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  1. I'm sure you've heard me say this before but if you have a bunch of bad luck that means that you are due for a bunch of good luck. I hope it starts coming your way soon. And if I'm wrong and you don't get good luck soon think about Hobie's words because you sure have a lot of love....here on the HazzardNet.
    2 points
  2. HossC

    NASCAR news

    We used to get the F1 races uninterrupted on free-to-air TV, but now only the highlights are free-to-air. Even so, they only take a break about once every 15 minutes. Soccer and rugby matches, and hurling here in Ireland, are shown with only commercials at the start and end of half time (and before and after the match). Of course, NASCAR is a much longer event, but I'm still not used to the US levels of advertising. American football is another lengthier sport, and its many stoppages in play lend themselves to commercial breaks. The extra breaks are also noticeable in other US shows when they're shown here. I was watching 'Medical Detectives' last night, and there must be at least three places where US viewers would've gone to a break in a half hour show. Over here, a half hour show typically only has a single break.
    1 point
  3. HossC

    NASCAR news

    You're not missing much, Roth. I've watched US streams, and the commercials seem to be a loop of big pickup trucks, insurance and impotency cures. Occasionally, they remember to show a few laps of the race!
    1 point
  4. It looks like Cathy had a brief topless scene in a 1976 (some sources say 1978) movie called 'Nicole'. You can see the IMDb page here. The cover art they have shows that the movie has been retitled 'Crazed', and repackaged to make it look like Cathy was the lead. The reviews suggest that Cathy actually had a minor role, and describe the movie as "odd", "weird" and "made very cheaply". It's currently rated at 3.5/10! For another Dukes connection, the cast of 'Nicole' also includes Ramon Bieri, who played J.J. Carver in two-parter 'Undercover Dukes'. I haven't seen the movie, so I don't know if they appeared together.
    1 point
  5. MonacoMan

    Daisy's Cars

    Thanks, Roth...I’ll have to listen to that! People from the show had said in interviews, and I’ve read before, that they claimed eventually ‘parts’ for the Road Runner became too difficult to find and so they switched to the Satellite instead—even though it was a couple years older. But maybe they were referring to these mounts that were breaking, when they said ‘parts’.
    1 point
  6. I'm sorry to hear all that. Never forget though...All of us here, love you very much Muffin!
    1 point
  7. Roth Potter

    Daisy's Cars

    There doesn't seem to be a definitive reason but they discussed this on the Kibbe and Friends show where they if I remember correctly believe the reasoning was because the 73/74 cars had some sort of 'floating' K-frame. A sort of rubber mount instead of the solid mounted frames of the earlier cars. The K-frame if you don't know is a sub-frame on Chryslers which connect the engine and lower control arm of the front wheels to the front framerails of the car. I don't remember why that was bad, you'd have to listen to the episode itself but I believe it was either that stunt drivers didn't like how they drove for stunt driving or something to do with these mounts breaking or getting damaged during stunt driving. Could be something totally different though. You better listen to the episode itself. It was on The Kibbe & Friends Show #82- Corndog’s Deep Dive of Trivia on the Daisy's Vehicles. You can find it here: http://www.themusclecarplace.com/kf-show-82
    1 point
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