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B.L. Davenport

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Everything posted by B.L. Davenport

  1. Luke bites back a retort about takin' it out knowing Bo was only joking. Nods as he calls "Doc could ya come in here a minute." Doc gets up going back to the boys room with a curious look at Jesse Luke sounded excited about something. "What is it Luke" Luke gives Doc a hopeful look. "Can Bo have a bath with that thing in 'im" Doc smiles "Well I don't see why not the pole has wheels so he isn't confined to bed he can be in any room in the house as long as he feels like being up and around." Luke raises questioning eyebrows as he asks "Well how do we get it through the sleeve?" Again Doc smiles then frowns looking at Bo and Luke "Well it's simple the bag itself will go through a t-shirt sleeve but I'm afraid we're going to have to cut the sleeve of the one you've got on now Bo.....but then you can wear a t-shirt and it can be changed easily enough." Luke smiles his eyes dancing happily like it was him instead of Bo that was being allowed to do something other than lie in the bed.
  2. sits on the other bed with a flop studying Bo and racking his brain for ideas he'd been so eager he hadn't thought of those things. Slowly a smile comes to his lips before Luke snaps his fingers. "Simple I fill the tub and ya can hand yer hand outside that way it don't get wet. As for the clothes well I can cut 'em off with the scissors. But that still leaves the problem of gettin' more on ya and I don't think Daisy's gonna be happy if I go around cuttin all yer clothes." Not wanting to embarass Bo by asking the Doc just how they could pull this off Luke sits on the bed still contemplating a solution as his eyes trace the IV line from Bo's hand to the medicine bag on the pole.
  3. "That can be arranged.......if ya don't think ya can stand that long I'll go fill the tub and help ya. Gettin' cleaned up should make ya feel some better." Pushes himself to his feet ready to carry out Bo's requests
  4. "It's ok Bo ya gotta right ta snap......heck if it was me I'd probly be throwin a temper tantrum from just the frustration of bein' in bed and despite all the medicine not feelin' no better." chuckles "patience isn't exactly a strong point with us Dukes"
  5. Luke sighs he didn't mean ta set Bo off.........sitting on the edge of the bed as Doc leaves the room he again pushes the hair that was sticking to Bo's sweaty forehead off placing a cool cloth there. "I'm sorry Bo I didn't mean ta upset ya......I know how afraid ya are of needles they ain't my most favorite thing ta see either. But ya can't snap it Doc fer doin' his job ok if ya gonna snap at somebody snap at me not Uncle Jesse the girls or Doc."
  6. Doc chuckles not the least bit worried by the threat holding his hands up defensively. "I promise Bo nomore needles and nomore drugs except what's coming through your IV." Luke however doesn't like Bo's tone the doc is only trying to help him scolds gently. "You'll do no such thing.......ya'll take whatever Doc thinks ya need and like it got that."
  7. Smiles tenderly brushing the hair away that was sticking to Bo's forehead. "I know ya can't be gettin' in the engine but ya can be my extry set of ears to check the timin' and such. It may not be the same but it'll hafta do till ya well. I can put a few of the tools on the window sill and ya can hand those to me with yer other hand since it'll be closer ta the window anyway,still keep ya IV in place and clean." nods with half grin "Don't I know only too well how he can order me around." Doc goes back to the boys room raising an eyebrow towards Luke at the rearrangement of the furniture getting a sheepish shrug and grin. Smiling back Doc checks Bo's vital signs thinking the fresh air will do Bo good,he'd always been figity when kept inside for any length of time.
  8. After moving most of the other furniture around, Luke gently helps Bo to his own bed so he can move his own so that it's right in front of the window. Raising the window he helps Bo back to his bed with a mock scowl playfully swatting Bo upside the head "I'll make ya think old has been........" "There now ya can get fresh air it ain't the weather makin' ya sick noway and I's can pull the General over here ta work and ya can still be my right hand man." grins wondering why he hadn't thought of this before. "I ain't promisin' I'll leave the farm fer those two hours but I'll help Uncle Jesse wherever he needs me. I'll take the girls ta work but I ain't stayin' if yer awake. If yer gonna sleep alot more then I wanna be here when you are awake and spend time with ya." Jaw set stubbornly giving Bo a look that clearly said how dare Bo order him, he was the oldest he gave the orders not Bo.
  9. Frowns that Bo read his mind he'd have to be careful not to let so much show in his facial expressions......sighing as Bo insists he do all the things that would ordinarily be activities taken for granted,not knowing how he could even think of doing anything that would be normal routine with Bo so sick. "Bo....I can't just leave ya here with nothin' ta do but lie here in bed while I'm out doin' the things you love to do. Tell ya what let's compromise. I'll take the girls ta work a day or two a week till ya get better.......as fer datin ya best get well fast or I'll take Mindy-Ann out jukin' she prolly perfers dark haired men to blonde little boys anyway. *grins teasingly although he'd never steal Bo's girl while he was so sick or not sick for that matter*." *snaps his fingers* "I got an idea how ya can be a part of me tunin' the General,while still restin' and gettin' better." *starts to move the furniture without another word*
  10. LOL guess I'm a redneck cos I can certainly name the cast but no idea who my congressman is...oh well I think if it was the other way around it would be much sadder
  11. Luke nods silently the only thing that could truly make him happy was for Bo to be well and return to his side in everything he did. "But Bo you's can't see me cross that finish line if ya here ill in bed......I don't want to win just ta have it hit me ya wasn't there to see but stuck here......" squeezes Bo's hand slightly shaking his head biting back tears "No that's fer sure.......Bo tha world ain't stoppin just cos yer ill, Jesse's doin what needs doin the most and the girls is goin ta work at the boars nest like normal........*smiles half heartedly*......speakin' of the girls workin we's still gotta go down there and build up B.L.'s confidence, Daisy says she's doin' ok but could use the same boost we gave her. Ok I'll start helpin out around here but I'm still gonna keep a close eye on you." thinking just how he'd help was to do the housework it wouldn't be the first time and the girls had been helping with the chores anyway so he'd take that much off them and could still stay close to Bo.
  12. Doc nods inwardly cursing his inability to total fix things. "I know Jesse........I just wish there was somethin' more I could do." Luke shakes his head...jaw setting stubbornly "I do care Bo more'n anybody could think possible that's why I've been in this room with ya the whole time. I can't make myself leave if I did and you needed me I'd never forgive myself....so...I ain't racin' without ya Bo no way no how 'n nothin' you say is gonna make me change mah mind. I ain't leavin' ya by yerself to cope with this neither it's fer me as much as you Bo I just can't make myself do it I can't don't ask me ta leave ya." *as Luke talked his own fear started to creep into his voice he was so scared that if he slept for very long or left the room even for a second the next time he was awake or came back Bo'd be gone and that thought scared him witless.*
  13. Luke looks back at Bo shocked as Bo pushes him away, Bo'd never done that before. Shaking his head as a couple of silent tears slip down his face only to be wiped away angrily Bo was truly giving up. "I ain't racin'.....I can't.....now without you there Bo it just ain't right. We're a team me 'n you and we'll be a team again jist as soon as you lick this thing but until then I ain't gonna leave ya *places a hand on Bo's mouth to stop the protest bubbling up* nothin' ya can say is gonna change my mind neither so don't even try cousin.......Nothin' is fun without ya there with me so why should I even bother ta try." Doc sighs "I'm sorry Jesse I wish there was a pill or somethin' that'd boost his attitude."
  14. Luke sighed as he wrapped protective arms tightly around Bo once more it was the only real thing he could do was hold on tight and ride out the storm giving Bo what support he could. Blinking rapidly in frustration as his own vision clouded with tears that he refused to let fall it wasn't going to do Bo any good to see him cry it'd only serve to make Bo feel worse he knew. Doc quietly left the room with a heavy heart there was nothing medical he could do to change Bo's despondency and it cut through his heart to see a young man usually so vibrant suddenly so hopeless. Entering the livingroom Amos tried to give Jesse a weak reassuring smile but fails miserably.....wishing there was more he could do to ease the burden of his long time friend.
  15. Luke pales at Bo's question,looking almost as sick as Bo.......taking a deep breath he shifts so that he's looking into Bo's eyes with a fierce determination in his eyes and ringing loud and clear in his voice. "Bo ya ain't gonna die ya hear me ya ain't so stop it........just stop it. Ya gonna get well the doc's gonna see to that ain't that right doc *pleading with the good doctor*.....Ya gonna get well Bo just give the medicine time ta work ya only been gettin' it a few hours." Doc pats Bo's hand and squeezes Luke's shoulder reassuringly not wanting to give either false hope but knowing Bo needed a positive outlook to have a greater chance of surviving. "Yer not going to die Bo.....I know ya don't believe it with the way your feelin' but Luke's right ya just got to give the medicine time ta work."
  16. Luke pales at Bo's question,looking almost as sick as Bo.......taking a deep breath he shifts so that he's looking into Bo's eyes with a fierce determination in his eyes and ringing loud and clear in his voice. "Bo ya ain't gonna die ya hear me ya ain't so stop it........just stop it. Ya gonna get well the doc's gonna see to that ain't that right doc *pleading with the good doctor*.....Ya gonna get well Bo just give the medicine time ta work ya only been gettin' it a few hours." Doc pats Bo's hand and squeezes Luke's shoulder reassuringly not wanting to give either false hope but knowing Bo needed a positive outlook to have a greater chance of surviving. "Yer not going to die Bo.....I know ya don't believe it with the way your feelin' but Luke's right ya just got to give the medicine time ta work."
  17. Luke tenderly smooths the hair from Bo's forehead. "Poor kid...."
  18. Luke looks into Bo's face seeing him grimace and turning a shade of green on top of the yellow from the jaundice. "Just stay still Bo" Doc places a hand on Bo's forehead not surprised to find him feverish again. Getting up from the chair going to the bathroom to wet a cloth with cool water returning to Bo's side and placing it on his forehead. "There that should help with the headache and the fever......just do as Luke said and stay still the dizziness should pass."
  19. "Easy there Bo......can ya tell me what's wrong?" Doc frowns in concern it's obvious Bo is in pain and it's apparently a bad headache but he isn't sure if Bo is experiencing any other ailments along with the pain. Luke snaps awake instantly as the Doc speaks to Bo. "Bo you alright?" *asks worriedly* B.L. dozes off resting peacefully for the first time although it's not the rest it should but out of exhaustion instead of relief and worry free.
  20. Yes I read the update just a little while ago and still loving it keep up the good work! B.L.
  21. Doc quietly slips from the kitchen going to check on his patient. Not hearing any sounds coming from within the room he opens the door quietly jarring Luke awake who only opens his eyes briefly to see who was coming into the room before closing them and dozing off again. Checking Bo's vital signs and listening to his breathing Amos smiles thinking that what Jesse had told Daisy about with their prayers and Bo's spirit as well as his medical help Bo just might come out on top of this thing but it was still much to early to tell. B.L. not wanting to intrude on Jesse and Daisy quietly makes her way down the hall peeking in at Doc as he cares for the sleeping patient,before going into Daisy's room and laying down on the bed to rest the long nights and long hard working days were starting to catch up with her.
  22. B.L. moves away now knowing Daisy is in good hands....starts to put away the groceries before th freezer items can melt. Finishing that she takes across the table from Doc Appleby who puts a comforting hand atop hers as they both watch uncle and neice. Luke has slowly drifted back to a light sleep listening to Bo's slow even breathing as he slept.
  23. "He had a bit of a spell is all and yer Uncle Jesse called me out here to check things out. I didn't have any afternoon appointments so decided to stay that's all
  24. B.L. sits her bag of groceries on the counter quickly before wrapping a supporting arm around Daisy's waist. Closes her eyes briefly to stay her own desire to panick at this point. Doc comes over laying a hand on each of the girl's shoulders "Now just calm down Daisy Bo's ok..........he's sleeping right now"
  25. Luke grinned as he caught some of what Bo said about doing what he was told. If either one of them could do that it would be a miracle in itself. Folding his hands atop the table Doc shakes his head no "No Jesse it's two different kinds of jaundice that occurs in a baby and an adult. In an adult it's usually caused by medication or a disease even liver failure.....*seeing the stricken look on Jesse's face at the mention of liver failure Doc reassures* Bo isn't suffering liver failure this is from the malaria itself most likely." B.L. nods climbing from the jeep almost before she'd turned the engine off grabbing one of the bags from the store,quickly walking to the back door. "That's what I thought.....c'mon"
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