Lost Soul Posted September 20, 2008 Posted September 20, 2008 Warning: May Contain SpoilersThis Topic discusses stuff about the mistakes/bloopers and similar stuff about the show. If your sure that by reading this, it'll not take out the enjoyment of watching the show, you may read.I've been watching the show a lot lately. I haven't seen it for a long time. When I watch shows/movies, I always look for mistakes/bloopers and other stuff especially after I've seen it the first time. Here are some stuff I've noticed about the show:Same clothes ~ It appears the characters always were the same clothes, practically every episodeBoss/Rosco are always trying to blame something on the Dukes even in some previous episode they did something good (stopped something bad from happening, saved Boss's life etc.Episodes not in order ~ There are episodes that have Daisy's Jeep, and others, Daisy has the car instead. Hugh's first visit was in season 3? But there was an episode in season 2 that he was in. In season 2, Bo and Luke send Daisy's Car over a cliff. The end of that episode, she get's the Jeep. In previous episodes, she had already had the Jeep. I'm on season 3 of the Dukes now and there were some episodes that showed the car. It is kinda confusing but I'm getting used to it.When it it shows a car up close when someone is driving it, like when it shows it just outside the windows(s), there's probably a screen with an image playing the background as there driving. I'm guessing that it takes place in a studio or someplace. I didn't really notice it until a couple days ago. One episode for a good example is in season 3. The episode with the jevel thieves. There is a scene around the first of the episode where it shows the car by Cooter's gerage moving very slow. There is a quick scene of the inside the car, as you can see, the a lot faster (like 40-50 KM/H). Then it shows the outisde of the car near Cooter's gerage. The car is still moving a slow speeditdidn't move a lot.The Board's Nest floor plan dosen't add up to the inside. This could be my mistake. but it seems like the Board's Nest from the outide is long on the front the from the front to the back is kinda short. If you take a look at the inside, where it shows the resturant, then Boss's Office (or whatever it is) the width from the front to back of the building is a bit longer. Also (If I'm correct), from the outisde of the Board's Nest, the door to Boss's room is on the side but inside the Boss's room, the door leading to outide is at the back. I could be wrong about that though.Also, everytime, Rosco/Enos/Cletus crash their cars, how do they get back (I suppose they couldn'e called someone on the CB. Also,for the amount of car that get smash, they sure get a lot of new ones. One episode I have seen, where either Enos or Cletus came back to work as deputy (can't remember which one) Boss mentions that they don't have enough money for another patrol car so, he has to share his with Cletus (or Enos, if it was Cletus who came back to work as deputy)(I suppose one explanation is that Boss has a lot of money and he manages to to get the cars fixed or buy a new one and he really just didn't want to get another one at that time.)Mistakes/Blooper: When Daisy's car goes over the cliff in the second season. At the very last second if you look closely. You can see a crew member in the back sett sit up.That's the only mistake I remember so far.Even though with some things don't seem right with the show and the mistakes/bloopers, I dosen't bother me. I sill enjoy the show and it's still one of my favorite shows. The acting, comedy and action is really good. Too bad that don't make shows that that anymore. I just thought it was interesting to post some stuff that I've noticed about the show. If anyone else noticed anything about the show, post it here. CooterNnancylou 1 Quote
dschwoyer Posted March 1, 2009 Posted March 1, 2009 If Boss was replacing the cars all the time,that would help today's economy. Hobie Hartkins 1 Quote
MaryAnne Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Episodes not in order ~ There are episodes that have Daisy's Jeep, and others, Daisy has the car instead. Hugh's first visit was in season 3? But there was an episode in season 2 that he was in. In season 2, Bo and Luke send Daisy's Car over a cliff. The end of that episode, she get's the Jeep. In previous episodes, she had already had the Jeep. I'm on season 3 of the Dukes now and there were some episodes that showed the car. It is kinda confusing but I'm getting used to it.I think I can explain this. The episodes were not aired in the same order they were filmed. The reasons for this could be many but I think in particular the episode Find Loretta Lynn was held back for Sweeps Week. So, we see Daisy lose her yellow car, get the Jeep and then, when Find Loretta Lynn aired, she had the yellow car again. LOL. And then I think it was another Jeep episode followed by another yellow car episode. Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 Another hilarious blooper is in the episode 'Along Came a Duke'. (least I think its this one) At the very end when they're catching the thieves, the car is overturned, Tom runs up to the car and opens the door and John is supposed to follow. Watch the left hand side of the screen, you can see John is on the floor. Now look quickly to Tom, he's looking for John then looks directly at the camera with a kind of 'What do we do now' kind of look., When John finally struggles over, Tom goes 'Are you ok?'. Its made to look like part of the show, but it aint lol. Quote
RogerDuke Posted March 2, 2009 Posted March 2, 2009 My favorite is at the end of "Follow That Still" when the contraband cigarettes are being throw out of the tank (armored personel carrier).The problem is that there's nobody in it because they've all jumped out at that point. Hobie Hartkins and CooterNnancylou 1 1 Quote
Julieduke Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 My favorite is at the end of "Follow That Still" when the contraband cigarettes are being throw out of the tank (armored personel carrier).The problem is that there's nobody in it because they've all jumped out at that point.There's a Monkey inside tossing them out after that. Quote
xxgeneral_lee01xx Posted March 3, 2009 Posted March 3, 2009 in mary kate baby luke drive the car then bo is driving and then luke is driving again (it all happens in one scene)luke is driving the car in that scene but some how bo is in driving seat in parts of it. Hobie Hartkins and CooterNnancylou 2 Quote
RogerDuke Posted March 4, 2009 Posted March 4, 2009 I know we have another blooper thread around here but I can't seem to find it. Has anyone noticed the other General Lee parked in town on the chase scene on "One Armed Bandits"? Someone pointed that out to me awhile ago. I think it was either BoJamesDuke or DaisyMaeDuke. Anyway, using the pause button helps. Quote
RogerDuke Posted March 5, 2009 Posted March 5, 2009 Wow MaryAnne, you got skills!!! Thanks for posting that. Big redneck that I am, I would have never noticed the other General parked there....not when there's a cool tractor distracting me! Quote
LoriDavenport Posted March 6, 2009 Posted March 6, 2009 Wow MaryAnne, you got skills!!! Thanks for posting that. Big redneck that I am, I would have never noticed the other General parked there....not when there's a cool tractor distracting me! Man Roger...I was thinking the exact same thing. All this time I had never noticed the other general lee parked there I was always too busy enjoying watching the tractor... Quote
GeneralLeeGirl Posted January 3, 2010 Posted January 3, 2010 I can't remember what episode it is, the one where the boys are trying to do an un-bank robbery... Dukecam Scam? I don't know. But anyways, Bo and Luke are hiding in the bank and boss and Rosco come in, so to escape, the boys pull the fire alarm and the sprinklers start. The boys are soaking wet. But by the time they get outside to the General they are totally dry. And Bo jumps in the drivers seat, but when they get to where ever it is they were going Luke is driving. Quote
RogerDuke Posted January 4, 2010 Posted January 4, 2010 It was "The Great Bank Robery" from season 4. The Dukes were trying to put back the money that Clarence Stovall stole because Boss fired him the day before he was supposed to retire so he wouldn't have to pay Clarence his pension. Quote
GeneralLeeGirl Posted January 5, 2010 Posted January 5, 2010 It was "The Great Bank Robery" from season 4. The Dukes were trying to put back the money that Clarence Stovall stole because Boss fired him the day before he was supposed to retire so he wouldn't have to pay Clarence his pension.That's it!! I couldn't remember it off of the top of my head... Thanks Roger! Quote
BoJamesDuke Posted January 12, 2010 Posted January 12, 2010 LOL just noticed...if you look at the tractor, doesn't it look like Luke is driving? Dark haired and plaid Quote
bolukeduke Posted March 16, 2010 Posted March 16, 2010 in happy birthday general lee when bo and luke jump the lake which is considered to be the generals first jump at the bottom of the car you can see a camera hanging. this jump is seen in alot of episodes. Quote
HossC Posted September 2, 2010 Posted September 2, 2010 Just spotted this blooper in 'The Runaway' while I was looking through scenes with Daisy's Road Runner to research my latest artistic effort.Bo has to squeeze Daisy's car between the 2 patrol cars, so he hits a ramp and drives on 2 wheels with his side in the air. The in-car shot, however, has the car tilted the other way.I think the studio shot was filmed level, they got John to tilt his head in the correct direction, but titled the camera the wrong way.It reminded me of the blooper in from the James Bond movie 'Diamonds are Forever' (skip to about 4 minutes in). His Mach 1 Mustang enters the alleyway on it's right wheels, and exits on the left.Maybe this was just an undocumented feature of American cars built in 1971 - drive them on 2 wheels, and they'll flip mid stunt . Quote
TheGeneral01 Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 For the life of me I can't remember which episode it is... But I think it's in the second season... Apparently this is a common occurrence, because as we all know, the General's doors were not really welded shut. But in this one episode, Bo and Luke are jumping into the General... Bo makes it in first, and then the camera is on Luke, running around to the other side of the car to get in. The camera then cuts into the General, and you can see that Luke does not get into the car through the windows. If he did, you would have seen him coming into the car at an angle. But it doesn't appear that was at all, it's almost as if he just slid into the car through the door like a ghost.But the best part is... There were no sound effects edited out of the scene, so you can hear the car door shut after he gets in I really wish I could remember which episode this was! Quote
TheGeneral01 Posted December 7, 2010 Posted December 7, 2010 another thing... I'm sure a lot of you have seen these videos, but for those of you who haven't, here's some hilarious Dukes bloopers! James Best's bloopers are the funniest of all. WARNING: there is some foul language. Quote
Carolyn_Duke1970 Posted December 10, 2010 Posted December 10, 2010 I've got a blooper for this thread. In "The Ghost Of General Lee" it's when Boss Hogg's white convertible comes to a stop in the mud after just missing getting hit by a train by this--> || much. When the car comes to a stop, Boss gets on the C.B. and says "Rosco. Rosco. This is J.P. Hogg." I mentioned this goof in the thread for the episode "The Ghost Of General Lee". Quote
HossC Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 I've noticed this blooper in a few episodes, and I can't remember which one I grabbed it from (it was either from season 3 or 4). Sometimes, when you see a long shot of the square from high up, you can see Warner's sound stages in the background - look carefully along the top of the picture, especially above Cooter's.The square is still there, right next to the sound stages, and seems relatively unchanged, except for the signage which obviously changes from show to show. Some recent images can be seen on Google Maps. Quote
Meadowmufn Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 I've noticed this blooper in a few episodes, and I can't remember which one I grabbed it from (it was either from season 3 or 4). Sometimes, when you see a long shot of the square from high up, you can see Warner's sound stages in the background - look carefully along the top of the picture, especially above Cooter's.The square is still there, right next to the sound stages, and seems relatively unchanged, except for the signage which obviously changes from show to show. Some recent images can be seen on Google Maps.If you go way off to the left of this pic, you end up in the area they used as the campsite in the Hollywood Hills in one of the reunions and straight across from that is the building they used for the Boar's Nest in one of the reunions. Quote
TheGeneral01 Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 Hah, that's so cool! I need to start paying closer attention to the surroundings LOL.I've never noticed any of this stuff before... but then again, I guess its bound to happen. I usually just focus all my attention on the actual episode and not necessarily the surroundings. But thats why HazzardNet exists It's still so neat! Quote
HossC Posted January 7, 2011 Posted January 7, 2011 I've never noticed any of this stuff before... To be honest, I don't normally spot them when I watch complete episodes. I only see them when I'm skipping through, looking for a screengrab or checking something for the trivia thread. Quote
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