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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke let's his gaze fall from Uncle Jesse as he concentrates on carefully rewrapping the syringe. There's no doubt in his mind Jesse's threat is more of a promise. Debating whether or not to tell Uncle Jesse about Bo's feelings of dispair knowing Bo'll probably be mad at him if he does but Uncle Jesse's anger if he doesn't would be alot worse to bear. Still not looking at his Uncle Luke folds his hands studying them now. His words coming out in a rush "Uh there's somethin' else ya should know......Bo's had a slight set back in his mood since we got back here. I let him help me do a few of the chores" *Luke is quick to forestall a chewing out after that statement if possible* "I was watchin him real close and he wasn't doing anything heavy. But all of it put tagether was just too much and he tripped over the chickens and fell hitting his head on tha tree. He's ok though just a goose egg sized bump on the back of his head and a small cut.....that ain't what worries me though" *looking back up at Uncle Jesse for the first time* "Bo's afraid he's gonna be sick and weak the rest of his life that this is as good as it's gonna get that he's gonna be on medicine the rest of his life ...I don't know how to help him he tole me he's just too tired to fight anymore so he's just accepted it as bein' so. That's partly why I want Doc to analyze the syringe to see if it had some disease in it like the doctor at the hospital said might could be the reason for the infection and if so maybe he can treat it better and get Bo well."
  2. Luke swallowed hard he knew once he started there was no going back and there would be no leaving anything out or he'd get the lecture of his life. Taking a seat on the edge of the couch Luke clears his throat speaking haltingly "Well Uncle Jesse.....me and Bo decided to go race around up at Mudd Flatts and ah.....uh ya know that old abandoned cabin that Mr. Flatt has up there? Bo seen it and his mood changed from bein' happier than he's been for weeks to kinda subdued.......he wanted to go there so we did......he uh got real quiet as we went in there was uh a pool of blood and some ropes. Uncle Jesse its where them men held him." Pulling the syringe out of his pocket and unwrapping it he shows it to Jesse "Bo pulled this out of the stove he knew right where to find it. I want ta have Doc Appleby send it to Atlanta and get it analyzed to see what was put in it. I believe it could tell us how Bo got the chest infection maybe...." Falling silent Luke waits for Uncle Jesse's reaction
  3. Luke takes another deep breath letting it out in a woosh before looking Uncle Jesse straight in the eye doing his best to hold that gaze without looking away. "Uncle Jesse I need ta talk to ya about somethin me 'n Bo found today when we was out ridin' around."
  4. Luke smiles his thanks as they cross the yard stopping at the door sighing before taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly. "Here goes nothin"
  5. B.L. leans her head back on the bed looking up at the ceiling counting the cracks still no closer to an answer to help Bo. Luke sighs he knew that it wouldn't do any good but he had to try and get Daisy not to tell,nodding sadly he starts to walk out of the barn "Ok you win I'll tell 'im after supper before we go to Doc's cos he'll wanna know where we're goin' and when he finds out where he'll wanna know why anyway." Ridiculously he suddenly felt like a kid again having to own upto something as he asks "You'll stay with me when I tell him right?"
  6. B.L sits back flat on the floor once again her back leaning against the bed just letting Bo know she's there with her presence. While trying to figure out a way to help him win the battle and get his life back completely the way it was. Luke gives Daisy a pleading look,knowing there wasn't much chance of changing her mind when he heard his full name used. Jesse just couldn't know it wouldn't help to worry him over the syringe. His voice sounding desperate "Please Daisy....I don't want to worry Uncle Jesse anymore we can tell him about the syringe after we see what Doc Appleby finds out. It'll just get his blood pressure up if he keeps worrying so much. Please just wait a few days then I'll tell him ok?"
  7. B.L. shivers dramatically at the sheer thought hoping to at least get Bo to smile "Ya think I'm crazy enough to do that? He'd holler so loud the house'd come crashin' down around all our ears" Luke nods standing up and taking Daisy's hand knowing that he's about to ask Daisy something that's always been hard on all of them and that was to keep something important from the Uncle. "Do me a favor Daisy and don't tell Uncle Jesse none o' this he's worried enough and he's still worryin about Bo the last thing he needs is ta worry about how I'm takin things. I don't want him ta know about the syringe either till I know somethin from Doc Appleby either"
  8. B.L. nods completely understanding those kinds of feelings,she'd felt that way when her Daddy had died a couple of weeks after a coal mine cave in and then her Mama had to be put in a hospital because she never got over the loss of her husband. Sure B.L.'s older brother L.B. had done a good job raising her but it wasn't the same as having at least one parent. "Bo, Lord knows with all you've been through it'd be a miracle if your faith in God wasn't shaken" Luke wraps his own arms around Daisy feeling comforted in her embrace "Thanks Daisy I'm lucky to have ya.....I know I don't have to be strong all the time it's just usually the way it happens but I just can't right now........I know that Bo's here most of the time too and I'm hopin after Doc sends this syringe off he will be again." Jesse looks down the hall where the soft murmuring is coming from and then out the kitchen window to the barn starting to fret wishing someone would let him know what's going on.
  9. B.L. nods Bo doesn't need to be pushed right now he's tired she can clearly tell. Sighing she hopes he has a change of heart by tomorrow it just isn't right to give up like he is. Taking hold of both hands this time she squeezes them smiling "It's ok Bo....you just do what you can nobody knows your limits but you. But think about this for a minute you wouldn't have come this far so quick if the good Lord wasn't going to make you better." Luke gulps then smiles at Daisy "Would ya? I can't help Bo by myself right now I hate to admit it cos I'm supposed to be the strong one for you and Bo but I need help this time almost as much as Bo."
  10. B.L. bites her bottom lip this doesn't sound at all like the Bo she's known all her life. It breaks her heart making her want to cry to hear him talk about giving up and just accepting things, she can't cry though Bo doesn't need that he needs her and everyone else to be strong for him right now. Moving to the floor on her knees with elbows propped on the bed still holding Bo's hand B.L. gives Bo what his affectionately known within the family and really close friends as a Bo kiss. Her voice tender and barely above a whisper "Hey what's this you giving up.....I know your scared Bo heck you'd be crazy not to be it's been pure hell for you lately. *holding her fingers just less than an inch apart asking* don't you have just a little fight left for Luke's sake if noone else? You don't have to fight alone Luke's there and so's Uncle Jesse and Daisy they'll all be there to always pick up the pieces just like everytime before." Luke nods sighing "He wanted to go.....he wasn't ok though he was in a daze just walking through the one room touching things and staring into space. It scared me to see him like that,God only knows what all they did to him that he may not even remember." Rewrapping the syringe Luke puts it back in his pocket "Yeah I think I will go see Doc after supper so's he can get it sent off to Atlanta sooner."
  11. B.L. smiles as she hugs Bo happy that things are ok between them again. Pulling back from him she takes a deep breath thinking best how to ask what's going on with him and Luke that made him look so scared again and Luke look so miserable. "Bo what's goin on between you and Luke he looked like he'd lost his best friend when he came in the kitchen?" Luke laughs at Daisy's comment before he swipes a hand down his face pulling in a shaky breath remembering how Bo was lost in his own world in that cabin. "That's where them varmits held Bo captive....this either had drugs or somethin to cause the chest infection in it before they gave it to Bo. I'm gonna get Doc Appleby to send it to Hotlanta to be analyzed and find out which."
  12. B.L. squeezes Bo's hand just a little,all the tenderness between them is a new turn in their relationship. They've always been partners in crime when upto so mischief but right now Bo just wasn't upto that. Smiling she squeezes his hand again. "I was trying to help.......I was also being nosey ya know me I hafta know everything that's going on if I get the slightest hint that somethin is goin on.....*laughs a little* ya know curiosity killed the cat." Her eyes twinkle with mischief to come "Of course I forgive ya" Luke reaches for Daisy's hand holding it between both of his,she made sense but he still felt helpless. He was like Bo just so tired but unlike Bo his tiredness was physical more than mental and both could be greatly improved with a week or two's goodnight's rest. "How'd you get so wise Daisy girl?...I want to keep fightin I told Bo as much that I'd be there with him the whole way....but he just don't want to says he's tired and I guess he is anybody would be after what he's been through only to have one set back after another." Giving Daisy the same intense look he'd given Bo earlier some of the determination is shining in Luke's eyes again. "I ain't givin up Daisy I just ain't....I guess I'm just tired and Bo's sudden attitude change just got to me....but it ain't nothin that a week's worth of worry free sleep won't fix." Pulling the handkerchief wrapped syringe from his pocket showing it to Daisy "Bo pulled this outta the stove up at that old abandoned shack of Mr. Flatt's when we was racin around Mudd Flatts. I'm gonna get Doc Appleby to send it to atlanta to be analyzed see if it's some sort of drug or maybe like the doctor at the hospital said a disease they injected inta Bo that gave him the chest infection."
  13. B.L. smiles at Bo a pang of sadness going through her at the scared look in his eyes now so different from the smile when she and Daisy had gotten home from the Boars Nest. "It's ok Bo,it ain't the first time we've had an argument and I'm pretty sure it won't be the last." Luke leans his head on Daisy's shoulder for once letting his gotta take care of everybody else attitude slip to let someone else take care of him. "Bo......he's convinced he may be sick the rest of his life. He was doing so well and in high spirits. Then he tripped and fell when he was helping do the chores." Glances up at Daisy noticing a slight worry crease across her brow at the mention of Bo doing chores. "He wasn't doing much don't worry I was watchin him the whole time. He just wants things to be normal like before so bad and he was overtired and tripped and it scared me when he hit his head and I forced him into going inside to rest thats when he started asking was he ever gonna be ok again." Sniffing a little Luke raises his head looking at Daisy with the most miserable look a man could wear. "I couldn't promise this time Daisy cos I don't know and I can't do a damn thing about it."
  14. B.L. jumps slightly at the shout,gently opening the door she goes to sit on the edge of the bed beside Bo's prone form. Not touching him or saying anything just letting her presence be known waiting for Bo to say something if he's ready and if not she'll just wait offering what comfort she can by just being there. Luke sinks to a bale of hay covering his face with his hands shaking his head not answering Daisy's question but asking one of his own. All the emotions that has run through him in the space of little over a week had drained him physically and he just didn't have the strength to keep going. "What's right Daisy?"
  15. "Sure Daisy" Luke follows Daisy quietly out the door,depressed and morose. Jesse watches them go sadly, silently asking the lord above what's happening to his family. B.L. stares out the window as Luke and Daisy cross the yard,looking over at Uncle Jesse she sighs he looks 10 years older and so sad. Getting up from the table she pats his arm smiling as he turns to smile back at her. "I'm gonna go check on Bo" He nods silently stirring the pot on the stove. B.L. quietly leaves the kitchen her head down,at the end of the hall knocking softly on the closed bedroom door. "Bo it's B.L. can I come in?"
  16. Luke leaves the room closing the door quietly. Dragging his feet down the hall Luke goes into the kitchen not looking at any of them sinking dejectedly and forlornly into a chair with a deep sigh. Jesse shakes his head at Daisy's questioning look he didn't know what was going on either. The boys must be having an argument he figures. As Luke comes into the kitchen and drops into the diningroom chair Jesse glances over at him from over his shoulder but having seen that look many times before Jesse leaves Luke with his own thoughts. B.L. shrugs her shoulders at Daisy she didn't have a clue but as Luke comes into the kitchen and sits down it's clear that something is wrong the easy smile that was there earlier is gone. She looks back at Daisy raising her own eyebrows as if asking now what?
  17. Luke sighs dejectedly this is by far the hardest thing he can remember them going through in a long time. Turning back around to face his own bed Luke leans his head back on Bo's bed tiredly,he's too tired to fight anymore either at least right now. Climbing to his feet Luke places a hand on Bo's head,he needs to talk to someone else and get a fresh respective on all this. "I'm gonna go check to see how much longer till supper,you just rest."
  18. Luke bows his head running his fingers through his hair,he remembered those same feelings back in Vietnam as a P.O.W he thought for sure he wasn't going to make it home. Unwilling to give up though he looks back at Bo who won't even look at him now. His eyes welling with tears and pleading as he chokes out "Please Bo... don't give up,we can do... anything together and we can win this too.... I ain't givin up! Please Bo just let me help you fight.... this just a little longer I can't go through the rest of my life without you by me fightin the system,racin,wreckin Rosco and Enos.... If you don't at least try you're giving up on.... both of us and I'll be danged if I let you do that!"
  19. Luke sighs there has been so much to get used to lately "Yeah I know but you will....we will...." It finally sinks in that Bo's resigning himself to always having bad health and being limited. That isn't Bo at all to give up that easy none of the Duke's had ever give up that easy. Uncle Jesse had come out of a coma a few years back despite the doctor's saying there was a good chance he wouldn't because of his age. Luke also remembers when they were on the NASCAR circuit getting a call from Daisy saying Uncle Jesse had gotten hurt by a couple of bank robbers and was blind. He'd come through that too not letting it stop him just slowed things down for a while. Sitting up straighter he gives Bo a fiercely determined look voicing his thoughts "Bo this all sounds like ya resignin yaself to always being sick,where's your Duke fighting spirit?" Taking Bo's hand and getting within inches of Bo's face Luke pierces him with a determined look. "Duke's don't give up, so don't you dare...do you hear me Beaureguard James Duke don't you give up not now you've come so far you can lick this I know you can cos your a Duke with Duke stubborness."
  20. Straightening up Luke turns around to face Bo sitting like that was making all the blood rush to his head and making him woozy. Frowning at Bo but there's a humorous twinkle in his eye at least he got Bo to laugh that sound had been missing way too long and he just wanted to make things better and keep it close to the surface as it had always been. "Ha ha funny......you's askin for trouble if you keep up with the smart aleck remarks" Turning serious again Luke's eyes take on a pleading look he has to know what else is bothering Bo so they can try to fix it. "You gonna tell me what else is on your mind?...."
  21. Luke cranes his neck practically standing on his head while sitting on the floor giving Bo a skeptical look not believing him for a second the thoughtful look in his eyes says different "Yeah right.....and I'm a monkey's uncle"
  22. Luke observes the thoughtful look on Bo's face for a moment before sliding to the floor to sit against the side of Bo's bed his knees pulled up and arms resting over them. "Alright Bo there's more out with it"
  23. Luke swings his legs off the bed sitting up abruptly,facing Bo elbows on knees and his chin resting on his steepled index fingers. He's always hated it when Bo or Daisy but especially Bo would ask these type of questions that he just couldn't answer. He'd done his best to always make things right but this time he can't and he's not sure he can give Bo the reassurance he needs that things will be ok and that scares Luke to death and fills him with anger all over again at those me. Sighing deeply closing his eyes before snapping them open once more to give Bo an intense look, he's going to do his dangdest to make it ok if he can. "We'll get by just like we always do and always have......you did really good today with all that we've done the chores was just a little too much after such a full day....we'll just adjust things so you can still help that's all." Still giving Bo that intense look Luke knows that no matter what they will adjust and in that adjustment things will be ok. "It will be ok Bo no matter what we'll get through it together as a family"
  24. Luke looks over at Bo seeing the uncertainty in Bo's eyes he'd been trying to not think about that possibility. Shrugging his shoulders slightly Luke sighs he'd like nothing more than to be able to reassure Bo that everything would be ok he would get better that it was just a chest infection like the doctor said and the medication would clear it up. "I don' t know Bo.....I'm going to have Doc Appleby send that syringe to Hotlanta to be analyzed. We'll know more about what we're dealing with and how it's going to affect you when we know just what it is they injected into you.....The doctor did say that the infection could be because they injected some sort of disease in you."
  25. Luke props his hands behind his head thinking over the day and how something as simple as riding in the General Lee something they'd been doing for a long time could bring about such changes for the better in getting Bo back to them. Fighting the urge to sleep Luke stifles a yawn blinking there isnt time to sleep supper would be ready soon. He finally felt for the first time that he could relax and truly rest tonight still keeping an ear open for any movement or noise from Bo but not laying awake while his mind raced with all sorts of problems. B.L. finishes snapping and stringing the beans before rinsing them. Giving the bowl back to Uncle Jesse she notices the dirty dishes from lunch still in the sink and begins to wash them. Not talking to noone in particular just more or less thinking out loud. "Those two sure are quiet reckon their already plotting to crash Rosco again?
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