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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. As Bo struggled to get out of the hold and cried out Luke looked back at Uncle Jesse with haunted eyes. It nearly killed him to have to hold Bo down like this everytime he had to be given a shot. It was cruel Luke thought because the animals in that cabin up on Mudd Flatts had restrained him to give him the malaria. Shaking those thoughts from his head Luke tried to tell himself that this was different it was a loving hold not meant to be mean in any way but he just couldn't quite believe it. As Bo whimpered in his arms the spasaming now stopped Luke just wanted to take him away from all this some place where it was safe from all the pain even if it was for his own good now. Tightening his hold on Bo Luke begins to sing softly hoping to soothe Bo knowing he must be scared after all that had just happened in the space of a few minutes. Doc turns back to Jesse satisfied that Luke will handle everything with Bo now. "Jesse I'd like to start the medication that my collegue in Atlanta recommended for Bo's malaria. We compared notes on what was found in the syringe and Bo's blood sample and it appears to be just a mild case thankfully it's just hit Bo hard. Now there are oral medications but I believe Bo will benefit more from an IV but that means readmittance to the hospital."
  2. Luke smiles encouragingly at Bo knowing he was doing the best he could. He felt Bo's muscles ripple against his own body everytime they spasamed,causing Bo's breathing to get more ragged but he worked to get it back under control as much as possible. "Good Bo just keep it up" Doc Appleby comes into the room noone having heard him knock on the front door he let himself in and made his way to the boys bedroom. Seeing Bo laying rigid in Luke's arm his breathing uneven and arching slightly everytime another spasm hit. Spotting the shine bottle he points asking "How much of that has he had? Jesse and Luke notice him for the first time Luke shakes his head uncertainly,not stopping his own even breathing to answer but not really knowing how much Jesse had put in the coffee just that Bo had only taken one sip from the glass on the nightstand. Jesse replies as Amos searches for something in his bag as Luke holds up one finger indicating how many sips Bo'd had "I put a shot in his coffee this morning and Luke's just given him one sip" Doc nods standing with a syringe and small bottle in his hands "Ok..........I'm only going to give him enough muscle relaxer to stop the spasms it shouldn't be enough to put him to sleep" With that Doc Appleby indicates for Luke to hold Bo as still as possible while he administers the shot in Bo's hip not wanting to administer it in the arm for Bo to see what he's doing.
  3. Luke sighs as Bo turns his head that one small sip wouldn't even take the edge off the pain. But he realized Bo was probably too afraid to drink more and his breathing was too fast for Luke's liking. Rubbing Bo's back soothingly "Bo I need ya to concentrate on ya breathin just like in the hospital ok.....Ya gotta try really hard to get it under control there's no oxygen masks or tents here at home." Jesse comes into the room seeing Luke working with Bo on his breathing he sits on Bo's bed watching fearfully as Bo breathes hard and his muscles spasm. "Doc will be here in 10 minutes he said" Luke nods not able to speak as he keeps his own breathing slow and even all the while concentrating on Bo's own breathing.
  4. Luke finds the 'shine and grabs it just as Uncle Jesse comes in the door his face turning up into a thunderous look persuming Luke is just sneaking shine. "Lucas what in tarnation are you doin?" Luke jumps as his given name is bellowed right behind him, turning to face Jesse with a desperate look in his eyes "Bo's in terrible pain Uncle Jesse,what're we gonna do" Fear leaps into Jesse's eyes at the news,calls out as Luke leaves the room and he reaches for the phone. "I'll call doc and get him back out here you see what you's can do with Bo as soon as I've called Doc I'll be in there ta help." Luke nods distractedly as he dashes back down the hall pouring a hefty amount of shine into the empty water glass,sliding one arm behind Bo helping to prop him up. Holding the glass to his lips. "It's gonna be ok Bo, Uncle Jesse's callin Doc ta come......just sip this slow and easy it'll ease the pain."
  5. Apparently Uncle Jesse didn't hear his frantic call, Luke looks back at Bo worriedly he's gone as white as the sheets with beads of sweat popping up on his brow from the pain. Noticing Bo seems to be having trouble staying conscience. Bites his bottom lip he has no idea what to do to stop the pain. Knowing it isn't a good idea most likely but it's the only idea he has. "Just hang on Bo.........I'm gonna go see if I can find Uncle Jesse's new hidin place for the shine. Ya probably don't need ta drink too much of that stuff cos the Doc will want to get ya on medicine as soon as possible but this is an emergency." *squeezing Bo's hand* "I'll be right back I promise." Before Bo has time to respond Luke is out of bed and dashing down the hall to the kitchen cursing when he fails to find the shine in the first few places he looks.
  6. Apparently Uncle Jesse didn't hear his frantic call, Luke looks back at Bo worriedly he's gone as white as the sheets with beads of sweat popping up on his brow from the pain. Noticing Bo seems to be having trouble staying conscience. Bites his bottom lip he has no idea what to do to stop the pain. Knowing it isn't a good idea most likely but it's the only idea he has. "Just hang on Bo.........I'm gonna go see if I can find Uncle Jesse's new hidin place for the shine. Ya probably don't need ta drink too much of that stuff cos the Doc will want to get ya on medicine as soon as possible but this is an emergency." *squeezing Bo's hand* "I'll be right back I promise." Before Bo has time to respond Luke is out of bed and dashing down the hall to the kitchen cursing when he fails to find the shine in the first few places he looks.
  7. "I know it hurts Bo but you got to try hard to keep calm" Luke positions them so that Bo's head is now in his lap,holding desperately to Bo's hand as he wipes the sweat beading on Bo's forehead with the washcloth left from the night before. Luke fights his own battle with panic not wanting to scare Bo by losing it. He calls loudly hoping Uncle Jesse is either somewhere near their room outside or in the house. "Uncle Jesse........ya better get in here somethin's wrong with Bo"
  8. Gulping Luke grasps one of Bo's hands untangling it from the bedsheet nearly gasping as Bo grips his hand so tightly Luke thinks it's going to break. "Just try and relax Bo......I know it hurts and it's hard but ya gotta try and get the muscles to relax. Take slow breaths as deep as ya can."
  9. Luke is startled from his thoughts of when Bo would do that very same thing as a little kid, as Bo cries out jerking his arms away from Bo a look of panic on his face thinking he'd hurt Bo in some way. "Bo.......did I hurt ya? What's wrong?"
  10. Luke readily obliges Bo pulling him into a close hug his eyes misting as he answers. "Same here kiddo......nobody could ask for a better cousin, best friend, and brother"
  11. "For what Bo?" Somewhat confused he hadn't done anything in particular just being there for Bo like he'd always been.
  12. Luke lightly squeezes Bo's hand with a smile noting that apparently the playing around had gotten Bo's blood to pumping and his hand wasn't quite as cold anymore.
  13. Luke looks at his hands not realizing it'd slipped out this time and he wasn't trying to rile Bo with the name. Sighing softly he looks back up at Bo. "You ain't been this vulnerable in a long time either......it's like seein that scared kid I left behind when I joined the marines all over again sometimes."
  14. Luke struggles for a few minutes before finally getting himself extracted from Bo's hold, rubbing the top of his head gently.(this really does make for a sore head after a few minutes.) "Baby cousin yer cruisin for a brusin"
  15. Jesse shakes his head at the two knowing things were going to most likely get rowdy with that statement from Bo. Leaving the room quietly he heads out to do some repair work around the house and yard. Luke scowls at Bo the twinkle not leaving his eyes,sitting both coffee's on his side of the bed in the floor before mercilessly tickling Bo. "You want to repeat that baby cousin?" Stressing the word baby knowing it irritates Bo to be called or treated like one as much as it irritates him for Bo to tease about being taller.
  16. Luke starts to reach for Bo in order to pat him on the back as he nearly chokes but just rolls his eyes as Bo swallows before teasing back with a laugh "Not any girl Bo.....some prefer men........to little boys"
  17. Luke puts on a pouting face enjoying Bo's teasing their Uncle "I thought ya always said ya loved us all equally and here ya are playin favorites,givin' Bo shine in his coffee" *ending with an uncontainable laugh* Jesse shakes his finger at the two laughing cousins containing his own laughter,even though his eyes are twinkling. It's a relief to see Bo smiling and laughing again after recieving the news about the malaria.
  18. Jesse looks back at Bo with a deadpan serious look "I weren't bein' sneaky........the shine won't warm ya like the coffee so I just combined the two." Luke raises an eyebrow but wisely just listens to the conversation sipping his own coffee rather surprised it isn't laced with 'shine.
  19. Luke laughs at Bo's surprised reaction to the first sip of coffee nearly spilling his own. Jesse grins back at Bo before fixing him with a serious look both boys know he only uses shine for medicinal purposes now they are on probation. "Well 'ocourse it's got shine in it.........but it ain't just for the sake of givin ya shine it's ta help ya get warm and it'll help ya rest better!"
  20. Luke pulls the cover up to Bo's shoulders adding an extra quilt as he continues to shiver slightly. "Better?" Jesse figures the two boys has had enough time to talk so taking the two steaming cups of coffee,figuring Luke could use one to finish clearing the cobwebs from the drug the Doc had given him. Entering the room Jesse hands one steaming cup to Luke "Though you could use some of this too" Luke sips the steaming liquid greatfully "Thanks Uncle Jesse" Sitting on the edge of the bed Jesse feels Bo's forehead puzzled by the chill there instead of the expected blazing fever. Holds the cup of 'shine laced coffee having put a heafty amount in the coffee. "Here Bo sip this.....careful it's hot should warm ya up though."
  21. Howdy welcome to town hope you like your stay here it's a fun place to be.
  22. Luke grins as he sees determination flashing in Bo's eyes when he looks back up,with a gentle pat to Bo's cheek "Now that's the Bo I know and love the one who may be scared to death but nobody'd ever know it but the people closest to him.........let's get you warmed up" he gets up off the bed gathering some warm winter clothes for Bo,soon having him bundled up in long johns,flannel shirt,and jeans.
  23. I can't wait neither I hope they put season 7 out fairly soon after 6. I also hope they put the two reunion movies out the vcr ate my copy of the second one.
  24. Glad you liked it no idea where my friend got hold of it. I thought it was kinda cute myself. B.L.
  25. Luke gently but firmly cups Bo's chin in his hand determined blue eyes locking with frightened blue eyes. "Beaureguard James Duke.......I won't stand for you talkin that way got me! You don't know anymore than I do what they's can do for ya there's been alot of new medicines and procedures come up with in the last 20 years. Now the Bo I know wouldn't give up no matter what and I know somewhere deep down under all that fear he's still there raring to fight this. Bo I ain't gonna let you go through this alone I promise I'll be by your side every minute and I ain't never broke a promise!"
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