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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. B.L. looks out the kitchen window from her place behind Jesse before resting her chin lightly on top of his head. "Cooter's here,must be talkin' ta Luke....guess he thought I'd dropped off the earth and came ta check on me." Luke rounds on Cooter eyes filled with a mixture of pain,fear and anger.....choking on the first two words "He's dyin' Cooter......and I can't do a damn thing about it nobody can not even Doc......'ceptin ta put another dang tube down his throat ta get him ta eat more." leans against the support post he'd hit before,shoulders slumped in defeat and exhaustion from lack of sleep and his recent exertion of the pent of feelings running through him.
  2. Doc pats B.L.'s shoulder as she gasps in horror shaking her head not wanting to accept the news anymore than the others. Taking a few deep breaths she looks Doc straight in the eye asking. "How much longer do we get ta keep him?" Sighing Doc shakes his head sadly "I don't know dear,he's lost entirely too much weight so I'd like to put in a feeding tube try and get some nourishment in him then we might have a few more weeks even months maybe." Nods letting out the breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding still having trouble getting her head around the fact that it was only a matter of time before Bo was gone it just didn't seem possible since it'd only been less than a month ago that Bo'd been perfectly healthy. Wishing she could throw a few things herself like Luke was doing but knowing for now she had to be strong for the family there would be time for her to deal with the news later but she had to be the one to take care of the Dukes for now. Getting up from where she sat to stand behind Jesse's chair wrapping her arms around him from behind. Luke drops the horse bucket that was to be his next missle at his feet wiping away his tears embarrassed. "Sorry Cooter.....Jesse jus' tole me we was gonna lose Bo no matter what we do and I didn't take it so good." sweeps around at the mess the barn was in after his fit of temper.
  3. Doc nods almost as upset as the family he'd watched these kids grow up and it was hard on him as a family friend and a doctor to lose a patient Bo's age. "Luke'll be ok Jesse although from those sounds coming from the barn you may not have one left when his temper cools......I really do think the feeding tube is Bo's best chance. He's sleeping right now so I'll wait a while I want to explain things to him before I do anything." B.L. stirs the nap having revived her,padding in her sock feet into the kitchen she looks at the Doc and Jesse downcast faces as another crash comes from the barn setting Maudine to braying and kicking again. "wh.....what's going on?" almost afraid to find out
  4. Picking up a bucket Luke hurls it across the barn hitting the wall causing Maudine to kick in her stall but so wrapped up in his temper tantrum he doesn't notice. "Dammit it ain't fair......" sits down sobbing letting everything that had been pent up for so long go. Doc comes into the kitchen seeing Jesse leaning against the counter looking ill himself. "Ya ok Jesse?"
  5. Jesse's words about letting go hits hard and before Luke can stop it a sob escapes......feeling helpless,angry and frustrated he punches the nearby support post as hard as he can not paying any heed to the pain shooting up his arm or the sickening crack of bones on impact.
  6. Luke nods defeatedly he doesn't even have the heart to make a smart aleck remark about Bo being stubborn. Wanting what's best for Bo but still not sure about the tube and Bo's chances with it facts was facts if something drastic didnt change they were going to lose Bo but Luke's own stubbornesse refused to let him accept that.
  7. eyes smoldering he knows his uncle is right but Luke just can't see how sticking another tube down Bo's throat is going to help him other than to get the food he needs in him but it wasn't going to help emotionally. "I didn't say it'd be easier or nicer ta force him but it's still better than stickin' some dang tube down his throat. Doc's been great about everythin'....... lettin Bo stay at home instead of goin back to the hospital but another tube will crush 'im Uncle Jesse he got so frustrated the last time I just don't want him ta go through that again."
  8. Luke shakes his head feriously his voice frustrated and slightly below yelling level. He didn't want Bo to starve himself to death but there was a point that was just asking too much endurance from him. After witnessing his reaction to the breathing tube when he woke up in the hospital Luke just wasn't prepared to let another tube be stuck down his cousin's throat. "Hell NO.........*not caring if he was cussing in front of his uncle by this point* Uncle Jesse nomore tubes nomore needles Bo has had damn welll enough of those. We just gotta stop lettin' him have his way and be tough about it,make him eat and drink."
  9. Luke looks up as Jesse comes back into the room and can immediately tell he wasn't happy about what Doc had to say. Helping get Bo out of the tub and dressed in the t-shirt and sweat pants........ putting the IV bag through the sleeve like Doc had told him before carefully guiding Bo's hand through. "Let's get you back to bed buddyroe" Once Bo is settled Luke gives Jesse a look,whatever the Doc had said he wanted to know.
  10. pats Jesse's hand "just love 'im Jesse and let me worry about the medical stuff" Luke smiled as Bo looked more relaxed than he had in days the only indication that he was sick was the yellow skin,and protruding ribs as well as the fact Luke was holding him upright.
  11. Amos shakes his head sadly "I'm afraid not Jesse.....if he don't start eating more on his own I'm going to have to do a feeding tube and that's going to be about like the breathing tube in his throat only not quite as bad but he's still not going to like it one bit.....I wish there was another way." Luke falls silent as Bo relaxed in his grip but his hold was just as firm as ever.
  12. Luke wipes his dripping face on his shirt sleeve before splashing Bo once more. "Yeah guess so.......don't think he'd really be upset though I'll clean it up" Amos nods he'd noticed himself how thin Bo had become "Well I can put in a feeding tube but Bo ain't gonna like that idea one bit but it may be the only option unless he starts eating more."
  13. Luke splutters as the water hits him in the face.......again holding onto Bo firmly with one hand he reaches in the tub cupping his hand before throwing water at Bo chuckling. "Uncle Jesse'll kill us if we flood the bathroom" not really worried their Uncle would give Bo the moon right now so if making a mess in the bathroom made him feel better Jesse wouldn't complain and Luke would clean it up later after Bo was settled. Amos looks up over his shoulder where he'd been reading the newspaper "sure Jesse what is it.....ya know I'll do whatever I can" listens to the boys laughing "I take it Bo's having one of his energy spurts from the sounds coming from the bathroom"
  14. nods "We'll be fine Uncle Jesse.....ain't that right Bo?" as Uncle Jesse leaves the room Luke looks back to Bo grinning cheekily "still hafta sit with the baby while he plays in the bath" flicks water playfully in Bo's face to be positive he doesn't take the comment wrong.
  15. Luke laughed wiping the suds on his sleeve not caring that he was getting soaked. Jesse had gotten the front of his shirt a little wet trying to wash the shampoo from Bo's hair. Holding onto Bo firmly with one hand Luke spikes Bo's hair in two different places returning the cheeky grin. "Ya finally grew ya horns Bo........everbody's always said how ya was a little devil."
  16. Luke nodded back to Jesse knowing that something would be done to get Bo to eat no matter what it took. Playfully scowling as Bo put the suds on the end of his nose. "Cousin I'd behave if I were you all I gotta do is let go and yer gonna drown." Lets Bo slip slightly with a told ya so grin but he'd never let Bo go for real.
  17. Luke watched Jesse lather Bo's hair until his eyes caught hold of the amount of weight Bo had lost. Frowning worriedly he looked back to Jesse wondering what they were going to do Bo hadn't exactly been cooperative when it came to eating due to the sore throat. Picking up the washcloth after Jesse had finished with Bo's hair Luke gently washed Bo's back knowing it would be hard for Jesse to reach with him where he was holding Bo.
  18. "It'll pass" Luke hoped he was right that the feeling would indeed pass anyway Bo looked like he might pass out. Holding Bo as Jesse finished undressing him and together they got him in the water with Luke still holding him tightly afraid he might fall over any minute. Nods to Jesse his eyes saying if he took care of everything else he (Luke) would hold onto Bo.
  19. Doc smiles seeing the light pink tint surface on Bo's cheeks and it wasn't from fever. "I'll just get your Uncle he and Luke can manage much better than I can with this I think. I'm just here ta get ya well." Leaves the bathroom and goes back to the livingroom "Jesse Bo'd rather have you helpin' Luke with the bath taking although he wouldn't come right out and say it I could tell that's what he'd perfer. I can't say's I blame him either most patients perfer to have the family take care of their personal needs,which is fine leaves all my energy to concentrate on gettin' them well." Luke looks at Bo worriedly as he sways again "Ya ok Bo you've not been upright in a while,sure yer upto it?"
  20. looks at Jesse dejectedly "All that's easier said than done.........my head knows it ain't my fault Bo's sick and I didn't catch on.....I'm gonna race and I'm gonna win it fer Bo....he's just got ta start gettin' better Uncle Jesse that medicine ain't even workin' and it's goin' straight into his veins." before Jesse can lecture him anymore he turns back toward the bedroom "I gotta help Doc so's Bo can have a bath" Returns to the bedroom seeing Doc has the shirt removed and discarded on the foot of the bed,picking it up Luke holds it up with a lopsided girn. "Daisy's gonna be real happy 'bout this when she wakes up.....c'mon Bo lets get that bath if ya'll push the IV pole Doc I'd me much obliged" As Luke picks Bo up Amos maneuvers the IV pole the short distance down the hall to the bathroom. Turns on the water filling the tub before turning back to the boys speaking to Bo sitting on the commode lid where Luke had placed him helping him stay upright till the bath water was ready. "Bo would you rather I get yer Uncle in here ta help Luke?" not wanting to embarass Bo he'd had things rough enough without adding anything unnecessary to the mix.
  21. Luke cringed inwardly thinking here came another lecture as Jesse took a firm hold of his shoulder. Biting back a frustrated sigh he didn't want to be lectured and he was having a hard enough time with things as they were. "I already promised Bo I's gonna do more around here than sit with him all the time. He tole me it's time I started livin' my life again but I jis' don't see how I can Uncle Jesse,I ain't left Bo's side fer more than a few minutes fer 2 and a half weeks now 'n I don't know if I can other than ta do chores and maybe take the girls to work but he wants me to race.....I...I don't know if I can do that but I guess I'm gonna hafta cos I promised him I would." scrubs a hand over tired eyes he'd slept but it wasn't a worry free restful sleep,twisting from side to side Luke tried to work the kinks out of his back after being still for so long.
  22. "Yes sir I'll be right back" rummages in the part of the basket Jesse told him coming up with the scissors. Taking them back and handing them to Doc "If you'll get started on that Uncle Jesse wants me ta help get Daisy to bed." Doc takes the scissors starting at the cuff of Bo's shirt sleeve. "Alright Luke" Returning to the livingroom Luke easily picks Daisy up in his arms following Uncle Jesse as he goes to her room opening the door. Laying Daisy on the bed carefully Luke moves B.L. from her crossways position to being in the bed right before shifting Daisy over a little more from the edge and covering them both,leaving the room. "Ya need me to do anythin' else Uncle Jesse?"
  23. "Be right back Bo lemme get the scissors." Luke quickly goes in search of Daisy's sewing basket "Hey Dai..........." stops as he notices her asleep glad she was resting he'd started to notice the same tale tale signs of exhaustion in her face that was still in his own slightly. Whispers "Hey Uncle Jesse ya know where Daisy's sewing basket is I need her scissors.......Bo wants ta take a bath but we gotta cut his shirt off his arm with the IV." seeing the questioning look on Jesse's face Luke smiles "Doc says it's ok"
  24. Luke bites back a retort about takin' it out knowing Bo was only joking. Nods as he calls "Doc could ya come in here a minute." Doc gets up going back to the boys room with a curious look at Jesse Luke sounded excited about something. "What is it Luke" Luke gives Doc a hopeful look. "Can Bo have a bath with that thing in 'im" Doc smiles "Well I don't see why not the pole has wheels so he isn't confined to bed he can be in any room in the house as long as he feels like being up and around." Luke raises questioning eyebrows as he asks "Well how do we get it through the sleeve?" Again Doc smiles then frowns looking at Bo and Luke "Well it's simple the bag itself will go through a t-shirt sleeve but I'm afraid we're going to have to cut the sleeve of the one you've got on now Bo.....but then you can wear a t-shirt and it can be changed easily enough." Luke smiles his eyes dancing happily like it was him instead of Bo that was being allowed to do something other than lie in the bed.
  25. sits on the other bed with a flop studying Bo and racking his brain for ideas he'd been so eager he hadn't thought of those things. Slowly a smile comes to his lips before Luke snaps his fingers. "Simple I fill the tub and ya can hand yer hand outside that way it don't get wet. As for the clothes well I can cut 'em off with the scissors. But that still leaves the problem of gettin' more on ya and I don't think Daisy's gonna be happy if I go around cuttin all yer clothes." Not wanting to embarass Bo by asking the Doc just how they could pull this off Luke sits on the bed still contemplating a solution as his eyes trace the IV line from Bo's hand to the medicine bag on the pole.
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