Dixie_Nachelle01 Posted September 26, 2008 Posted September 26, 2008 i couldn't believe it either and i still kinda don't but check this out.http://www.tmz.com/2008/09/26/tom-wopat-doob-of-hazzard/ Quote
Kay Darleen Duke Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 What in the heck was Tom thinking has he lost his mind ", he is 57 years old !!!! . First he gets busted for drunk driving , reckless driving , and now Weed, he is bad news,he is a long way from being the innocent Luke Duke he is major trouble. Quote
TimDuke Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 See now thats the problem.He is NOT Luke Duke in real life people it's just a character he played but so many people can't get that in their heads.Now the media will take advantage of that and make Dukes look bad start implying all Dukes fans are potheads,stuff like that. Quote
DaisyMaeDuke Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 Ok...well I will put my two cents in here too I guess...I am very sad this happened, and though I think he made some bad choices, I don't know anyone on Hazzardnet or elsewhere that hasn't done things that they regret. In Tom's case, it just gets publicized for the world to know about.I certainly don't condone it in any way, but NONE of us have a right to judge him for anything he did. And Kay I'm sorry, but I disagree with you... He is not "bad news" or "major trouble" You like most of us on here can not make a judgment like that based on what is publicized. For example, I think it was last summer Tom put a new roof on his step mom's house. It didn't make front news, but I think that is a nice thing for him to do. During his Dukes days, when the Hazard, KY mines collapsed, both Tom and John did a benefit concert to raise money for the families of the miners, and Tom himself put in 25,000 dollars extra to cover the concert expenses. Stuff like that is quickly forgotten.I am not saying he didn't make a mistake. But we don't have a right to judge him. We don't know why he is turning to alcohol or drugs but he is obviously hurting somehow and looking to make himself feel better. He needs our support, not our judgment.If you are like me and believe in God, take this to be a wake up call for us to pray for not ionly him, but others who are struggling with similar issues. Think what Uncle Jesse would do...would he be disappointed...sure....but he would love him and pray for him...and support him all he could. We Hazzardites should strive to do the same... Laura Duke 1 Quote
LizzyJackson-Davenport Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 I'm gonna have to agree with Daisy on this one. That's the problem with media today. The publicize all the bad things celebrities do these days and hardly any of the good stuff. If they do talk about the good things its only because it's more than likely got to do with national disasters or a baby or a wedding or something. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted September 27, 2008 Posted September 27, 2008 Totally agree with Daisy. It isnt fair for you to start calling him things like that, a character is a character believe in him all you want. Tom is a real person, with real feelings and problems just like the rest of us. Kay, he got caught with 1.2 grams...jeez that's not even enough to make a joint to be honest with you. Not talking from experience but I know how big 1.2 grams is. Granted this could just be leftovers, whatever. Its not like he's got caught supplying anything, actually taking the stuff...there could be some underlying story behind this that the media know nothing about. Who knows and quite frankly who cares? The media put this stuff out because it causes a stir amoung people, thats why stars get harrassed as much as they do. Because we the public lap it all up. I hope that someone close to Tom sees this and starts to put him back on the right road. He has a great broadway career, all he needs is help sorting out whatever issues he has. Quote
Dixie_Nachelle01 Posted September 27, 2008 Author Posted September 27, 2008 i agree 100%. and i didn't post this to cause a stir or use it as an excuse to say he is a bad guy. i'm not saying what he did isn't wrong either. i just wanted to let ya'll know so that we can support him and hope and pray that someone closer is getting him the help he needs. i know if i knew him personally i would be getting him helped. but i don't so all i can do is pray for him and i hope u guys will do the same. which, by the reply's, i think u will. Quote
Julieduke Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 i agree 100%. and i didn't post this to cause a stir or use it as an excuse to say he is a bad guy. i'm not saying what he did isn't wrong either. i just wanted to let ya'll know so that we can support him and hope and pray that someone closer is getting him the help he needs. i know if i knew him personally i would be getting him helped. but i don't so all i can do is pray for him and i hope u guys will do the same. which, by the reply's, i think u will.Have you noticed that major stars in their 50's are getting caught for stuff the younger actors are doing lately. Well Mel Gibson, Nick Nolte and David Hasselhoff for example their all in the 50's when dumb things started happening to them. Quote
Dixie_Nachelle01 Posted September 28, 2008 Author Posted September 28, 2008 i never noticed that before but ya i get what ur saying. maybe they r all having a mid-life crisis.lol Quote
kit Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I just had add my two cent to all this. I'm sorry Kay, but your pushing my button by keep putting Tom down. He's a human being who just happen to make a couple mistakes. No one is prefect. But in the last two days you have done nothing but bad mouth him . You truely don't know the whole story, but yet you have made yourself judge and jury. Have you heard his side of story. No, your taking the side of the media. Who have on so many different levels have blown stories out of proportion on different people. I am a huge Tom Wopat fan and to hear someone talk as bad about him as you have Kay makes me sick to my stomach. Tom is the most sweetest, kindest guy. He would give you the shirt off if his back if he thought it would help you out. Tom is amazing and I'm sorry that you'll never get the chance to know that. I have to stop know before I say something I shouldn't. Quote
redneck woman Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I have to agree with the consensus here. Let's give the guy a break. We have no idea what is going on in his personal life, or what the deeper story is. In addition, from all of the great reviews he has been receiving for his performances at the Metro Room and again in Chicago, it apparently is not affecting his performances. Unless we can say we have stepped into his shoes and walked around in them for a while, none of us really knows. I will just say good luck Tom and my prayers are with you. Quote
Laura Duke Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Hi Everyone!Well, once again, it's always nice to hear the different opinions of everyone else, it helps because it's more balanced and then I can make up my own mind for where I stand. Thanks everyone!I think that there is absolutely no problem with Kay writing and telling us her opinion, afterall, we are all here to state our opinions with the understanding that everyone else will not judge us and will respect our different viewpoints. That is the whole reason I joined this site, because everyone is so friendly and understanding. So, Kay, please, feel free to tell us how you feel, just like everyone else on here should feel comfortable to say how they feel without being yelled at or intimidated. As for me, I'm still not sure what to think about this whole Tom Wopat thing. I'm still deciding! But, like I said, I think that everyone should handle themselves with class, even if others have different viewpoints. I was pleased with just about everything everyone said. DaisyMae-you are wonderful! That was so well put, as well as Kay expressing how she felt.Laura Duke:D Quote
Julieduke Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Hi Everyone!Well, once again, it's always nice to hear the different opinions of everyone else, it helps because it's more balanced and then I can make up my own mind for where I stand. Thanks everyone!I think that there is absolutely no problem with Kay writing and telling us her opinion, afterall, we are all here to state our opinions with the understanding that everyone else will not judge us and will respect our different viewpoints. That is the whole reason I joined this site, because everyone is so friendly and understanding. So, Kay, please, feel free to tell us how you feel, just like everyone else on here should feel comfortable to say how they feel without being yelled at or intimidated. As for me, I'm still not sure what to think about this whole Tom Wopat thing. I'm still deciding! But, like I said, I think that everyone should handle themselves with class, even if others have different viewpoints. I was pleased with just about everything everyone said. DaisyMae-you are wonderful! That was so well put, as well as Kay expressing how she felt.Laura Duke:DI just keep thinking about what Mel Gibson said when he got his DUI talk about putting both feet in your mouth now. Quote
LoriDavenport Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Well Laura, when such opinions such as Kay calling him,"bad news" or "major trouble". The man has worked hard all his life to get to the point where he is now! I mean all the press was there to do was basically ruin and destroy every dream he had...which goes for all actors/actresses as well. She didn't really say it as an opinion she said it as HE IS, which I take it to mean that basically she was trying to say it was the facts....she might not have and i could have mis-interpreted as I normally do. Tho' I agree strongly with DaisyMae. No one on here can judge him or condemn him in any manner for something they have done that could be as minor or as bad as the mistake he made. And seriously...it's like BoJames said, he got caught with 1.2 grams...big whoop...that's not even enough to really worry with. Who knows...someone could have planted it on him or he could be on the stuff....we'll never know the truth of it as the press doesn't want to give us the truth hardly at all. Alls we can do is pray for him, and pray that if he is on it he gets help and gets things straightened out. He is a really talented man on broadway and would hate to see his talent go to waste. "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven." Luke 6:37 Quote
JESSI DUKE Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 I totally agree with Lori, Daisy, BoJames and Kitt. They couldn't have said it any better. Tom is wonderful singer and actor. He is not "Bad News" or "major trouble" He just had some bad luck. Quote
RogerDuke Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 Sometimes it's tough to seperate the actors from the characters. Remember that Tom Wopat is a human being who has the ability to make mistakes. Luke Duke (like everybody else on the show) is perfect in every way. (Well maybe Cletus isn't perfect....he is a little bit clumsy) Quote
Meadowmufn Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 I mean all the press was there to do was basically ruin and destroy every dream he had...which goes for all actors/actresses as well.While I have no love for the press, they did not put the weed in his possession. They just reported what they found out. It was his personal choice and he got caught. Why he chose that, I don't know and personally I don't care. That's his business. I don't judge him. He's human and he makes mistakes.Celebrities are unfortunate in that they live most of their lives in public view. Many people think they are exactly like the characters they portray, but I can tell you that they certainly are not. Quote
Laura Duke Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 Hey Everyone!Wow! Everyone certainly has a lot to say about this. As, I can definately understand. Here's my viewpoint: It doesn't matter how many grams someone has, it is still wrong. I'm not judging him, I'm just trying to say that I don't know if I would try to make a wrong less of a deal based on how many grams he had. You can slam someone's finger in the door, or you can still slam there whole hand in the door-you still did wrong and they are still going to be in pain. Okay, maybe that was a weird example, but hopefully you can understand what I'm trying to say.I think it's neat how everyone can have a different viewpoint and everyone, for the most part, is so understanding. Keep it up! I am disapointed in Tom for doing this, he shouldn't have done it. I would be just as upset if he was in my family. I don't think excuses should be made. But, if he is going through a tough time in his life, the press is kind of making things harder. But, that is the life you lead when you become famous, and the press is only doing there job.Have a great day everyone!Laura Duke:D Meadowmufn 1 Quote
General Grant Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 Okay, Here I go again, I'm going to jump in on this too...First off, I think that Kay has every right to express her opinions on here, and I think that we should all be respectful of that. Not that anyone has been disrespectful up to this point, I'm just saying that is what the Dukes would do. I haven't been "updated" on everything Tom Wopat does from day to day, so I'm not sure where I stand on this because I have'nt really heard any details or anything. But, I will agree with Kay on what WAS he thinking? I mean, drugs and alcohol aren't the answer to problems, pain, and depression (not that I know if he has any of those) But, I also don't know the story behind this. Was this his first time using drugs? Maybe he was desperate, or in a "wrong place wrong time" scenerio. I don't know, maybe it is beside the point. But I do agree with Kay that it was wrong of him to do. Do I think that he is some horrible monster or terrible man? No, but then I always think of him as Luke, also! We all make mistakes, I know I've made my fair share of them, and I would want someone there to tell me that what I did was wrong, but that they will help, support, and reserve judgement on me. Although I know that is Really hard to do. I have to keep myself in check on that a lot. DaisyMae, that was excellently put. You really have a lot of understanding for this issue, esspecially the parts about not judging him, and supporting him. But, until all of the facts and details are clear to me (and this has a while to sink in!) I can't really comment on this issue. All I can do is say I totally 100% disagree with taking drugs, esspecially illegal drugs, whether it is one gram, or a whole truck-full of drugs, I think it is wrong. I don't think that he should get it any easier because he's a celebrity. I certainly hope that he does find the straight and narrow, but for now I can't see having respect for taking drugs, although I'm not sure whether he actually took them or not. Not only does it hurt the person taking them, it impacts everyone around them. I did think that was kind of questionable of the writer of the article to drag down the entire show because of that. Of all of the role and characters he's portrayed, I wonder why they attacked the Dukes. It seems to me that is all they did, they really didn't include much information on this whole line of events. Basically, before I ramble any more than I have, I'm just saying my opinion is this... I think that we are all entitled to an opinion here. Tom Wopat did the crime (Wow, that was hard to say...) and he accepted the consequences (at least that is what It sounded like in the article) So, it is really a mute issue. Whether Tom can ever regain his status or respect levels is a personal decision by each and every "Tom Fan" I do wish the well, and I hope that he can come back around and resolve any issues that would lead him to this, but only he can do that. The only thing us Hazzardites can do is support him, and encourage him as he tries to do just that. Hopefully I didn't come off as rude or anything, that is really the last thing that I want to do. I just thought I would jump in on this discussion, and before I knew it, thoughts began flowing, I hope that this post doens't end up TOO long I really enjoyed reading all of the different opinions and thank you everyone for stating them and keeping respectful towards everyone else. That is a great thing about the people of this site, they have been respectful to those that have differing opinions from them time and time again. Thank you so much for that, it really means a lot to me and I think it makes people feel more at ease for stating their opinions. Okay, I'm rambling again and getting off topic, so I'll let it go at that.Thank you everyone for your thoughts on this!General Grant Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 its just my opinion and i dont want people getting mad at me for saying in it but i dont think Tom is the kind of guy to be caught with weed Quote
artykidd Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 I read through both pages and everyone has some really good opinions. And, as it was said before, we don't know what is going through the man's life and why he would have such a small amount of cannibus on him. Heck, for all we know, the man could have cataracts and the weed is helping. But, a small amount of pot is still pot and is still legal.Did the press have the right to print what they did? Absolutely, it's how they make their living whether we like it or not. And unfortunately, the paparazzi are the necessary evil to the field of journalism. If they weren't allowed to print the trivial and sometimes downright trashy bits that they do, then the real journalists would be restricted in what they could do.Speaking as someone who watched a loved one go through drugs and drinking and almost die from it, if Tom is addicted to alcohol and drugs, he's gonna lead love, prayers, and some privacy. Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted October 2, 2008 Posted October 2, 2008 I agree Art its not fair to judge people on what they do no matter what even if we now its wrong Quote
Garrett Duke Posted October 6, 2008 Posted October 6, 2008 First off...I am not here to judge Tom and the choices he has made. We all make bad choices in our lives that we later have to face or regret doing...at least I know I have. The difference is, is that Tom and the rest of celebrities has the whole world watching them and judging their action. It is great to learn all you can about your favorite celebrities out there, but sometimes the media takes it too far. They are people just like everyone else and deserve to have their own privacy and lives for themselves. At the same time, celebrities should keep it in mind when they do things that "everyone" is going to find out if you are caught with anything you shouldn't have or do anything you shouldn't do. That people / kids do look up to them.Being a Duke fan...I have to admit, like most shows I watch or follow, it is hard to see past the character. I mean, I think of Tom...I think of Luke. Say John Schneider, I think Bo. And so on. . .people find it hard to see past their well played and well known characters to see that it is Tom's bad choice and not Luke's. I agree with what was said earlier on in this thread by someone...the characters on the show are made to look perfect in most ways, they are well written for and well acted for. The actors/actresses on the show are human and make mistakes of their own.I for one was surprised to read the little that I did read about Tom and what he got caught with. Hopefully it all is just a really bad rumor, if not, I hope he recieves the help, support, and the prayers that he needs and deserves.Well there is my unasked for opinion about the topic. . . Laura Duke 1 Quote
dukesrule2000 Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I agree if tom does have a problem he needs our Love Prayers and respect. He needs his privacy. after all we don't like people pring into our personal life and we shouldn't do that to Tom's or anyone eles in the cast. Tom you are in My prayers and I Love Ya. Quote
daisydukeXenosstrait Posted October 7, 2008 Posted October 7, 2008 I agree if tom does have a problem he needs our Love Prayers and respect. He needs his privacy. after all we don't like people pring into our personal life and we shouldn't do that to Tom's or anyone eles in the cast. Tom you are in My prayers and I Love Ya.I agree and Tom your in my prayers to i hope you get the help you need Quote
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