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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke sits on the edge of the bed pulling Bo into a hug his voice half amused rubbing Bo's back trying desperately to get his own heart rate to slow down he'd nearly jumped out of his skin when he'd heard Bo scream and knowing the reason why didn't make him feel any better. "Ya ain't goin' nowhere cuz ya'd fall over if ya even sat up" B.L. backs out of the room not able to watch this go on anymore,wanting to get away from it all but unable to make herself get too far from the room she slides down against the wall pulling her knees to her chest head resting atop them.
  2. Luke catches both Bo's arms in gentle but firm hands to keep him from hitting out at Doc ordering sharply before softening his tone but still not letting go of Bo's hands until he was sure he wouldn't strike out again "Bo stop it! It's ok Bo I'm here now shhh it's ok"
  3. Doc hurriedly went to Bo's side knowing that scream would most likely bring Luke "Bo just calm down we's got ta get yer weight back up and this is the only way son. I'm only puttin you to sleep while I do it for your own comfort." Gives up trying to reason with Bo seeing the terror in his eyes and the stubborn set to his jaw Luke's head jerks around to the house as does B.L.'s as Bo is heard yelling hysterically inside the house. Luke bolts for the door vowing not to leave Bo's side again "That's Bo somethin's wrong" B.L. is quick to be hot on his heels thinking here they went again,looks back at Cooter "Ya comin?" Luke bursts into the room going straight to Bo's side gripping his hand and smoothing the hair from his forehead. B.L. skids to a stop inside the door leaning against the wall shaking her head,Doc must have told him about the feeding tube. "Hey.....hey buddy what's all the ruckus in here?"
  4. Luke rubs his tired eyes "I'm fine Cooter just a little tired" B.L. snorts disbelieving she'd been there she knew Luke wasnt fine "Sure your fine Lucas and I'm Miss America..sit down before ya fall down" Luke obeys with Cooter's help not having the strength to argue with her nor inclined to do so Doc shakes his head "No Daisy you can stay. Bo I'm concerned about your drastic weight loss and not eating so I'm going to put in a feeding tube. It's a realively simple procedure I'll go in through your nasal passage to your stomach,I'm going to put you to sleep first though."
  5. B.L. again shrugged but this time it was a gesture of not knowing how else to distract Luke. "sounds good Cooter" Luke says in a tired emotionless tone of voice Doc follows Jesse from the room dreading what he was about to do, goes back to the boys room with a heavy heart and a sigh "Bo we need ta talk about somethin' and ya probably ain't gonna like what I got to say."
  6. B.L. shrugs knowing Cooter didn't believe her but they'd have to discuss it later. Luke nodded satisfied as Cooter finally got the adjustment done Doc gives Jesse a sympathetic look they were in for another battle no doubt when he pulled out yet another needle "I'm going to put him to sleep for the proceedure I think it would be easier on all concerned."
  7. B.L. saw the concern in Cooter's eyes for her own well being and mouths I'll be fine,just tired and worried about the Dukes. Luke continues to listen to the motor frowning at the amount of time it's taking Cooter to get it right when normally he'd have it finished by now. Doc sighs sinking into the chair in the room "Jesse if I had a pill that could fix that then I'd be the richest man in hazzard instead of J.D."
  8. B.L. hid a smile she knew exactly what Cooter was doing. Luke leaned his right hip against the General listening as Cooter made a tweak here and a tweak there thinking he must be losing his touch usually he was able to fix a problem after just one or two minor adjustments. Amos rolled his eyes heavenward this had to be the orneriest family in the county when it came to their health and how they really felt "I know a few more around here that could do with quite a bit of rest....Ya need anything?"
  9. Luke ducks under the hood listening intently to the motor,nodding "yup there's a distinct miss in there." Hands Cooter a screwdriver "Yer the expert" Doc satisfied that Bo was alright medically for the moment and that Daisy would take care of everything else quietly leaves the room going back to check on Jesse who hadn't looked so well himself before Daisy had called. "How ya holdin' up Jesse?"
  10. Luke nods climbing in the driver's side window,starting the car before climbing back out listening to the motor hum. "Well what do ya think Cooter"
  11. "Of course son" Doc sits on the edge of the bed gently rolling Bo onto his side and peeling back the bandage,the welt looked a little irritated but that was most likely from all the moving around. Getting some salve from his bag Doc reapplies it to the welt although he'd put some on before rebandaging it after Bo's bath. Reapplies the bandage rolling Bo once again. "There how's that feel?" B.L. smiles at Cooter greatfully "I agree with Cooter, so ya'll check the timin' then I'm gonna check both yer checkin"
  12. "D'ya need anything Bo?" Wanting to make sure Bo didn't need anything medically before leaving the cousins so Daisy could give Bo the comfort he needed most privately. Luke finished putting on a new fanbelt finally coming out of the trance with nothing else left to do. Bo being the first conscience thought that leapt into his mind. "I need ta go check on Bo." B.L. sighs silently relieved Bo couldn't be heard knowing that Luke would be there beside the blonde in a split second if he'd heard him before. "He's fine Luke" Shakes his head "I still don't wanna be gone too long" B.L. gives Cooter a look telling him they needed to distract Luke from worrying about Bo just a little longer for his own sanity.
  13. B.L. nodded this was the most focused Luke had been on anything other than Bo for a couple of weeks now. She was worried about how he seemed to be blocking everything out but not worried enough to break the trance by speaking at least not yet. Luke continued to work under the hood oblivious to the looks being passed between their two friends. Doc smiled at Daisy encouragingly as she looked his way she was doing just fine. When Bo did indeed open his eyes looking at her Doc moved a little closer to the bed seeing the tears in the boys eyes he knew there was only one way to completely dispell the nightmare as he himself glanced out the window seeing Luke and the two Davenports bent over the motor. "Daisy help me sit him up so he can see out the window." The two of them gently raise Bo to a sitting position "Look Bo,see there's Luke working on the General just like Daisy said he's safe B.L. and Cooter are with him they won't let anything happen to 'im ya just relax now." They gently ease Bo onto the pillows again.
  14. Doc watches as Bo continues to mumble and whimper "Daisy why doncha try ta wake him see if you can get through the nightmare without havin' ta get Luke in here." B.L. had heard Bo too she looked back at Cooter,deciding that letting Jesse,Daisy and the Doc take care of Bo would be the best not wanting to get Luke stirred up again afraid he'd refuse to leave the room again. Luke continued to tinker under the hood having blocked out everything around him completely focused on the motor it was a skill he'd learned in Vietnam that had proven valuable in avoiding a bullet that came whizzing his way.
  15. Doc nods "your probably right Daisy,I really don't want to have ta drag Luke back in here either the boy needs some time to himself ta sort things out in his own head and maybe take his mind at least partially off all that's goin on. If Bo's still askin' for him when he wakes up we got no choice but ta get Luke in here,that oldest cousin of yers can be as mean as a rattlesnake when he has a mind ta where you and Bo are concerned especially if ya need him and he don't get told."
  16. gives Cooter a mock scowl as he ruffles her hair causing it to fly out in all directions sometimes he still treated her like a kid but this was one time she didn't really mind. As the two men bent over the engine tinkering with various parts she stood to the side handing them whatever tools they requested. Luke holds out his hand without looking up "Hey B.L. hand me that 7/8th's socket wrench will ya?" requested tool in hand he starts to tighten a bolt that had worked itself loose. Doc follows Daisy into the boys room leaning against the wall for a few moments as he listened to Bo's murmurings to what he thought was the deceased Luke. Shaking his head sadly he turned worried eyes on Daisy "We might oughta get Luke back in here even though it was Bo himself that told Luke to take a break. I don't want Bo gettin' overly upset."
  17. "there in the barn Cooter" looks up at B.L. "ya mind gettin' em sweetheart *gives a ghost of his usual smile* if ya gonna hang around might as well make yaself useful" B.L. grins saluting Luke her usual sass not in the gesture as she bounds off to the barn "sure thing Luke" rummaging around in the mess the oldest Duke cousin had made until she comes up with the parts amazingly still in tact. "here ya go"
  18. Luke grabbed the toolbox making his way over to the General Lee popping the hood open. Leaning over inside to examine what might need replacing or tightening. B.L. leaned on the opposite side of the car from Cooter "you fellas mind if I hang out here a while?.....I need a break from the sickhouse myself."
  19. "Thanks Coot.......I'd appreciate it. I need ta get my mind on somethin' else for a while anyway." B.L. reaches up running her slender fingers down Luke's pale cheek tenderly wiping away the last of his drying tears. "It'll be ok Luke some how some way it'll all be ok" Luke hugs her round the waist before nodding dejectedly "I know it's just somethin' I'll have to get used to we all will"
  20. "I don't wanna but Bo made me promise I'd race.....I really don't wanna leave Bo that long but I made a promise 'n I ain't ever broke one before 'n I ain't 'bout to start now." there's not even a hint of the usual excitement the boys have before a race in his voice.
  21. Jokes half heartedly "it's a full time job keepin' Luke here straight" Luke tries to smile at the jibe but fails it being more of a grimace puts her arm around Luke's waist as he sits down numbly beside her on the haybale "Ya gonna be alright darlin " Luke shrugs his shoulders "What choice do I have but ta be ok.....*sniffs* we're gonna lose him B.L." squeezes Luke's waist kissing his cheek "maybe not darlin' Doc is hopin' the feedin tube gettin' nourishment in Bo will give him tha strength he needs ta fight."
  22. Doc stands patting B.L. on the shoulder "How about goin' ta check on Luke for me it'll do ya good to get outside fer a bit ya either been here or workin' and ya need to see Cooter ." B.L. nods going to the back door "Sure Doc" Goes outside to the barn sitting down on a haybale "Hey fellas" "Hey B.L." Luke sighs sadly
  23. Doc nods he'd been thinking the same thing. "I think the best route for now until we build up his strength at least is to insert one in his nose." Luke shakes his head sighing deeply who was he kidding he was a wreck now and it was only going to be worse if Bo died
  24. "I'd like to get it done today as soon as he wakes up, I'll explain things to him......the sooner it's done the better,it's just the sooner we'll be able to get nourishment in him...There's two ways I can do it one is to put the tube in his nose running it down to his stomach and I'm pretty sure he's not going to like the idea of something in his nose. The second is minor surgery to insert it directly into his stomach,it won't even be noticible through is clothes it's upto you which way we go because I don't think Bo is thinking rationally enough to make that decision on his own right now he's given up hope and that's not good." B.L. tries to hide a sniff as the Doc describes the procedures then preceeds to tell them Bo isn't thinking rationally enough to make his own medical decisions because he'd given up all hope of living. Luke looks up slightly caught off guard tries to cover it with confusion. "Why would they be more concerned 'bout me than Daisy....she's only slightly better than Bo at acceptin' these kinda things and not goin' ta pieces over them. I'll be alright." Luke mentally laughed at his own last statement sure he'd be alright that was a laugh he'd just almost singly handedly destroyed the interior of the barn.
  25. B.L. just tightens her arms around Jesse's shoulders hoping Cooter could do some good cos Luke sure hadn't been listening to anybody else. "I wish I knew Cooter......Lord how I wished I knew what was goin on,it's strange one minute Bo's jokin' and playin' the next he's to weak ta even twitch a finger it seems. I jis' don't understand it! He'd given up hope of even gettin' better jus' so tired of bein' sick then he seemed ta get his spirit renewed and was fightin' again now he's right back ta thinkin' he's morbid thoughts an' I ain't ashamed ta admit it scares the hell outta me to see him like this. He's not eatin much in I can't remember when and ya can literally count his ribs Cooter,his skin's kinda yella but Doc says that's nothin' ta worry about. Not sure if ya heard but he's got malaria and the Doc's got him on an IV for it but it don't seem ta be helpin'." Looks over to Cooter with haunted eyes "what happens ta the rest of us if Bo dies?.....Uncle Jesse'll keep on keepin on like he always has but I ain't so sure Daisy'll fare as well." Doesn't say it but he's unsure of how he himself will survive without Bo.
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