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  1. Was looking around and came across this 3D Printing company called ShapeWays. And seen they have parts for the Georgia Era General Lee for Revell's 1968-70 Dodge Chargers
    1 point
  2. Any Dukes fans besides me wish there was a Coy and Vance video game?
    1 point
  3. This was on my front page on my computer! I wonder if it was Luke, Bo....( Uncle Jessie???) .....maybe Jeb Stuart Duke !! It doesn't say which Duke she's waiting for! ( Hey, I couldn't help but think...you know with the word Duke....besides, there's no nudity and no bad words, so....:)
    1 point
  4. RogerDuke

    A-Z Game

    FLAPJACKS on a FERRIS wheel
    1 point
  5. RogerDuke

    Word Association

    If I could inject myself in just one scene it would be that one. Back to the subject. The next word is: singing
    1 point
  6. That makes two of us. I continued looking at the parts they carried, and they have some parts for the MPC Dodge Chargers. Aswell as a 1/25 Dixie Horns and Compressor
    1 point
  7. A few years back, Google was insisting sites move over from http to https. I updated everything, or so I thought. I had forgotten to update the configuration file for the forums. It seemed to work for a while and then suddenly stopped working sometime last year after one of the software updates. Glad I finally figured it out though.
    1 point
  8. This is cool! I really need to get into the 3D printing thing. I think I'd have fun with it.
    1 point
  9. (Season 2 Gold Fever) Rosco shows up at the Duke Farm on Boss Hogg's orders to arrest Bo & Luke Duke. He is outside on his bullhorn screaming about knowing about them gonna do a heist and for them to come out so he can arrest them.Uncle Jesse Duke:"I'll betcha potatoes to turnips that J. D. Hogg put 'im up to this, an' they're settin' you fellas up fer somethin' bad."
    1 point
  10. BL groggily opened her eyes, looking at the clock she’d overslept. She and Dixie were up til after 2 talking. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a sleeveless top she went to the bathroom, taking a 5 minute shower. She went back to her room giving herself a couple squirts of body spray, getting socks, sneakers, and her travel size makeup bag BL headed downstairs quietly, trying not to wake Dixie “Sadie come”, BL called standing up from the front porch step, once she’d put her socks and shoes on. She saw the mail truck coming as she pulled up to the stop sign in town. Crossing the road, driving by the church and down the alley by the hardware store, BL parked in back of the post office, hurrying in the back, she made it out front just in time. —---------------------------- After getting out of the tub in the wee hours of the morning, Dixie couldn't help herself. She studied her body in the full length mirror. She had never considered herself small but she wasn't fat. Her mother had tried telling her she was 'big boned' whatever that meant. Her stomach was pretty flat and her hips and boobs made her shapely. Finally, she had gone to bed. Her mind was still going several miles a minute. She kept hearing BL's comments about Luke doing the 'right thing and doing right by her'. Those ideas lead to her briefly considering grabbing her stuff and fleeing Hazzard again. But, where would she go? Home to Mom? No. Call her former roommate and tell her to move over? That would work exactly until her next shift when Luke would be outside Tri-Counties jail waiting for her to arrive. No, those were bad ideas. Dixie set her alarm clock just in case before finally managing to fall asleep. —-------------------------------- Luke had thought over his and Jesse's conversation, then the fact in his mind that he had systematically asked half of Hazzard to watch the jumps today. He rolled over for what felt like the hundredth time and saw dawn breaking. He knew if he went to sleep now, he'd not want to get up. He sat up, killed his alarm, and stepped into his jeans that he'd laid out. He grabbed his boots with his wallet and keys inside and his shirt. In the kitchen, Luke sat his boots down, hung his shirt over his chair and set about making coffee. He was standing on the porch in only his jeans, sipping on coffee when Jesse joined him. “I knew you’d be up early but not this early, something wrong?” Jesse said. Luke took a drink of his coffee shaking his head ‘no’ “no, nothing wrong,just got alot on my mind,” Luke replied. Jesse sipped his coffee, "I'll listen if there's something you want to talk about." Luke chose the easy topic, " I have to keep my mind focused today. I asked Dixie, Bo and you to come watch. I know by default I'll also get Cooter and BL." Luke held up his hand, "That's fine. My concern is I have rookies I'm responsible for. All should be ok, but especially if something goes wrong, I need you to deal with them. I can't. I have to take care of the crew. This is why I never wanted y'all there before Luke sighed, "Dixie has to know what I do. Fire season starts soon. I've seen a lot of divorces and break ups because of this job.” Jesse took another sip of coffee “Don’t worry, Cooter and BL will take care of Dixie and I’ll be there for Bo if something happens. Heaven forbid. You just concentrate on them rookies having a successful first jump. Likely they’ll have family and friends watching too, that is, if they're allowed and it's not just a privilege only for senior jumpers,” Jesse said, raising a questioning eyebrow. Luke gave Jesse a look, "Sometimes we have family show up there to watch. It's hard to tell how many watch from other areas. I'll let the girls at the front desk know to expect ya'll." “Alright.What time should we be there?” Jesse asked. Luke replied, "About noon if you want to see the prep stuff. The plane is scheduled to take off for the first jumps at one." Jesse nodded and asked one more question, "I've never watched any jumps, how will I know if something goes wrong?" Luke dryly assured, "Ya'll will know. Trust me on that. —-------------------------- When Dixie's alarm clock went off she heard it, sort of, it was this far away noise that wouldn't stop. Finally she realized it was her clock going off, she barely got her eyes open and tried to figure out where she was and where her clock was. With the new black out curtains in the room and the fact she had little sleep but a really heavy sleep, Dixie was totally disoriented for a couple minutes. Then she realized where she was, why she felt like she was on a bad hangover and why the clock was set. Once she stood up to cut off the clock, she had to pee, now. It wasn't I need to go to the bathroom in a minute or three, but if you don't go to the bathroom now, you will have wet feet sort of need. Dixie started to the bathroom and saw where she had left the other pregnancy test she had bought. She grabbed it and went to the bathroom. "OK, she said to herself out loud, one more time, just to make sure before I have to open a huge can of worms." A couple minutes later, she found herself staring at the third ‘+’. "Dammit." She jumped in the shower hoping to get rid of her puffy eyes from crying and lack of sleep. She wanted to make a good impression on Luke's co-workers. —-------------------------- Bo came into the post office before BL had even got the mail sorted, she had just finished putting on her makeup and pulling her hair into a ponytail because she didn’t have time to fix it at home. “I don’t have the mail sorted yet, I’m running behind a little. I overslept so had to bring my makeup and fix my hair here,” BL explained, while hunting the Duke's mail. “It's ok, darlin’, I’m not here for the mail, I’m here to ask a question. Luke invited me to base camp to watch him jump, wanna go?” Bo asked. “What time? I’d like to but I can’t just close early, everytime I want to do something,” BL explained but obviously not happy about it. “Luke said the prep stuff starts about noon but the plane is scheduled to take off for the first jumps at 1,” Bo replied. “Great, I can do that,” BL said. “See you at noon,” Bo said, taking the mail, BL had gathered and left. The morning was busier than most days because it was Saturday and most people who worked through the week, was off. BL put a sign in the window about closing at noon. This was a change in business hours, she was considering making regular. Bo was waiting for her when she returned from Central City “ready?” Bo asked. “I got to take Sadie home, follow me over,” BL said. “Why don’t you just bring her?” Bo suggested. BL thought why not, "Alright, but swing by the house. If Dixie hasn't left, she can ride with us. She may want to ride back with Luke." —--------------------------- Bo followed BL across town, home with Sadie. “Hey Dixie, you want to ride with me and Bo, to watch Luke jump?” BL asked. Dixe was still in a state over all 3 pregnancy tests being ‘+’ and wasn’t sure driving to base camp so far away was a good idea. “Yeah sure, that’d be great,” Dixie said. Mrs. Cravitz had heard General Lee and was watching from her porch where she was watering her potted plants. BL and Dixie both getting in General Lee with Bo, had captured her attention so fully, she was drowning her poor plants “hussies”, she said to the plants as Bo drove off. Dixie said from the back seat of General Lee, "If she keeps watering her plants like that she's gonna have to plant pond lilies." BL agreed as Bo circled town square instead of taking the right out of town. BL asked, "Bo where are you going?" Before Bo had time to reply he had swung into the garage parking lot nearly entering the empty bay, "Figured Cooter may want to go." Dixie said a silent prayer that the garage was busy today and that he'd not be able to go. —----------------------------- When Bo stopped, Dixie almost swore, not only was Cooter there not looking real busy but both Luther and Clyde were there too. “Hey ya’ll. Cooter, are you busy,” Bo said. “Nope, as you see ain’t nobody here, why?” Cooter replied. “Luke invited us,” Bo thumbed at the General Lee, where Dixie and BL waited for him, “to come watch him jump, thought you might want to come too,” Bo said. “Sounds fun, I’m in,” Cooter replied. Bo thought a minute then said to the older Davenports,“ya’ll can come too.” This time Dixie did swear. Thankfully Bo had gotten out of the General before he began talking or Dixie might have strung him up from the garage rafter so no one but BL heard her swear. Luther looked over at his missing daughter, ""Well, it would be a chance to get to see my missing daughter, but someone has to run the wrecker and keep an eye on the pumps." Cooter had washed his face, hands and put on a clean work shirt, "I'll take the wrecker as soon as we get back." Luther threw his hands up in defeat. Bo said, "Come on, you can ride with us." Cooter jumped in the back seat with Dixie, Bo up front and they were off heading toward the County line. —----------------------------------- Just a couple miles and they’d be at the county line, with no sign of Rosco, BL was thinking only to have sirens to break into her thoughts “I knew this was going to smooth, we’ll be late if Rosco catches us Bo,” BL said. “He ain’t going to catch us; bye, bye Rosco,” Bo said, speeding up. “Bo he’s going to catch us,” Cooter said, when he saw a road construction sign. “Hang on,” Bo said, giving the General more gas, the road had been cut in half, hitting a pile of dirt, the General soared over the workers and equipment, notes of ‘dixie’ sounding along with Bo’s trademark “YEEHAW”. Landing with a bone jarring ‘thud’ across the county line, Dixie had pulled Sadie into her lap, holding onto the dog securely. Bo had stopped to watch Rosco attempt the jump, only to nose dive the patrol car into the gully. “He’s ok,” Cooter said, looking over his shoulder. Dixie said just a might too sharp,"Bo, have you lost your mind?" She heard herself and knew everyone but BL would be wondering where that came from. She had made bigger jumps with both Bo and Luke since she was fifteen and normally loved it. She hugged Sadie to her and began petting and making over the pup, "You scared poor Sadie to death! It's OK Girl." She hoped she smoothed that over as she nuzzled the pup. Bo looked over at BL, he knew Dixie loved it when he or Luke made a jump but BL wasn’t looking at him so he couldn’t gauge whether or not she knew something. —-------------------- On a break, Luke went to the front office where the human resources department was, that consisted of two girls. They were known as Missy and Becky. Luke had worked with employees a lot of years but was put on the spot, if he ever saw one without the other he might mix up their names. Where you saw one the other was there too, at work or not. "Hey, Ladies, ..." He sighed, "I did something last night that sort of snowballed on me." Working with all these guys so long, and this coming from Duke, they were a bit hesitant to jump into his conversation. One of them asked, "Do we want to ask?" "Probably not, but you likely need to be prepared." Luke rubbed the tension in the back of his neck as he began, "I asked my girlfriend Dixie to come watch the jumps today. That turned into asking my cousin, then my uncle,...." The little blonde said, "Awe, that was nice of you. I don't think we've gotten to meet any of your family." Luke finished, "Well, I know my cousin Daisy is going to insist on equal rights, then Bo is bound to bring a friend and that means someone has told my buddy." Balladeer: "Too bad Luke doesn't know that Sadie too was invited." —------------------------------- At 12:45 General Lee parked out in front of the base camp’s main building, BL got out and took Sadie from Dixie, so she could slide out the window “ya’ll go let someone know we’re here, me and Sadie will wait outside,” BL said. So Dixie, Bo and Cooter went inside. Becky saw them come in, just as she came out of the front office “can I help you?,” she asked. “We’re Luke Duke’s guest, he told us to come here and someone would take us to a place where we could watch the jumps,” Dixie said. “Oh you must be Luke’s girlfriend. I’m Becky, come with me,” Becky said. “My girlfriend is with us and she has her dog, they are waiting outside,” Bo said. Becky smiled, saying cheerfully, “no problem”. Becky led the group back out the front door and around the building to a small area with picnic tables under a shaded pavilion. “Thanks Becky,” Dixie said. Jesse and Daisy were just about to go inside, when Becky saw them asking if she could help. Telling them where the others were, when Jesse said they were there to watch Luke. The airplane hanger that housed the plane as well as the Smokejumpers gear was a good distance away from the classrooms, offices and HR department, but Luke couldn't help hear the General's arrival. One of the rookies spoke up, "Wow, something has a motor in it." Luke shot him a look, "So does that plane you plan to jump out of. OK everyone last check, check yourself then check your buddy." Luke took the time to do just that himself before he and the other experienced jumpers gave each of the rookies one last look before they boarded. The pilot had given the plane its final check, fired it up and was talking to the control tower. Luke looked at the wind socks around the field. A slight breeze. He was good with that. Everything was a go, everyone boarded the plane. —----------------------- “Hey Bo, can you help me later? I bought a bedroom suit for my third bedroom and it’s being delivered today. Daddy is going to be at the house when it’s delivered but the bed will need to be put together,” BL said. "Sure. It shouldn't be a big deal." Bo said. Dixie said, "That must be the plane." Jesse checked his pocket watch, "Right on time.” “Thanks,” BL said, everyone turned their attention to the sky. —----------------------------------- The plane took off, climbed to the desired height and radioed the man in back at the door. Due to the engines being so loud he gave Luke a hand signal, then opened the door. Each rookie was paired off with an experienced jumper and would jump just behind the experienced jumper. Luke and his rookie would be last. As the first two jumpers came out of the plane, all eyes were in the sky. Missy and Becky also came out to watch. Bo said what everyone was thinking, "I wonder which one is Luke." Missy explained, "They are jumping in pairs. The experienced jumper will go first, controlling their speed to be able to come down with the rookie. Luke will be in the sixth pair. “I still don’t get why anybody would want to jump out of a perfectly good airy plane,” Jesse said. “Looks like fun to me,” Daisy said. Dixie replied, "I think so too, Daisy. Well out here like this, not jumping into a forest fire." Cooter said, nodding his head, "Yeah, yeah, ... I could do that." “It’s pretty, those white parachutes kind of look like clouds from this far away,” BL said. Jesse said, "Look, there's the second pair." Sadie had laid down on the cool concrete floor of the pavilion, enjoying a nap while the group all watched the jumps, waiting for Luke’s turn. —------------------------- Everyone had seen the first of the jumpers land and clear the landing area. The fifth pair had cleared the plane, when Missy said, "The next one out should be Duke." Luke cleared the plane door, then began to control the free fall turning to see his rookie and positioning himself to slow his descent. The rookie cleared the plane and pulled his chute as trained. Luke now too pulled his chute as the rookie caught up to him. Luke watched him go down and landed away from the rookie so their chutes wouldn't get tangled. Once on the ground there was the matter of gathering the chute to be repacked. At the Pavillion, Dixie couldn't help but to let out the breath she hadn't realized she was holding since she had heard the plane start up. The rest of the jumps went as planned without incident. Balladeer: Once everyone was on the ground, they were picked up by a pickup truck and taken back to get another chute to jump again. By four o'clock the rookies had six jumps under their belts. Now it was time to put their gear away so the chutes could all be repacked on Monday. —---------------------------- Luke was never one to let on that he wasn't getting any younger, but it was days like this that he sure felt it. He was learning that usually two jumps and he was fine, but three or more and he felt it. After six, he wanted a real long hot shower. After getting all his own gear squared away, then he had to check behind his crew and the rookies. Only after everything was checked did Luke get his quick hot shower. He knew the others were waiting on him, so he'd wait until he got home for a longer shower. So freshly showered, shaved and smelling wonderful, Luke finally headed to the pavilion where the others were. Bo was first to see Luke headed their way, “here he comes” Bo said. “That looked fun Luke,” Daisy said with an excited look in her eyes. “It is when you’re not jumping into an inferno, flames all around you,” Luke replied. Dixie was a bit quieter than normal, but added, "I like watching the chutes, after they open glide gently down to the ground. They are pretty." Luke reminded, "The ground is still pretty hard when you land. Especially after doing it more than once. So, do ya’ll want to get something to eat here? That way ya'll ain't hurrying to throw something together." —------------------------------- “I got supper already cooked and a waiting. Ya’ll just come onto the house all of ya, Cooter you too,” Jesse said. Heading back to the farm, Bo stopped at the garage, so Cooter could get the wrecker. Dixie was riding in her usual place in Luke's truck. Not the passenger side, but the middle. She took in Luke's scent and was content to lay her head on Luke's chest, with her right hand tucked in his shirt. Luke had followed Bo around town and said, "Do you need anything from town?" Luke received no answer. He looked down to see Dixie sound asleep on his chest. He headed the pick up onto the farm, figuring Dixie would be awake when he got there. BL crawled up front to the passenger seat when Cooter got out “c’mon Sadie,” BL patted the front seat between her and Bo. Cooter saw that Luther was locking up as he came around General Lee “I’ll take the wrecker Dad,” Cooter said. Luther handed over the wrecker keys, got in his truck and headed home. Jesse and Daisy got to the farm ahead of the rest and Jesse put the big pot of crawdad bisque he made earlier, on the stove to heat. —------------------------------ Luke parked in his normal place, still a couple minutes ahead of Bo, "Dix." Nothing. He brushed her hair back and said a bit louder, "Dixie." Dixie managed to respond with a questioning moan, "Huh?" Luke said, "We are here." Dixie replied, "Good." But never moved. Luke couldn't help but grin at her, "Dixie come on. Let's go eat." "Ok." She said, still not moving. Luke had still not gotten Dixie to wake up, when Bo drove up and parked. Bo got out then went around, helping BL with Sadie. “What’s the matter Luke?” Bo asked. Luke had his door open and was getting ready to just carry Dixie in “she fell asleep on the way and I can’t wake her up to go in,” Luke replied. “Guess we stayed up too late,” BL said. —----------------------- The added commonition of Bo and BL made its way into Dixie’s mind. "Yes, we did. Sorry. I'm awake." Dixie finished that statement with the thought, 'I think.' She felt like she had been run over by the truck she was in as she sat up and got her bearings before getting out of the truck. BL was giving her a concerned look to which she shook her head slightly 'no' and mouthed, 'I'm fine.' She only hoped no one else thought her unplanned afternoon nap was strange. By this time Cooter had arrived, parking the wrecker to the side, incase he got a call. “Let’s go eat,” Bo said, Jesse’s crawdad bisque was his favorite food. They all headed inside, noone giving Dixie’s nap another thought. Inside they all washed up and the girls helped Jesse and Daisy finish setting the table and fix drinks for everybody. After dinner, Jesse took his coffee to the porch while the others cleared the table and put up the left overs.The girls were tidying up the kitchen when Bo, Cooter and Luke came out on the porch with iced tea or coffee. Jesse asked, "Ya'll got any plans tonight?" Cooter replied, "Just hoping the County stays home or learns to drive." He pointed to the wrecker. Bo said eagerly, "I was hoping we'd all go grab a beer." Luke replied to both Jesse and Bo, "Count me out. My plans involve this chair then my bed." Bo almost complained until he remembered the ladies. Surely BL was game, so maybe Dixie could change Luke's mind. When the girls came out with their tea and a pitcher for refills, Bo tried his charm. —------------------------------ “Hey ya’ll want to go grab a beer?“ Bo gave the girls an irresistible smile. “Sure,” BL said. “I gotta get going that way here in a minute, Roxie just called, she’s sick and needs to go home, I got to close for her,” Daisy said. “How about you Dixie? Luke wants to be a wet blanket and stay home and go to bed,” Bo said. "I'll let you know before you're ready to leave." She took Luke's hand and started off the porch. Luke was sure this was Bo's doings and that Dixie was trying to talk him into going out for a beer. "Now, Dixie...." was all of the conversation the others heard, but Dixie heard the rest, "I really don't want to go to the Boar’s Nest tonight." "Good. Neither do I." Dixie said, "But, I'd like us to talk somewhere." Luke sighed. It was never good when women wanted to talk, "Is this a let's take a walk sort of a talk?" Dixie shook her head 'no', "It's more of a let's take General Lee for a drive, sort of a talk." Luke took that to mean that Dixie wanted them to get lost awhile. He really didn't want to go out but to get lost, he could do. "Are you sure it's not a pickup sort of a talk?" Dixie replied, "I'd rather take the General, if it's not an issue." "Come on before Bo takes off." Luke didn't often insist on taking General Lee, so in his mind, Bo shouldn't have a problem with when he did. Back on the porch, Luke motioned for Bo to step inside, "How about trading me vehicles tonight?" Luke held out the keys to his pickup. —---------------------------- Bo looked at the keys, then at Luke “what’s up?” Bo asked. Luke shrugged, “It’s Dixie’s idea, she wants to take a drive in General Lee, maybe get lost for a while.” Bo thought Luke hardly ever let anyone drive his truck, not even Dixie really. Taking General’s keys out of his pocket handing them to Luke, he took the truck keys “thanks Bo,” Luke said . Bo and Luke came back out on the porch. “We got Luke’s truck for the night darlin,” Bo said. “Nice. Hey Cooter, will you take Sadie home? I don’t want to get dog hair all over Luke’s truck seat,” BL asked. “No problem cousin,” Cooter replied. —---------------------------- Luke and Dixie were in the General Lee, Luke fired him up and started out of the driveway, "Where to? Anyplace in particular you want to go?" Dixie replied, "How about still site 4." Luke headed that way. All the way there he figured that this talk was going to be about his Smokejumping, but he'd known Dixie a long time and he really didn't see her asking him to quit jumping after watching them make six near perfect jumps. Yet, this upcoming conversation had that fill to it. Luke really hoped he was wrong, as he backed General Lee up the hidden path to the flat just below the still site. They walked up to the still site, then out by the stream. Luke took Dixie in his arms and said, "OK, is this about the jumps today?" He figured he might as well cut to the chase. Dixie looked up in surprise, "What? No." Luke was a might relieved, "So, this isn't about wanting me to stop jumping?" "No, Luke. I know your job is a part of you and I'd not ask you to stop." Dixie said. Luke let out a breath he'd been holding as he had dreaded this conversation with most girls. "Good, thanks." Dixie added, "Just like you don't like what I do, but you haven't asked me to stop either." "Right." Luke pulled Dixie to him and remembered his and Jesse's conversation. He took a deep breath and began, "Dixie, I had reasons for asking you out to see the jumps today." "You did?" Dixie asked. Luke replied as he moved closer, "I can't expect you to live with something like that the rest of your life if you've never even seen it before." Dixie raised her eyebrows, "Live with it the rest of my life? Luke, what are you talking about?" Luke took her hand and dropped to his knee, "Dixie will you finally marry me?" Dixie had water works running down her face before she found her voice, "Luke, if you would have asked me since I walked into Hazzard last time how I would answer that question, well right up until about midnight last night I knew what the answer would be, .... now, ..... noowww, ..... I just don't know how to answer that." Luke was confused. Dixie was crying even harder.Luke tried to calm her and figure out what Dixie was so upset about, "Tell me what changed after midnight." Dixie took a small box from her purse and handed it to Luke. He opened the box, moved the tissue back and found three identical items that sort of resembled old thermometers. He asked, "Thermometers?" Dixie shook her head no and pointed to the little window on each item. Thankful that beside the window had + pregnant and - not pregnant beside the window where she directed his attention. Balladeer: Don't go to the refrigerator now………..
    1 point
  11. The new drapes worked wonders. No light had managed to get into Dixie’s room at all, then she heard this annoying sound through her sleep. It was several minutes before Dixie realized it was her alarm clock. Even as she went through the motions to begin to get ready for work, all she could do was think about her pillow. Dixie was never a morning person, but today, there wasn't enough coffee in the world to get her moving. She hadn't showered last night so she had to this morning. In the shower she stood there letting the hot water run over her, finally washed her hair and stood there some more when her inner voice said, 'You're gonna be late.' "s***!" Dixie got out of the shower, now trying to rush to get dressed and on the road which meant the more she hurried, the more she dropped or fumbled things making her morning process take more time than usual. —---------------------------- BL had been up for a while, sitting on the back porch watching Sadie, cup of coffee in hand. Having Dixie a travel cup of coffee fixed,giving it to her on her mad dash out the door. Once Dixie had left, BL went to shower still having plenty of time, to get to the post office before the mail truck. After showering she went to her room to get dressed, looking over at the clock BL swore “damn it,” she’d had showered too long, now she had to hurry which meant she didn’t really have time to fix her hair like usual, so pulled it up in a ponytail. Dixie checked her watch, she’d just make it if she bent a speeding law or three and Rosco nor Cletus stopped her. Dixie was a bit relieved when she crossed the county line without Rosco or Cletus stopping her. Now, she could speed up a bit she thought as she took a drink of her coffee. —------------------------- At the Duke Farm, Luke had been up awhile. He had done his part of the morning chores, showered, dressed for work and managed to eat breakfast before heading to his truck to drive to base camp. They would be packing chutes today in order to do jump training tomorrow. "I will probably be late this evening depending on how many times it takes these people to get their chutes right." Luke said. Jesse was pouring coffee, "Luke, ..... how many times did it take you to get it right?" "First try at Missoula, I could fold it faster than the instructors." Luke said proudly. Jesse clarified his question, "I wasn't talking about Missoula as a Smokejumper I meant for the Marines." Luke frowned a bit, "That's different. I was younger then." Jesse said calmly. "About the age of your Rookies now." Luke gave Jesse a grin, "Thanks Uncle Jesse. I'll try to be patient." Bo made his way into the kitchen, pouring a cup of coffee “Am I that late or are you that early cousin,” Bo asked Luke, seeing that he was ready to leave for work. “You're that late, I done my part of the chores, showered, got ready for work and ate,” Luke replied, heading to his truck. “Go do your chores Bo, your breakfast will be ready by the time you're done,” Jesse said. —------------------------------- Balladeer: Back in town at the post office it was busier than a one armed paper hanger. BL handed a roll of stamps and a package in a big yellow envelope to Miss Clara Coltrane at the counter “there ya are Miss Clara, that’ll be $10”. Clara paid for her stamps “thanks alot hon, see you later” Clara said on her way out. Three more people came in just as Clara was leaving, they only wanted to mail something, which didn’t take very long. About 1o’clock, BL ran the mail route as usual, today she had a package for Artie Bender the Hazzard Piccaso, as he was called by many. Finding him at his favorite painting spot, BL gave Sadie his mail “you take these and I’ll carry the package,” BL said getting out of the car. “Here’s your mail Artie,” Sadie dropped the stack in his lap. “You got a package here too” BL said, giving him the small brown box “thank ya Miss, must be them new paints I ordered,” Artie replied. —--------------------------- Luke happened to check a parachute packed by one of the rookies. There was no way that it would have opened and caught air. The Marine in him wanted to loudly explain that he would have died had he been wearing that chute. Instead, he heard Jesse's words from this morning. He took a deep breath, let it out slowly, then began, "OK, folks, listen up. We are going to go back to square one here. We've got ALL day. Remember, you can get away with getting most of the information on some things and be ok, but if you don't fold your chute right, YOU will be the first to know when it fails and failures happen even if you do everything right. Around fires that create their own weather, conditions change quickly. Everyone spread your chutes out again and we'll do them once again together....." Randy couldn't believe how patient Luke was being today. "Remember we are going to fold 20 chutes each for practice before you fold the 21st one. The 21st chute is special, it's the one you will be wearing bright and early tomorrow." Luke said to the rookies. —--------------------------- At the Boar’s Nest things were slow until mid afternoon when people started coming in droves, to cash and spend the week’s paycheck. The garage was busy too, with Friday ‘date night’ activity. Cooter wished he’d volunteered to make the part run for Luther or that Luke was around to help out, the pumps were backed up 4 deep and he just got a call that Rosco was up a tree. At the farm, Bo was having his own problems trying to get the tractor started. He had never been the mechanic of the bunch. He was the driver. He wished Luke was here for about the hundredth time since starting this project. All he could figure out was it wasn't getting fuel. He hoped the filter was clogged. "Uncle Jesse I'm gonna run up town for a fuel filter." BL saw Bo pull up at the garage, needing a breather she gathered up the mail to take to Central City and put the out to lunch, sign in the window and headed to her car “Sadie come, want to go for a ride. Balladeer: Cooter and Luther don’t just keep everybody’s vehicles running but they get parts to keep everybody’s tractors running too. —--------------------------------- Well if it ain’t the prettiest postmaster in the county. How's it going darlin’?,” Bo asked, giving BL his trademark grin. “Not bad, it’s been busy today. I don’t see how Miz Tisdale did it all by herself on days like today, I’m tempted to hire someone to help out. That way I ain’t gotta close, just to run the mail upto Central City,”BL said. “Here you go buddyroe, one tractor fuel filter,” Cooter said, coming from the back corner inside. “Here’s the mail Cooter,” BL said, handing a stack of part catalogues and car magazines to her cousin. —------------------------- Dixie had gotten to work just before being late. She had been there for about an hour when all of a sudden she was hit out of the blue with a wave of nausea. She figured it was where she had drank only coffee and not eaten anything. She went to the snack machine for a bag of chips to hold her til lunch and went back to work thinking no more about it. Bo told BL at the garage he’d pick her up later to go jukin’ at the Boar’s Nest, he was going to have to do all the evening chores, Luke usually worked late when he had a group ready to make their first jump. BL went straight home after work, cooking supper. Balladeer: Jukin is a term used to describe music, dance and social intercourse. —----------------------------- Dixie was supposed to get off at four. No one had called in to say they wouldn't be in for their shift so by 230 she was pretty certain she would be leaving on time. She thought that right up until one two letter word or maybe it wasn't even a word but just two letters, C O set off a chain of events. Dixie had worked the Control room for her shift. When she heard someone call out, "C O". Which is what most of the jails inmates called any of the officers. The next time Dixie had a free moment to register what time it was and not just looking at the clock for a time to log something it was 8:15! Before she could even pick up the phone a voice from behind her said, "Hey, sign the log book over and you can head out." Dixie didn't have to be told twice. "Ok, great!" She said. BL wondered why Dixie hadn’t called but figured Dixie might have thought she wasn’t home but out with Bo already. Bo parked at the garage and walked to the house, to keep Rosco off her case about too much noise. Sniffing the air,coming into the kitchen he said,“Hey good lookin’ whatcha cookin’? Smells great.” BL got them, plates and silverware “meatloaf, mashed potatoes, pinto beans and cornbread,” BL replied. They planned their night out, while they ate. Putting the food in the refrigerator for Dixie and the dishes in the sink, BL left Dixie a note on the table supper in the fridge. Dixie knew she should take the time to call someone to let them know she was late, but she also knew if she didn't leave now that she could get stuck longer. She signed over the logbook and headed for the time clock, the door and then her car. Once in the car she pulled out of the parking lot, took in a deep breath which she let out slowly trying to get rid of the day's stress. Now she could drive toward home to change out of her uniform before going out for the evening. Luke had stayed over until he was sure everyone had their packs right for tomorrow's jumps. He figured everyone would already be at the Boar’s Nest but when he got there he saw he was the first to arrive. It was payday weekend and the place looked packed. Luke parked his truck and headed inside. —------------------------ BL changed into a tank top with a bit of lace at the top in front and denim shorts, then she and Bo walked to the garage to get General Lee. Bo spotted Luke’s truck saying, “looks like Luke got here first.” BL slid out of the General, “hope he got a table big enough for everybody, it’s packed tonight,” BL said. The couple wound their way through the crowd to where Luke sat “saved ya’ll a seat,” Luke said. Daisy came over with them all a beer. Cooter came in about 10 minutes later but there was still no sign of Dixie. Dixie saw everyone's cars at the Boar’s Nest as she went by but hadn't taken any clothes with her and there was no way she was going in there as packed as it was in uniform. She kept going to BL's to change. Once inside, she placed a call to the Boar’s Nest. Daisy answered, "Daisy, it's Dixie. I got stuck at work and came home to change. I'll be that way in a bit." Luke and BL had talked. Neither had heard from Dixie. He finished his beer and got up to either call her or head out looking for her when Daisy stopped him half way to the bar, "If you are thinking of calling or going looking for Dixie, ... she just called. She's at BL's and will be here soon." Luke wasn't sure that he liked Daisy reading him that well, but nodded and asked for a second beer. Bo stood up, beer in hand “how about some pool darlin’?,” Bo asked BL. “Sure, I don’t mind skunking you again,” BL said, grinning. So the two threaded their way through the crowd, to the pool table. Dixie knew everyone was already having a good time, she quickly ditched her uniform, being grateful she was off tomorrow. She found her favorite blue jeans that she always thought fit her great. When she went to button them, tonight they felt a bit snug. Dixie cursed, figuring she was just bloated. Next she found a spaghetti strapped top and put it on with her cowboy boots. She took her hair down, gave it a good brushing, then replaced the ponytail holder. In no time flat she made her way to the table with the others at the Boar’s Nest. “Where’s BL and Bo?” Dixie asked. “Playing pool, I think BL’s about to school him again. Want a beer?” Daisy asked bringing Cooter another beer. “Would you make that a soda?” Dixie said, she hoped the soda fizz would help get rid of her bloating. “Sure, be right back,” Daisy said. “8 ball corner pocket,” BL called her shot, hitting the white cue ball diagonally across the table sinking the 8 ball in the corner pocket. —------------------------------- Daisy brought Dixie her soda “here ya go Dix,” she said. “Thanks Daisy,” Dixie replied. The Jukebox began playing Mel McDaniel’s Baby’s got her bluejeans on, “want to dance?” Luke asked. They headed to the dance floor, Luke then took Dixie in his arms singing along quietly in her ear, Up by the bus stop and across the street Open up their windows to take a peek Y'all she goes walking, rockin' like a rollin' stone Heaven help us, baby's got her blue jeans on She can't help it if she's made that way She's not to blame if they look her way She ain't really tryin' to cause a scene It just comes naturally Aww, the girl can't help it Well, up on main street by the taxi stand There's a crowd of people and a traffic jam But she don't look back, she ain't doin' nothin' wrong Lord have mercy, baby's got her blue jeans on She can't help it if she's made that way She's not to blame if they look her way She ain't really tryin' to cause a scene It just comes naturally Aww, the girl can't help it Down on the corner by the traffic light Everybody's lookin' as she goes by They turn their heads and they watch her 'til she's gone Lord have mercy, baby's got her blue jeans on Heaven help us, baby's got her blue jeans on Back at the table, the more Dixie watched the others drink their beers, the more she actually wanted one. When the second round of her soda arrived with the others beers, she reached across Luke and picked up his beer mug, taking a nice drink of it. "I'll have Daisy bring you one over." Luke said. Dixie shook her head no, "Yours always was better, besides I don't want to have to go to the bathroom all night." She took another drink of the cold watered down beer, but tonight it seemed better than usual. She handed Luke back his mug and began telling of the inmate that had a medical emergency and had to be taken to Tri-Countues hospital which caused her to be late. —------------------------- BL and Bo finished their pool game and came back to the table as Daisy brought everybody’s second round, having seen them come back and sit down she’d brought them one too. When Dixie finished her story about the sick inmate, BL asked “did you find my note that I cooked supper and it was in the fridge?” "Yes, I did. Thanks. I'm figuring on it for a midnight snack." Dixie said. Luke was about to take another drink of 'his' beer when his mug went away from him. He just shook his head. It reminded him of when they had gone to the Boar’s Nest years ago and Dixie would snitch his beer. “Welcome.” About an hour later, Luke said “I’m going to ease on out of here, tomorrow’s jump day for my current bunch of rookies.” Dixie took another drink “think, I’ll head out too I’m tired, see you at home BL,” Dixie said, leaving with Luke which nobody gave a second thought now that the couple wasn’t sneaking around. Cooter got a wrecker call, so that just left Bo and BL. “Guess it’s just us, want to dance?” Bo asked. They went out to the dance floor as Fishin’ in the Dark started playing. —---------------------------- Luke had walked Dixie to her car where the couple began saying goodnight. Luke ended the kiss before Dixie was really ready to do so, but said, "I'll follow you to the house and make sure you get in ok." Dixie smiled up at Luke, "Ok." She got in her car as Luke walked to his truck. He had to straighten his rather tight jeans before getting up into his truck. Dixie parked in the driveway attempting to be quiet. Luke parked on the street but away from the Cravitz home. They found the porch swing and began to swing. "Do you really have to leave this early?" Dixie asked. Luke replied. "No, not really, but I wasn't wanting to take chances on everything flying apart at the Boar’s Nest. Say, what are your plans tomorrow?" "Nothing really. Why?" Dixie figured Luke may have a better suggestion. "The jumps will start about 1 if you or ya'll would want to come watch." Luke said. Dixie knew Bo had begged for this opportunity. "I'd love to come watch, but you better ask Bo or we'll never hear the end of it." Luke laughed, "I'll ask him later." Mrs. Cravitz had gotten used to hearing the Davenport girls' cars coming and going but that was two vehicles and only 1 belonged to the girls. Looking out the window Gloria could see BL’s front porch, she saw Luke and Dixie on the porch swing. Back at the Boar’s Nest, Bo and BL had danced to three more songs, Bo signaled Daisy for another round of beers, BL shook her head ‘no’ and held up one finger letting Daisy know to bring only 1 beer. When Daisy brought Bo’s beer she asked “can I get you anything BL?” “Tea, I got to work tomorrow, so better lay off the beer,” BL replied. Daisy was only gone a minute before BL had her tea “thanks Daisy”. After talking about Dixie coming to Base Camp about noon tomorrow, conversation had died down. They swung and listened to the night sounds awhile. "Abner, they are on the swing on the other side of the porch. I don't hear them and I can't see what they are doing." Gloria said. Abner puffed his pipe blissfully unaware of what his wife had said due to the ear plugs he'd slipped in when he too heard the cars next door. By the time Luke had kissed Dixie goodnight and made it to his truck, he knew he would need a cold shower when he got home. Jesse had been home a couple hours when he heard Luke's truck pull in. Then he heard the shower turn on. He gave it a few minutes before heading to the kitchen for a cup of coffee. —--------------------------------- “I used to worry about running out of hot water, when you, Bo,Jeb,Vance and Coy was all living here. Now maybe I need to worry about running out of cold water,” Jesse said, ribbing Luke. Luke and Jesse both had a good laugh. BL was having a good time, she looked at her watch and it said it was 11:30. She wasn’t ready to go home yet and Bo apparently wasn’t ready to go either, he was taking his turn at the dart board. He and Dobro had been playing darts for the last hour. “Bo I need to get home, I gotta work tomorrow remember,” BL said. “Give me 5 minutes darlin’” Bo replied. Jesse motioned for Luke to sit down. Luke almost groaned out loud, but knew better. "Son, it's none of my business and I try to stay out of you kids' relationships, but...." Jesse paused to take a drink of coffee. "Luke, it's just shy of midnight. Dixie is off work tomorrow. Why are you home so early?" Jesse asked. Luke thought this was a safe question that he knew the answer to, "Dixie is off tomorrow, but my rookies make their first jumps tomorrow." Jesse nodded, "So you have to get up when?" Luke replied, "About five." Jesse nodded again, "I've known you come in just in time to put on work clothes, work all day here, drive the wrecker all evening, make a shine run and still go jukin." Luke smiled, "That's been awhile ago Uncle Jesse." "It has. So what's changed?" Jesse asked. Luke said with a laugh, "I've got older." Jesse held up his finger, "Got it in one. So now that we both agree you've got older, when do you think you are gonna settle down?" Luke went on the defensive like he had since he was a young adult, "Now, just hold one there a minute Uncle Jesse. Ain't no need in getting that serious right now...." Jesse just looked at him like he had four heads. "Dixie is a might younger than you, but if you ever want to have a family and be around to see your grandkids, .... You might want to start doing some math, there son." Jesse got up patted Luke on the shoulder and said, "Night son. Be careful tomorrow." Luke swore to himself as he watched Jesse go back to his room. Why that man started conversations like this at this hour then went to bed leaving you to think on the conversation when you should be asleep was beyond him. —---------------------- Bo parked on the street in front of the house, he didn’t want her walking home from the garage in the dark. “You’re going to wind up Mrs. Cravitz parking in front of the house, at this hour,” BL said. “So…” Bo replied. “So, this is Hazzard not New York City, I would have…” the rest of the protest was cut off, by Bo’s lips pressing against hers.”Abner, I just heard another car, it parked across the street but nobody got out,”Mrs Cravitz said almost hysterical but Abner just kept smoking his pipe. The earplugs he put in his ears earlier were still there. Bo eased back from BL’s lips, he was taking a cold shower when he got home. “See you after work tomorrow,” BL said, sliding out the General Lee’s window, heading to the house. Bo waited until she was on the porch before leaving. —----------------------- Luke had his pajama bottoms on, he was in bed, laying on his covers, hands laced together behind his head in the dark staring at the ceiling when Bo entered the room carrying his clothes and boots, wearing a towel and trying to be quiet. Luke quietly said, nearly making Bo jump out of his skin, "I'm awake." “Luke, you done scared my dog,” Bo fussed. “Sorry,” Luke replied. Bo asked “how come you’re still awake, thought you had to work?” “I do, just thinking,” Luke replied. Bo sized Luke up as he finished drying and put on his pajama pants. "Anything you are ready to talk about?" Luke replied, " Not particularly." Then he said, "You know how you've been wanting to watch us jump?" Bo replied, "Yeah." But figured to hear the same hundred reasons why he shouldn't be there. "How about tomorrow, .... be there, say no.... " Bo was now standing, "Really!? You mean it!?? Wow!!! YEAH!!! What's the catch?" He asked lastly. Luke replied dryly as he pointed to the door, "You explain to Jesse why you are shouting at one in the morning. Luke had just gotten the warning out of his mouth, when Jesse burst in the room “what in tarnation is all the hollering about?” Jesse demanded. “Sorry Uncle Jesse, go back to bed,” Bo said. —----------------------- Jesse huffed, "Go back to bed! Not until you tell me what is wrong." Jesse said a bit harsher than normal. Bo grimaced, "Really, nothing is wrong, ..... something is right. Luke, finally, said I can go watch him jump tomorrow. I've only wanted to see that since he was in the Marines." Jesse looked over at Luke, who promptly said, "And I'm already regretting it. While I'm at it, do you want to come too?" Jesse now understood Bo's outburst, Bo had begged for this chance for years. "I might just do it. I never could get past the idea of jumping out of a perfectly good airy plane. Now go to sleep." —-------------------------- At BLs, Dixie had just made it upstairs after eating her dinner, planning to take a really long bath when BL came inside. She called, "BL do you need in the bathroom before I take a bubble bath?" BL replied, "Yeah, I'll be right up." Once the bathroom was clear, Dixie sat everything she needed down then began to get undressed. Seeing that she still had not started, she shook her head, wrapped a towel around her and crossed the hall to the room she was claiming. She picked up her pocket calendar and then dug in the back of her dresser drawer to find a test. She was hoping, really hoping, she had been mistaken about the dates before. Inside the bathroom, she did something none of the girls ever did. She very quietly locked the door. Opening the calendar, Dixie began to count back. She hadn't been mistaken. She was late, but hey that happens sometimes. There can be lots of reasons a girl is late. OK, she would take the test, find out she was overreacting, then she'd surely start in the morning. Dixie read, re-read, and read a third time the instructions for peeing into a cup. She dipped the test with a shaky hand and looked at her watch. For the next couple of minutes the 'what if's' kept trying to get into her head. Dixie promptly shot all those ideas away. She knew it was crazy. She just knew this was her mind playing games on her. Looking at her watch, time was up, but she gave it another minute just to be safe. She picked the test up. From reading the directions she knew - was negative and + was positive. It should be easy to read according to the instructions. Dixie knew she was being silly as she watched her hands shaking. She had known plenty of women who had tried for years to get pregnant that had not. She and Luke had been really careful, well mostly, ... there was the night at the lake, ... well in the lake, ... that Luke had tossed his pants before, .... and then well, in the heat of the moment he didn't go back after protection, ... but that was one time, ....well ok it was more than once but it had been all that same night, Dixie tried to reason with herself. 'Just look at the thing, then you can get in the tub.' She said to herself. She quickly flipped the test over knowing a ‘-’ would be there. ‘+’ was staring at her. It felt sort of like being kicked in the gut by a mule as her stomach dropped to the floor about the time her knees buckled as she sat down hard in the middle of the bathroom floor. BL was laying on her bed, reading to unwind. Sadie lay at the foot of the bed snoring; hearing a noise on the other side of the wall that BL’s room shared with the bathroom she raised her head up completely alert now. “Jumpin’ Jehosefat!What was that?” BL put down her book. “Dixie you ok?” BL hollered but Dixie didn’t answer. Getting up BL went around the corner to check on Dixie, finding the door locked, which was strange. The only time the girls locked the door was if all the guys were there too, “Dix you ok? Unlock the door.” BL jiggled the knob. —--------------------------- Luke kept thinking about his talk with Uncle Jesse, even though tomorrow would start early and be long he couldn’t get to sleep. Luke was also thinking of the many reasons he had not wanted his family there when he jumped. He knew his mind needed to be 'in the game' not on them. He knew what it would do to them each time he pulled out if something went wrong, anyone got hurt or worse. He had asked Dixie, because she needed to know exactly what he did when he went to work once fire season was in. He had a great crew, he hoped the rookies would learn to be great. Accidents happened, crew members and himself had been hurt. It was one thing to jump out of a perfectly airy plane as Jesse called them, but another to not be landing in a soft sunny hay field, but a fully engulfed mountain side. —------------------------ After the first few times BL called to Dixie, her panic made its way into Dixie’s mind. She swallowed the nausea down and tried to speak. In a voice that didn't sound anything like herself she said, "Can't unlock it right now. I'm fine." She said feeling anything but fine. Dixie knew there was no way her legs would hold her right now. "Open the door or I'm calling the guys,"BL insisted. Dixie was nearly in a panic her own self hearing that, "Don't!!! Give me two minutes." BL counted loud enough for Dixie to hear…1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, 3 Mississippi… Dixie’s legs wobbled but she managed to stand and get the door unlocked by the time BL reached 10 Mississippi, she had no doubt that if she didn’t unlock the door BL would make good on her threat and that would bring alot more questions she didn’t want to deal with. The second BL heard the lock, she let herself in “Dixie, WHAT in Sam Hill is going on? You’re shaking like a leaf,” BL said, making Dixie sit down on the toilet lid. As Dixie looked up, she felt tears welling up in her eyes from out of nowhere. She looked up further willing said tears not to fall. "I'm fine." “Malarkey” BL said, seeing the test instructions laying by the sink. “Judas Priest on a pony! Tell me this was negative,” BL said almost plaintively but Dixie wouldn’t even look at her “oh Lord”. —-------------------------- "Yeah." Was about all Dixie could get out right now. She knew the delicate house of cards that was the relationship between her father, Luke and even Cooter was surely about to get rocked to its core, very much the way it had years ago when Luke and her were caught at the lake. BL didn’t really know what to say at the moment, she knew how delicate things were still between Luther and Luke and it was likely Cooter wouldn’t take the news well. She also was thinking about how her own relationships would be affected. Not that she was selfishly worrying about herself but both men knew Dixie confided in her and Luther atleast would accuse her of hiding it from him. “It’ll be ok, Luke will do right by you, not because it's expected but because he loves you. You can see it, when he looks at you, heck it was there when you was just 16,” BL said. Dixie shook her head 'no', "I won't be accused of trapping, ... Luke. Don't want him that way." Tears were falling and now it was all Dixie couldn do to not sob. —---------------------------------- BL sighed, it was going to be a long night, “come with me,” BL guided Dixie back across the hall to her room. After Dixie was sitting on her bed, BL got her housecoat off the hook on the closet door, like her own it was rarely worn “put this on, it's better than just that towel.” Sitting beside Dixie now, BL spoke gently “whether you marry Luke or not is between you and him but you HAVE to tell him you're pregnant and the baby is his, he has a right to know he’s going to be a father. Dixie looked at BL with a surprised look, "BL, I know all that and you are right, ... but I just need a minute here. OK? I just knew I was overreacting. I just knew I couldn't be..." “I know you need some time to wrap your head around this Dix, I just didn’t want you to think you could just not tell Luke, so people wouldn’t accuse you of trapping him,” BL explained. "I probably am saying all this wrong, but I don't want Luke to think I trapped him." Dixie said. She and BL knew she had made real sure that she had taken her birth control regularly. “I don’t think he’d think that or believe it, if somebody tried to convince him you did,” BL said. A sudden thought hit her like a rock, her mouth falling open. Dixie saw the look, "What?" She was nearly afraid to ask. —------------------------------- “Your birth control must have failed. I keep track, just in case you get caught up in something and forget,” BL said. Dixie replied, "Oh, I've been taking it regularly, especially since coming back here." BL then asked the same thing Dixie had been. "So, how?" Dixie's eyes filled up again, "The night ya'll showed up at the lake...." BL didn’t have to hear more, she knew what had occurred “one night wouldn’t result in pregnancy, unless you missed one or more birth control pills, would it?” BL asked, confused. “Especially if ya’ll used protection. You did, right?” BL asked, not knowing the details of Dixie and Luke’s actions before she and Bo got there. Dixie nodded, "Yes, Luke always used protection too, well, except for that night." Dixie remembered why Luke had parked so quickly and so close to the road. “Well I just don’t know what went wrong, can’t change it, so might as well try to get some sleep,” BL said. Dixie nodded that BL was right but she knew she'd not get to sleep tonight. "Yeah, I think I'll try that bath again." Dixie got up off the bed slowly since she wasn't sure her legs would hold her. Once she knew her knees weren't going to buckle, she said, " Night, BL. Thanks for everything. Please, if you see Bo, before I can really talk to Luke, please don't tell Bo. I love him, but Luke can read him like a book." BL hated to be the one to tell Dixie this but felt she needed to, "Darlin' Luke Duke also reads you like a book. He's going to take one look at you and know something is up." "Thanks, Cousin, I needed that right now. Night." “Night Dixie,” BL went to bed, putting her arms around Sadie and got doggy kisses in return “night Sadie,” BL said. —------------------------------ Dixie dug around for the bag with the tests she had bought. She took them in the bathroom with her. Dixie looked at the sink where the test she took was still setting. She looked at it again. The "+" was still very clear.After she turned on the tub, Dixie dipped a second test and sat it by the tub. She then got in the very warm water and poured extra bubble bath into the water. Normally a hot bubble bath could about undo any stress Dixie had from her work week, tonight she didn't think it was going to help much. After several minutes the tub was full. Dixie loved the high sides on the old antique clawfoot tub. Before sinking down into the bubbles, she picked up the second test, turned it over and again saw the "+" staring back at her. "OK, so we are two for two here. No mistake." Dixie said aloud for only herself to hear. She sank in the tub and tried to picture Luke’s reaction. It was a conversation she had never thought of having with him. Then she tried to wrap her mind around just the logistics of having a baby around. Hell, BL even had issues with Sadie and often had to get a sitter for her. Luke worked mostly five days a week during the day but this was his off season, she had no idea what his on season would be like. She worked forty plus hours, normally dayshift but could be called in early and she never knew when she'd have to stay late. Dixie knew Jesse Duke might not be happy about the timing but would be over the moon with excitement. Then, there was her father.....moon and going into orbit wouldn't be out of the question, but she didn't think it would be from excitement. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    1 point
  12. The next morning BL was a bundle of nerves, she couldn’t sit still, Bo parked at the garage and walked down the sidewalk to Miz Tisdale’s, it was early but he figured BL was probably up. Knocking on the front door, when noone answered he let himself in to find BL with a rag and bottle of windex, “what ya doing darlin’?” Bo asked. “Cleaning the windows, gotta do something until time for work or I’ll go nuts,” BL replied. “I have a better idea than cleaning windows, that’ll only give Mrs. Cravitz a better look at what’s going on over here. How about we go get breakfast in Colonial City at the new Waffle House? We will be back in time for you to meet the mail truck, promise,” Bo said. BL thought about it, getting out of town for a bit did sound nice. Laughing, some of her tension relieved, BL said “Wouldn’t want to do that, she sees too much already,” continuing “ok sounds good, just let me tell Dixie and get my purse. Hey Dixie? Bo and me are going for breakfast at Waffle House in Central City, be back in time to get ready for court.” BL said. —----------------------- Dixie got up, let Sadie out in the back yard and put on coffee. She hadn't bothered to get dressed, so she was still in her long night shirt that she had put a pair of really short shorts on under it. She poured her coffee and went out on the small back porch to sit while Sadie romped in the yard. Mr. Cravitz, unlike his wife, hardly ever looked out the windows. If he did, it surely wasn't to see what the neighbors were doing. This morning as he poured his coffee movement out the window caught his eye. He looked up to see a younger girl sitting on the porch in nothing but a sleep shirt. He had to look twice. As he did, Gloria had stepped into the kitchen. Seeing her husband looking hard out the window, she had to see what he was looking at. When she saw the half dressed Davenport girl outside on the porch, she had an attack of the vapors! —----------------------- Bo parked General Lee in front of the Waffle House building, then climbed out going around to the other side, helping BL out and taking her hand leading her inside to a booth. “Now ain’t this better than cleaning windows?” Bo said. “Yeah, just what I needed this morning,” BL replied. The waitress came to get their order, she wasn’t really hungry but ordered pancakes anyway. It was sweet of Bo to take her out for breakfast, to distract her from worrying about the day ahead. —----------------------- Dixie was about ready for a second cup of coffee when she heard the wrecker pull up out front. Sadie's ears popped up as she too heard it. "I'll be back, girl. Let me see why Cooter or Dad are here so early." Dixie went through the house and to her surprise found Luke coming to the door, not Cooter or her Dad. "Hey!" "Wow, you are up and bright eyed this morning." Luke said surprised since Dixie wasn't normally a morning person. "I just heard the wrecker and expected Dad or Cooter." Dixie said. "Well I'm sorry to disappoint you. I can go send them over." Luke said. "Don't you dare! You look tired." Dixie said as she led him inside to pour coffee. Luke began to explain, "There could be a reason or three for that. We left here and planned to sip on a beer at the garage. Your Dad showed up and asked me to drive last night." Luke said. "Rosco,....." Dixie cut him off, "Oh, no." Luke nodded, 'yes', "But, it wasn't bad just a tow and impound, but I had to go to the lake, back to town, then back to the farm. And, don’t ever let me park where we were the other night and do what we did, unless you want a repeat of years ago. Dixie poured Luke a cup of coffee and handed it to him, then picked up the tied up trash bag that was sitting by the door “go rest on the porch and watch Sadie, I’ll just be a minute, the garbage truck runs today.” Dixie said. Sitting his coffee on the counter Luke reached for the bag, “I’ll take it out for you,” Luke said. —------------------- Dixie shook her head “it’s not heavy, go relax and I’ll be right there,” Dixie replied as she went out, Luke followed. Gloria and Abner both were still watching “Abner, what’s he doing there so early?” Abner was watching Dixie take out the trash in her nightshirt. Abner gave Luke the slightest glance and replied, "Looks to be drinking coffee." Dixie sat the trash down at the curb, came back to meet Luke on the front porch, then they both went out to the back porch where Sadie was. Dixie was sure of his reply, but asked anyway, "Have you already had breakfast?" Luke replied, "Would Jesse have let me out of the house otherwise since he didn’t have anyone else to cook for?" They heard the shower kick on. "OK, well I'll see what Daisy wants when she gets down here." Dixie said. She and Luke continued to talk, when Sadie started barking, when they looked over she was looking up into a big oak tree. Going over to see what it was, Dixie and Luke shaded their eyes “look Dixie it's a squirrel,” Luke said pointing up into the tree. As Dixie turned around, she saw the kitchen curtain move in the next house. "I don't believe it. She is at it already." Luke had forgotten all about the local busy body. "Who?" Dixie lowered her voice, "Mrs. Cravitz, I just saw the curtains move." —------------------------- Daisy came downstairs to get a cup of coffee, spotting Dixie and Luke in the backyard looking toward the house next door she came out, to see what was up. Sadie came to greet her, having lost the squirrel. “Hey girl”, Daisy gave Sadie some petting then going to where Dixie and Luke were “what ya’ll lookin at?” she asked. “Mrs. Cravitz is at it already, this morning,” Dixie replied —--------------- “What time is it Bo? BL asked,drinking the last swallow of coffee. Bo looked at his watch,replying “It’s 7:30, you still got plenty of time to get back and meet the mail truck.” For another 15 minutes BL relaxed and enjoyed Bo’s company, getting back to Hazzard and getting her car in time to meet the mail truck. Leaving Sadie home until after court. Instead of delivering the mail though before opening at 9:00 she sorted delivery from PO boxes, before going home to change clothes, for court. Luke finished his coffee, "I'll be back in a few minutes, Darlin'." He gave Dixie a kiss on the cheek. "Where are ya goin'?" Dixie asked. "To take the wrecker back to your Dad before the sun and moon line up and Hazzard breaks into chaos." Luke said seriously. Dixie and Daisy both laughed as he walked through the house toward the wrecker. Daisy asked, "How? Why does he have the wrecker." Dixie replied, "Long story. I'm gonna grab a shower while he's at the garage." BL was just coming up the porch steps as Luke came out the door “morning BL,” Luke said. “Morning Luke,” BL replied. She headed straight to her room, hearing the shower running as she went by the bathroom door, glad she hadn’t done anything to need one since taking one earlier in the morning. —------------------------ “Abner that Davenport girl from the post office is home, when she should be at the post office,” Gloria said, adding “I wonder why,” she was talking to herself now more than her husband. BL looked at herself in the full length mirror on her closet door, Daisy and Dixie had decided she should wear the yellow dress with white flowers and wedge sandals but now the outfit didn’t look right to her. Looking in the closet she got out her green tiered, maxi dress and beige chunky heels. Putting a few hot rollers in her hair, to give her waves, not frizz BL went downstairs while they cooled. Sadie came over and put her head against BL. Across the square, Luther Davenport opened his garage to find something he hadn't expected. Luke Duke's truck. For just an instance that bugged him, then he tried to be more reasonable as he thought back to a conversation with Bill McCormick about the eldest Duke that had for years been a burr under his saddle. That fact tended to also bring back memories of hard feelings, fights and nights in jail, then he remembered how things used to be before Dixie came to spend that summer with him and even about a year longer. Luther couldn't deny that other than family he had given the Duke more freedom at his garage than any other employee. Just before time for the garage to officially open, Luther heard his wrecker pull in. He didn't have to look at the clock but he did. Ten minutes early. Luther shook his head. Luke got out of the wrecker, "I hope ya didn’t mind me leaving the pickup here last night." Luther replied, "No, that's fine." "There's also an impound in the lot. I'm glad the key to the lot was on the truck's keys." Luke said. —---------------------------- BL leaned down, taking Sadie’s head between her hands “hey girl, you're worried about me ain’t ya? I promise Mama will be herself by this afternoon,” BL said. Sadie looked up with her big brown eyes, as if to ask, 'Promise' As Luke was giving Luther the information from the night before, the kid Luther had hoped to have hired a truck driver walked in. Looking at the clock, Luther noted he was ten minutes late. Luke handed the keys and tow/impound ticket to Luther, "We'll, let me get this thing," referring to his pickup, "out of here and ya'll can get some work done." He turned to his truck. At 9:40 Bo drove up, parking General Lee on the street, making his way to the front door he knocked . “Come on in Bo,” Dixie called, coming down the stairs. “Hey, what are you doing back so soon?” BL asked, coming from the kitchen. “I came to take ya to court,” Bo said. BL looked down at her dress “if you think I’m climbing through the General’s window in a dress…”. “We’ll take your car,” Bo said. —------------------------ Luke pulled up in the driveway just as Mrs. Cravitz came out to water her flowers, Abner was tinkering with the lawnmower “Shouldn’t those young people be at work this time of day, especially the Davenport girl,works at the post office.” Mrs. Cravitz fussed . At the garage, Cooter went to the bathroom in the garage, washed up, and changed shirts. He eased out the bathroom door and saw his dad under the hood of a truck. Cooter stepped out the back door and took the long way around the Square getting to BL's just before the others were ready to leave. Everybody left in pairs; Luke and Dixie were in Luke’s truck, Bo and BL were in BL’s GTO and Daisy and Cooter brought up the rear in Daisy’s roadrunner. Parking in front of the courthouse, Bo held BL’s car door, taking her hand to go into the courthouse. Jesse was waiting for the ‘kids’ as they all came in. “Daisy said you girls was going shopping this afternoon,” Jesse said to BL. “That’s the plan Uncle Jesse,” BL replied. “I just wanted to tell ya, I’ll run the post office and look after Sadie for ya, so there’s no need to rush, go have yourself a good time.” “Thanks Uncle Jesse,” BL said, taking a seat up front, this would likely be a less formal hearing, than say a drug related crime hearing, at least she hoped so. —---------------------- Luke and Dixie hung back on the street to meet the four witnesses who were coming in for the hearing. Luke hoped his plan worked as he scanned the street. "So far so good, Rosco and Cletus' cars are both parked at the Courthouse." Dixie gave Luke a questioning look. "No roadblocks, detours, dirty handed tricks to stop our friends." He said. "Ah, I see." Dixie said. Inside, Jesse had taken a seat beside BL. Bo, Cooter and Daisy were behind her. So far no one else was in the courtroom except Cletus who would be the Court Bailiff. It was about two minutes to 10 when Rosco and Boss Hogg showed up and took seats across from BL. Cletus heard Judge Druten's door and advised all to stand while the Judge took the bench. Once everyone was seated, the court was called to order with the tap of the judge’s gavel. Dixie heard the gavel tapping, "Luke." "You can go on in if you like, but it's OK. It's part of the plan." Dixie knew that you didn't just show up late for court ever. —------------------------- About ten minutes into the hearing a big Chrysler sedan pulled up to the curb in front of Luke. Luke greeted them, then directed the four witnesses into the Hazzard County courtroom. Balladeer: Now by the time Luke, Dixie and the witnesses got in the courtroom, most of the formalities of swearing in, reading rights, charges and such had taken place, which just might be part of Luke's plan. Judge Druten had read the charges but said. "Now, let me get this straight, Sheriff. You charged Miss Davenport with Mail Fraud because Mr. Hogg there said he wasn't getting his mail to PO Box 101 which he himself rented?" Rosco replied. "Yes, ...." Boss Hogg looked pleased. "Well, ... um. .... no." Rosco continued. Judge Druten looked at the Sheriff, "would you care to explain that?" Rosco replied, "Well, Boss there, sent Cletus to rent the mail box." "Mr. Hogg sent our Bailiff, Cletus Hogg to rent a post office box for him, Jefferson Davis Hogg?" The Judge asked specifically. Rosco replied, "Yes." "So, if the box was for Jefferson Davis Hogg, why was it rented in your name?" The Judge asked Cletus. "That's what cousin Boss told me to do." Cletus said proudly. "Did you plan to have any mail sent to this box? Or did you have any mail sent to this mailbox?" The Judge asked. "No to both." Cletus replied. "So which box did you rent?" The Judge asked. "Box 101. Cousin Boss wanted Box 100, but it was taken." Cletus helpfully explained. Boss Hogg was beginning to turn purple. Judge Druten turned to BL,"Who rented the mailbox?" BL replied, "Cletus Hogg." "You are certain?" The Judge asked. BL replied, "Yes, Sir. He gave me his ID." "So if Cletus was supposed to rent box 100 but couldn't because it was taken, who rented box 100?" BL replied officially, "Beauregard Duke." "Did he get any mail there?" The Judge asked. "Yes." BL replied. —----------------------------- "Mr. Duke, that would be Beauregard, since there are several Dukes here. Did you get any mail in your box addressed to either of the Hoggs in question?" Bo replied. "No, Sir." "Was all the mail addressed to you that came to this box?" The Judge asked. "No." Bo replied. "If it wasn't addressed to you, how was it addressed?" The Judge asked. Bo replied, "To P. O. Box 100, Hazzard" Judge Druten nodded. "Which was your mailing address?" Bo replied. "Right." "I know that you live with your Uncle Jesse on the farm. Is there a reason that you got a separate mailbox for yourself?" Druten asked. Bo replied sheepishly, "Yes, I put an ad in a magazine or two to reach out to some of mine and Luke's fans from when we ran the racing circuit. If they wanted an autographed picture of General Lee and myself they could send in five dollars." —------------------------------ Rosco said, "Oh, good grief." "So, you had some response. Is that all that came to that box was five dollar orders for pictures?" Bo replied, "No, there was several hundred dollar bills too." "What were they for?" Druten asked. Bo wasn't certain how to answer that, "Well, when the first one arrived I thought it may be a fan club or something making one big order." Rosco again mutter, "Oh for Pete's" Bo paused, "Then I got a couple in one day. Then a couple more a day or so later." Judge Druten asked, "so what were you thinking then?" Bo replied, "I wanted to think they were more fan club orders, but I wasn't really sure what to think." "Did any of the five or hundred dollar orders come with any explanations? Or order forms?" Bo replied, "A couple of the five dollar envelopes had letters, but no order forms or explanations in most." —--------------------------- Boss Hogg was seeing red and itching to say his peace. Judge Druten turned to him, "So tell me why you had Miss Davenport charged with mail fraud?" Boss Hogg said, "Don't you see he got the envelopes with my money in them. That was my hundred dollars." "How do you figure?" Judge Druten asked. "Because that dumb dipstick rented box 101 not 100." "Why were you expecting to get money in the amount of a hundred dollars sent to you at box 100?" Boss tried to calm down, "It was investments into a business deal. " "What sort of deal?" The Judge asked. "Land deals." Boss replied. "Would it be for these luxury vacation spots?" The Judge held up one of the ads. Boss began to sweat, "It would be." "Would this be the same luxury houses that are actually these tiny homes out at Hound Dog lake blown up to look much bigger?" The Judge asked. Rosco again mutter, "Oh for Pete's" Boss began the studder, "We'll, I'm not sure which tiny homes you are speaking of." —----------------------------- Judge Druten looked back at Luke, "Mr. Duke, Lucas for clarification, I understand you have some pictures for me." Luke stood and replied, "Yes, Sir and I also have a letter from one of the people who sent a hundred expecting a land title for their down payment on their luxury home spot but got twenty pictures of Bo and the General Lee. Also, there are four more witnesses here to swear to the same thing." Judge Druten compared Luke’s pictures to the picture in the ad, then read the letter from the witness. He sat back in his chair and collected his thoughts, "JD I'm fixing to throw this whole mess so far out of my court that you won't believe. You have the nerve to have someone falsely arrested and brought into my court because Bo there got money in his box when it was being mailed to Cletus, not you, for something that doesn't even exist. If you continue to run this ad, put the house size in the ad with a company name and correct your box number. Beauregard if you continue to run your ad you may want to add a form to be included just so you know why someone is sending you money. Do you plan to give these nice people their money back?" Boss Hogg couldn't contain himself, "Give them their money back? It's my money." Judge Druten tapped his gavel, "It is not your money unless they want to conduct business with you outside of my court, after hearing how you planned to cheat them. Now, Bo, are you going to give them their money back?" Bo pulled out his wallet, "Yes, sir, that was my plan." Judge Druten continued, "Good, I'll let you all take care of that after court. As for you Miss Davenport, you are free to go. I see nothing that you did wrong at all and you even saved these people from investing in a sham. Court dismissed, I've got fish to catch!" With a tap of his gavel, his robe came off to reveal his fishing outfit that he had on under his robe. He picked up his lucky fishing hat and headed toward an exit. —------------------ In the hallway the Dukes,Davenports and witnesses gathered to talk. “Thank ya’ll for coming today, I really appreciate it,” BL said. “You’re very welcome dear,” said Fran, one of the witnesses. Bo took out his wallet once again, giving them all their $100 back. Talking for a few more minutes the group walked out to the street, the witnesses getting back in their Chrysler sedan. “Ya’ll ready to do some shopping,?” Daisy asked BL and Dixie. “I need a couple hours, Uncle Jesse said he’d run the post office while we go but I want to deliver the mail first,” BL said. “Ok, we can do that. Whose car we taking?,” Daisy said. Dixie replied, "Unless ya’ll really want me to get mine, I'm good to ride but I got shotgun." —----------------------------- Luke suggested, "How about a cold one while BL does the mail?" Cooter was the first to reply, "I'd love to fellas but some of us got to work. I'll be by later though. Dad may have a fit when I get there anyway. I sort of snuck off like I used to do at about age twelve." The others loaded up to head to the Boars Nest. BL called, "I'll meet ya there." —--------------------------- BL went to change into something comfortable and picked up Sadie “c’mon girl, time to go to work,” BL said, holding the door as Sadie bounded out, over to the GTO that was running still, hopping over the side. Next a quick stop at the post office to get the mail and they were off. First doggy delivery was for Widow Hawkins, “Take this to widow Hawkins,” BL said, giving Sadie the mail. Next was Hobbie, she hoped he wasn’t three sheets to the wind already, this early in the day. While BL did the mail, Bo and Luke were ready for a beer. They had been more worried than either would admit about trying to get BL out of hot water. When Sarah Jane came over to take the orders, Luke said, "Give us all a beer." Dixie corrected, "I'll have an iced tea instead." "Me too. I'll drive so BL can relax today." Daisy said. BL put Hardluck Jones’ monthly check in his mailbox, then went on down the road to Mary Lou Thompkins house, she moved back to Hazzard with her baby boy Jamie after getting custody back from the baby’s rich grandfather, that had Mary Lou declared an unfit mother because she was a poor country girl. Jamie was 4 now and was tickled to death, when Sadie brought Mary Lou the mail. —------------------- At the Boar’s Nest, Bo, Luke, Daisy and Dixie sipped on their drinks and talked while waiting on BL to finish the mail run. Luke asked Dixie, "Do you want anything for lunch or are yall going to eat somewhere out of here?" "I'm good, we'll probably find something somewhere that's different." Dixie replied. The guys got a second beer and the ladies got a refill on their tea as they continued to make small talk and talk about the hearing earlier. BL saved Clyde’s mail for last, stopping at the cabinet shop she was glad to see only one car there besides her father’s tan pickup “c’mon Sadie let’s go see grandpa,” BL chuckled, it bugged Clyde to no end when she called him Sadie’s grandpa. “Hi daddy, here’s your mail,” BL said, coming in the cabinet shop office, laying a small stack of envelopes on the desk. “Hi sweetheart, not still mad at me?” Clyde said. “I’m sorry, guess it was just that Davenport temper, coming out. I need to tell you something, I probably already should have but I didn’t want to worry you,” BL said, holding up her hand for Clyde to let her finish. She then told him about the mail fraud charges, Boss Hogg’s scam and all the details leading upto court a little while ago. “I didn’t want to worry you but I don’t think I could have done it all by myself either. Dixie has been staying, well living with me and Daisy has stayed with us a few nights. Dixie, Daisy and Luke all took the day off for court this morning. Cooter was there too he snuck out back of the garage,” BL smiled saying. “Me, Dixie and Daisy are going shopping for the afternoon, after I finish running the mail. They are waiting at the Boar’s Nest,with the guys,” BL said. “What are you going to do with Sadie?” Clyde asked. “Uncle Jesse is running the post office for me and said he’d doggysit too,” BL replied. “She can stay here, that way you can meet the girls sooner, without making an extra stop to drop her off,” Clyde said. “Ok sounds good, thanks Daddy,” BL replied, calling the post office telling Jesse the new plan. “Be good for grandpa,” BL said, stroking Sadie’s head. Clyde fumed, “I ain’t no dog’s grandpa.” —---------------------- It was about time for BL to arrive, Dixie took a sip of her tea listening to the others about Boss Hogg nearly ready to explode during court today. Even though Dixie hadn't eaten today she felt bloated again being followed by a sudden urge to have to pee really badly. She excused herself and wasted no time heading to the lady's room. She figured the bloated feeling meant she was due to start her period. While in the restroom she looked at her calendar figuring if that were the case she'd better get some supplies to take to BLs with her. She was right, she actually should have started yesterday! 'That's why I'm feeling bloated. Great, I should be cramping anytime now. Lovely, I get to deal with that on our day out.' Dixie thought and as she was washing up at the sink another thought, well actually the memory of her and Luke's 'swim' the night Bo and BL found them parked at the lake entered her mind. A blush, hot flash or all out panic rose from her toes to her face. Her breath caught in her chest and she actually held on to the counter to steady herself while trying to regain some of her composure. BL went straight to the ladies room when she got to the Boar’s Nest, not expecting to find Dixie in there not looking well but not really sick either “Dixie are you ok?” BL asked. —----------------------- Dixie took a couple more deep breaths and let them out slowly. She wasn't ever the type of female to have a panic attack, but if whatever that was wasn't one, she was sure she never wanted to have one. Fearing her voice at the moment, Dixie just nodded her head 'yes' that she was alright. She slowly took in another deep breath and let it out slowly again, then swallowed, and finally replied, "Yeah, I'm good now." She tried her best to shake it off and put 'all that on a shelf' and tried her best to convince herself that her period would be right along as she splashed her face with cold water and dried off while BL was taking care of why she had come to the restroom. “Ok” BL didn’t really believe all was good but decided she’d just watch Dixie for now. Dixie headed back to the table, saying as she and BL sat down “look who I found.” “Hey, I made it,” BL ordered an iced tea, seeing that’s what the other girls were drinking. She'd been drinking more beer than she normally did because her nerves were on edge because of the mail fraud mess. Daisy replied, "Good. We can take my car and leave whenever you are BL. But take your time and finish your tea." Dixie asked, "Where are we going to go? I know we are looking for drapes and stuff." “How about Capitol City, it’s not as far as Atlanta but has some good places to shop,” BL suggested, taking a drink of tea. “Sounds good to me,” Daisy replied. “Fine with me,” Dixie said. BL finished her tea and the girls headed to Daisy’s car. —-------------------------- The first stop was McKinsey’s department store “I need darker drapes for the livingroom, to keep the one woman neighborhood watch from spying,” BL said. Dixie nodded ‘yes’ adding “my room needs something darker too.” The girls headed to the curtains and drapes. With black out drapes found for the entire one side of the house, that mission was accomplished. BL had several things on her list so they were looking at everything from towels and sheets to pots and pans. Dixie told them she'd catch up as the tea from earlier was calling her. In the restroom she noted no sign of her period. She was sure she was worried about nothing and it would be along. —------------------------- Exiting the restroom without any sign of Daisy or BL, Dixie exited the department store and headed across the street to a pharmacy that she had seen when pulling in. She made her way to the feminine products and made a couple selections. She was about to leave the aisle when she saw something that caught her eye. She was more than sure that she was worrying for nothing, which would likely cause her to be later, but being out of the county she decided to entertain the possibility of maybe needing sometime in the future what she was looking at. Dixie began looking more closely at the pregnancy tests. She again started to just walk off, but there was the fact that the night at the lake happened and the first few times, no protection had been used. Surely she was being overly concerned, but at the last second grabbed four tests from two different manufacturers. She figured if she was around Luke, that she may need them at some point. Once outside she placed the four tests in her bag, then tossed the other products in the car and returned to meet the others. —--------------------- Dixie met BL and Daisy in the rug department, BL flipping through large area rugs that were hanging from the ceiling “what do ya’ll think of this blue one, for the livingroom?” BL asked. “I like it,” Daisy said. “It will go really nice with the blue curtains that have that same design pattern on them,” Dixie added. Daisy asked, "Where did you get off too?" Dixie replied, "Just been browsing and I ran across the street on an errand while you were both busy looking. BL asked,“do they have furniture in here? I know it won’t be cheap but I have one empty bedroom, if I don’t find anything, I’m sure Daddy will either make a suite or let me have one of his displays.” They had wandered into the bedding department now as they browsed around. Dixie and Daisy looked around Just browsing while BL may be doing more shopping and planning. After awhile Dixie asked, "So have you all thought about where we are going to eat?" Daisy shrugged her shoulders “Steakhouse or Ryan’s buffet?” “I’m good with either, wherever ya’ll pick is fine,” BL said. She was about finished with big items for the house, they hadn’t come across any furniture but there was a furniture outlet store around somewhere, she’d seen a billboard sign advertising it. Dixie asked, "Are you done looking around and ready to head out to eat or is there somewhere else you want to look at?" “I’m done here, let's go eat then we can stop at some other places if we want,” BL replied. They headed out to the car and fired up heading out to eat. —----------------------- They had decided on the buffet, Dixie started with a salad, cottage cheese and brown beans and cornbread. BL had settled on the fried chicken, fried potatoes, and a biscuit. Daisy had gone for baked ham,brown beans,mashed potatoes and cornbread. Dixie looked at the others plates and giggled just a little. "Don't get me wrong here and all and I know we came to a buffet so we could each eat what we wanted but with steak on the bar, we are eating brown beans and chicken. However, I do plan on steak in just a bit." "At least we didn't have to cook it. This is probably all I will have but Bo took me out for breakfast this morning remember, I might get dessert." BL said. "I wasn't really feeling breakfast, Luke had already eaten so I just had coffee. Now I could eat the cow." Dixie said. “Where do ya’ll want to go next?” BL asked. "I'm just along for the ride now that we got the curtains. Any place else you want to go BL?" Dixie asked. Daisy shrugged her shoulders “I’m just the driver.” “Ya’ll must have somewhere you want to go, thought this was supposed to be a girl’s day? I do want to go to that discount kitchen outlet store across the street, I want to get some pots and pans and such, so I can cook instead of living on tv dinners and frozen pizza,” BL said. —----------------------------- "I want a piece of steak before dessert." Dixie said as she got up to go to the steak bar, then stopped at the salad bar for a cup of Thousand Island dressing. She also spotted the fried okra. On the way by the dessert bar she grabbed a slice of cheesecake with strawberry sauce on it. Daisy also got a piece of steak and banana pudding as her dessert. BL got a piece of chocolate cake with chocolate frosting, sitting back down she gave Dixie a curious look, she must be trying to make up for skipping breakfast but the cup of Thousand Island dressing really had her baffled, she didn’t see anything Dixie had that she herself would put it on. Dixie cut a piece of steak and dipped it in the Thousand Island. She noticed BL giving her a strange look, "What?" “Nothing, I’ve just never seen anyone do that before,” BL said. “Don’t knock it til you try it.” Dixie dipped another piece, offering it to BL,”want a bite?” “No thanks, I'm good,” BL replied. —--------------------------- They finished up their meal and headed out to look at pots, pans and other kitchen gadgets. “I really only have to have some basic things but if ya’ll see something ya think I should get, tell me” BL said and added grinning “just don’t break the bank.” Getting a buggy she headed down the aisle. "Hey BL, how about a crock pot? I'll even buy. We can put stuff in and let it cook all night or all day while we are at work." Dixie said. “We? Are you moving in?,” BL teased. “Sounds good” BL answered Dixie’s question. “This is a must have and it makes upto 12 cups,” Daisy put the coffee maker in the buggy. Dixie replied. "I'm a vagabond. Yes, Daisy we need a 12 cup when you and the guys are around." “You need one of these,” Daisy held an immersion blender in her hand. “I’ll pay for it, consider it a housewarming gift. Think I’ll get me one too, they’re easier to store than a big blender,” Daisy added. “How about a microwave, BL? We can heat leftovers, when we don’t want frozen pizza or tv dinners but don’t want to cook, ” Dixie said. “I’m on board with that,” BL replied. Dixie noticed two buggies after they all loaded their selections in it, "Daisy is your trunk empty? Just remember ya'll we're not in a pickup here.” “Maybe we should have asked Luke, if we could borrow his pickup,” BL said but her look directed at Dixie said YOU even though her mouth said WE. “Yeah, well my spare and tire iron are in there but we should have enough room if BL don’t mind a few things in the back with her,” Daisy said. “I don’t mind if it’s a little cramped, it’s stuff for my house,” BL replied. Dixie grinned, "You said you were looking for curtains, not furnishing a house. Besides, how do you know getting Luke's truck isn't like getting General Lee from Bo.” “I didn’t furnish the whole house, just needed more than just curtains,” BL replied. Balladeer: BL couldn’t argue with Dixie about that last bit, getting General Lee from Bo was like pulling teeth. Dixie laughed at BL, "Well, true you did need some things. Ya'll keep looking, I'll catch up." She went to the restroom before heading off to who knew where was next. In the restroom, Dixie found no sign of her period. 'You have had to have miscounted. Calm down. Don't even think, what you are even considering. Just get home, relax, recount. The more you worry the later you'll be. I'm NOT late.' Dixie internal voices argued in her head. She brushed it off and caught back up with others. —------------------------- “I’m ready to head home if ya’ll are,” BL said. Daisy and Dixie said they were ready to head back too. Dixie wanted to get home and relax, maybe soak in the bath. Dixie offered, "I bet the guys are at the Boars Nest. If we stop by we can get them to unload the car." “Good idea, bet we can get them to help hang these curtains too,” BL said. Dixie had an idea too. "Daisy we need to make one more stop where I can get some beer, a cooler and ice all at the same place. I figure we may want to 'pay' the guys for their help." The girls had a good laugh as they headed to the store for beer. —--------------------------- Back at BL's, the first order of business was the drapes. BL got Bo busy with Daisy's help. Dixie went to her room to help Cooter and Luke. Luke said, "We have the hardware part, you just sit there and make sure the curtains are right." Dixie playfully corrected, "Drapes." Luke and Cooter looked at each other wondering what the difference was. After getting the new brackets up, they got the rod up. Dixie had put the drape hooks in each panel and told the guys how to hook them. After several minutes and much 'pain', Luke stood back looking at the curtains, "How's that? ... Dixie, how does that look?" When he got no answer the second time, he and Cooter turned at the same time to find Dixie with her head at the foot of the bed and her feet hanging off at the head, curled in a ball holding her pillow. Cooter stepped to wake her. Luke stopped him. He stepped closer, eased her shoes and socks off. Then seeing an extra blanket covered her up and gave her a gentle kiss. Before leaving the room he set her alarm for the next morning, cut off the light and closed the door so the conversation downstairs wouldn't wake her. Cooter stood by watching Luke with Dixie. At times he couldn't believe this was his life long friend that had fought many a fight with him, played football, and done all the other rough, tough, wild things with him being so gentle with Dixie. —------------------------- Downstairs BL, Bo and Daisy were hanging the new curtains and rolling out the new rug in the livingroom. “How does it look?” Bo asked. Daisy looked around the room, the geometric pattern on the rug and curtains gave the room an updated look but Miz Tizdale’s furniture still gave it a bit of elegance. “Looks great,” BL said. Seeing Luke and Cooter coming downstairs but no Dixie BL asked “where’s Dixie? I didn’t hear the shower cut on.” “Taking a nap, we got the curtains up and I asked her how they looked but she didn’t answer. When we looked she was sound asleep,” Luke said. Daisy looked at the clock, "Nap? I'm betting she is out for the night." "I set her clock if she doesn't wake up on her own." Cooter opened his third beer, "How many of these did she have?" He asked jokingly. BL and Luke both replied, "None.” BL was a little worried, Dixie hadn’t been herself all afternoon she’d gone to the bathroom alot now she was asleep. Largely due to Gloria's watching, the guys and Daisy slid out around eleven. BL let Sadie out, then locked up for the night. She peeked in on Dixie to find her still asleep before heading to her room. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
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