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For me... it's a tie between Bo and Daisy. Why? Because there isn't anyone more pure spirited than Bo Duke, He fights for his beliefs and never backs down, drives The General Lee like he was born behind the wheel. Always fights for what's right and never turns down a challenge from anyone. He doesn't take any funny business from anyone especially Boss Hogg and Roscoe or any trouble makers the pass through Hazzard. And Sweet Daisy... Never a more beautiful woman has graced the small screen. She's tough as a bull, sweeter than summer peaches; has a heart of gold and loves her family no matter what. She's honest, adventerous and can stick up for herself, she's also very friendly to everyone and there isn't anything she wouldn't do to help out someone in trouble


After rereading the question, I see it asks who you favorite COUSIN is, so I can't answer Jesse. I would say Luke because he's always coming up with the plans to fix everything. Like Luke, I'm a dark haired, redneck, ex-Marine who is always thinking. The thing I think about the most is how to get out of household chores so I can watch my Dukes DVDs or get on the Hazzardnet. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.

After rereading the question, I see it asks who you favorite COUSIN is, so I can't answer Jesse. I would say Luke because he's always coming up with the plans to fix everything. Like Luke, I'm a dark haired, redneck, ex-Marine who is always thinking. The thing I think about the most is how to get out of household chores so I can watch my Dukes DVDs or get on the Hazzardnet. Possum on a gumbush. I'm gone.

i reckon i made the same mistake too RogerDuke lol, mine of course is Luke. Hes older and wiser, and he was in the same branch of the services that I want to go into, The Marines!

  • 7 months later...

I cannot pick between the boys. They both have great qualties that, even though they are as alike as fire and water, seem to complete each other. To me, one without the other just doesn't work right so in essence I suppose you could say they make one cousin - The Duke Boys.

If Luke wasn't there, Bo's temper would get out of hand and on many occasions we have seen him nearly fly off the handle despite everything Uncle Jesse tells him. Luke is his voice of reason, the level headed one with all the plans to get them out.

On the other hand, if Bo wasn't there I don't think Luke would be as impulsive as he is. After being in the Marines where it must be hard to get out of doing everything in a strict regieme, doing things on impulse must be a hard thing to do. However, with Bo there you just can't help it. Bo never has a plan, he just goes ahead and hopes for the best.


Tough decision! As far as the boys go, Luke has always been my favorite, because he can think his way out of just about any situation. Of course, I have always liked Daisy just as much - if only because she isn't afraid to jump into any situation, and can always keep the boys under control. (Even if she has to use a frying pan to do it, sometimes!:lol:)


Howdy Y'all....That is a hard choice to pick tween the cousins...I love all the Dukes but if I absolutely had to pick it would probably be Bo...He was just so cute...lol...N there are other reasons...probably the main one is that I got to met him in person, and I got a hug, which was my first hg from a guy that wasn't related to me...now who can say that their first hug (non relation) from was from Bo Duke! I can! lol...My parents have gotten to meet both Bo n Luke...n I got to meet Cooter w/ em...but like I said I love all the Dukes! N it is a really hard choice but I guess I pick Bo...well Luke...he smart...no Bo...nawh I can't decide....BOTH! N of course Daisy can't fergit her!

  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I love all the Duke cousins but If I need to choose I go with Luke.

I like how he is strong, cool, calm and collected. He thinks before acting, taking calculated risks. Looks out for his family. Reigns in Bo's enthusiasm and impulsiveness yet following him in the craziness of the adventures they encounter.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Wow I can't believe I missed this thread! LOL.

My favorite Duke cousin would be Bo, but he is closely by Luke in my opinion. As for why? He just seems so carefree, loving of life and for those around him, he's a great driver, he stands up for what he believes in, and he's good looking. Luke because of his calm and quiet demenor, he's good looking, and he too stands up for what he believes in. I think they compliment each other...it just wouldn't be right without the other one. I know Bo was gone for an episode or two, and it was just odd and seemed wrong to have one and not the other one there. LOL

  • 1 month later...

Oh man, who started this?! I can't decide! This is so hard! Okay, my first choice is Bo, because he is a heck of a driver, fast, kind, loyal and ever loving. Plus he's cute!. But Luke is in a very close (as close as a hairs breath) to Bo. Luke is stong, quick witted, loving and cute.

That is my two cents.

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