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Hey Y'all!

Just curious here, and thought I would ask everyone this question:

What is the reasoning behind the usernames y'all picked?

I'll go first... General Lee was the General for the confederate army in the Civil War, General Grant (my username) was the General for the Union Army in the Civil War. Well, the Dukes are from the south, I'm from the north. It seemed fitting since thier car was the General Lee, to have my username as General Grant. Did that make any sense?!

Anyway, it would be interesting to hear about how everyone else got their usenames.

General Grant


Makes perfect sense to me, General Grant.

My username was easy - I just had to look down. My manx is named Denver Coltrane, after his two favorite people on the Dukes. (Since the day I got him, he has come running the minute he hears the theme song and will follow Jesse and Rosco everywhere they go on screen.) Since he is just about always on my lap when I 'm on the internet, it just seemed natural to use him for my username. Now I'm known everywhere I go online as Denver C or Denny.:)


Said it a long time ago about my user name.

Capt Redneck - named after my favorite wrestler Capt Redneck Dick Murdoch.

I was a huge Road Warriors mark back in the 80's and back in 1988 they were wrestling at a high school on Long Island the next town over from me. Dick Murdoch was on the card also. My father took my best friend and I. After the matches I waited for autographs and the Roadies and Murdoch came out of the locker room. They talked to a group of us for a awhile , but Dick Murdoch and my dad connected in such a way that they looked liked they were best friends for a lifetime. I never seen my dad like that. I was in awe of the Road Warriors and here he was laughing and joking and carrying on swapping stories with Capt Redneck Dick Murdoch.

I ended up losing my dad a few months later but that memory will last forever for me.

Also because of my mom's side of the family being from NC and having the confederate flag tattooed on me.


I'm gone



Wow, General Grant, what a clever idea for a thread. I wonder if anybody's ever done this before. I hope everybody responds. My answer doesn't really have a cool story behind it. My real first name is Roger and I wish my last name was Duke. That's about it. My hero is Uncle Jesse so that explains the avatar.


My username is very very simple. :oops: I'm feeling a bit clumsy in front of cool usernames as yours.

Anyway, my real first name is Ilaria, and I was born in 1976.

So... i1976. :roll: What a big fantasy.

Makes perfect sense to me, General Grant.

My username was easy - I just had to look down. My manx is named Denver Coltrane, after his two favorite people on the Dukes. (Since the day I got him, he has come running the minute he hears the theme song and will follow Jesse and Rosco everywhere they go on screen.) Since he is just about always on my lap when I 'm on the internet, it just seemed natural to use him for my username. Now I'm known everywhere I go online as Denver C or Denny.:)

My brothers cat Britney like watching the Dukes as well I think she watches it for Flash thow. My username is easy it's just that my first name is Julie, and I thought it was a Dukes Board as well so I came up with Julieduke.


Very cool, everyone!

Denver C.- That is so cool that you have a little pal to watch the Dukes with you! Okay, I have a question for you that will probably make me look like a fool (if y'all didn't already think that!) is a manx a breed of dog?? Anyway, I have a cat (named KITT) but he's an outdoor "barn" cat. I wish I could bring him in to watch an episode of the Dukes with me!

Capt_Redneck- It sounds like you really have some great memories with your dad there! I'm sure that you won't ever forget that day, it sounds really special.

Roger- Thank you for the compliment about starting the thread! I always enjoy a good compliment!! Anyway, I think that is a perfectly grand idea about your username! It makes perfect sense to me! Hey... who wouldn't want to be a Duke?! Well, your real last name might not be Duke, but you are a Duke at heart, and you really are a lot like Uncle Jesse. I can't think of a better hero to have!

i1976- Don't feel clumsy! You, too, have a wonderful username! You might feel like you don't have a cool username, but I think it is a fine name! Besides, it isn't about the names around here, it is about the people! I'm glad that you joined in on this discussion, and it is great having all of the Dukes fans on this website. Thank You for sharing, it was interesting!!

Julieduke- That was nice to hear about your brother's cat! What breed is it? Very good, about the username. That, also makes a lot of sense.

Thank You everyone for sharing! I hope a couple more people join in. This is really interesting!

General Grant


Nice thread! It is always intresting to hear how people chose their user names or their character names!

As for me, I just went with my DOH fan-fic characters that I created...Garrett and Kristy Duke.(They are half brother and half sister to one another - Garrett being Bo's twin) I use to use Kristy all the time, but for the past couple of years or so, it's been Garrett. Just who is more vocal at the time I guess. ;) As for the names, Kristy's full name is Kristian - for their religion, shorten it to Kristy since John had something to do with "Christy". (I know it is spelled differently, I just thought it would be kinda different to spell it with a K). As for Garrett...I really don't know where or how I came up with his name. If I recall, it took me a while to get a name I liked and could go with (along with the character).

Sorry for the long introduction or explanation to my user names that I use ;). Sorry if I bored anyone there!


Denver C.- That is so cool that you have a little pal to watch the Dukes with you! Okay, I have a question for you that will probably make me look like a fool (if y'all didn't already think that!) is a manx a breed of dog?? Anyway, I have a cat (named KITT) but he's an outdoor "barn" cat. I wish I could bring him in to watch an episode of the Dukes with me!

General Grant

Don't feel bad, General Grant - I know a lot of people who weren't sure what a manx was the first time I said it!:) A manx is a type of cat that can have either very little tail, no tail, or a curled over tail. A lot of people in the old days called them cabbits, because they swore that they were a cross between a cat and a rabbit! (The breed actually comes from the Isle of Mann.) My Denny has a tiny little nub about an inch long that he wags like a dog when he gets excited. I also have a Russian blue manx named Tatyana who has no tail at all.

What kind of cat is Kitt?

Julieduke - It just goes to show, cats have good taste!:D

Garrett Duke - I had wondered if you were the same person I talked to when I first started posting fanfics. I kinda thought so, but the different username threw me.


Mine's pretty simple too.

First off, when I made my account a while back, my favourite Duke was Bo :) Luke's kinda fought his way in since then so now I cant pick between em. Of course his last name is Duke so I was gonna go with Bo Duke. However, the site said I wasn't allowed that so therefore I had to come up with something else.

Meantime, I'm writing stories on my characters and I dont know why but I swear I heard somewhere Bo's middle name began with J. Therefore I started thinking about what name could go as Bo's middle name, it couldn't be too long as his full name was Beauregard and I always believe that if you have a middle name, it should sound good with the rest of them. Therefore, after trying many J names out, I picked James because I believe Beauregard James Duke or Bo James Duke just flows really nicely. Thus, my username was born :)


My user name is pretty easy also. Daisy isn't necessarily my favorite character, but when I first started role-play that was my character...and since I was rping with Bo James, we called each other Bo and Daisy. Even outside of RP BoJames refers to me as Daisy because my real firstname is that of BoJames's sister....so thus came Daisy...Mae I put in there cuz that is her middle name so Jesse had once said...and Duke...well, duh...obviously...

and there ya have it...DaisyMaeDuke


Sorry Denver to throw you off by using the two different user names...I usually try to stick with one ID over the other just so it won't get so confusing. When I first started writing, Kristy was the one I felt and knew where Garrett just kinda hid in the corner. So I used her more than Garrett. Well now, it has completely changed and it is Garrett who has stole the spotlight and shoved Kristy in the corner. Which isn't surprising since Garrett is my more outspoken character and Kristy being more quiet. So now I use Garrett as my ID and hardly use my Kristy ID...though she does remain in my stories.

Anyway, sorry to change the subject! It is really interesting to see where everyone got their ID's started.


Well in my case it started on another board. The message board for the "In a Fix" television show over at TLC. I used to post the episode's schedule there.

I wanted a screen name that reflected the fact that I'm Canadian. The one I wanted was already taken so I came up with North_of_Border. That's my screen name almost everywhere.

I used the same name when I came here but then had a problem logging in so I created a new user name and I added 1 to it. That's how I became North_of_Border1

At first I was annoyed by the 1 but then I realized that the General Lee has the number 1 on it so now I like it. LOL


Our srceen name comes from a combination of Jamie and Amanda. When we were little, Our parents somtimes started to call Amanda by the wrong name, and corrected themselves in mid-breath, so it come out Jamanda. We have another sister named Deb, so we sometimes go by Jamandeb and Jam still uses jamandeb3 as her email.


This is cool finding out how everyone came up with their screen names or character names. Mine is another one that's really rather simple at least to me. When I was in 1st grade my teacher called me Brandy Lou lol still does and well it stuck around home too and I just shortened it to B.L. and then the Davenport came into play because when I started to roleplay DOH I didn't want to be just another long lost Duke Relative so decided it would be fun to be an extension of Crazy Cooter's family and there you have it B.L. Davenport as my screen name which I use almost everywhere now.


Garrett Duke- Oh, I didn't know that you have two IDs. I guess that makes sense now why on some posts people call you Kristy!! Thanks, I was really wondering about why people called you Kristy, I guess now I know!! Have you watched the "Christy" series? If you have, what do you think about it?

Denver C.- Oh, thank you for telling me what a manx is!! I am glad I am not the only person who didn't know that. I've never heard of a manx, but then I don't read a whole lot about cat breeds and such. KITT is a barn cat, I'm not sure if he is specific breed, but he's all black, and just the sweetest cat you'd ever want to meet (although I'm sure you beg to differ!) I always call him King KITT because I treat him like a king and he knows he deserves all his stuff. I have an old table with a cat cage and a blanked inside that, I call it the KITT Table and we have a wagon we call the KITTMobile. He's the only cat that has his own dish and the "$25 for 12 pounds of food" stuff. Oh well, I get lauged at and all and KITT gets called spoiled, but he deserves all his stuff!!

BoJames- very interesting! So, let me get this right (for once!) You made up Bo's middle name, right? Well, it is very clever, and it does flow nicely!

DaisyMae- I never caught that Jesse said Daisy's middle name. That is interesting! Do you and BoJames role play a lot? It sounds like fun. You really are good at staying in character!

MaryAnne- I've read a couple stories with MaryAnne in it, but never put two and two together (at least not to get four!!) That is clever. How did you come up with that name for the character?

Noth_of_Border1- that sounds cool! I wish I thought of clever stuff like that. I always figured you put the 1 in there purposely!!

Lori- I remember you saying that once, and I was confused for a week! I thought you were talking about yourself, when in reality you were talking about your character (that is before I realized about the Role Playing and Fan Fiction!!) How did you come up with the name Lori for your character?

Jamanda- that is clever, too! If your parents do that, do you know which one of you they are trying to call?

B.L. Davenport- that is cool that you could carry over your real life experince (being called B.L. in real life) and put a Dukes (or Davenport) spin on it. Very Clever!

Thank You all, this is really interesting!

General Grant


Yes - this thread is very interesting to read and to keep up with!

As for "Christy" - I have never watched the series or if I had it was only small pieces at varying times. I just knew that John had something to do with it so I thought it would be neat to incorporate something of John into my character.

I never meant to confuse anyone with the two IDs, though I can see how it can! I originally had meant to have one ID which was Kristy since she was the character I knew more and could write easier for. Then Garrett kinda took over and it seemed the right thing to do is to follow his lead and to use him as my "lead" character (he is more vocal than Kristy - Kristy is more quiet). If any of all of that makes sense. ;)

But yeah, that is the reason why people will call me Kristy - and I will still respond to her name. I still use both characters and both characters have their strong and weak points - Garrett is just the ID I usually use lately.


I guess it's time for me to get in on this then.

At first I tried using the same name I've got everywhere else which is texaskid but it wouldn't let me so I switched to the name of my character.

Lizzy is short for Elizabeth which is my real middle name, Jackson was the last name of my eighth grade band teacher and even though I couldn't stand her the name just stuck in my brain, and as for Davenport well all I can say is I've always loved Crazy Cooter. He was my complete favorite.

As for Jamanda and your parents mixing the names together my mom does it to, with me and my two little sisters. I usually know who she's talking to only because it's the last name that comes out or she'll add who ever you are to the end of it.


LOL well it's time for me to add my little name mix up story to this. My paternal grandmother has done this all my life with me she'll call me my older girl cousin's name and sometimes she'll start with my oldest cousin who is the brother to the girl cousin and go all the way down to my little sister ;) that way she gets the right one when she names all four of us.


MaryAnne- I've read a couple stories with MaryAnne in it, but never put two and two together (at least not to get four!!) That is clever. How did you come up with that name for the character?

Well, from a few sources. The first, when I was in elementary school I used to read the Babysitter Club series of books and one of the characters was named Mary Anne (spelled with the spacing in between). I tended to identify with her the most as I read through the series of books while growing up. The name always stuck with me, more or less because that spelling of it I didn't see very often. (I've seen Marianne, Mariann, Mary Ann, ect...)

There's also a couple of songs that I like that have the name MaryAnne (or some such spelling there of) in it. The first is from the '60s by a group called The Four Seasons called "C'mon Marianne." The other is from the '70s by Boston called "More Than a Feeling" which has the line "I see my Marianne walking away..."

Of course, there was also Marianne on Gilligan's Island. LOL

Anyway, since the girls in Hazzard seemed to always have the two name first names (Cindy Lou, Cindy Mae, Daisy Mae, Sue Ann, ect) I figured I needed one of those kind of names. And it goes well with Coltrane. :)

Well, from a few sources. The first, when I was in elementary school I used to read the Babysitter Club series of books and one of the characters was named Mary Anne (spelled with the spacing in between). I tended to identify with her the most as I read through the series of books while growing up. The name always stuck with me, more or less because that spelling of it I didn't see very often. (I've seen Marianne, Mariann, Mary Ann, ect...)

There's also a couple of songs that I like that have the name MaryAnne (or some such spelling there of) in it. The first is from the '60s by a group called The Four Seasons called "C'mon Marianne." The other is from the '70s by Boston called "More Than a Feeling" which has the line "I see my Marianne walking away..."

Of course, there was also Marianne on Gilligan's Island. LOL

Anyway, since the girls in Hazzard seemed to always have the two name first names (Cindy Lou, Cindy Mae, Daisy Mae, Sue Ann, ect) I figured I needed one of those kind of names. And it goes well with Coltrane. :)

And the Professor and Mary Annnnnnnnne! Here on Gilligan's Isle!!!! *chuckles* Does this mean you wear pigtails MaryAnne? ;)


General Grant - Yeah me and DaisyMae rp a lot. Its not hard to stay in character when you know them real well. I can type both as Bo and as myself, sometimes as a mix of both. For instance

Bo: Howdy y'all, how're ya doin'? I'm bout ready t'ride the General out an' test them new shocks, you wanna come along fer the ride?

Me: Hey everyone, I'm so tired tonight but hey, i'm going to go do something else anyway :-P.

See what I mean? Its like having two different personas...course there's the third one that only a few people know about...

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