but somethin' must be up they didn't hardly say a word ta each other today in the hall or hold hands and kiss like they usually do." B.L nodded her face scrunched up in thought, she'd find out what was going on someway somehow......
  4. When they got out there though Lori was surprised to find the barn all decorated and all hers and Luke's friends there as well as B.L Cooter,and Dixie. Everyone shouted "SURPRISE" And then the party began in full swing....
  5. Daisy's Song The New Dukes The Dukes in Hollywood
  6. In B.L.'s class Mr. Crouse was looking dead at her. "Ms. Davenport are you having trouble keeping your paper on your desk?" He asked. B.L's head snapped up hearing Mr. Crouse's question she looked like a deer caught in the headlights of a car. "u...uh no sir" She stuffed the note in her pocket then glared at Andy for getting her into trouble she'd had enough of that lately to last a lifetime. Andy just looked at her his eyes silently begging for another chance. All it got him was 'flipped off' and a hmph before B.L turned back around in her seat to pay attention to Mr. Crouse.....
  7. B.L crumpled Andy's note up and threw it back at him she knew what it said without reading it. He was still trying to get her back after she'd caught him in bed with another girl she just couldn't believe it. Undetered Andy passed another note to B.L this one she opened and wrote in red marker.... LEAVE ME THE H*** ALONE!!!!!!!!!!! Folding the note back up she tossed it over her shoulder at him she wasn't playing his games. If she took him back she knew it'd just be the same thing over again she'd heard the rumors, she knew that's why he had never had a steady girl friend than a couple of months at the most they'd always catch him in the act somehow. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bo was passing Beth and Dixie notes and getting better results than Andy was getting a few doors down the hall with B.L in their class......
  8. Jesse dropped Luke and Lori off at school after getting them some breakfast. As they walked in the others came up to see why they were a little late this morning. B.L gave them a smug look and asked "Been out again all night Lor?" Lori shot B.L a glare she wasn't in the mood to play their usual games this morning after being in jail. "Yeah but NOT for the reason your thinking!" The bell rang for first period and they all went to class there'd be more time to talk about this later. Luke and Lori didn't exactly want to tell the real story for their almost being late right there in the middle of the hall for everybody to hear......
  9. Lori the answer is Cooter Davenport
  10. Roger I believe the answers your looking for are Pine Junction Murky Pond Mary Kaye's Baby
  11. Luke sighed and shook his head saying "What'd I do now? And why was Luther after you, Cooter and BL like he was gonna beat ya all to death with the bible?" Lori glared at him she wasn't in the mood to be sidetracked from her original thought. "Don't change the subject" Luke sighed he just couldn't win........
  12. She swallowed hard and looked down to her music, the director gave her the chords and she began the solo part, the choir coming in and joining her in the next part the rest of the congregation joining in as well. Luther kept right on glaring at Lori and shaking the bible it made her a little nervous he was still sure enough mad from last night. Usually the Duke cousins and the Davenport cousins all sat on the back bench together with some of the other teenagers. Not this sunday Luther had made Cooter, B.L and Dixie set with him and Jesse had done the same that way they could all be kept out of trouble. There would be no whispering and passing notes during the sermon this week.
  13. Rosco returned them home meeting Luther at the front porch suddenly all B.L's bravado when she'd snuck out was gone and she stood slightly behind Cooter but still in plain view quaking in her boots. Luther glared at them his face red as a beet. Rosco laughed his goofy laugh and said "Khee Kee Luther I don't know what these young'uns is upto but I caught 'em speedin'. I coulda took 'em to jail but figured you'd handle it just as well and we wouldn't have to bother nobody else this time of night." Luther: "Thank you for bringing them home Rosco I'll see to it they learn the err of their ways." After Rosco left Luther just stood there glaring daggers through the two miscreants and started taking off his belt again. B.L had tears streaming down her face and was shaking her head she didn't want two whippin's in one night one was more than enough. "I thought I told you two to go to bed when you came sneaking in the first time. I see you didn't and decided to disobey me." Without another word between them Luther whipped them both again right then and there on the front porch for anybody who drove up to see. Then sent them in the house to bed and this time they went.
  14. Luke in his boxers got up and opened the window helping Lori inside he then wrapped a blanket around her shoulders to get her warm. Sitting on the bed beside her he rubbed his hands up and down her arms and asked quietly so they wouldn't wake Bo. "What's wrong darlin' why're you here?" Lori looked to look and sniffed he handed her a handkerchief and wiped the tears streaming down her face with his tumbs. "Luther kicked me out he threatened to call the State if I didn't get outta there right quick so grabbed my stuff and here I am." Luke kissed her forehead and hugged her close rubbing her back.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Back at the Davenport farm things were quiet Cooter, B.L and Dixie were afraid to so much as stick their noses out of their rooms. B.L was still fuming at the way Luther had kicked Lori out. She opened her window and prepared to sneak out just as Cooter opened her door and hissed quietly. "Where in the Devil are you going? Dad'll whip you again." B.L. shrugged and looked back at Cooter one leg in the window and one leg out. "I'm going after Lori what Uncle Luther did ain't right and if he whips me again then so be it but I can't just let her go she ain't got nowhere to go." Cooter: "Wait I'll come with you" B.L: "Ain't you afraid you'll get another whippin?" Cooter shrugged and went back to his room to put on his clothes before coming back to B.L's room the two of them sneaking out the window.....
  15. B.L sat in the middle of the seat and looked at Luke then Cooter and stated what they all already knew. "Droopy catches us and the sh** gonna hit the fan. Cooter Uncle Luther'll kill us no questions asked if we call in the middle of the night cos we're in jail in another county." Cooter nodded frowning they'd be safer UNDER the jail than they would be let go into Luther's custody. Luke.....
  16. B.L's mouth fell open hearing Lori's answer "GIRL YOU DON'T KNOW THE MEANING OF SCREWED YET! When Uncle Luther finds out your running shine for Boss Hogg he's gonna turn you every which way but loose!" Luke put his hand on B.L's shoulder to quieten her tirade now was not the time to bawl Lori out if Rosco came along Lori might get away cos she was running for Boss but himself, Cooter and BL would surely be on their way to the hoosegow and that would not make Luther or Jesse happy.
  17. B.L had arrived at Andy's house to find his parents were still gone on their second honeymoon. She let herself in the house and looked around not seeing him anywhere she decided to go to his room to wait she had to get back home earlier than expected to help Cooter and Luke run 'errands' for Uncle Jesse tonight. She opened his door and found him in bed with Hailey Marie Henderson. Andy looked up with a stupified grin as B.L came in and slurred "ooh lucky me two fer one" B.L saw red and flew mad at the sight of Hailey on top of Andy she grabbed a shoe and chunked it at them and screamed "YOU B**** get the H*** out of this house!" Hailey dodged the shoe and jumped up grabbing her clothes and getting dressed faster than she'd ever got dressed before B.L worried her a little she slipped past B.L and looked back at Andy smiling "We'll finish this later honey." After Hailey was gone B.L looked to Andy fire in her eyes and let loose on him cussing at the top of her lungs and throwing everything she could lay her hands on at him. He did his best to dodge it but he was just a little too tipsy to be completely successful and B.L's 'missles' hit dead on target several times. B.L turned to leave and Andy scrambled out of bed grabbing her "Baby wait it ain't what you think!" B.L: "Oh then what is it?" B.L spat sarcastically and turned to leave again but couldn't because Andy had her by the arm when she jerked it the sleeve of her long sleeved denim shirt ripped out a little at the shoulder, making her stagger a little almost losing her balance. Andy took advantage of this and grabbed her kissing her hard on the lips when he let go she slapped him and stomped out of the house getting in her car heading for home, screaming as she exited the house. "IT'S OVER BETWEEN US ANDY I THOUGHT THE RUMORS WERE LIES AND I COULD TRUST YOU GUESS NOT!!!!" B.L came tearing into the driveway kicking up dirt and dust, got out of her car and went inside not even paying attention to the fact Cooter and Dixie were sitting there she was too mad.
  18. Uncle Jesse nodded and pointed toward the barn telling Lori "Ya know where they are help yaself darlin'" Lori: "Thanks Uncle Jesse" Lori headed off to the barn to get the jugs and crates and Luke followed to 'help' her get them. In the barn he whirled her around and leaned her up against the barn wall kissing her passionately. Lori wrapped her arms around his neck as they kissed. After a few minutes she said "I'd better get these crates and jugs and head on home B.L and Dixie are waitin' fer me to get back and help clean the house." Luke nodded 'ok' and helped her load the stuff into Midnight kissing her one more time waving her off. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Davenport farm Cooter was hard at work on the woodpile doing his best to stay out of Luther's way. The last thing he wanted this morning was to get yelled at he was still tired from being up all night last night. Luther meantime had went to the garage while the cousins did their chores before their 'run' tonight. It was a big one so none of them would much sleep they'd be out most of the night if not all night......
  19. When the sun arose B.L bounced cheerily into Lori's room and on the bed jostling it now normally she'd pounce right on top of Lori but everybody was still afraid Lori'd 'break' so instead she jostled the bed. Lori had only been dozing a short while and opened her eyes glaring at B.L and mumbled "Go 'way B I'm sick" B.L grinned wickedly and chirped "The only thing wrong with YOU cousin is ya stayed up all night doin' it with Luke." Lori pushed B.L off the bed unexpectedly and she hit the floor with a resounding thump but wasn't bothered by it today she was having too much fun aggrevating Lori. Beverly groaned sleepily and looked at the two cousins. B.L raised her eyebrows and looked at Beverly then Lori then back to Beverly. "I'm gonna take a stab in the dark here but I'm assuming Cooter didn't sleep neither and that's why Bev is in YOUR bed." Lori gave B.L an impish grin and nodded well that was all B.L needed she pushed herself up off the floor and ran toward Cooter's room. She didn't get to have any fun last night and she'd be danged if the two cousin's that did got to sleep any today. Crashing in Cooter's room she DID pounce on him right smack dab in the middle of his stomach. He groaned from under the covers. "Mornin' cousin did ya have fun last night?" He pushed the cover off his face only revealing one menacing eye and grumbled. "What're you so perky about today?" B.L grinned sitting astride his stomach and said "Weeelll ya see I had me a good night's sleep last night and it's a beautiful day outside." Cooter glared at her annoyed with her rude awakening and gave her a mighty heave rolling her off into the floor covering his head back up to go back to sleep. B.L laughed and got up off the floor leaving Cooter's room Luther would get them up soon enough her work here was done. Now she wanted to talk to Dixie about her and Bo's night see how things went....... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm Jesse came into Bo and Luke's room going to Luke's bed shaking his shoulder. "Time ta get up Luke and start the chores, get Bo up too will ya." Luke groaned and pushed back the cover it was going to be a looong day........
  20. When she arrived home B.L pounced interrogating Lori... "What is wrong with you? I never thought I'd see the day that Lori Davenport let a boy get to her so bad she starved herself." Lori just looked at B.L as she took her medicine and said "You wouldn't understand you don't know how I feel about Luke." B.L: "No matter how you feel about him it's no reason to try and kill yerself! I understand more than you think cousin don't forget it was MY mama that killed herself after my daddy died. So I do understand what that kinda love is like I just can't see you being one of those kind of people." Lori swallowed hard she loved Luke with her heart and soul but she knew B.L was right in what she said. But instead of agreeing she put the glass from taking her medicine in the sink and headed for her room mumbling. "I'm going to bed good night Uncle Luther." B.L went back to the couch and her magazine to wait for Cooter to get home hiding a grin she was going to interrogate him next about his date with Beverly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile Cooter......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Duke farm.........
  21. Dixie sighed in relief to know that Bo wasn't anymore comfortable with it than she was. She was afraid he'd think she was being a naiive baby...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile B.L was back at the house with Luther waiting for Lori to come home. She wouldn't ever let on to Lori but she was worried about her cousin's health because of how skinny she'd gotten. Cooter hadn't made it home yet either but Luther had given him an extension on his curfew because the game lasted so late that way he'd have plenty of time to take Beverly home and drive safely back to the farm without speeding to meet his curfew so he wouldn't get in trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Boar's Nest Cooter had Beverly held tightly in his arms as they danced to a slow country song playing on the juke box......
  22. He'd talk to her after the game was over he decided. So after the game Cooter went over to Beverly and smiled shyly at her and said "Hey Beverly, did ya enjoy the game?" Beverly smiled shly back and nodded she really liked Cooter he didn't act like a hot shot like the other boys. They talked a while just getting to know each other and before he knew it Cooter had a date with Beverly to go get something to eat before they all went home, he told her he'd drop her off at her house if she didn't mind being with his two younger cousins and little sister. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile while Cooter was sparkin' the lovely miss Beverly not giving a second thought to said younger cousins and little sister. Bo and Dixie were under the bleachers in the same place B.L and Andy had been.........
  23. Bo Duke I keep Hazzard County on wheels who am I?
  24. Dixie had wished her and Bo had time to explore further, but the sound of the PA cutting on had interupted. She had finally gathered the nerve to let Bo move ahead and now they were interupted! Just her luck! Bo wasn't happy either he'd been so close Dixie had finally let him move ahead but then Luke and Lori had to get in trouble as usual and spoil everything. B.L and Andy had been more careful since Lori and Luke had been caught they weren't sure how close they might have been to being caught themselves in the locker room. At practice Luke and Lori were sitting 'benched' B.L smiled real big she was on top of the world almost literally she hadn't been caught with Andy and now with Lori benched she had the full duties of captain of the squad which meant she was on top of the pyramid. Daisy couldn't believe all the luck of all of them Luke and Lori's bad luck and B.L's good luck. She'd got wind of what Bo and Dixie had been doing too and had promised she wouldn't tell on them as long as they didn't do something stupid like the others and take risks getting caught in the wrong place at the wrong time...
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