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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. High Top Road Swamp Molly Hazzard Hustle
  2. Luther put his hands on his hips and looked at Lori with fire in his eyes, she had been running around the county raising hell at every chance she got. Lori however didn't care in the least she was repainting the dents on Midnight grinning like a possum. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ B.L had heard the commotion over the CB and looked over at Konrad they had been on a picnic and said. "That girl is gonna be the death of Uncle Luther one of these days." Konrad shook his head and laughed these Davenport girls sure were something else. They packed up the picnic stuff and got back in the Judge and headed out to the garage B.L knew that's where Lori would be hearing that she'd got out of the police cruiser sandwich. Pulling up at the garage B.L and Konrad got out and sauntered inside, B.L leaned over Lori's shoulder inspecting the damage to Midnight and said. "How does it feel to be the piece of boloney in a sandwich cuz?" Lori looked at B.L over her shoulder with a nasty look and pointed the air brush at her threateningly then went back to work when B.L backed off. Konrad had wandered over to where Cooter was working under the hood of a car and asked "These girls always this excitin?" Cooter looked up and shook his head and rolled his eyes replying "ALWAYS" B.L left Lori to her painting and wandered over to Konrad and Cooter putting her arm around Konrad's waist he leaned down and kissed her. They'd gotten real cozy since he'd come into town and was staying at the Davenport farm. She was surprised noone had noticed her hair was wet only halfway up her back and Konrad's wasn't wet at all. Things had gotten hot at the lake so they'd went skinny dipping.......
  3. B.L. got in her silver 1970 GTO The Judge after work heding home with Konrad in his dark golden yellow mustang behind her. They pulled up at the farm and each climbed out of their cars. Before B.L could say a word she was pounced upon by an excited Dixie. "GUESS WHAT LUKE GOT ME FOR MY BIRTHDAY?!" B.L didn't get to ask what before she was told. "A CAR!! its a 1969 Dodge Charger!!" Dixie promptly dragged B.L over to check out the car leaving Konrad to just sorta stand there looking around. B.L and Dixie were soon crawling all over the car looking at it, B.L whistled low and asked grinning. "Where's Luke's body I know Uncle Luther killed him buyin' you this" Dixie was too excited to be bothered by the teasing and ignored it showing B.L this and that on the car finally after about 5 minutes Dixie saw the man standing in their yard that had followed B.L and asked "Who's THAT hunk?" B.L turned about 6 shades of red but she had to agree with Dixie's description. She went over to Konrad with Dixie following behind like a curious puppy. "This is Konrad Duke, Daisy's brother he lives in Atlanta with his Aunt on his mohter's side." Luther and Cooter both stopped what they were doing and came over welcoming Konrad to the farm, assuring him that B.L had been right in saying that he could stay there. Although neither was sure that was going to be a good idea from the looks all three girls were giving him then the dirty looks B.L and Lori were shooting at each other. There was sure to be fireworks between the two..... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Robin pulled up seeing Luke.....
  4. B.L and Konrad were still dancing to a slow song when he dipped her she saw Bo and Lori at the bar. "Well lookie what the cat dragged in, your cousin and mine." Konrad stood B.L up and they walked over to the bar. Bo grinned sipping his beer as they approached the bar while he leaned against it.....
  5. Lori swung into the Boar's Nest seeing B.L....B.L was taking out the trash to the dumpster when Lori pulled in like her tailpipe was on fire. Lori pulled around back and hid Midnight then climbed out and said. "B.L help Rosco's on my tail!" B.L sighed and shook her head dragging Lori in the back door of the Boar's Nest into the kitchen area. Once they were inside B.L put her hands on her hips and turned to Lori asking... "What'd you do now?" Lori crossed her arms and huffed "I didn't do nothin' why does everybody always think I did something?" B.L: "Cos you USUALLY DO do something!....Just stay here I've got to get back to work." Just as B.L came out of the kitchen Rosco came in and upto the bar asking. "Where's that no good trouble causing cousin of yers she was at the garage but gave me the slip." B.L giggled and then shook her head shrugging. "I got better things to do than keep track of Lori, Rosco. Now if you'll excuse me I got work to do." With that B.L walked to the other end of the bar letting herself out of the little swinging door there and started emptying ash trays into a bucket with screen wire over it. Lori meantime was waiting in the kitchen for B.L to come back. After a few minutes scanning the room Rosco left, Lori wasn't there. B.L went back to the kitchen and told Lori. "You can go he's gone....stay out of trouble!" Lori grinned and said "What's the fun in that. See ya later cousin." Lori walked out and over to the tree where she'd hidden Midnight under it's low hanging branches and climbed in starting up she tore out to who knows where but it was no doubt she'd find more trouble along the way. After Lori left B.L went back to work wiping tables and gathering up empty beer mugs. A tall well built muscular young man walked in and asked her. "Miss can you tell me where I can find a friend of mine?" B.L stopped what she was doing and nearly gasped at the sight of the man he was about her age. Recovering she said... "Well who ya lookin' for and maybe I can tell ya where they are." The young man with dark hair that hung to his chin and blue eyes flashed her a killer grin and said "I'm looking for Cooter Davenport" B.L returned the grin with a soft shy smile "he should be at the garage this time of day. He's my cousin." The blue eyed,dark haired man held out his hand blushing "excuse me I don't know where my manners are I'm Konrad Duke." B.L took the hand and tried not to gawk she said "I'm B.L Davenport." Konrad held her hand a little longer than necessary enchanted by her. Finally he snapped out of it and pulled his hand back. He ordered a beer and B.L took a break they sat down at a table and talked for a while. B.L was able to find out he was Daisy's brother and had been living in Atlanta with an aunt on their mother's side of the family after the death of their parents when Daisy was 6 and he was 8. Konrad asked "Would you like to dance?" Now Boss Hogg didn't like for the waitresses to get too cozy with the customers unless they were rich but B.L didn't care she accepted and the two danced a slow dance continuing their talk. Konrad told her he was there to visit his Uncle Jesse and cousins but the house was kind of crowded so he'd been hoping to stay with Cooter. B.L tried not to show her hopeful delight at the idea this man would be staying with them. She of course told him it'd be alright for him to stay they had a guest room. Konrad was sure glad to hear this and decided to wait till B.L got off work and go back to the farm with her....
  6. gonna see if i can get another streak going. I'm really not sure about these answers except Rosco's Mama. Rosco's Mama Yellow Lilly Creek? Riverton County
  7. Jeb nodded hanging his head and said "Yes sir" Before Jesse could say another word the phone rang Daisy answered it "Duke farm Daisy speaking" "Daisy this is Luther is Jesse around?" Daisy: "He's uh with Jeb right now can I take a message? Luther: "Well can ya get him it's important" Daisy went out and got Jesse in the woodshed to come to the phone Jeb giving her a greatful look for the reprieve her interruption had brought. Jesse trudged into the house and picked up the phone. Luther was as much in a rage as he had been when he left the DUke farm. "Jesse I just finished talking to Dixie." Jesse DO YOU KNOW WHAT THEY DID?" Jesse replies I was just getting to that with Jeb. LUther tells him, "He took her to the Indian caves, she was drinking, and as she put it she helped him 'relax'. He was also in her pants but she still denies they did anthing further!" Jesse turned red Jeb had better not have lied to him he thought or he'd give him double what he already had coming. After hanging up with Luther he went back out to the woodshed and said. "That was Luther he just had a very interesting talk with Dixie now I want to hear YOUR side of it!" Jeb........
  8. B.L was doing her dangdest to stay away from the garage. She came out of a store just as Luke and Lori passed it looked like B.L was sneaking somewhere they stopped and Lori asked. "Whatcha doin' cuz?" B.L looked at them and said "I'm hidin' from Uncle Luther before MY sex life comes up for discussion. Shew is he ever mad at Dixie." Luke and Lori nodded and said at the same time "we know!" Cooter had split out of town like a scalded cat. He didn't want to get caught up in this one at all one bit.
  9. After the General Lee had left town and Cooter, B.L and Dixie all knew Bo, Luke and Lori had got the contract from Boss they turned to go back in the garage and back to work. Suddenly B.L stopped getting a funny look from Dixie and Cooter as her mouth hung open in surprise then she said. "Dixie YOU DIDN'T? didja?" Cooter asked "didn't what?" He still hadn't noticed the hicky on Dixie's neck. B.L turned Dixie's head to where he could see the hicky his eyes nearly bugged out of his head at the sight, he asked "WHO did THAT?" Dixie glared at B.L for showing Cooter and turned 10 shades of purple. Cooter was still waiting on an answer tapping his foot. Dixie sighed and finally answered, Jeb but we didn't go ALL the way just made each other happy and he didn't need a cold shower then. Well just as the words 'Jeb but we didn't go all the way' came out of Dixie's mouth Luther walked in the garage. He turned about 20 shades of purple and was coming toward the three like a charging bull Cooter and BL RAN!
  10. Daisy could see the gleam in B.L's eye and decided to change the subject before she could aggrevate Dixie about hers and Jeb's night anymore. Daisy looked at Dixie and said "Want me to fix your hair Dixie? or does Jeb like the pink? Daisy grinned at her last question she felt bad that Lori had dyed Dixie's hair but it was sort of funny she looked like an easter egg. Dixie ignored the teasing she was feeling pretty good this morning except her sore behind. "That'd be great Daisy thanks" B.L followed them to the bathroom to fix Dixie's hair. She looked in the mirror and pulled her fingers through her hair trying a new style she'd seen recently in a magazine. Daisy let down the lid of the toilet. Daisy: "Set down Dixie" Dixie set down and sat still waiting for Daisy to get the stuff ready to put on her hair that would change the color to something that wouldn't make her look like an easter egg. Daisy went to work after she'd mixed the stuff putting it all over Dixie's hair and working it in good, completely saturating Dixie's hair. "Ok Dix in just a little while you'll be a new woman." Twenty minutes or so later Dixie was no longer a brunette it was a light auburn. B.L looked at the new color and smiled saying "Dixie that color looks great on you, ya did a fantastic job Daisy." Dixie looked in the mirror her hair was still wet from being rinsed out but she liked the color wet. Taking out the blow dryer Daisy and B.L went to work blow drying Dixie's hair and then curled it in soft bouncy waves with side swept bangs. When they were done they stood back and admired their work. Daisy grinned and said. "I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself." "It's great Daisy I love it! Thanks!!" Dixie absolutely loved her new look as she turned her head from side to side and then turned around picking up the hand mirror holding it so she could see over her shoulder to check the back. They all cleaned up the mess in the bathroom from dying Dixie's hair and then went out to the kitchen......
  11. At the Boar's Nest Bo and B.L went in and pulled several tables together for them all to sit together. Everyone had a beer except Dixie who ordered coke but sipped out of whoever's beer was in reach or slid her way occasionally. They listened to some music then Sally Jane came over and rubbed Bo's shouler's whispering in his ear next thing they all knew he'd disappeared. B.L reckoned she'd be riding home with Cooter,Coy and Vance likely Bo wouldn't be going home no time soon.
  12. After court was ajourned the remaining Dukes and the Davenports crowded around Uncle Jesse and the boys giving hugs and all. When B.L got to Jesse he asked "OK what happened? Dixie's got pink hair and it's been cut and Lori's got blonde hair. Ya all got scratches and Lori's got handprints on her neck!" B.L looked straight at Jesse she hadn't done anything wrong so didn't have a reason to be afraid of getting in trouble. "They been fightin' the last two days I got caught in the cross fire tryin' to stop 'em!" Jesse shook his head and gave the other two girls a withering look while B.L smirked at them just out of his sight. They both gave her murderous looks for being a tattle tale. They knew Jesse would have something to say about them all coming to court looking like this. After they all saw the probation officer and the terms of the probation had been explained they went back to the Duke farm to celebrate. Jesse walked in and the frist thing he saw was a knife in the wall he stopped and removed it turning around and showing it to the 'kids' and asked. "HOW did THIS get in the wall?!" Lori and B.L pointed at Dixie simultaneously as the culprit. Dixie gave them an 'i'll get you look' which both ignored. Daisy, B.L, Lori and Dixie fixed some dinner and they all sat down and ate catching up and then the girls did the dishes and they all went to the livingroom. Jesse looked at Lori, and Dixie asking calmly. "WHAT in the name of heaven have ya'll been doing?" Dixie looked at Lori and pointed saying like a 5 year old "SHE started it!" Jesse held up a hand and said "I didn't ask WHO started it I asked what ya'll had been doing. One of you better start explaining!" Daisy not usually one to tattle could see Jesse was getting riled and this was supposed to be a happy homecoming so she explained. "I gave Dixie a shirt to change into and it was Luke's old football jersey from Jr. Highschool. Lori got mad and they started fightin'. Me and B.L tried to break it up but B.L got hit." Jesse...
  13. Before any of the boys could help Daisy and B.L break up the fight B.L got caught in the cross fire and was hit in the chin so hard it made her teeth rattle by Dixie. Well that was all it took she waded up her fist and knocked the living daylights out of Dixie. "That was ME you hit cousin." The boys kept looking at each other then back at the three girls rolling around on the floor throwing punches. One minute Lori was on top of Dixie then the next Dixie was on top of Lori or B.L. Then B.L'd be on top of one of them it was a fight that could just about rival any barroom brawl at the Boars Nest.....
  14. The others came down the stairs it was obvious the girls had all been crying. Coy and Vance and Cooter looked like three whipped pups though they tried to smile a little for the sakes of the incarcerated. They all pulled up chairs ignoring Rosco's little painted line. Everyone began to talk quietly at first about wednesday but as the visit continued talk turned to more lighthearted banter and teasing until the jail was filled with laughter and sounded like a bunch of mocking birds was there.....
  15. B.L replied as she sat up leaning against the headboard. "Dixie don't do anything you don't wanna do with a guy EVER if he can't respect that then he's not what he should be. Jeb is a Duke and he's been raised right he won't force you into doing anything you don't want to do." Dixie listened and nodded she knew B.L was right Uncle Jesse had raised all his 'kids' proper. Including the four Davenports who hung around the Duke farm almost as much as they had their own home over the years. But Dixie felt better hearing B.L say what she already knew. Dixie said "thanks B I guess I just needed to hear what I already knew." B.L smiled and said "No problem Dix, anytime you wanna talk I'm here ta listen." Dixie nodded and got off the bed heading for the door looking back over her shoulder smirking she said "you can go back to sleep now." BL threw a pillow at Dixie everybody knew once they woke her up she couldn't go back to sleep. So climbing out of bed...
  16. She saw BL and the look on her face said 'that's what ya get fer lyin' to everybody'. Although for once B.L was holding her tongue and not actually saying what she was thinking.
  17. Before Jeb could open his mouth the reply, it was his older cousin who answered first. Bo beat Luke speaking by half a second and said. "Luke and Lori were uh 'helping' each other feel better if ya get my drift and THEY got CAUGHT! So Rosco painted that there line to keep 'em out of trouble." Dixie had the same reaction Cooter had she fell over laughing Lori couldn't even stay out of trouble inside the jail. Luke glared at Bo for telling his business Bo didn't pay it no mind he just snickered. Once Dixie and Bo got themselves back under control they visited a while longer and then it was time for Dixie to go. She took Jeb's hand again and squeezed it lightly told them all she'd see them later then disappeared back up the stairs. Cooter and Lori......
  18. Meanwhile at the garage B.L was helping out Luther while Cooter went to Alabama again. She was pumping some gas for someone when she saw Cooter's vehicle coming down the street. He pulled in at the garage and got out just as B.L took the customer's money and they left she headed Cooters direction to welcome him home and to see how his trip was saying "Well well well the prodigal son returns." Cooter grinned and hugged her picking her up off the ground then setting her back on her feet. "I couldn't stay gone too long YOU'D get into trouble!" B.L pouted and looked offended "ME get into trouble? Cousin I'M about the only one that AIN'T been in any sort of mischief since you left on yer little 'vacation.' How's Beverly and the baby?" Cooter took out his wallet getting out the pictures Beverly had given him showing them to B.L "Nancy Lou and Beverly are doing ok" sounding a little choked up he said "I just wish it didn't hafta be this way I don't want to watch my baby grow up in pictures I wanna be with her." B.L didn't know what to say so she just hugged Cooter tightly. Luther heard them talking and came out of the garage asking. "How's that granddaughter of mine?" Cooter smiled showed Luther the pictures and said "She's fine, beautiful like her mama." After they all talked about the trip B.L dragged Cooter inside the garage and hopped up on the desk telling him all the 'news' he'd missed around here. She'd got wind of Dixie and Lori's little 'contest' and Bo's encounter with the pretty lady officer and she told Cooter about it ALL he was dying laughing by the time she finished. Cooter got up and headed over to the jailhouse still laughing he had to go see about this first hand.....'blabbermouth' had struck again and would probably pay for blabbing all this but she just couldn't help herself it was too good a stuff not to tell.
  19. As Dixie arrived back at the Davenport farm B.L was on her way out she had to work. Calling as she made her way to her car waving at Dixie. "Gotta work, be home late Uncle Luther and Cooter ain't here neither so behave!" Dixie rolled her eyes at B.L she hated it when they still treated her like a kid that can't be trusted. She went on in the house and to her room putting on her pj's laying down on the bed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the garage Luther was working on trying to get a stuck lugnut loose on a car but it just wouldn't come loose. Cooter was in the bathroom cleaning up he was leaving in a few minutes on his way to Alabama to see his daughter, Nancy Lou. He and Beverly had come to a visitation agreement out of court of course so her parents wouldn't know about it when he'd went to Alabama when Beverly had called and told Luther about Nancy Lou and he'd radioed Cooter. They met at a motel a half hour or so away so Beverly's parents wouldn't find out. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ At the Boar's Nest everything was quiet so far the rowdy crowd wasn't there tonight.....
  20. Dixie thanked Daisy for listening to her when Cooter and B.L wouldn't and Lori couldn't because it involved her husband. She suspected Lori wouldn't have listened to her anyway the way they'd been fighting lately. She heard Lori ride out on her horse and decided now was a good time to leave before Lori got back and found her still there. Daisy invited "Why don't ya stay for supper Dixie." Dixie smiled and shook her head replying "I really can't Daisy, but thanks for the invite." Daisy nodded she suspected she knew the reason for Dixie declining the offer she'd seen the looks that had passed between the two cousins. Dixie was probably just trying not to bring their family squabble into the Duke's home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Lori meantime had rode.......... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Things at the jail and Davenport farm were....
  21. Cooter looked to BL and grinned B.L grinned back, she was so drunk he'd been there and so had B.L and Lori but they weren't about to push the issue with Dixie. B.L said "Alright Dixie if yer not hungover then what's wrong? A sips not a crime but YOU had more than a sip!" Dixie...
  22. At the Duke farm B.L and Daisy was cooking breakfast. Lori was still asleep and they had no idea what time she'd come home from her errand. Once breakfast was done they all sat down to eat and it didn't go unnoticed that Jesse wasn't at the table this morning either. After breakfast the girls cleaned the table up and washed the dishes putting Lori a plate in the oven to keep warm until she woke up. After the kitchen was clean they all started on the rest of the chores. Lori emerged from the bedroom about 9am. She found her breakfast in the stove but wasn't very hungry still worried about what Jesse and the boys was being faced with and what could happen to her and hers and Luke's unborn child if she got caught running moonshine for Boss Hogg. After the chores were done Cooter and B.L decided to go home and do the chores there as well as check on Dixie. When they got home they went upstairs and both noticed Dixie's door closed they knocked and heard a groan from inside. Dixie had a killer hangover hearing the groan they twisted the door knob but it wouldn't turn putting his shoulder to the door Cooter backed up to the other side of the wall and took a running go busting in the room. B.L followed finding Dixie hanging out the window throwing up. "Dix you alright?" B.L asked concerned as she came over to Dixie and put her hand on the younger girls back. Cooter found the jar of shine and knew right away just exactly what his little sister had come down with. He held up the jar of shine for B.L to see. Dixie groaned again she wished they'd be quiet her head was splitting. Cooter left the room and got her a bucket while B.L put her to bed they were gonna leave her to tough it out having both suffered hangovers themselves it would be a good lesson to her. "She'll be fine in a few hours B.L she's just hungover"
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