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Well, I haven't seen all of them yet, but I cried when flash got dognapped (although I knew she'd be all right), and cried about 5 times watching "Cool Hands, Bo and Luke". I hadn't seen the one where bo and luke got in some real bad car crash or something and rosco and enos thought they were dead or something....that's the one i'm waiting to see. And of course all the ones that I HAVEN'T seen :)

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I've gotta say I can very close to tears in the end of Opening Night at the Boars Nest, when Rosco was tryin' so hard to get boss back he was almost cryin' when hey told him to try just one more time. And for me to come even close to tears takes alot, I didn't even cry when I broke my nose twice this summer, or my hand when I punched the wall and broke it, so that's gotta sya somethin' about that episode, and James Best is real good at cryin' on command, and makin' it look real.

  • 5 weeks later...

Granny Annie: need I explain? If he gets teary, so do I.

Ghost of General Lee: same as above.

Witness: Jesse Duke: when Daisy is praying for Jesse's eyesight to come back. That made me cry.

Mrs. Rosco P. Coltrane: when that woman hurt him so.

These are just a few. I'm sure there are more, I just can't think of anymore right now. By the way, "he" and "him" refer to Rosco.

  • 2 months later...

when Flash gets dognapped I bawl each time I see it. I cant help but think of what it must of been like for poor Rosco.

I really do love James Best. He is so great with his emotions.

And I havent seen the episode where Jesse is hurt and Bo is wanting him to wake up. What season is that?

  • 4 weeks later...

Boy's Best Friend made me cry... still does, when he's talking about losing Flash and her birthday present...

Ghost of General Lee when Rosco tells Enos he cant help because he can't swim

Carnival of Thrills when Bo leaves after fighting Luke, and he's crying

Witness Jesse Duke (in the DVD version) when Daisy's praying about Uncle Jesse

Brotherly Love "Dangit Luke you you wake up?!"

  • 3 weeks later...

the only one ive ever cryied on so far is when rossco is tryin to exsplain the boys are dead in Ghost of General Lee, that episodes a real heart stoper, show the real acting put into dukes of hazzard :wink:


being a dog person myself whenever flash was involved in a dognapping or and i forgot the episode where the boys got chased into a mound of dirt and he thought he lost her. poor guy, thats his best friend in the world.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i felt really bad for jesse in witness: jesse duke the scene where vance gives enos the bad news and tells him "they're on their way to the hospital!" and Enos goes, oh no, not uncle jesse and he stops his police car and says a prayer for uncle jesse

  • 3 weeks later...

i get sad when they wreck the general, and i cried when luke was in the hospital cause a part fell off the bottom of the general lee and he was under there then i also cried when uncle jesse got hit on the head and he was in the hospital and i also got sad and mad when they started showing the coy and vance crap.

i love you bo!

  • 6 months later...
  • 4 months later...

i cry when i watch the ghost of general lee. whenever enos is searchin for bo and luke in the lake and when they go to the boars nest and rosco is tryin to explain what happened to uncle jesse and daisy. its like i know the boys are alive but the acting gets me every time. and i cried when i saw the part in brotherly love when bo's in the hospital tellin luke to wake up and he cries or almost does. :cry: lets just say if bo cries i cry lol. those ones get me everytime.


The Ghost of the General Lee was pretty tough to watch. In fact, all these posts are good ones and I'd like to add two more that were extremly emotional but in a "tears of joy" type way.....When Bo and Luke came back from being gone a year ("Welcome Back Bo 'n Luke") and "The Great Santa Claus Chase" at the end when the Dukes accepted Boss into their home.



I cried at the Ghost of General Lee... I don't know who wouldnt...

I cried at Brotherly Love...when Bo is trying to wake Luke up...so sad...

And I remember when I was little like seven years old crying at My Son Bo Hogg and my brother calling me a dufus because of it. I was so sure Bo was really hurt...awwww.


i cried during the Ghost of General Lee when enos pulled up their clothes and when roscoe is telling Jesse, Daisy and Cooter that bo and luke are dead. i also cried when luke is in the hospital in Brotherly love. i usually cry when i see guys cry. especially when i see bo duke cry.=(

  • 4 weeks later...

In "Undercover Dukes" Uncle Jesse was saying good-bye to the boys. He thought they were going away on the NASCAR circuit for a long time (even though the viewer knew better). Thanks to closed-captioning (which isn't always accurate) I found out what he said while fighting back his tears and giving them hugs.

To Luke he said "Bye, little boy"

To Bo he said, ""Bo baby, now, you be good"

Since I have a 5 year old grandson I can imagine myself flashing back to when he is this size sometime in the future if I ever have to say good-bye to him. I hope I'll be able to hold it together like Jesse did. Can you you imagine the picture Jesse must have had in is his head at the time, imagining the boys running around on the farm as little tikes.


the ghost of general lee, whenever Enos pulled up their clothes and he asked rosco to help him and rosco said he couldnt swim, it was a tear-jerking moment lol. i actually cried in luke's love story, whenever he had told amy, i think if im right, that he wanted to be serious with her oe sumthin like that she couldnt see anyone else buthe could, i dont know i proabaly screwed that up some how, if i did, someone please correct me lol, but whnever she got up and walked out with that other man leaving Luke there, i was like awwwww. and when bo and luke left and coy and vance cmae on the show, i cried then cause daisy started to cry saying how much she'd miss bo ad luke and sayin that coy and vance just wasnt like them. then you have those little heart warming moments like when boss and uncle jesse was locked in the vault together.

  • 3 years later...

Two episodes that always make me cry are Witness Jesse Duke when the dukes first learn about Jesse's accident,and most of Opening Night at the Boars Nest,especially at the end when Rosco breaks down while Boss looks on.But I mainly cry because its the last ever episode of the Dukes :'(


In addition to my other posts I cried during the reunion show when Rosco was doing his emotional tribute to Boss. That's one of the reasons I'll never watch it again. Boss is still alive to me and I'll never accept it any other way.

Also, seeing Denver Pyle looking so sick in the reunion show was just as sad. The writers of the reunion show being dumb enough to have all three Dukes gone and not helping their uncle was nearly enough to make me cry. I gaurantee none of the writers of the reunion show were actually fans of the show. If they were thay never would have done that. Oh well, just another reason to not ever watch that again.

And, the General Lee lost inside a chicken coop? Not enough to shed a tear over but it's a third reason to avoid it.

If the writers would have had at least one of the younger Dukes make a commitment to stay with their uncle at the end of the show it might have made things go down easier but they didn't....reason number 4.....sorry, I'm starting to get off the subject.

  • 2 weeks later...

Oh Roger, always soooo negative!! I will convince you to watch them again you'll see ;)

I don't remember which episode it is because I Haven't seen it in a long time, when Jesse's in the hospital and the cousins are in the room and Bo doesn't want to leave Jesse always makes me cry.

Brotherly Love when Bo's begging Luke to wake up gets me....Carnival of Thrills when Bo leaves at the end and Jesse's talking to him makes me cry...Bo and Luke's hug at the end also gets to me...

Goodbye General Lee when Luke wins the archery contest, the look of hearbreak on Bo's face makes me cry

Needless to say there's a lot of episodes that makes me blub and most of it is caused by the boys LOL

In addition to my other posts I cried during the reunion show when Rosco was doing his emotional tribute to Boss. That's one of the reasons I'll never watch it again. Boss is still alive to me and I'll never accept it any other way.

Also, seeing Denver Pyle looking so sick in the reunion show was just as sad. The writers of the reunion show being dumb enough to have all three Dukes gone and not helping their uncle was nearly enough to make me cry. I gaurantee none of the writers of the reunion show were actually fans of the show. If they were thay never would have done that. Oh well, just another reason to not ever watch that again.

And, the General Lee lost inside a chicken coop? Not enough to shed a tear over but it's a third reason to avoid it.

If the writers would have had at least one of the younger Dukes make a commitment to stay with their uncle at the end of the show it might have made things go down easier but they didn't....reason number 4.....sorry, I'm starting to get off the subject.

  • 5 months later...

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