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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Jesse stops in the livingroom on his way back to help Luke with Bo knowing he needs to tell Daisy what's going on although from the look on her face she has a pretty good idea already. "Bo ain't doin too good his breathin's too fast and he ain't respondin to us,he's got a high fever again too." B.L. holds onto Daisy a little bit tighter as she feels the other woman tense in the embrace at the news. "Is there anything we can do Uncle Jesse?" Jesse shakes his head sadly "No child just pray for him and tell the doc where we are when he gets here" "Ok" With that Jesse heads back to the bedroom resuming his place on the other side of Bo alarmed to see the shallow breathing and Bo's increasing aggitation. "What do ya think it is Luke" Luke responds without looking away from Bo "I think he's delirious with the fever and he thinks he's back in that cabin tied to the bed cos he ain't moved an inch just keeps getting more and more aggitated."
  2. B.L. closes her eyes as she and Daisy sit there on the couch holding onto each other as if their lives depended on that hold. Memories of another time pop into her head,when she'd lost her father and her Mama was too numb to take care of her kid's breavement L.B. had taken on the roll as the man of the house trying to take care of her and their mother until she had asked to go visit the Dukes. There had been long nights that nightmares had riddled her sleep and it had been Diasy who'd held her as she cried till there was nothing left to cry keeping away the night demons. It had also been Daisy who'd held her after breaking up with a guy she thought she'd loved when he'd tried to force her to sleep with him. B.L. smiles at this particular memory because while Daisy had been holding and comforting her Bo and Luke had been pounding some manners into the guy back behind the Boar's Nest. Luke looks across the bed worriedly at Uncle Jesse he'd seen guys in the Marines get caught in a fevered nightmare and their breathing would be hard and fast till they hyperventilated. But it wouldn't do any good to try and get Bo to breathe normally he guessed because his cousin wasn't acknowledging anyone was around him. "Bo ya got to slow ya breathin down yur gonna hyperventilate. C'mon cousin." Jesse shakes his head as Bo doesn't respond to Luke "I think we'd best call Doc Appleby see if he'll come out tonight and take a look at Bo." Luke nods not taking his eyes off Bo. Jesse leaves the room going down the hall glancing at the two friends on the couch before taking the phone into the kitchen and calling the doctor. After telling the doctor how Bo's condition was and what they were doing for him,Doc Appleby tells Jesse he'll be there as soon as he can.
  3. Jesse gets up from the bed to get a wet cloth to wipe away the sweat whispering to B.L. as he notices Daisy's absence. "Stay with Daisy ok" B.L. nods turning and heading back down the hall sitting next to Daisy on the couch wrapping her best friend in a tight hold. Doing her best to control the fear that's girpping her own heart,she'd felt a nagging fear ever since Luke'd brought an unconscience Bo in and finally had all she could take,which largely resulted in her taking charge tonight. Luke sat next to Bo holding his hand fear knotting his stomach as he feels the heat radiating from Bo the fever had come back. "Bo can you hear me it's Luke,ya got a fever but me 'n Uncle Jesse's gonna take care of ya just hang on." Jesse returns with the wet rag,sponging Bo's face,chest and arms to lower the fever. Flipping back the cover as well leaving Bo laying prone on the bed clad in his boxers. "It's ok Bo Uncle Jesse's here and so's Luke"
  4. I don't know if anyone else has tried but the 1:18 scale General Lee jumps . My younger cousin and I took a sheet of plywood that my Dad had and propped it on a small stick of wood probably about a 3in jump in my driveway. It doesn't move in grass hardly at all but on a light layer of dirt it does pretty well . B.L.
  5. As the low groan breaks the silence in the old farm house Luke is on his feet and halfway down the hall in an instant heading for his and Bo's bedroom. Jesse is hot on his nephew's heels both of them bursting into the room. B.L. brings up the rear stopping at the foot of the bed holding her breath praying this is the turning point and Bo will start to get better again but not really believing he will from the way he looks,so frail and his skin is almost transparent.
  6. B.L. thought of putting some shine in Uncle Jesse's drink as well but knew better than to do so, Luke's wrath when he discovered what she'd done would be nothing compared to what Uncle Jesse's would be. Smiling back at Daisy B.L. detected the worry lurking behind Daisy's eyes knowing she wasn't happy about something,giving her a wink B.L. makes a mental note to ask what's wrong. B.L. hands out each one of them a mug of the warm drink before taking Daisy's seat on the arm of Uncle Jesse's chair feeling his arm slip around her waist. Luke wraps an arm around Daisy's shoulders as her head leans on his shoulder. Sipping his hot chocolate feeling the warm calming effect it's having on his frayed nerves.
  7. B.L. climbs out the passenger window to stand beside Daisy as Luke remains sitting in the General,dropping his head to the steeringwheel. After a few moments though he climbs out the driver's side window and the three friends trudge sadly to the house with B.L. between the two cousins an arm around each one's waist. Inside Jesse had just returned to the livingroom from checking on Bo when the three come in the door. Entering the livingroom Luke sinks down on the edge of the coffeetable as Daisy goes to sit on the arm of Jesse's chair and B.L. leans against the wall. "What'd Amos say?" Luke sighs heavily before launching into the details "He said he'd be more than happy to send the syringe off so's maybe we can find out what might be wrong with Bo and treat it. Daisy asked him ta come out and check Bo,he said he'd be here first thin' in tha mornin" Jesse nods he'd liked for the doctor to come out tonight but knew that he too needed to rest. "Uncle Jesse,B.L. thought it'd be a good idea if we's was to take turns sittin up with Bo tonight,me and Daisy agree. Daisy you take first watch,B.L. the second and I'll take third and you take the last Uncle Jesse." Jesse listens patiently as Luke tells him about B.L.'s plan but bristles at the order of the watches he knows Luke is trying to give them all a chance to sleep as much as possible while he no doubt will stay awake even if they don't know it. "Now Luke that ain't gonna leave you much time to sleep cos I know ya stubborn enough ta stay awake all night. Now you's aint slept more'n a few hours in over a week,I ain't gonna have you's exhaustin yaself and getting sick too you's got to sleep." Luke shakes his head stubbornly he just can't B.L. looks at the weary faces of the whole family then speaks her piece quietly but firmly. "You's all need sleep so this is the way it is.....Luke you take the first 2 hours then Daisy the next 2,I'll take the next and then Uncle Jesse that'll leave you the last two and by that time it'll be close ta breakfast time anyway. Now I'm gonna fix us some hot chocolate that should relax everybody. Jesse raises an eyebrow clearly irritated at being told what to do in that tone of voice but he doesn't dispute her knowing it's a way to get Luke to get some sleep maybe. B.L. goes to the kitchen getting out a pan,milk and the cocoa and soon has 4 cups of steaming hot chocolate on a platter. Knowing where Uncle Jesse keeps a small bottle of shine for medicinal purposes she deems the situation so and gets it pouring some into Luke's mug of hot chocolate to relax him enough to sleep hopefully.
  8. Back at the General Luke waits till B.L. is settled in the backseat before climbing behind the wheel. Once Daisy is ready to go he starts the car with a sigh. "I wished Doc had come out tonight I don't think I can take much more myself *looks at Daisy sadly* and I know you and Uncle Jesse can't" B.L. leans up putting her a hand on each of the Duke's shoulder squeezing supportively "It'll be ok ya'll but I do think we should take turns sittin up with Bo tonight I just don't like his color he looked better in the hospital than he does now." Luke reaches up clasping B.L.'s hand with his free one giving it a thankful sqeeze "I think your right B.L. let's get home and tell Uncle Jesse what we found out then decide who's takin what shift with Bo." Pulling away from the curb they head back toward the farm in the same silence as before.
  9. Doc Appleby smiles at Daisy kindly "I'll come over first thing in the morning ok. Don't worry we'll get this all figured out." Luke's glad Daisy asked the Doc to come out he'll feel alot better himself after Bo's checked over even if there's nothing much can be done right now. "Thanks Doc,we'll see ya first thing in the mornin." The doctor shakes all of their hands giving them each an encouraging smile but his heart isn't in it. He doesn't know what it'll do to this family if he can't find out what's wrong with Bo and get him well.
  10. Doc Appleby stands behind his desk hands clasped behind his back as the three young people enter the office. "Sure Luke what can I do for ya? How's Bo? Luke grasps Daisy's hand behind B.L.'s back as they enter the doctor's private office. B.L. wraps an arm around each of her friends as she stands between them. Digging the syringe out of his pocket he puts it on the deks unwrapping it. "Bo ain't doing so hot he's gettin bad again...." Handing the syringe to Doc Appleby Luke continues "Can ya send this to Hotlanta ta be analyzed ta see what was in it? I think it might tell us what was injected into Bo that's made him so sick." Doc examines the syringe for a moment then looks back at the two Dukes and B.L. "Sure I'd be happy to and I sure hope it works out and we can get Bo back ta bein Bo." Luke nods as he squeezes Daisy's hand thankful for her support he still isn't sure he could go through this alone. "Thanks Doc"
  11. Luke climbs out the driver's side window his feet hitting the pavement outside Doc Appleby's with a soft thump. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly stilling his nerves for the things ahead. B.L. climbs out the driver's window behind Luke putting her arm around Luke's waist giving him as much moral support as she can as they wait for Daisy. When she joins them B.L. puts her other arm around Daisy walking between her two friends as they make their way to the door. Inside Luke asks the receptionist if Doc Appleby's busy when told no they three of them go into the doctor's office. "Doc can we talk to ya a minute?"
  12. B.L. tires of watching the scenery they pass out the back glass so turns back to the front. Slumping in the seat she leans her head back to rest on the seat closing her eyes. It makes B.L.'s blood boil to think of all the pain the men in the Atlanta Penetintery have caused her friends. Jesse slips from the room leaving Bo to sleep. As soon as he's returned the glass and pills to the kitchen he goes back to reading the newspaper wiating for Luke and the two girls to get home.
  13. Luke is so busy concentrating on getting the syringe to Doc Appleby that he doesn't take the usual pleasure in his surrounding or even that there are two more occupants in the car his only thoughts are getting to town so they can find out what's wrong with Bo. B.L. sits in the back seat looking out the back glass lost in her own thoughts not yet understanding how Bo went from doing so good to being so sick again. Jesse shakes Bo's shoulder gently as he notices Bo drifting back to sleep placing the pill in his hand Jesse holds the water to Bo's lips as he finishes washing down the pills Jesse sits the glass back on the table helping Bo to settle once more in the bed kissing his temple whispering before creeping from the room silently "Sleep tight Bo...I love you"
  14. Luke stands heading for the door with Daisy hot on his heels "Good idea" B.L. is quick to leave her own chair catching up with the two cousins "Wait for me I'm comin too" Jesse follows them out to the yard watching with a worried frown as the three tear away from the farm in the General Lee. Going back inside he notices Bo's antibiotics on the counter and remembers that the young man didn't take them at supper. Getting a glass of water and the pills Jesse walks down the wearily. Seeing Bo asleep Jesse hates to wake him but he needs the medication,sitting the items on the bedside table he sits down on the edge of Bo's bed gently trying to coax him awake. "Bo c'mon wake up for me ya fergot to take your antibiotics,then ya can go back to sleep."
  15. Luke watches Bo leave the room before turning back to look at Uncle Jesse venting his inner most thoughts "See he's getting worse again it's as if he's waiting to die" B.L. gasps sharply at Luke's comment "Lucas Duke!!!!" Luke looks over at her sadly "I'm sorry sweetheart but tha truth is tha truth" B.L. just glares at him but in the back of her mind she knows he might be right Uncle Jesse looks at the three remaining young people at the table doing his best to give them all a reassuring look. "I think Bo's just tired he may be coming down with a bug ya know his immune system ain't upto par right now either" Luke wishes he could believe Uncle Jesse but he just don't think he can.
  16. Luke looks up as Bo's utensils bump his plate with a soft ping. A worried frown crosses his face as he watches Bo rub his temple and the other arm go across his stomach, looking at Uncle Jesse. B.L. too watches Bo from the corner of her eye starting to really get worried about him he's quiet and withdrawn along with not eating. Jesse too looks over at Bo concerned instantly thinking with his weak immune system he'd caught something by the way he was holding his stomach and rubbing his temple. "Bo son why don't you go lay back down and rest a while ok"
  17. Luke shakes his head slightly he still don't have a clue what brought on the sudden change he truly thought after the visit to the cabin and Bo came to terms that it was really all over that things had been so much better but ever since doing chores and falling he'd been uncaring. Jesse smiles reassuringly at both of them he's sure Bo will pull out of it and start to fight again it's been a long hard battle for his youngest nephew and Bo's tired is all Jesse believes is wrong. B.L. looks at Uncle Jesse then Daisy and Luke as they all eat in silence meals are usually filled with good natured teasing and laughter at the Duke farm this silence is eerie. Watching Bo out of the corner of her eye for a minute she frowns as she notices he's more or less pushing the food around on his plate to make it look like he's actually eating more than he is.
  18. B.L. sits across from Daisy waiting for the boys as Jesse takes his place at the head of the table. Luke's insides knot up even more as he watches Bo. He's just totally given up in the last few hours and is getting weaker by the minute. Walking quickly to catch up to Bo Luke takes his arm as they go down the hall together before he ends up falling again. In the kitchen he makes sure Bo is settled in his place, before taking his own seat beside Daisy. They all bow their heads as Jesse gives thanks for the food and prays for Bo's continued recovery the change not having been missed by him either.
  19. Jesse puts the newspaper down on the table beside his chair "I'll get 'em" Knocking on the door Jesse then sticks his head inside seeing both boys seemingly asleep he almost backs out of the room but on the off chance they are awake he sticks his head back around the door frame "Daisy says supper's ready" With that he goes back down the hall to join Daisy and B.L. in the kitchen "They's looked asleep but I don't know for sure if they weren't they'll be here in a second." Luke swings his legs off the bed standing not really hungry but knowing Uncle Jesse doesn't let them skip meals unless they are sick because mealtime is family time. Lightly slapping Bo's leg knowing he's not asleep just not moving. "C'mon Bo let's eat"
  20. Luke sighed silently at Bo's nod he seemed to be truly giving up. Like someone just waiting to die and that scared Luke more than he wanted to admit to himself or anyone else. He just wanted to shake Bo and tell him to get his butt out of that bed and start living again the best he could,but remembering what Uncle Jesse said about just being there and letting Bo decide whether to fight or not and if so when Luke gets up and lays down on his own bed rolling on his side to face the door his back to Bo he'd help Bo anyway he could but he wasn't going to watch him die that was just too much.
  21. "Sure" B.L. gets the things from the cabinets and drawers,setting the table and then putting the milk from the fridge in the center of the table. Luke turns slightly to face Bo "Listen Bo I'm real sorry I walked out on ya earlier. I just ain't used ta hearin you give up on somethin and I didn't know how to deal with that. I talked to Daisy though and got my head back on straight,I just want ya to know that I'm here for ya cousin no matter what."
  22. Luke nods and heads back to the room he's shared with Bo all their lives,not hearing any noise coming from within he opens the door quietly to find Bo seemingly asleep and B.L. staring at the ceiling. Nudging her foot with his own Luke asks quietly when B.L. looks at him "He asleep?" B.L. shrugs her shoulders standing to stretch she'd been sitting in the floor for forever it felt like. As she stretches her hands above her head the tanktop she was wearing came up showing her stomach slightly. Luke feeling better after talking to Uncle Jesse reaches out and tickles the exposed skin causing B.L. to step back quickly as she stifles a squeal. "I'm gonna go help Daisy with the rest of supper" She pats Luke on the shoulder as she passes on the way out the door,finding Uncle Jesse in the livingroom reading his newspaper as she continutes on into the kitchen. "What can I do to help Daisy?" Luke sits down on the side of Bo's bed just watching him a minute before speaking hoping Uncle Jesse is right and Bo will fight again but if not Luke is prepared to just be there for his 'brother'. "Bo you asleep?"
  23. Luke stands hugging Jesse "Yes sir I will....I think I'll go check on Bo,I may have hurt his feelings when I walked out after tryin' to get him ta keep fighting"
  24. Luke nods he knows that Uncle Jessse's right that Bo's probably just tired and will be ready to fight again after a rest it's just so hard to see him give up. Luke looks up at Uncle Jesse as he kneels with his hands on Luke's knees swallowing hard he's so dang tired of his emotions getting the best of him unexpected. "I know Uncle Jesse it's just so hard to tell him no when he really wants to do something that he used to do. I did tell him he shouldn't be doin chores but when he looked at me the way he did I just gave in he'd been so happy all day and I didn't want to take that away by makin him feel like an invalid so I let my heart rule my head and let him do chores......" *Luke grins as he remembers his own stubborness about getting back to normal when he should have been taking it easy* "I remember how it was I started out just as stubborn and determined as Bo is to get back to normal but finally realized I had to get better first no matter how slow it was in coming."
  25. Luke shrinks back a little as Jesse scolds him looking down at the floor again shame faced he knew better than to let Bo do chores. Speaking softly. "I'm sorry Uncle Jesse,he just wants to get back to as normal as possible and chores is a part of that normalcy." Luke listens to the rest of what Uncle Jesse has to say knowing in his head their Uncle is right it ain't his fault if Bo decides not to fight anymore but his heart is still heavy at the thought responding quietly again. "Yes sir" B.L. raises her head off the bed cocking it to one side trying to catch what's being said as Jesse's voice seems to ring with anger.
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