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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Thanks Brian I was in a hurry when I read it the first time I guess and didn't take it all in.
  2. Luke bites his bottom lip it tore his heart out everytime the real Bo came out in a few minutes of play only to be squashed by the dang tiredness. Wrapping one arm around Bo the other holds his hand gently. "Why don't you go back to sleep for a little while Bo." B.L. nods sadly,it might not be so bad if they knew what was wrong exactly at least they could fight it but nobody seemed to know and that frustrated her doctor's were supposed to know these things. Uncle Jesse smiles,giving Daisy's shoulders a slight squeeze before sitting down. "That's good they both could use a good laugh,it's been almost two weeks now that they've looked like they lost their best friend." B.L. thinks Luke almost did but she doesn't say it.
  3. Luke looks at the sunrise then picks up the clock from the nightstand. "Yeah....it's only 5 a.m." B.L. takes the bowl of Jell-O out of the freezer placing it on the table. "I just wish Luke could keep that laugh around we ain't heard it near enough lately." Uncle Jesse comes back inside,washing his hands at the kitchen sink before sitting down in his place. "The boys go back to sleep?"
  4. Luke curls his upper lip into a snarl,not expecting Bo to be fazed it's just nice to see him laughing and teasing being as sick as he is. "No but little Bo's crusin for a bruisin" B.L. looks toward the hall at the sounds of laughing as she sits the bacon on the table. "Those two must've hit their funny bones"
  5. Luke scowls at Bo as he removes the offending hand from his cheek nobody had done that to him since he was 17. It had been Aunt Shirley at his highschool graduation. He'd been more than just embarassed he'd been mortifed with all his friends watching. "Quit it Bo...."
  6. Luke laughs ruffling Bo's hair something he usually hates "It's about time....I learned that a long time ago when I found out after gettin back from the marines I still wasn't too old for a trip to the barn with Uncle Jesse..... *frowns* this mornin though I was mad enough about being drugged I coulda chewed nails but good sense prevailed, I didn't want to upset you by forcing Uncle Jesse's hand so shut my mouth."
  7. Luke is stunned into silence briefly,he never knew Bo'd gotten switched for yellin at Uncle Jesse cos he wouldn't come down to the jail and bail him out. It's always been humbling to know Bo felt that way about him and now that he knows that Bo not only risked getting in trouble that night but actually did it makes a lump come to his throat. Now that Bo's defiant urges seemed to be under control Luke jokes poking Bo in the ribs lightly. "You still ain't learned to not yell at Uncle Jesse"
  8. Laughing Luke nods "Yeah and he's had it in for me ever since worse than before,he kept tellin me if I didn't stop sassin' 'im he was gonna put me under tha jail. It was also the first time I spent the entire night in jail.....Uncle Jesse couldn't leave you and Daisy to come get me."
  9. Luke nods "Yeah you were all of 15 and scared to death.....whether it was more of being in jail alone or of Uncle Jesse killing you when he bailed you I wasn't sure. But you looked like a deer caught in headlights when I came down those stairs to see ya........do you remember the first time he loced me up?"
  10. Luke nudges a reflective Bo gently with his elbow as he gives Bo a quick glance to gauge how well he's holding up physically and not tiring himself out with the story telling. "Bo you still with me..........you recount something now."
  11. Luke smiles it's as if Bo still worships him like when he was a kid sometimes. Bo'd always thought he could do anything. "True you was still learnin'.........but you was a fast learner..... and even managed to teach me a few things..... along the way. I may have had a plan when we had the revenuers on our tails..... but you could make Black Tillie and then the General do anything you wanted 'em to ta get away."
  12. Luke is floored for a moment at Bo's sudden announcement,wondering how long Bo'd been blaming himself he squeezes Bo's hand that's still entwined with his as if they were about to arm wrestle at any minute "Weren't your fault......we was bound ta get caught sooner or later. They just got one step ahead of us that night would have been the same outcome if I'd been driving. We're both great driver's and it wouldn't have mattered one bit who was driving we still woulda got caught!"
  13. Luke grins back at Bo seeing a glimmer of the excitment they felt that night as Bo remembers "Yeah I don't think either one of us had ever run so fast in our lives till that night.......I just knew we was goin to the pokey........you's was breathin so hard when I found ya I thought sure as shootin they'd hear ya and find us anyway.... I got that same rush everytime we's on a run and got chased."
  14. Chuckling Luke looks at Bo raising one eyebrow as his lips quirk up into a lopsided grin, he wishes now he hadn't missed out on this one. "You two always were walking trouble.........hey you remember the first time we ever got caught runnin a load o' shine for Uncle Jesse?"
  15. B.L. washes up the forgotten hot chocolate mugs of the night before and then puts on the coffee. Luke's eyes open wide almost popping out of their sockets as Bo reveals the truth of that night. Shaking his head Luke closes his eyes a smirk playing on his lips he'd have to tease B.L. about this one later maybe use it next time he wants something. "Who's idea was THAT?" *emphasizing the last word softly*
  16. B.L. giggles commenting as she pours the Jell-O in a bowl placing it in the freezer to gel faster. "Those two would eat anything.......we should run to the store later though and get Bo some of those fruit flavored popsicles the cold will numb his throat some.....it'll get some liquids in him too." Luke looks at Bo from the corner of his eye as Bo falls silent wondering what is going through his cousin's head now. He decides to let Bo tell him in his own time if he wants to tell it all for now he'll just sit with Bo lending moral support. The look on Bo's face though makes him a little worried so he continues with the memory asking something most likely only Bo can answer since he and B.L. have always gotten into alot of mischief even though most times Daisy and Luke were right in the thick of things with them. "I know she swore she'd never get drunk again when the headache was gone and she stopped feeling queasy.......has she?"
  17. Has anyone that's ever been to Dukefest ever taken a model car to be autographed? I'm wanting to get the cast to sign my General Lee then buy a display case to keep it in that would be so awesome I think. I read on Cooter's that you could get two things signed for free and if I'm reading it correctly there's items to buy and get autographed at their tables but you don't have to purchase something but you can bring something to be signed? B.L.
  18. B.L. looks in the indicated cuboard pulling out a box of Jell-O before getting a pan of water and heating it on the stove to prepare the wiggly glob dessert. "Bingo.....maybe not the most appetizing thing but it beats nothing or trying to eat things that hurt his throat." Luke nods smiling at the memory,laughing "Yeah I sure do,Daisy screamed bloody murder when she saw all that blood on the towel we used to stop the bleeding she thought one of us had cut off an arm or finger......We've sure had some interesting adventures and misadventures cuz.....remember the first time B.L. got drunk? She was sure she was dying the next morning........"
  19. I've seen it on CMT but hadn't seen it since I was a kid. My dvd's should be in though in a few days and I can watch it uncut yeehaw!
  20. B.L. nods with a smile and a look of determination in her eyes and she immediately starts rummaging through the cabinets and the fridge looking for something that Bo could swallow easily. "I'll go to the store and buy somethin if they ain't nothin here.....eatin will get his strength back quicker and he's gonna need lots of fluids before he dehydrates and has ta go back to the hospital for IV fluids." Luke rubs his thumb in circles on the back of Bo's hand it'd been a long time since they spent a late morning in bed talking about old memories. Smiling as one particular memory comes to mind Luke begins to recount the adventure.
  21. B.L. crossed to the window putting an arm around Daisy's shoulders,sighing softly it had been a long night and it was going to be a long day. As she gently turns Daisy from the window. "C'mon Daisy we might as well start breakfast." Luke watched Bo as he sat there with his eyes closed the feeling of helplessness washing over him again. He was also feeling guilty about his actions the night before,having caused Uncle Jesse more worry all because he was being stubborn and not listening to reason,knowing he should be out helping Jesse with the chores Luke rubs his forehead tiredly he can't help with the chores and stay with Bo to keep him calm but finally he decides Jesse would rather he stay with Bo so he settles with an arm around Bo's waist. Jesse watches the doctor's car disappear around the bend before turning to the barn to get started on the chores. He was worried about both his nephews,afraid Luke was going to make himself ill taking care of Bo and that Bo really was giving up. Daisy was starting to look overly tired too what with working at the Boar's Nest and helping take care of Bo. He was thankful for B.L.'s help although she couldn't keep going at the pace she had been for over a week now either.
  22. Doc followed Jesse out bidding him goodbye and to call if he was needed to come before his clinic closed. Getting in his car he drove back to Hazzard. B.L. looked at Luke with a frown sitting the glass back on the nightstand, as Bo turned his head away after only two small sips,he was going to dehydrate if they didn't get more liquids in him. Luke shakes his head at her frown they can't force him to drink but they would have to figure out something to keep Bo from dehydrating.
  23. Doc Appleby smiles with a pointed look at Luke "Good maybe you'll listen to Bo.......If you don't need more for a little while I'm gonna head back to town get that blood under a microscope. I'll call Atlanta too and check on those test results and check back tonight." Doc gives Uncle Jesse and apologetic look I'm sorry Jesse I'd like to stay and keep an eye on Bo all day but I've got other patients to see to. Luke turns his eyes away from the doctor embarassed the doctor saw him act like a 5yr old it was one thing to throw a fit with just the family and B.L. there but totally something else with anyone else as witnesses. B.L. smiles as she picks up the water sitting on the edge of the bed helping Bo to sit up and while Luke holds him upright she raises the glass to Bo's lips saving him from having to say more she could read the embarassment there at needing so much help.
  24. Luke rolls his eyes when Bo speaks he might of known Bo would get in on the fight to get him to sleep more and he just couldn't fight Bo which to Luke's current way of thinking is an unfair weapon to get him to cooperate. The Doc comes back into the room to check on things and to get his bag so he can go run tests on the blood he'd drawn from Bo earlier. "Everything ok in here?........"
  25. Ditto I wish I could get something besides dialup it's not that I can't afford it just that the only company offering DSL is the phone company and I take my laptop when I go to my grandmother's to babysit and DSL won't travel. She doesn't own a cmputer so there's not poing in her getting internet services leaving me stuck with dialup B.L.
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