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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jesse gets up off the bed relinquishing Bo to Luke's capable hands. Going out of the room and down the hall wiping away a tear that escaped as the despondant look on Bo's face stays in his head. Entering the kitchen Jesse sits down with a heavy sigh giving the boys time to get Bo into something warm and no doubt have a talk. Luke holds Bo close letting him cry for a few moments before looking down into his 'brother's face seeing the wheels turning there even though Bo is crying "Alright Bo what's going through that head of yours?..........I knows ya scared probably more scared than you've ever been in your life. But it's really gonna be ok ya gotta believe that if you just stop having any hope you aren't gonna get better." Luke gulps as he prepares to ask the most difficult question he's ever asked Bo hoping to make him realize there's so much left in his life and that he really wants to see what the future will bring. "Ya don't really wanna die do ya Bo?"
  2. Luke looks at Uncle Jesse worriedly as Bo violently shakes again with chills silently asking what do they do now. It's obvious his own body heat isn't keeping Bo warm anymore. Jesse realizes Bo is still clad in just his boxers pulling slightly away from Bo to look him in the eye once more Jesse wipes away the falling tears only to be replaced by more. "Bo we's got ta get you warm.......Luke's gonna get ya some clothes and I'm gonna go get ya a hot cup of coffee to warm ya from the inside out ok." Jesse
  3. Luke's heart skips a beat at Bo's tearful admission taking on that tone that you can't help but believe Luke tells Bo "No your not dyin' you hear me Bo Duke don't you dare give yourself up for dead we're gonna fight this" Jesse pulls Bo away from him gently to look into the tearful blue eyes with a slight nod and a determined look of his own "Luke's right we're gonna fight for ya I ain't ready to give ya up and I ain't about to without one heckuva fight" thinks then if the Lord Almighty wants Bo home with him then so be it but he's not going to let it happen without a fight
  4. Jesse gently pulls Bo out of Luke's hold into his own,holding Bo tightly against him as he rubs soothing circles on Bo's back "Shhhh it's gonna be ok now Bo we know what's wrong we can fight it and you'll get well" Luke sits up laying a hand on Bo's shoulder squeezing it reassuringly "Uncle Jesse's right Bo.....it's all going to be ok now"
  5. Smoothing back the hair away from Bo's face before running his hand gently down Bo's cheek "He called that doctor in Atlanta and got the results on the syring that Luke took in and it was the same as the blood sample......You've got malaria...but Doc says it can be treated with antibiotics although since it wasn't caught earlier you's may hafta go back to the hospital for IV antibiotics instead of takin' em' by mouth." Luke watches Bo purposely keeping his own feelings of anger at bay,they didn't have malaria carrying mosquitos in Hazzard. Malaria was only something you got in the swamps and those jackasses had injected Bo with it.
  6. Luke started to worry as Bo remained quiet you just never knew what depressing thoughts was running through his mind when he got this quiet. Jesse put away the last fork and walked down the hall with a heavy heart feeling every one of his years knocking on the door not waiting for an answer he walks in sitting on the edge of the bed placing his arm so it falls across Bo and his hand is resting on Luke's shoulder. "That was Amos on the phone."
  7. Luke lays there against the headboard holding Bo tightly trying to give them both comfort as he wonders who was on the phone. Bo no longer felt overly warm to the touch but chilled like a corpse........Luke shudders berating himself for comparing Bo to a corpse he is still very much alive. Jesse listens not hearing any sound coming from the boys room he goes back to the kitchen,finishing up the dishes all the while telling himself he's being a coward for avoiding telling Bo what the doctor had just told him. He silently prays for the right words to say when he talks to his 'kids' as he washes,dries and puts the dishes away mechanically.
  8. Luke bites his bottom lip as a lump rises in his throat,swallowing hard twice to rid his throat of the lump with little success Luke leans his forehead against Bo's head admitting quietly "m'scared too Bo but it'll be ok somehow someway it'll be ok"
  9. Luke holds Bo just a little tighter kissing the top of Bo's head as the phone rings "God only knows how I wish I knew Bo.......If I knew what was happening I'd find a way to stop it." Jesse answers the phone surprised at the voice on the other end,he hadn't expected the Doc Appleby to call so soon. Listening as the doctor tells him of his findings Jesse sinks down into a chair,his forehead creasing with worry and fear the more the doctor says. When the doctor is finished Jesse bids him goodbye with a promise from his old friend that he'll be back to stay again that night. Sitting for a moment after hanging up the phone trying to decide best how to the rest of the family what is wrong with Bo and fearing how Bo may take the news.
  10. Luke watches the time then removes the thermometer reading it with a frown Bo's fever isn't up high enough to cause chills although it is beginning to creep up again. Resuming his spot in the bed Luke wraps his arms around Bo pulling his cousin close and rubbing briskly up and down Bo's arms in an attempt to get his young cousin warm.
  11. Luke automatically reaches to feel Bo's forehead for fever when he says he's cold. Getting out of bed he closes the window before picking up the empty plate and milk glasses. Leaving the bowl of jello for Bo to eat more as he feels like it. In the kitchen Luke sits the plate and glasses at Uncle Jesse's elbow as the old man glances up asking "How's Bo doin" Luke sighs leaning against the counter "He's having chills.........I wished the doc would let us know what's wrong maybe this will all be over soon then." Jesse nods smiling at the worried young man beside him "He'll call as soon as he knows Luke" Pushing away from the counter and heading back to Bo, Luke calls back over his shoulder "I know" Back in their room Luke snatches the thermometer off seeing Bo rolled up in the covers rolled on his side. "Here Bo put this under ya tounge I wanna see what your temperature is."
  12. B.L. calls back as she walks across the barnyard "Think I'll ride with you in Dixie if that's ok" Not waiting for Daisy to agree or disagree knowing that she won't disagree B.L. climbs in the passenger seat. Luke pulls the glass of water back after several sips not wanting Bo to get sick from drinking too much too fast like someone who'd been without water for too long and then when they do get it they don't give their stomachs time to take it in without making themselves sick. "That's alot better this time buddy,I need to take my plate out to the kitchen so Uncle Jesse don't have to come get it ok?"
  13. Jesse turns slightly kissing Daisy gently on the cheek "You know I will baby" "You bet Bo.........ya need to drink as much as possible too. I don't want ya in the hospital from dehydration and I don't think you wanna be there either so ya gotta do all you can here at home ta prevent it even if ya don't feel like it." Sitting the empty plate on the nightstand and the bowl of jello beside it, Luke reaches for the glass of water,helping support Bo with one hand as he holds the glass to Bo's lips with the other.
  14. Luke sits the bowl back down beside his plate That ain't enough Bo it's hardly enough to keep a bird alive.......ya gotta promise to try and eat more a little later ok." B.L. looks at the clock on the wall as she puts the rest of her and Jesse's dishes in the sink intending to wash them. But seeing how late it is realizes there's not enough time. "Daisy we gotta get ready for work or we'll be late" Jesse stands up at the sink turning on the water to fill it "You two get ready for work I'll take care of these and get the boys dishes."
  15. Luke sits the bowl back down beside his plate That ain't enough Bo it's hardly enough to keep a bird alive.......ya gotta promise to try and eat more a little later ok." B.L. looks at the clock on the wall as she puts the rest of her and Jesse's dishes in the sink intending to wash them. But seeing how late it is realizes there's not enough time. "Daisy we gotta get ready for work or we'll be late" Jesse stands up at the sink turning on the water to fill it "You two get ready for work I'll take care of these and get the boys dishes."
  16. B.L. nods as she takes her plate to the sink picking up Uncle Jesse's empty one along the way. Jesse nods too that's something he's going to have to remember is when not giving in makes Bo worse and when it doesn't. Luke wrinkles his nose in disgust at the thought. Putting his plate back down and picking up the bowl again. "Yeah I know.........then Daisy'll be on my case for forcin ya to eat so much. So you tell me when it's enough buut ya gotta eat a decent amount I won't have no bein stubborn just cos ya don't wanna."
  17. B.L. nods before thinking out loud "I think that's partly what's wrong with Bo's attitude he knows right now we'll all give in to him but I don't think Luke's going to this particular morning with him feeling like he has a hangover.....and Luke with a hangover is not a nice person." Satisfied after Bo takes several bites of the jello Luke puts the bowl next to his own plate not wanting to make Bo sick by eating too much too fast,nor make his throat hurt from too much swallowing he picks up his own plate and eats a little more the hard look leaving his face as Bo ate.
  18. B.L. nods taking a sip of her milk "Yeah I guess it is a little like having Cooter helpin 'im" *grins* " 'cept I'm better lookin' " Uncle Jesse looks up from his breakfast having been listening to the girls "Bo givin' trouble?" Shaking her head B.L. answers with a grin "No not really he's just bein' bossy told Daisy she was to eat her own breakfast instead of feeding him cos she has ta work today. Told me to take a load off for a while so's we left him at the mercy of Luke who ain't in no mood to take no for an answer this mornin'." Luke just holds the spoon full of jello out to Bo the no nonsense look still on his face. "eat!........."
  19. B.L. sighs but follows Daisy out of the room anyway,back down the hall to the kitchen both of them sitting and eating their breakfast. "I get the feelin' Bo's a little daunted with me takin' care of him I mean it's one thing ta goof and play around but I don't know if I'd know how ta handle it if it were me this sick and him takin care of me." Luke had eaten several bites of his breakfast while the girls tried to convince Bo to let them help but now that they have left the room he sits his plate on the bed beside him,exchanging it for Bo's bowl of jello. Giving Bo a no nonsense look. "I ain't gonna be as easily put off as Daisy and B.L.,and I want you to try and eat at least half of this. I know ya probably don't want to but ya gotta start drinkin' more so's ya don't dehydrate and ya gotta eat and get your strength back."
  20. Luke takes his plate realizing for the first time since waking up that he's hungry at the aroma makes his stomach growl slightly. Looking back at Daisy smiling,she'd need to eat skipping meals before doing all the work she does at the Boar's Nest wouldn't be a good thing making a shooing motion with his free hand "Do as Bo says and scoot we'll manage.....I can take care of helpin' 'im" B.L. shakes her head smiling at the three cousins she has to work too but the boys don't know she's actually took the job yet it'd been so hectic she'd forgotten to tell them. She'd just grab a biscuit and bacon on the way out the door. "How about lettin me help then Bo? So Luke can eat"
  21. Luke smiled greatfully knowing one of them had to have asked Jesse if he could stay with Bo instead of coming to the table. B.L. follows Daisy into the room with the glasses of milk sitting them on the nightstand before taking the bowl of Jello from Daisy so that she could hand Luke his plate. "You two are gonna get spoiled gettin room service just like one of them big city hotels." Luke grins develishly before asking "As long as we've got a couple of maids can we have a bell" B.L. shoots him a playful glare "No way buster you two would be ringing it every 5 seconds and running me and Daisy ta death."
  22. Luke smiled greatfully knowing one of them had to have asked Jesse if he could stay with Bo instead of coming to the table. B.L. follows Daisy into the room with the glasses of milk sitting them on the nightstand before taking the bowl of Jello from Daisy so that she could hand Luke his plate. "You two are gonna get spoiled gettin room service just like one of them big city hotels."
  23. Luke gives Bo a slight squeeze gently poking him in the ribs again with a chuckle "Ya weak cos ya ain't hardly got no meat on them bones but Daisy and B.L. will remedy that given half a chance." Jesse nods,even though usually when one of them is sick the other still has to eat meals with the family he's going to make an exception to keep Bo calm. B.L. pours them each a glass of milk "I'll help ya and tote the glasses Daisy.....I don't think Bo'd let Luke leave just as much as Luke wouldn't leave Bo"
  24. Thanks Brian I was in a hurry when I read it the first time I guess and didn't take it all in.
  25. Luke bites his bottom lip it tore his heart out everytime the real Bo came out in a few minutes of play only to be squashed by the dang tiredness. Wrapping one arm around Bo the other holds his hand gently. "Why don't you go back to sleep for a little while Bo." B.L. nods sadly,it might not be so bad if they knew what was wrong exactly at least they could fight it but nobody seemed to know and that frustrated her doctor's were supposed to know these things. Uncle Jesse smiles,giving Daisy's shoulders a slight squeeze before sitting down. "That's good they both could use a good laugh,it's been almost two weeks now that they've looked like they lost their best friend." B.L. thinks Luke almost did but she doesn't say it.
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