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Harry, our fan of the month for February 2009, is fighting cancer. The doctors have said that there's nothing more they can do for him, but Harry's not giving up.

We've started this thread so folks can offer well-wishes, words of encouragement, thoughts and prayers for him. If you'd like to send him an email directly, please PM or email any of the moderators and we'll send you his email address.

We're rooting for you, Harry! You're in our thoughts and prayers every day.

You can read more about Harry by clicking here.

Edited to add: Harry has signed up as dipstickdeputy1stclass. Feel free to send him some PMs!



It's a very sad thing.

Really, it's saddening me very much.

Not because Harry is a Duke's Fan, but because Harry is a young man, and it's always sad to hear 'bout young men or women fighting cancer.

My father lost his fight when he was 49 years old (and maybe it's why I've become a doctor).

Anyway, I hope and I pray for Harry's safety (and for his family too, 'cause when something like that happens, it's something involving all the family).


I don't know what it is like to have cancer, but I know what it is like watching someone go through cancer. My mom had breast Cancer, and she had to go through kemo and radiation, and her doctor told her straight out she had a 50/50 chance of making it.

Her doctor also told her everything that would take place during kemo and radiation, including that she will have to lose one of her breast, that she will lose all her hair and so on.

When she took her last treatment, she took ill, and almost did not make it. Through out her treatments, she did not worry about losing her breast or her hair, her health meant more to her than anything.

She also did not worry about making it, although when you have cancer, there must be all kinds of things running through your mind, but she never talked about it.

One thing she had going for her, and that was and still is her strong faith in GOD, she put her life in his hands and did her part to fight the fight with his help.

This is what kept her going, this is what kept her strong and fight to the end, and this is pretty much what I am getting at Harry, put your faith in GOD, and fight the big fight, and never give up.


Good advice, Duke fan.

Harry- You are in my thoughts and prayers. Don't ever give up your fight. I hope and pray that with the help of the Good Lord and with medicine you will find the strength to pull through this. Once again - you are in my thoughts and prayers.


Harry, from everything we've heard, you're one tough guy. You have a great attitude and you're not a quitter. I believe you're gonna be one of these people who prove the doctors wrong.

Thank you for letting us share your situation with the rest of HazzardNet. All of us face challenges in life, some bigger, some smaller, but we're always here for each other. And ya never know when you'll strike a chord with somebody who might be going through something similar, or know someone who is.

Make yourself at home here, and enjoy. God bless.


hello to all. just a note to say thank you for your well wishes to my friend Harry. He is very brave fighting cancer. a big duke fan and I love the guy and his lovely wife Sabernia. all the replys on this web page cheers his time he has to spend in pain. thank you all. james rosco best


Hi Harry,

I can't even to begin to guess what hardships you are facing but from what I hear you are strong. I've heard of a saying, 'God only gives us what he thinks we can handle'. Even though things maybe seem overwhelming just know that there are people and angels there looking over you. I pray that you can lick this and pray for you to have the strength in your hour of need.

Take care friend and know there are many that are with you, guiding you.

Once a Duke fan, always a Duke cousin.

Val Strate

P.S. That's a cool truck outside of Wright Patterson. ;)



I cant even begin to imagine what you must be going through, but one thing i've learned in life is to never completly believe what a Doctor says about how long you got left. My grandad, 58 I think he is :S (that's terrible, I should know his age by now lol) got told that he has a Cancer of the blood, and when diagnosed with it said he would have about 2 years left with the treatment...guess what, 9 years and he's still here and going strong! He doesn't listen to the doctors, he does what he wants to do in life - rides motorbikes, does the gardening...everything the doctors said he shouldn't and obviously its working for him!

He put himself forward for Cancer reasearch, he's part of a medical programme that is testing new drugs for Cancer and out of the 9 that entered he is the only one that has survived. It's good to know that him doing that will not only benifit him in the long run but also people like you who have so much spirit and so much bravery.

So, I guess my advice is to keep on truckin', do what you enjoy in life within reason, trust and believe in yourself and you can do anything. Doctor's arn't always right in their predictions and I got a feeling Harry that you are gonna be one of the one's that shows people how wrong they can be. In a lot of ways you already are.

Your a true Duke Boy - courageous, spirited, hard working and brave and one thing about a Duke Boy is that he wins against all odds. They may not have the best luck in the world, but they have a great family and always pull themselves out of a tricky situation. I'll say it again, your a Duke Boy and you have not only your family but an extended family here at Hazzardnet now and for always.

Take Care now and know that everyone here is thinking of you :) Congratulations on being the Fan of the month and here's to many more of them coming your way.

All the best




Keep fighting the good fight. They say that laughter is the best medicine and Dukes is still one of the best shows around for a good old chuckle.

You're in my thoughts and prayers. Hope to see you here on the forums to stay in touch with all of us.



Hang in tight, Harry. I know it must be hard and scary at the same time. I know I would be terrified. But you get my cheer and applause for much backbone and get and go with the fighting. I pray and hope you win this battle as I have had to loose 3 members of my family due to cancer and never got to know them well and i'd sure hate to see and loose a great and brave Dukes fan. You will be in my thoughts and prayers every night, keep your chin up and have faith in god. I know you are gonna pull through.


I wish you a lot of courage in this difficult time and I wanted to give you all my support, to continue has to beat you by thinking has better days.

All your family is with you to fight cancer. It is in the depths of you even that you will find the strength and the courage to remain positive and to keep a morale of steel.

  • 9 months later...

In Sept. 2003 my youngest son came home in the first group to go on R&R from Iraq. He had been wounded there in June but stayed on duty. We were to be told that my oldest son had lung cancer and was given only 6 months at most because the cancer was inoperable. The youngest returned to Iraq, the oldest began chemo. Faith and a positive attitude gave the oldest son two more years. He was 41. Like you, I am sure, he was a beautiful soul. I have his daughter - who looks just like him - to keep me laughing like he did. Keep your spirits up, remember to laugh - a lot!!!! Attitude, prayers and faith are over 50% of the battle. Know that there are many people that have you on their prayer lists and are wishing you well every day.

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