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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. This really has nothing to do with the selling of season six.......I haven't heard anything about walmart not selling it though cos I ordered mine from there and then while in the store the other day (not my home store) I saw it on the shelf. Ok my original purpose for this post......has anyone else noticed that in more than one season 6 ep John is wearing a wedding band? I first noticed it in 'targets Daisy and Lulu' though ah just a blooper he forgot to pull it off but there it was again in 'Play it again Luke'. I need to scrutinize the other eps to see if it's there.
  2. Doc pats Jesse's arm consolingly still seeing worry in his friend's eyes wishing he could do more to relieve it. B.L. frowns unnoticed by Daisy and shakes her head as she gets in the driver's seat of Dixie heading for the grocery store. Stopping at the store the two girls go in the store getting an assortment of soft foods Bo could eat easily. "Ok let's get back to the farm....see if Uncle Jesse's heard anything from Doc" Luke gently rubs the frown creases on Bo's forehead glad to see his muscles are working again. Lays still not wanting to disturb Bo as he seems to be resting better for the moment.
  3. Yer welcome, I've caught it as Jesse would be in a hurry to go somwhere and tell the rooster to move out of the way.
  4. Right it was Maudine the mule. A rooster named Rodney then Bonnie Mae the goat there was a piglet on several episodes too that they bottle fed but I forgot it's name. B.L.
  5. Well I for one had a great time,it was my first Dukefest ever. My 17 yr old cousin went with me and my parents so while they did their thing he and I did ours. The building where the autographs and merchandise were located was packed already when we got there having drove up from Alabama on saturday morning about a 4hr drive. So we just sorta browsed around for a bit and bought some souvenirs before heading outside to check things out there. While outside we noticed everyone headed for the stadium so joined the crowd the entire cast was there.....too many people inside we were told and so noone could get back in for autographs per instructions by the fire marshal it was a fire hazard with that many people. I was very disappointed at the revelation but low and behold everybody in the stands below me turns to look up to my row and I look behind me here comes the entire cast by within inches of me! So that made the autograph disappointmen a little better. My cousin and I got told after that by a security guard there was a door for wheelchairs but we'd already been turned away still too many inside. But then this really nice sec guard told us he couldn't let us in but he'd take my hazzard county cap in and get Rick Hurst to sign it and he did! After that we were on a mission we had to get others to take my hat in LOL eventually after passing by a couple of doors with too many people around them trying to persuade the sec guards to let them in for us to ask them to do the same thing one let us in. Once inside the building we headed for the nearest autograph table which was James Best the lines were closed but the security guard let us in the front of the line I was thrilled. LOL James tried to give my hat to the poeple in front of us and when we finally got him to understand it was mine he ended up signing it twice not realizing he'd signed it already! Then it was on to find Cathy eww her line was packed and we were on the wrong side of it anyway and that particular security guard didn't look friendly we decided so off we go to find the other stars. Hot Dang we thought as we found John,Tom and Sonny. So again the security guard lets us in line where they are sending all wheelchair bound people but another one tells us just as we get almost to John he's not feeling well and about to stop signing autographs.....ok no biggie that's understandable he's sick. Sonny is right next to him so we go there and as we're waiting to get to Sonny the security guard moves the gate thingy seperating him from Tom's table and we get to scoot in there along with another handicapped person and their companion. Tom then gets up from his table (still people lined up waiting) comes over signs an autograph for us and poses for a picture with me. I tell you I was tickled to put it mildly then it was back on the other side of the gate to get Sonny's autograph he gave me a picture autographed to me personally. My day is almost complete I think if only John hadn't been feeling sick but I notice he's still signing so back to his line we go and explain we'd been turned away cos he wasn't feeling well. The same guard as before lets us in line again and different one goes to John and asks will he see us and he did . Got my picture taken with him too then we went back to get Cathy's autograph she was all we lacked except for Ben Jones,finding the right place to be this time up front we got ushered along the wall. So I now have my picture taken with John,Tom and Cathy all and my hazzard county cap signed by everyone except Ben and he was so busy it was hard to track him down. But I plan to go to his store in Nashville sometime when he's there and take my cap to get his name on it too there's just enough empty space for his name. B.L.
  6. Did these articles come from Cooter's website by any chance? There is a link to an article in a Nashville newspaper that I read earlier today.
  7. Emma that would be 'Bonnie Mae'. B.L.
  8. "I don't think we'll have any trouble out of B.L. either like you said they're both sensible girls but she's not anymore stubborn than Daisy" *chuckles* Doc nods thoughtfully sipping his coffee he'd never seen Luke this way either and it was rather disturbing to see the usually calm and in control young man looking so lost and terrified but the worst was his volitile reactions when trying to get him to do what was best for his own health like sleep. "Luke'll come around when Bo starts improvin I'm sure,he's just not thinkin straight right now. All he can think about it losin Bo if he doesn't keep an eye on him literally." B.L. grabs her purse coming out from behind the bar heading for the door but stops waiting for Daisy "Well let's go get them popsicles......and check on Bo" Luke eyes snap open suddenly his heart beginning to race when it registers he'd fallen asleep and Bo was extremely still too still Luke thinks. Calms though as he realizes Bo is just resting and indeed still breathing it's just a more relaxed breathing like when he's sleeping and hardly noticible.
  9. Amos finishes his coffee,helping himself to another cup it was bound to be another long night at the Duke farm and he was going to need the coffee to stay alert. He sighs inwardly as he listens to Jesse knowing that if things kept going the way they were he was going to end up with 4 more patients besides Bo. Sitting his cup down doc steeples his fingers before propping his chin on them. "Luke's just overly worried and overly tired Jesse and scared despite his best efforts to hide it in there I saw unmistakable fear in the unkown of Bo's future health he's afraid he's going to lose Bo but I'm going to do my dangdest to see that doesn't happen! You and Daisy should take it easier especially if she's going to not take anytime off from the Boar's Nest...... *holds up a hand knowing Jesse will tell him Boss won't let her off*....now I know how J.D. Hogg is but if I have to I'll go see him myself and tell him he's got to ease up on that girl till Bo's better and she can rest properly...... *chuckles*....as for B.L. that girl has the boundless energy of a jackrabbit.......but she's going to have to slow it down too or it won't last for long. Try not to worry so much about the others Jesse just concentrate on Bo and keeping yourself well I'll resort to drastic measures with the girls like I did Luke if they refuse to rest."
  10. Glad ya like it Cooter lol it's a lot longer than I thought it would ever be but seems ta be that no matter how long it is it's being read and enjoyed so that's what counts! B.L.
  11. Two days till Dukefest, I am soooo excited this will be my first time too! B.L.
  12. Doc reguards Jesse for a few moments his old friend looks 10 years older than he did 2 weeks ago. He's afraid this is going to be too much strain on the entire family before it's over. "I know that Luke's emotionally drained and can't keep goin much longer before his body rebels against him and demands sleep whether he wants to sleep or not. Daisy's lookin' tired but she's a strong girl.....but how are you holdin' up Jesse?"
  13. B.L. steps behind the bar and begins to wipe down the bar and wipes a few glasses as they wait for the 10 minutes to be up. Smiling trying to relieve both their worries "There's probably nothing to report is why he hasn't called and we're just worryin' unneccesarily it's just hard not to do it though." Luke notices Bo close his own eyes as if he too were going to sleep but knew better. He hadn't had enough medication to make him sleepy so was probably just trying to lessen his (Luke's) worries in order to sleep. Stubbornly though Luke continues to scrub at his drooping eyelids,he couldn't seem to help it as they drooped further. It'd been a long day they'd been awake since about 3 he figured,loosing the battle Luke drifts into sleep. Following Jesse into the kitchen sitting at the table "Coffee sounds real good........*takes the coffee*.....thanks"
  14. Doc pats Jesse's shoulder reassuringly "I'm staying......didn't have any afternoon appointments so I closed the clinic early and left a sign that in an emergency this is where I'd be" Luke yawns,rubbing his eyes as he fights sleep the emotional strain of all this is just as tiring on him as the malaria is physically tiring to Bo. B.L. looks up at Daisy while picking up the tray of empty beer mugs and heading for the bar. "Yeah......hey how much longer till we get off? Uncle Jesse ain't called or nothin' and I was sure he'd call with an update on Bo by now.....been so busy I haven't been keeping track of the time."
  15. Amos gives Jesse time to take all he said in,knowing that it would be hard if something happened to Bo but it would most likely kill Luke as well. "I'm going to do all I can Jesse but that's all I can promise at this point. I just don't know how it's going to turn out just do alot of prayin',and supportin Bo'. If anything the love and support of his family is going to help him almost as much as the medicine will." B.L. having worked behind the bar for the first few hours eventually ventured out,taking orders and serving customers. Not having any trouble like what she'd had with the red haired guy. Things had been kind of slow and nothing more than a little flirting had gone on which she willingly flirted back with the men.
  16. Luke smooths Bo's hair back from his face tenderly as the doctor and Uncle Jesse leaves the room. Doc Appleby folds his arms across his chest his face turning up in a slight frown. "I really don't know for sure Jesse he's so weak already. Ordinarily I'd say he had a purty good chance being as he's normally a healthy vibrant young man. The best I can tell ya is the medicine he's on right now with the IV should at least destroy some of the malaria parasites,the thing is he can only be on this particular medication for a week but if all goes well I can then put him on an oral antimalarial medicine to finish clearing it up.....A good deal depends on Bo's attitude whether he has a positive one that he will get well or whether he just gives up if we can keep him positive and fighting we'll have a better chance of pulling him through."
  17. I just got my season 6 in the mail yeeehaaw!!!!!!!!!! Now if they'd just put out season 7 my collection will be complete except for the two reunion movies.
  18. Amos smiles reassuringly at Bo taking Bo's left hand swabbing it with an alcohol pad. "Your Uncle Jesse's right the muscle relaxer will be wearing off in another couple of hours at the longes it was just a small dose.....Left it is then" Luke nods holding Bo close with a gulp,closing his own eyes unable to watch as Doc inserts the needle into the back of Bo's hand before connecting it to the tubing that leads to the bag of medication hanging from the IV pole. Doc pats Bo's arm kindly before clearing away the items from the nightstand "All done now you should start to get better before long" Luke looks upto the bag hanging from the pole following the tubing down to Bo's hand before glancing over at the doctor asking. "What are you giving him?" "Quinidine gluconate, it will kill the parasites that caused the malaria within a week and it's one of the most effective antimalarial medications."
  19. Amos smiles at Jesse as they take the equipment into the boy's room and begin putting the pole together. Once that's done Doc positions the pole next to the bed as he gets the chair he'd used the night before placing it next to Luke's bed,laying the IV needle package on the nightstand. "Ok Bo I know your not real happy about being poked again and I'd rather not do it but that can't be helped.....so which hand do you want it in?.....That determines which side of the bed the pole gets placed on." Luke closes his eyes briefly he's dreading this almost as much as Bo. He doesn't want to hold Bo still anymore while he's being poked with a needle.
  20. Luke looked at Bo with a knowing smile of the gratitude in Bo's eyes. Winking at Bo he tells him "Just get well that's thanks enough for me." Amos claps a hand on Jesse's shoulder smiling at his old friend. Knowing just how much this all really meant to the family. "Seeing that boy of yours well and tearing around Hazzard again will be payment enough Jesse...... Although a bowl of your crawdad bisque would be a welcomed bonus."
  21. Luke looks down into Bo's eyes for a moment before looking back at Appleby nodding his own relief evident in his voice. "We'll do whatever it takes Doc.........Bo here will be the model patient." *giving Bo a look that says I'm sticking my neck out for you so your going to cooperate fully with the Doc* Amos nods he'd expected this response,when the thought had come to him back in town so had brought the IV pole and medication along with him. "I'll come out three times a day then and check the IV and change the bags as needed. Jesse if you'll help me I kind of suspected this was the way things would turn out so I brought the stuff along and it's in my car."
  22. Luke instinctively knew what sort of thoughts would be going through Bo's head it would be the thoughts of dying that he'd tried to dispell in his younger cousin just this morning. Looking down into Bo's eyes Luke smiles with a firm shake of his head,Bo wouldn't get better if he kept thinking thoughts of dying and Luke didn't think he could cope with that if it happened. Jesse lets all that the doctor has said sink in and having seen the desperate pleading looks from Luke just about broke his heart he didn't want Bo to have to go back to the hospital anymore than Luke did or anymore than he was sure Bo wanted to go back but he had to think of what was best for Bo's health instead of what they all wanted. Clearing his throat before asking. "Is there any other way Amos?" Doc takes a deep breath as he considers his answer. What comes to mind is done frequently in other places but Hazzard just doesn't have the resources to keep patients at home. Alot of times it was the family though who wanted the patient in the care of a hospital so they didn't have to worry with it but he already knew the Duke's would bend over backwards if it meant keeping Bo at home. "Well Jesse, there is a such a thing as keeping the patient at home if they aren't critically ill,it's alot of extra work on the family..... I believe though it might be best for Bo both physically keeping him away from other illnesses in his weakened state....... and emotionally I really believe he'd be better off here at home with all of you around him constantly..... He could also have freedom roam the house instead of being stuck in one room. I've got the IV pole at my office and can set it up here,then come by a few times a day to put up a new bag of medication.....: *looks seriously at Bo now* It would also mean staying in your own bed young man we can't have you getting tangled in the lines and pulling out the IV cause there's noone here to put it back until I come to check on you."
  23. Luke holds Bo tight as the sobs shake the now relaxed body. Jerking his head back up to look at Doc Appleby and Uncle Jesse,eyes desperately pleading for another way as he shakes his head no. They can't put Bo back in the hospital. Doc watches Bo nuzzle into the safety of Luke's chest and arms,he can see that putting Bo back in the hospital would almost certainly tear the young man apart but he didn't know of any other way at the moment.
  24. Luke holds Bo tight as the sobs shake the now relaxed body. Jerking his head back up to look at Doc Appleby and Uncle Jesse,eyes desperately pleading for another way as he shakes his head no. They can't put Bo back in the hospital. Doc watches Bo nuzzle into the safety of Luke's chest and arms,he can see that putting Bo back in the hospital would almost certainly tear the young man apart but he didn't know of any other way at the moment.
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