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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. well i don't know the second one but the first is cassius claiborne
  2. Nooooo please don't quit we'll do better we promise! Hazzard Telephone and Telegraph Chestnut Creek Sweetwater County
  3. I agree with Lori and Double X on this one
  4. Uncle Charlie's Upholstering Spencer Creek Close Call for Daisy
  5. J.D. Hogg Painting Company Rock River Road Miss Tri-Counties
  6. Flash Rosco hired me to put the Duke boys away in prison when he thought he had a million dollars who am I?
  7. B.L had made a quick exit from the kitchen when Luther had come in she had been avoiding him so he couldn't corner her for her part in getting Hil drunk as a skunk last night. She had seen Cooter come up the stairs and into Hilery's room and could hear their conversation through the wall in her room. She stepped out into the hall at the same time Cooter came out of Hil's room and cornered him whispering so Hilery couldn't hear. "Cut her some slack Coot she's just having a little fun, Hil's a good girl and won't do the things me, you, Lori and Dixie did." Cooter looked at B.L listening to her he almost chuckled at her taking Hilery's side after getting her so drunk last night just one of her many mean things she had done to Hilery. "It's what WE did that scares me B I mean look at how Dixie's had to put up with cos of her and Luke's actions." "Cooter, Dixie had me, you and Lori for examples and didn't none of us 'behave' she knew what we were doing. Lori hasn't been around Hil, I've tried to watch my step so she won't get the wrong ideas. You've done a good job raising her it's time to loosen the apron strings a little."
  8. I don't know the actresses name so I hope you are looking for this answer Amy Creevy
  9. Bo shrugged to Rosco and smiled sickly, B.L meantime was making her way over to the confrontation she hadn’t thought getting Hilery drunk would end her up in a fight because up until now she’d just been acting goofy and making a fool of herself. “Rosco you can let her go, don’t arrest her it’s her birthday I’ll keep an eye on her. It’s my fault she’s this drunk anyway.†Rosco looked at the young Davenport girl and then at B.L in one of his moments of niceness he uncuffed Hilery and pointed his finger at B.L saying “You see that you keep her outta trouble or I’ll cuff and stuff ya both!†B.L nodded and tried to guide Hilery away from Bo and Stacy only to get a fist swung in her direction which she dodged. Taking hold of Hilery’s arm B.L started to lead her back toward the bar. “Lemme go B I ain’t done with her yet!†“Oh yes you are or Rosco’s gonna arrest ya, c’mon let’s get you sobered up.â€
  10. Note:Not quite the end just yet Konrad had returned to Hazzard after he'd felt it safe to do so since he'd been living at the Davenport farm before his hurried departure. He had seen Sgt Powell when he'd come to see Luke and had signed up to join the marines too. He had told B.L that he needed to return to Atlanta to see his Aunt about something and came screeching around the corner just as the bus arrived to pick up Luke. He cursed himself for not leaving Atlanta earlier now he'd have to hurriedly tell B.L what he'd done and hope she didn't take the news too badly. B.L saw Konrad pull up from the garage and ran over. He came up to them with his own bag, B.L's eyes looked puzzled he hadn't taken a bag with him. He pulled her aside and sat the bag down saying "B.L ya know that quick trip to Atlanta I just made?" B.L nodded 'yes' and Konrad continued "it was to tell my aunt that I was leaving for the marines today too." B.L bit her lip silent tears trickling down her face Konrad pulled her to him hugging her tightly whispering "B please don't cry, I'll be back I promise." B.L clung to him tightly sobbing the bus driver getting impatient to be on his way honked the horn and that was Konrad and Luke's cue to get on and they did. Both watching out the window of the bus as it left Hazzard. Luke and Konrad sat down in a seat together and Luke asked "Where you going?" "I joined the Marines too saw that Sgt that came to talk to you and signed up." Konrad answered. Luke nodded then Konrad told him he was sorry he hadn't made it to the trial and asked how that had gone. Luke then told him that was why he was on his way to Camp LeJeune was Judge Hardcastle had found a loop hole that would let him join the military since he pled guilty instead of going to prison. They talked for a long while on the several hour bus trip to NC leaving their loved ones back in GA to continue on without them until their stint with the marines was up. The End again!
  11. As the Sgt. topped the step, Bo turned to Luke with a hurt look not saying a word, he couldn't believe Luke would be gone in two days. Luke sighed it seemed he just couldn't win. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cooter and B.L had talked about what to do about Dixie's disappearance and the places she might have gone. Cooter thought their best bet was his Mom's so he was calling her while B.L stood nearby listening. Cooter's mother answered the phone on the second ring "Hello" "Mom is Dixie there?" Cooter asked sounding worried........
  12. Luther stormed into the courthouse and down the steps to the cells telling Peggy "I wanna see Luke!" Peggy wasn't at all sure she should let Luther inside the gate even though Luke was relatively safe behind the bars of his cell. Not having a real reason not to let Luther in she opened the gate. He barged in past her and came right over to Bo and Luke's cell looking like he might explode. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" Luke jumped back a foot colliding with Bo, he wasn't usually one to back down but right now Luther had him intimidated, he swallowed hard and said "I don't know where she is. She called Peggy a lil while ago and left a message for me that she was where she'd been going and ok that's all I know I swear!" Luther didn't believe it for a second. He looked at Luke menacingly and said "You know, I know you do so why don't you save yourself alot of trouble and just tell me?!" "Well, I told you all I'm telling you. Want to have me arrested again?" Luke was feeling froggy there wasn't nothing else Luther could do to him that could be worse than what he'd already done. Luther knew Luke wasn't going to say anymore so he turned on his heels and stormed back up the steps to..........
  13. Meanwhile Cooter, BL and the Dukes search had turned up no sign of Dixie anywhere in Hazzard. Cooter and BL decided to go tell Luther that Dixie had disappeared and noone knew where. First they went by the farm and saw the wrecker was gone, that meant he was either on a call or at the garage but hadn't known Dixie was gone. He probably thought she was in her room sulking. They pulled upto the garage and got out of the car walking inside, Luther was under the hood of a car. "Uh...Dad..we uh got somethin' to tell ya" Cooter cleared his throat before continuing he wasn't looking forward to this. Luther raised up from under the car's hood and said "What is it son?" "Dixie's runaway." Cooter finished taking an involuntary step back when Luther faced them. "Runaway? that's ridiculous I know she's upset with me but she wouldn't run away her door was closed she's probably sulking in her room." B.L shook her head at Luther's words and said "No Uncle Luther she's gone so's 'Dixie Delight'." Luther's face turned purple and he said "I bet Luke Duke knows where she is!" "No he doesn't know Uncle Luther, I don'e rattled his 'cage' about it. We been out looking most of the night the Duke's has been helping us. We done turned this county upside down." B.L answered noone eve paying attention to her play on words, worrying about Dixie. Luther............ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jesse listened to Luke and being a veteran himself he was proud to think that one of his boys joining the military. It was even better that it would keep Luke out of prison. Turning to look at Bo he said "Bo I support Luke in this if he wants to join the military. I am a verteran and so are many others in hazzard. Bo scowled but didn't say more he knew that Jesse wouldn't change his mind about being on Luke's side no matter what he said. Jesse talked to Luke a few more minutes about his decision making sure it was what he really wanted to do before leaving to go tell the others.
  14. gy waldron? I hope I'm not thinking of another show *covers eyes unsure*
  15. Hardcastle then left the two alone to discuss what he had just told Luke he'd seen the crestfallen look on Bo's face he knew he didn't like the option without him saying a word. Bo lost it he got up from the cot they were sitting on "You may not be in a prison cell but you could DIE in a god forsaken country on the other side of the world!" Luke got really quiet with his next statement. "Bo I'd rather die for my country than to be treated as a 'rapist' in prison. I know I basically signed my own ticket here to protect Dixie, but those guys live hard. Real hard IF they live. Bo said "They have guards in prison to protect you there's NOONE in war! And I could still come and see you on visiting day I can't do that if your in 'nam." Luke looked at Bo, "You'd rather me be in prison for 20 yrs instead doing a hitch and coming home?" Bo shook his head that's not what he'd meant at all he didn't want Luke to do either one. Luke gave Bo the sincerest look he'd ever given anyone and said "Bo I promise you I will come home from 'nam as soon as my enlistment is over. I think I'd be safer in 'nam than prison." Bo spouted off "You don't know that!" then he flopped down on the other bunk and sulked, he'd talk Jesse into his way of thinking he thought to himself.
  16. He looked to see if he saw any lights in the house and saw the kitchen light come on signaling that Uncle Jesse was fixing to start cooking breakfast. Cooter looked at B.L and said "c'mon let's ask Jesse if she's here." The two made their way up to the door and knocked Jesse wondered who could be there so early as he made his way to the door, opening it he was surprised to see Cooter there but even more surprised to see B.L with him. "What brings ya'll by so early?" Jesse asked "Have you seen Dixie? she's gone" B.L answered getting right to the point Jesse shook his head he hadn't seen Dixie since he'd dropped them off at the Davenport farm. "I'll get the others and we'll help ya'll look. While Jesse was getting the others up and out looking Cooter and B.L continued their search going to the next logical place that Dixie would be or have been the jail. Rushing inside and straight down to the cells they saw Peggy sitting behind the desk with her crossword puzzle book. She looked up as the running feet pounded down the steps saying "sorry no visitors until 8am." Cooter said "Peggy it's urgent Dixie's missin' we gotta talk to Luke." Peggy rose from her chair and let them in and they rushed over to the cell Luke and Bo came over and asked "Dixie's missing?" both were of course playing dumb. B.L was a little frazzled and reached through the bars grabbing Luke by his collar and said "I know you either know where she is or you've seen her now talk!" Luke replied, "BL how could I have seen her with Peggy setting fifteen ft away?" B.L still held onto Luke's shirt and pulled him closer to the bars "IF there was away you did it. NOW where is she?! Cooter was reaching to,grab BL's hands "BL let go!" Bo agreed with Luke of course, "She hasn't come to visit him since I've been here." B.L refused to release Luke even as Cooter grabbed her hands and tried to remove them she didn't believe Bo either. Peggy shook her head, "No ones been here at all until ya'll came in." B.L wasn't buying it at all, Peggy could have not noticed Dixie if she'd been outside and she couldn't set at that desk without taking a few breaks so it was possible she had missed seeing Dixie. "Luke I know you HAVE to know something Dixie wouldn't split without coming to see you. I'm not going to tell Luther where she is and neither is Cooter but we got to find her!" Luke never admitted knowing where Dixie was but said, "If you find her, you'll bring her back. If she comes back, how bad will she be beat this time?" Cooter said "She won't be beat Luke Dad don't even know she's gone." "If we can find her he'll never know." B.L added Luke was debating with himself. Tell where Dixie went so he could see her and her maybe get whipped again. Or keep quiet, accept that he wouldn't be seeing her for a long time and know she was safe. Luke gave himself away to everyone in the room as he looked down at the floor a second too long before answering, "I don't know where she is." He had basically agreed to go to prison to protect Dixie from pain and embarrassment, and he be da--ed if he'd possibly put her in danger now. He turned and walked to the back of the cell. The conversation was over.
  17. B.L got up to go to the bathroom and decided to check on Dixie cursing when she found out the door was locked. Going back to her room she happened to look out the window and noticed 'dixieland delight' GONE! Rushing to Cooter's room B.L shook him violently "COOTER WAKE UP!" she whispered urgently. Cooter tried to get his eyes open and groggily said, "What BL?" "Dixie's GONE that's what!" B.L explained trying to be quiet so Luther wouldn't be woke up. Cooter bolted up and exclaimed, "WHAT???" "Shhh" B.L scolded "you'll wake Luther up and him and Dixie's been at it enough today." "True. But we got to do something." Cooter stated the obvious "C'mon we'll go look for her" was B.L's solution. Cooter said, "She's at the Duke's. Let's go." B.L followed Cooter out of the house hissing in pain as her behind touched the seat. They coasted out of the driveway heading before cranking up and heading to the Duke farm.
  18. Daisy couldn't believe what she'd heard, Bo had gotten himself arrested to be with Luke that was about the craziest thing he'd ever done she thought. Jeb knew the two was close, but to be arrested to be with someone was a bit far fetched. He asked "Is Bo CRAZY?!" Jesse shook his head and said "This has been hard on all of us to see Luke in jail like this but it was more than Bo could take and he he thought he just had to be with Luke and getting arrested was the only way he could do that." Jeb and Daisy just didn't understand Bo's thinking they thought he'd gone completely off the deep end. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Davenport farm all was quiet noone even knew Dixie had left. It had been a long day and they were all exhausted from the events of it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dixie began "..........
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